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Belgrade Media Report 05 April



Patriarch Irinej: Stand of Serbian Orthodox Church on Kosovo and Metohija clear – you cannot give away part of the state in order to enter some union (TV Hram/FoNet)


The stand of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) regarding the issue of Kosovo and Metohija is clear as day, as the sun, because the SPC has started its history in this region where the Pec Patriarchate was and remains to be the residence of Serbian patriarchs and the Serbian Chirhc, said Serbian Patriarch Irinej in the Easter interview for TV Hram. “I am glad that our state leadership is fighting seriously and courageously with the problems in Kosovo and Metohija, and it seems to me that the situation is the world is also changing. There is no big step, but this is present nevertheless. We are under the impression that it is changing to the benefit of our people. What results this will yield, it remains to be seen. I believe that their effort will yield results, just as I believe that many states that had turned out to be grave enemies will see the situation and take a different stand. Unfortunately, some states that we considered friends turned out not to be, or at least are not presently. This is great disappointment and certain soberness over some matters, not to say delusions,” said the Patriarch. He says he cannot imagine Serbia without Kosovo and Metohija. “Serbia without Decani, the Pec Patriarchate, Gracanica, Bogorodica Ljeviska and other sanctities, nor Kosovo which was filled with blood of those who defended it from the enemy and who left their bones on this sacred land, for not to be Serbia one day,” said the Patriarch. He says he hopes we will not live to see this. In the past, the SPC was very close to the Russian Church and Russian history, we want to be part of Europe, but not under conditions they are offering, he said. “Thank God, Russia is not on its knees, Russia is a peace-loving country and it will have understanding for our needs as it had in the past, and, if necessary, it will help us,” said the Patriarch. “What host, what statesperson would give away one large part of his/her fatherland, his/her land, under the condition to enter some union. That is insane. I hope our state leadership will do everything to resist this temptation, to find modus vivendi how to establish relations with these peoples, but our people must also know that Russia was always our friend in every trouble and temptation,” said the Patriarch. “We experienced that those, who we considered our friends, destroyed, punished, demolished and burned us and this is why we need to be cautious when we are orienting to whom to be closer and to whom to be farther. We want to be part of Europe, but not under conditions they are offering,” said the Patriarch.


Vulin: Europe underestimating danger of Greater Albania idea (Tanjug/Beta/B92/RTS)


A two day International conference on security started in Moscow in which representatives of 95 countries participate, such as ministers of defense and military officials. One of the participants is Serbian Minister of Defense Aleksandar Vulin who sent a message that the precedent that many western countries created by recognizing Kosovo and Metohija, ignoring Serbian interests, represented a great danger to peace and security not only in the Balkans but in the entire Europe.

“Favoring the nationalist idea of the Great Albania which has to execute its expansion to the territories populated by Serbs, inevitably leads to conflicts that cannot be entirely localized. Europe does not work on the prevention of the great Albanian concept, underestimating the danger it poses to its own security and often disregarding its own interests,” Vulin said. “In spite of efforts of Serbia to make the area of the Balkans permanently stable, as long as we have the behavior like non-implementation of the Brussels agreement or unpunished violence against the Serbs, and even beating and arresting of the representative of the Serbian team Marko Djuric, and essentially unresolved issue of Kosovo and Metohija which fully ignores the interests of Serbia, we will have potential conflicts and they will not solely reflect on the territories populated by Serbs, just like they never have so far. The unpunished infringement of international law in 1999 seemed harmless and distant, like an act without consequences reserved solely for small Serbia, but because of that, today, separatists worldwide use it as an example to whom it is difficult to deny the argument of a precedent,” Vulin highlighted. He said that the unipolar world had chosen Serbs to be its enemy and for the needs of fighting against Serbs, it had allowed mobilization and sending mujaheddins to the war theatre in Bosnia and Herzegovina. “The survived mujaheddins permanently settled in B&H where they have continued their terrorist activities, making this area instable and a potential trouble spot for decades to come after the end of the war. By participating in terrorist attacks in the Western Europe, citizens of B&H confirmed the existence of White al-Qaeda and reconfirmed that introduction of the idea of Islamic terrorism in B&H and K&M for the purpose of fighting against Serbs could not end solely as hatred towards Serbs,” said Vulin. Vulin instanced the migrant crisis as another example of how Europe neglected its own interests and how all the consequences of not facing the policy of the unipolar approach were taking their toll. “In the long run, there is the issue of models of integration of migrants into the society of a host, their participation in political life, and whether the political parties of the western Europe will be able to afford the luxury of keeping to the traditional values upon which their countries were founded or they will, struggling for the votes of the new voters, have to make concessions not asking how much those concessions will cost in terms of internal policy, education, security systems, foreign policy, relation towards the countries of origin of the migrants, and even the EU enlargement policy which directly affects Serbia as well. We have common security challenges, but our responses to them are often not common,” stated Vulin concluding his address and emphasizing that Serbia would “continue pursuing the policy of preserving its own interests and consistent military neutrality, confident that it is only the independent policy not dictated by anyone else that can guarantee the security and development of our country and people, and the assistance to all neighbors in maintaining stability and peace. It takes one for a war, but it takes at least two for the peace,” Vulin stressed.


Moscow criticizes international forces in Kosovo (Beta)


Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zaharova said at a regularly scheduled news conference that the international forces in Kosovo, based on UN Security Council Resolution 1244. Security Council, had the responsibility for the safety of non-Albanians and of overseeing the Kosovo police. Yet the international forces openly maintained the position of looking the other way during the arrest of Marko Djuric, Zaharova said. They just stood by watching and did not take action within their mandate to prevent the illegal actions of the Pristina authorities, Zaharova stated. According to her, the Djuric incident and the murder of Oliver Ivanovic have sharply raised the stakes in Kosovo.





Cormack and Wigemark host meeting with leaders of SDA, SDP B&H, SBB B&H and DF; leaders agree on joint approach to solving issue of Election Law of B&H (N1)


US Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Maureen Cormack and Head of the EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H Lars-Gunnar Wigemark held a meeting with leaders of SDA, SBB B&H, SDP B&H, and DF in Sarajevo on Wednesday. The meeting, which was dedicated to amendments to the Election Law of B&H, was also attended by US Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Matthew Palmer. On this occasion, the officials expressed moderate optimism and parties that participated in Wednesday’s meeting share the stance on amending of the Election Law. Interlocutors particularly discussed implementation of B&H Constitutional Court (CC)’s decision on the motion of Chairman of the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) Main Council Bozo Ljubic on changing the manner of election of delegates in the Federation of B&H House of Peoples (HoP). According to the common stance of parties whose leaders attended the meeting, manner of functioning of the Federation of B&H HoP should change in a way that it functions like Republika Srpska (RS) Council of Peoples (CoP). This means the Federation of B&H HoP should convene and pass decisions only in case of violation of Vital National Interest (VNI) of some of the constituent peoples. In addition, interlocutors emphasized that the election process should be implemented based on the census of population from 1991. Cormack stated that responsibility for finding a solution is on the political parties, who should reach an agreement that will ultimately be endorsed by B&H Parliament. “As shown in the last 22 years, the US is willing to work with all people here in this country, to invest in this country, in order to achieve progress,” Cormack added. Cormack underlined that it is up to political parties participating in talks to reach an agreement that will be adopted in the Parliament of B&H. Wigemark expressed hope that now it will be possible to use Wednesday’s meeting as a new impetus in talks between the political parties. According to Wigemark, there had been too many talks that were not promising. Wigemark noted that there is a need to include all other political parties, and not only the four parties that participated in this meeting. Wigemark stated that this was one of most constructive meetings held in previous period. Palmer stated that he visited B&H to support reaching of agreement on amending of the Election Law that will be in interest of all B&H citizens. Palmer said that he came from Washington not to support any concrete political party or stance, but to provide assistance in negotiations. SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic said that representatives of SDA, SBB B&H, SDP B&H and DF reached a common stance according to which it is necessary to correct asymmetrical solutions of the RS CoP and the Federation of B&H HoP. Izetbegovic underlined that four parties will insist that representatives of all three constituent people from all cantons should be elected as delegates in the Federation of B&H HoP - if representatives all three constituent peoples were elected as representatives in cantonal assemblies. He added that B&H CEC should deal with all complaints related to manipulations with representation of constituent peoples.

SBB B&H leader Fahrudin Radoncic explained that amending of the Election Law is not just up to these four parties, adding: “It is also up to our partners from Croat people.”  He emphasized importance of agreement reached by SDA, SBB B&H, SDP and DF, adding that this represents important step forward. “We want Census 1991 to be respected, because Annex VII of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) has not been implemented,” said Radoncic.

SDP B&H leader Nermin Niksic underlined that he is satisfied with the meeting, and explained that parties agreed to work towards redefining competences of the Federation of B&H HoP, which are currently asymmetrical to competences of the RS CoP. Niksic stated that participants of this meeting agreed that it is necessary to redefine role of the Federation of B&H HoP.

DF leader Zeljko Komsic noted that, in further talks, it is necessary to hear HDZ B&H’s stance in order to move towards some kind of a solution for the Election Law. Komsic underlined that it is necessary to reduce role of the Federation of B&H HoP, i.e. to give it role the RS Council of Peoples has in the RS. Representatives of the IC reiterated that no political party or proposal of amendments to the Election Law is their favorite. They added that meetings organized by the IC represent assistance to B&H leaders to reach necessary solutions.

HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic did not attend Wednesday’s meeting. Cormack said she and Palmer met with Covic in the B&H Presidency building on Tuesday, but she did not specify details of the meeting.


Covic: Election will be held, but horrible crisis may occur without changes to Election Law (Klix)


Croat member of B&H Presidency and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic said that he is ready to make agreement on the changes to B&H Election Law, adding that elections will be held, regardless of everything, but if changes are not adopted, a horrible crisis may occur due to implementation of election results. He noted that first week of May is the final deadline for reaching of agreement on possible changes to B&H Election Law, being that it is not possible to change anything after the elections are announced. “Time is short, but the facts are on the table and if there is will the agreement will be reached,” said Covic. As for decision of Constitutional Court of B&H in case of Bozo Ljubic, Covic said that this decision means that besides election of delegates for Federation of B&H House of Peoples, the legitimate election of political representatives also refers to members of B&H Presidency. “We want to do three things through changes of Election Law, and they all concern decisions of B&H Constitutional Court. One is election of B&H Presidency members, where the formulation of legitimate representation, which is defined in decision of B&H CC, primarily refers to legitimate representation of three members of Presidency. Then, there are caucuses in Federation of B&H HoP and naturally City of Mostar, which refers to an earlier decision of B&H CC. We deem that it is logical to solve the issue of Mostar, regardless of the fact that we are heading towards general elections. This is our starting point, where we think that it is possible to find solution without changing Constitution,” said Covic. He added that he is ready to sit down immediately and agree the changes to B&H Election Law, but it is obvious that some parties want to provoke crisis. “During the last year, HDZ came out with concrete proposals for changes of Election Law. I am prepared to sit down tomorrow and not leave before we reach agreement, nonetheless, there are parties which want changes and those which want crisis. And there are parties, most notably those from Sarajevo, which want to maintain status quo. I can understand them to a certain extent, why abandon the possibility to elect someone else’s representatives, which the current Law allows, as it defined the Federation of B&H as one constituency. We are trying to find solution through the talks with US Ambassador Maureen Cormack and Head of EU Delegation Lars- Gunnar Wigemark, but we do not have a single proposal on the table. Everyone is saying they have their own ideas, but nobody is defining that,” said Covic. Asked about HDZ B&H’s stance if changes are not adopted in time, Covic said: “Everything will stay the same. This will be a clear message to us from Sarajevo. When messages need to be sent to Brussels everyone rush to say that we should not elect political representatives to one another, but when we get the chance to change the law, nobody is doing anything”. Asked if he would run again for B&H Presidency, Covic said he will make this decision most likely at the session of HDZ B&H Presidency, scheduled for 7 May. Commenting numerous criticism towards his policy towards Croats in the RS, Covic rejected them and said that not enough was done for Croats in the RS, but he did everything he could to assist them. He underlined that majority in the Federation of B&H does not exist.


Ivanic confirms Dodik offered him support for yet another mandate in B&H Presidency if he withdraws from SzP (EuroBlic)


Honorary President of PDP Mladen Ivanic claimed that SNSD leader Milorad Dodik offered him his support for yet another mandate in B&H Presidency if he decides to leave the Alliance for Changes (SzP) and run for B&H Presidency only as a candidate of PDP. Commenting Dodik’s statement, in which he said that he offered continuation of cooperation to Ivanic if he “agrees with certain terms,” Ivanic told the daily that such offers were indeed presented but he added that Dodik’s offer included “betrayal of opposition and withdrawal from the SzP”. “There is no such position because of which I would agree to betray my principles. I would never abandon my people and betray those who helped me win elections for Serb member of B&H Presidency last time,” Ivanic added and said that this is exactly why Dodik’s offer was unacceptable for him. Ivanic went on to say that this also proves that Dodik’s claims on his (Ivanic’s) work were incorrect because “it is obvious I did my job in B&H Presidency well because Dodik would have never made such offer had I not did a good job”.


EP warns about growing influence of Saudi Arabia and other Muslim countries on Western Balkans especially on B&H (RTRS)


European Parliament (EP) warned about the growing influence of Saudi Arabia and other Muslim countries on the Western Balkans, especially on Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H).

Saudi Arabia has been assisting in spreading of conservative Islam in B&H for over two decades, it financed arrival of Mujahideens welcomed by late first B&H President Alija Izetbegovic. MEPs are worried over spreading of Wahhabi settlements and years-long recruitment of jihadists. This concern is expressed in a document, which was prepared for the sake of better understanding of the situation in the region.

Croatian MEP Marijana Petir recently referred to this document and warned the public about Wahhabi settlements and a huge number of jihadists from B&H that fight with the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL). Petir was quoted as saying: “B&H should use financial assistance and support of the EU to work on stabilization, achieving security and fight against radicalization and extremism, instead of denying something everyone is aware of.” Petir warned that more and more women in B&H are covering themselves with hijab, and men are wearing Wahhabi-like beards.

Analyst Mehmedalija Nuhic noted that Islam has advocated tolerance and coexistence throughout the history, but assessed that today’s manner of studying Islam poses threat to the world.

EP’s Rapporteur for B&H Cristian Dan Preda and MEPs, who arrived for a two-day visit to B&H on Wednesday, refused to speak about the devastating influence of Saudi Arabia on the situation in B&H.


Croatian President calls for dialogue with Russia (Hina)


Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic said on Wednesday that dialogue was the only way forward for relations between Russia and Western countries, stressing that the time had come to normalize relations between the two sides based on international law and mutual respect. "If you treat someone as an adversary, they will soon start to behave that way," Grabar-Kitarovic told a press conference after meeting with Bulgarian President Rumen Radev during her day-long visit to Sofia. Croatia has joined a number of Western countries in expelling Russian diplomats over the poising of former Russian double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter in the English town of Salisbury, which London blamed on Moscow. Russia responded to the expulsions reciprocally. "To resolve any disputes and issues, they need to be discussed first. I see Russia as a strong country, a world power with which dialogue needs to continue in any case, both on this and many other issues," the Croatian president said, citing international security, terrorism, radicalization and other threats facing the two blocs. She also emphasized economic interests, adding that she would always advocate for the opening of new markets to Croatian businesses. "We have a number of issues we are dealing with right now, including Agrokor and the Russian banks, and the air pollution in Slavonski Brod. I will absolutely insist on further dialogue on these issues," Grabar-Kitarovic said, expressing hope that Russia would also express willingness for further talks. "Russia is also a strong player in Southeast Europe," she said and recalled that Russia was one of the countries responsible for implementing peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina. "It is time for us to move towards normalization of relations based on respect for all postulates of international law and mutual respect, taking into account the future and security of the European continent and international relations in general in the entire region," the Croatian president said, emphasizing that she strongly supported the investigation in the Skripal case and was expecting its results, and that Croatia honored the sanctions system and European rules. Bulgarian President Radev said that Bulgaria, which holds the rotating EU presidency in this half of the year, was pursuing the policy of dialogue and balance. "Bulgaria is a loyal member of the EU and NATO, the alliances which are based on certain values, one of which is transparency," said Radev, who is often perceived as a pro-Russian leader. Before taking any further steps we need to have clear and irrefutable evidence of Russia's involvement in the Skripal case, the Bulgarian President said. Bulgaria is one of the EU member states that did not expel Russian diplomats.


More than 1.000 observers accredited by CeMI (CDM)


Representatives of the Center for Monitoring and Research (CEMI) accredited yesterday in the State Election Commission more than 1,000 short-term observers who will monitor presidential election scheduled for April, 15, said the Director of the Legal department of this organization, Bojan Bozovic. “Our observers will provide us with all the information from the polling stations. They will also inform us on the possible irregularities,” said Bozovic. This organization will specifically focus on posting all the relevant information on social networks. This way, a great number of citizens will be able to be directly informed about every segment of the election process.


President Ivanov, Xhaferi meet Cerar (MIA)


Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov and Slovenian Prime Minister Miro Cerar expressed satisfaction Wednesday with the excellent relations between the two countries, based on friendship, trust and partnership. Ivanov and Cerar agreed that the countries should now focus on boosting the economic cooperation, the President’s Office said in a press release.

Ivanov extended gratitude for Slovenia’s support of Macedonia’s bid to join the European Union and NATO. He commended the joined Slovenia/Croatia initiative for strengthening the cooperation of Western Balkan countries– the Brdo –Brioni process. Ivanov and Cerar also shared opinions about the migration crisis and underlined the need of the successful cooperation between the relevant institutions of both countries to resume in favor of strengthening the regional stability and security. Parliament speaker Talat Xhaferi also extended gratitude Slovenia’s PM as his country was the first to establish diplomatic ties with Macedonia. He also thanked Slovenia over its support of Macedonia’s bid to join the European Union and NATO. Reaffirming Macedonia’s reforms, activities for advancing the relations with its neighbors, Xhaferi voiced belief that the country would obtain a date for commencing the EU accession talks and a NATO membership status. Cerar reaffirmed his country’s regular, staunch support of Macedonia’s EU-integration process, saying that it ‘is in the interest of the stability of the region and Europe in general.’


Zaev meets ATA President Luciolli (MIA)


Prime Minister Zoran Zaev had a meeting Wednesday with Atlantic Treaty Association (ATA) President  Fabrizio Luciolli and a delegation of the Euro-Atlantic Council of Macedonia (ATA Macedonia), led by President Ismet Ramadani. The meeting was also attended by NATO National Coordinator Stevo Pendarovski and State Secretary of the Ministry of Defense Dragan Nikolic, the government said in a press release. I’ve come to Macedonia to voice my support for Macedonia’s bid to join NATO, as the country deserves to be part of the Alliance, Luciolli said. The Alliance needs energy, he said, commending Macedonia’s substantial contribution to NATO-led missions across the globe. Extending congratulations on the NATO Day, Zaev said the government, supported by the citizens and international partners, was working on realization of Macedonia’s strategic goal – integration with the Euro-Atlantic organizations. Over 75 percent of the citizens of Macedonia wish for their country to join the EU and NATO, he said, extending gratitude to organizations, such as ATA, for promoting the idea of global security and good-neighborly relations. He expressed hope that Macedonia would become the 30th NATO member, notifying the country’s efforts to implement the urgent reforms in the spheres of judiciary, media, fight against corruption, electoral law… The talks also tackled the possibilities for increasing the national defense budget and Macedonia’s participation in international peace missions, the press release reads.


FM Dimitrov meets with French counterpart Le Drian in Paris (MIA)


Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikola Dimitrov held talks Wednesday in Paris with the French Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs, Jean-Yves Le Drian, as part of his first working visit to France, the Foreign Ministry said. The ministers expressed satisfaction with the efforts to inject fresh dynamic in the political dialogue, which is aimed at bolstering the overall bilateral cooperation between the Republic of Macedonia and the French Republic, stated the press release. Dimitrov stressed that Macedonia held its relations with France in high regard, not only at bilateral level, but also in the context of the country's European and Euro-Atlantic future. He told his French counterpart that Macedonia had been striving, through its pro-European actions, to be a serious and credible partner of the international community. Furthermore, FM Dimitrov informed Le Drian about the government's reform activities with respect to European and Euro-Atlantic integration and in view of Macedonia's role as a catalyst of regional cooperation and stability. The Macedonian Minister also met with Philippe Etienne, diplomatic aide of French President Emmanuel Macron. At the meeting, Dimitrov presented arguments why Macedonia represented an opportunity for a joint success of the Balkans this year. Dimitrov kicked off his visit to France with an address at the French Institute of International Relations (IFRI) involving Macedonia's achievements in its efforts to join European and Euro-Atlantic structures. Views were shared with French experts as regards European affairs, the Balkans and international politics. "The Balkans is geographically a part of Europe - a region that is economically in the same boat. The Balkan route showed how integral it is to Europe’s security and how important it is to tackle the challenges in the region, together with us. The return of geopolitics to our region is to some extent, a result of the lack of engagement by the EU in recent years. We hope that future steps, including the Progress Report of the European Commission on April 17, will reflect a stronger will for increased engagement," he noted. We need more of France in the Balkans, the Macedonian diplomat said adding that it would be a good thing to attract more French companies and to raise the political focus. "I know how focused the new face of France is on the future of Europe, in terms of consolidating the EU, making it more united on issues that matter. I dare to advise that this is difficult to do without engaging with the Balkans," stated FM Dimitrov at the IFRI. During his visit to France, Dimitrov is expected to hold meetings at the National Assembly and the Senate, stated the press release.


PM requires visa liberalization for Kosovo (ADN)


Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, in his speech in the European Socialist Party conference held in Tirana on Wednesday, requires from European Union to approve visa liberalization for Kosovo. "For the Albanians it is important that the European Union keeps its promise and liberalize visas regime for all the citizens of Kosovo and I am convinced that the President of the European Socialist Party shares the same stance," declared Rama. While present at the same conference, the leader of 'Levizja Vetevendosje' in Kosovo, Albin Kurti, expressed his concerns about the Nation's Road toll. "Nation's Road toll is expensive and Kosovo citizens are not rich enough to pay it. It is better to be maintained by state taxes," said Kurti. Albania's President Ilir Meta declared on Wednesday that any decision on the Nation's Road toll must be well-studied and consulted. Speaking on that issue with the vice Prime Minister of Kosovo, Fatmir Limaj during a meeting in Tirana on Wednesday, Meta said they both believed that the Nation's Road was the biggest investment having ever been made by the two countries. According to him, it has helped significantly the increase of the overall exchanges between the two countries and citizens.


Civil disobedience, Fleckenstein in Basha's office, also meets SMI Chairwoman (ADN)


European Union seems to be concerned for the decision of the opposition parties in Albania for civil disobedience and protests escalation. The European MP, Knut Fleckenstein accompanied by the Ambassador of the EU delegation to Albania, Romana Vlahutin held an unexpected meeting on Wednesday evening with the opposition leader, Lulzim Basha. The meeting was held at the DP Headquarters and lasted more than an hour. Parties discusses for the announced civil disobedience by the opposition and their protests planned to be escalates all over the country. Fleckenstein also had a meeting with the chairwoman of the Socialist Movement for Integration, Monika Kryemadhi. Fleckenstein was seen entering at SMI headquarters just few minutes after he left DP premises. Civil disobedience which will start on Thursday by the opposition was the main topic of their meeting.