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Belgrade Media Report 17 April 2018



Vucic: Pristina admitted that Americans conduct their policy (B92/TV Pink)


Pristina authorities have admitted that Americans conduct their foreign policy, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has said. Vucic made this comment after Ramush Haradinaj told Belgrade-based TV Happy that Kosovo does not have a foreign policy and belongs to the club led by America. Speaking about Kosovo on Tuesday, Vucic said, we are always facing difficult moments, whether we can or can't do it, we'll see. On one side, he continued, there’s us in Serbia - on the other side are Pristina authorities, but there's also Americans, as you have been able to hear from Pristina’s Haradinaj. He admitted that he has no foreign policy. If you don't have that pillar of statehood, I don't know what you are asking from us. According to Vucic, Serbia is above all talking to the US, and then to the UK and some EU countries that perceive Kosovo dramatically differently. “Politics is such that both sides must always be to blame, both must be reined in, and especially Serbs must always be guilty of something. Each time they (Pristina) beat or arrest (somebody) from Serbia, they always call on both sides to show restraint. That's their language, we’ve learned that, because they support Pristina,” he said.  Vucic also said that he thought the time was not right for Haradinaj to make address in Serbian media, but added that he was not the editor of those media - and observed that he was banned from Kosovo (media), because they fear what I might say. “In the Kosovo issue our opponents are not Albanians, but those who created that state and grabbed that territory from us,” Vucic said, and recalled that Kosovo’s independence was declared in 2008, Serbia gave it legitimacy with a clumsy question before the International Court of Justice, adding, and I don’t understand the critics who supposedly fear that I will hand over the territory of Kosovo and Metohija. He then stressed that one must know that when Haradinaj and Thaci speak and people in Serbia think it Haradinaj and Thaci said that, that they had been told to say it by somebody. Vucic also said that Serbia conducts an independent foreign policy, sits on its own chair, but those who think it is possible to develop anything on the European continent without Germany’s support, with which we have good relations, is mistaken. “Germany is, beside France and Italy, certainly the strongest and the most important EU country,” he said.


Joksimovic  expects positive European Commission report (FoNet/Danas)


Serbian Minister of European Integration Jadranka Joksimovic said she expects a positive view of the country’s achievement in the European Commission report on the Western Balkans which is due to be released on Tuesday. “I don’t think the report should single out any area as having regressed because we have taken steps forward in all areas,” Joksimovic told Danas. She said she expects the report to say that progress has been made in the rule of law along with some recommendations and added that it should stress “Serbia’s commitment to cooperation and dialogue in the region”. The European Commission is set to release its annual report on progress made by the countries of the Western Balkans in the EU accession process on Tuesday and a copy of the report will be presented to Prime Minister Ana Brnabic by the Delegation of the European Commission chief Sem Fabrizi.


Dikovic meets KFOR Commander in Nis (RTS)


Chief of Staff of the Army of Serbia General Ljubisa Dikovic met at the Nis airport yesterday with KFOR Commander Major-General Salvatore Cuoci and discussed with him cooperation between the Army of Serbia and KFOR, the current security situation in Kosovo and Metohija and along the administrative line with Kosovo and Metohija. Dikovic underlined that presence of international forces in Kosovo and Metohija represents an important factor of general security and stability in our southern province, adding that the Army of Serbia thus attaches special importance to cooperation with KFOR. The meetings of the Chief of Staff of the Army of Serbia with the KFOR Commander are held on a regular basis. At issue are high-level meetings at the level of the Joint Commission for the Implementation of the Military-Technical Agreement, comprised of the commission of the KFOR Command and the commission of representatives of security forces of the Republic of Serbia.


NATO officially (RTS)


“The 26 March incident in northern Kosovo points to the necessity of resumption of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue so problems could be resolved in a constructive manner. NATO completely supports the dialogue and calls for its resumption, as soon as possible. This is of ley importance for peace and stability in the region. KFOR continues to guarantee security and freedom of movement throughout Kosovo, in accordance with Resolution 1244,” stated NATO Deputy Spokesperson Piers Cazalet.

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic requested from NATO an official reaction to the arrest and deportation from Kosovo of Serbian government official Marko Djuric last month.


Attack on our neutrality in three points (Novosti)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia Sergey Naryshkin on Monday in Belgrade to discuss the security situation in the Balkans, Europe and worldwide. The Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia stated that they agreed it is necessary to respect international law in solving of regional conflicts and they also pointed out the necessity of cooperation of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia with Security-Intelligence Agency of Serbia in fight against international terrorism and new threats and challenges. According to sources, the West is ready to strengthen pressures on Serbia in scope of its geo-strategic “outwitting” with Russia. The sources explained that western centers of power might prepare a new package of blackmails for Serbia related to Kosovo issue, Republika Srpska (RS) and relations with Russia, in order to force Serbia to abandon neutrality and “pick a side”. With regard to the RS, sources claimed that the West might request Serbia, as a guarantor of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), to try to “calm down and discipline RS President Milorad Dodik”, but strongest pressures are expected when it comes to Serbia’s refusal to support sanctions against Russia. According to the daily, Naryshkin told Vucic that Russia insists Serbia to stay neutral and maintain partnership relations with Russia. Minister Dacic rejected the possibility of Serbia changing its stance with regard to Russia and Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic confirmed this stance. Political analyst Dragomir Andjelkovic said that it is obvious there will be strong pressures on Serbia but he assessed that results of those pressures will not be significant. Professor of the Faculty of Security Studies Zoran Dragisic too assessed that the policy of Vucic is the best possible one in order to preserve peace and security.


Haradinaj in “Cirilica”: Did I murder anyone? I don’t know, probably, war is war! (TV Happy)


In an exclusive interview for the TV show “Cirilica” (Cyrillic), the guest of host Milomir Maric was Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj.  The first question concerned the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO).

“Let us first establish what kind of ZSO we are talking about, and only then when it will be formed,” said Haradinaj, to which Maric added: “We would like this to be Republika Srpska in Kosovo.”

“One option is like the Brussels agreement. This is not final, because the Constitutional Court needs to decide on this. We can form now the ZSO, but this an issue of the Kosovo Constitution.”

Maric asked Haradinaj whether it is true that only the name can be preserved according to that constitution, while all points that are contained in it are not in accordance with the constitution.

“For me, it is too early to now interpret that, but what I have done is that I have intensified this issue, i.e. I established mechanisms of its implementation. We also have an implementation management team made up of only Serbs. They are two from the north of Kosovo, and two from the southern part. The problem will come up later, whether this final document (the ZSO statute) will be in accordance with the Constitution.

To the acknowledgment that the Serbs are afraid that this ZSO will be formed in order to be under complete control of Pristina, Haradinaj said: “It does not have to be called fear, but Kosovo exists and the source of our existence is the Constitution. This is how we all work here.”

“So here we are talking about the Kosovo Constitution, while the Serbian Constitution states that Kosovo is part of Serbia. Does Haradinaj also agree with that?”

“Well, I did not read the Serbian Constitution, but I do not think that this is about reality.  Kosovo has been independent since 2008, and has been recognized by an enviable number of countries in the world and institutions. It is not yet a reality for Serbia to recognize it.”

Maric acknowledged nobody from Serbia was expelling Albanians but that 200,000 Serbs were expelled from Kosovo.

“If we are already talking about figures, then we must also say that in 1999, one million Albanians had to leave Kosovo. Many returned, but not everyone.”

“All Albanians have returned, but not Serbs,” said Maric.

“And some Serbs have returned, I do not know the exact number. I want to say that there is no obstacle to living in Kosovo over nationality, because you are a Serb, for example. A large number of them live here in Pristina, I cannot say what is the number. For example, the second program of our television is in Serbian. The situation of Serbs in Kosovo is not as difficult as it is portrayed in Belgrade.

It is an interesting issue of personal documents for Kosovo Serbs where it says they are Kosovars, and not Serbs.” “Well, you know, in my ID card, it also says that I am a Kosovar, not an Albanian. And something else, the names and last names of Serbs are written in Cyrillic.”

The brutal arrest of Djuric several weeks ago attracted great attention in the world. Considering how everything was done, the question arises as to whether ever one negotiator was abducted in that way and led by the streets of the city as Marko Djuric.

“That is a strange situation, really strange. No one felt good about it. Marko Djuric was banned from entering until the following day, and we thought he would not appear. I even personally asked him, through all channels, to wait until tomorrow when the entry ban expires. If he had just waited a day later, everything would have been fine. You know, had we not reacted, the opposition would have reacted. It was an awkward set of circumstances, and I must say that Serbia made a mistake.

Asked by Maric whom did President Vucic have in mind when he said that one call released Marko Djuric, Haradinaj said: “Most probably President Vucic called someone in Pristina, and nobody here wanted this situation to prolong. Nobody called me, and I was against him being taken to Pristina, I wanted this to be over as soon as possible and the man to be taken back to his home.

Right after that incident, the arrest of Gulenists occurred and express extradition to Turkey. On that occasion President Erdogan spoke about Haradinaj as a guy of weak morals, a drinker.

“Well, something of that is true. Let’s say, I like to drink a glass of brandy. Where I come from, that is part of the ritual to welcome the guest with a glass of brandy. Not all Albanians are Muslims, nor is nationality the same as religion. Albanians have long been Christians. I respect Turkey and we have good relations. But I represent Kosovo. I decided that because of this extradition, about which I was not informed, I represent what is my duty. The police director was not replaced, but the minister and director of the intelligence service were.

Many believe that this conflict with America occurred because of America. Haradinaj is known as an American man, while the problem between the US and Turkey originated precisely because of Fetullah Gulen, who was marked as an organizer of the coup in Ankara.

“We are part of Europe and we cooperate with Brussels and Berlin. However, when foreign policy is concerned, we are part of the club of countries led by America. It’s not a problem for us to admit, we do not have time to deal with problems in the world.

Although the political picture gives one perception, the economic one is completely different. “I think that from all the countries, Serbia exports most of its goods here. I said this to your man from the Chamber of Commerce: are you aware that you are selling here goods from the country that is blocking you? And here there is a problem with people who are wondering if it is right for Serbia to be so represented on this market.”

Asked how come he never met with President Vucic, Haradinaj says: “It was not an agenda so far. The essence is for the negotiations to continue, not only among politicians, but also among people.”

It was interesting to hear Haradinaj’s memory to his stay in The Hague Tribunal, where he met with a great number of Serbs, like Sljivancanin and Seselj who sent him their regards.

“There was a new Yugoslavia in The Hague, but from a nationalist perspective. The reality was that we lived very badly under Milosevic. The authorities and the police did terrible things, but the Serbian people also knew it was not right. I would ask official Belgrade to provide more space to the Serbs here. That is kind of usual for the capital to serve the surroundings.”

Maric posed a specific question on how the legend about black Haradinaj’s came about, a criminal responsible for the crimes against Serbs. “I saw it on your television, and I was sorry for the Serbs who have to listen to this propaganda. It’s normal for me to talk about it during the war, when the two sides are in conflict. But I do not understand why that continued after the conflict.”

In order not to avoid a specific answer, Maric directly asked Haradinaj whether he killed someone? “I don’t know, probably, war is war. I dressed in uniform, aware of the consequences. I lost two brothers in uniform, and this is how a Serbian soldier is thinking when he goes to war. If you cannot stand it, then do not enter the conflict.”

Maric asked how he managed to avoid the Hague prison sentence on two occasions.

“With the truth. I grew up in a normal family and we lived honorably. One of the witnesses, who is alleged to have been a witness in my trial, was beaten by a Serb in a cafe fight. Ask him, he is now in Montenegro, whether I hired him to kill that person. Prosecutor Serge Brammertz also said in Belgrade that there was no evidence against me in the indictment.”

“There is a widely held view here that America gave Milosevic time to clear the KLA in a few months, and when he failed, then they intervened and solved the matter in their own way. “The Americans gave Milosevic everything to destroy the KLA and failed to do so. They sent troops, special units, but we were still there. The Serbian army lost the morale as time passed. They sent various units, but the morale was no bigger. Let’s say, on 24 March, 1998, I was in a family house. A couple of weeks earlier, Yashari was defeated.  Only a year later, NATO arrived. You know, no matter what kind of army you send, you cannot be against the will of the people.”

To Maric’s question, a bit jokingly, how come drugs cause dependence everywhere, only in Kosovo it causes independence, Haradinaj says: “There are no drugs here, just corn and beans. Drugs don’t grow here,” “Not even in your cabinet?” asked Maric. “I don’t know, go yourself and see if there is. It’s just hard to live here. Let me tell you something, the Serbs working in Switzerland live as Swiss. But an Albanian does not.  As a small community. They almost all the money give monthly to the head of the family, and then he distributes it. He does not spend money there but he buys a property and a house here, so after 50 years he says this is what I created.”

Maric wondered how come he can hang out with Serbs in prison but not while free. “Who said that? Well, I’m seeing Serbs and we are hanging out. Here I congratulated them Christmas and Easter, we do not always agree but we agree.” Haradinaj says that Albanians are not Muslims by identity and not proud of those images of the demolition of Serbian churches and monasteries in the pogrom. “I was with Serb families, I visited Serbian monasteries, but I will not say which, let them say. We also have Orthodox, Albanian, churches.” He also denied that members of Al Qaeda and later of ISIS were in Kosovo. “They never stayed here, neither the Arabs nor anyone from the side.”

For the end, Haradinaj “revealed” one truth from the past. “I do not know if you know this, but when we talk about the Battle of Kosovo, it should be said that the Albanian units participated,  and that they were not too happy for someone to come from far to their territory,” Haradinaj said, referring to Serbs and Albanians fighting together against the Ottoman Empire.




EC to publish Enlargement Package today (TV1)


The European Commission (EC) will publish the Enlargement Package today, 17th of April, which evaluates the situation in the countries which aspire to become EU members. Radio Free Europe got an exclusive insight into the documents, according to which Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) is required to urgently adopt amendments to the Election Law. B&H is also required to deal with priorities with regard to socioeconomic reforms and strengthening of the rule of law and the public administration in line with European standards, as well as to improve cooperation at all levels. EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini said that the Western Balkans is a strategically important region for Europe, even though it has not always been part of the EU. “I am planning a regional visit to the region, when I will meet with the ministers and discuss ways to improve our cooperation with the partners from the Western Balkans, in the context of mutual security and prosperity,” Mogherini said. Reporter said that accidentally or not, Mogherini will not visit Pristina and Sarajevo during the Western Balkans tour.


Wigemark and Dodik discuss European path and Reform Agenda in Banja Luka (TV1)


Head of the EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H Lars-Gunnar Wigemark met with RS President Milorad Dodik in Banja Luka on Monday. On this occasion, Wigemark and Dodik discussed the European path of B&H and the Reform Agenda. Dodik said that the RS supports the European path and that he wants for the cooperation between the RS and Europe to go through the Coordination Mechanism. Dodik emphasized that the RS is successfully carrying out all obligations from the Reform Agenda. “The adopted Coordination Mechanism was created according to best European practices and means acceptance of constitutional competences of the RS” Dodik said.


Wigemark meets Cvijanovic (BHT1)


Head of the EU Delegation to B&H Lars- Gunnar Wigemark met with the RS Prime Minister (PM) Zeljka Cvijanovic in Banja Luka on Monday. On this occasion, Wigemark stated that the process of drafting of the opinion of the European Commission (EC) regarding B&H’s answers to the EC’s Questionnaire, is almost completed. Wigemark added that official presentation of the opinion of the EC can be expected in the upcoming period. During the meeting, Wigemark and Cvijanovic assessed that implementation of the Reform Agenda in the RS is carried out in line with stipulated dynamics and that reforms that the Government is carrying out, are producing positive results, which can be seen through macroeconomic indicators. Following the meeting, Cvijanovic said that several strategies that are being drafted at the level of the both entities and that are necessary for communication with the EU were also topics of the meeting. According to Cvijanovic, she expressed discontent with the fact that the Federation of B&H did not adopt strategies, but action plans or development programs in many fields, which is necessary for joint performance and drawdown of the EU funds. Cvijanovic stressed that the Coordination Mechanism is the framework for all activities in European integration process, including the process of programming of Instrument of Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) funds. Wigemark and Cvijanovic concluded that implementation of the Reform Agenda is being implemented according to schedule and that their effects are already visible in macroeconomic data. They also discussed entity-level strategies.


Govedarica and Vucic discuss cooperation of RS and Serbia (TV1/ATV/BNTV)


SDS leader and representative in the RS Assembly Vukota Govedarica met with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Belgrade on Monday. Govedarica expressed hope that cooperation of the RS and Serbia will grow even stronger and better. Govedarica underscored that the RS counts on Serbia’ support and he expressed his gratitude “for everything President Vucic has done”. The SDS leader believes that the RS and Serbia will work together on infrastructure projects, energy projects, and generally projects that will bring investment. Govedarica used this opportunity to thank Vucic for the support Serbia is providing to the RS, noting that he hopes cooperation between the RS and Serbia will be even stronger and that they will work on infrastructure and energy projects in the coming years. In addition, Vucic told Govedarica that preserving peace and stability in B&H and in the Balkans is a key interest to the entire Serb people. Vucic said that preservation of peace and stability in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region are of essential interest for the Serb people. Vucic underlined that Serbia will continue to provide support to the RS in accordance with the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and the Agreement on Establishment of Special and Parallel Relations between the RS and Serbia. Afterwards, asked by BN TV, to comment on his meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Govedarica explained that Vucic invited him to talk about the current developments in the RS and B&H as well as in the region, as part of consultations they hold on a regular basis. He noted that Vucic affirmed his commitment to peace, stability and security in the RS, which he has been advocating for a long time. “It is only in peace and stability that we can work together on prosperity for citizens of the RS,” Govedarica said. He added that Vucic also affirmed his commitment to Dayton-based concept of B&H, which gives guarantees to the RS.

Asked if they talked about remarks that Serbia’s assistance for municipalities in the RS has not been distributed equally, Govedarica noted that he first thanked Vucic for his continuous support to the RS. He also told him that it is necessary to help the extremely underdeveloped municipalities in the RS, which certainly expect to get support from Serbia. “From the point of view of Mr. Vucic, Serbia is not a brother or a sister to the RS. Serbia is a true mother to the RS,” Govedarica said, adding that Vucic promised to help in the upcoming period as well. Govedarica confirmed that his meeting with Vucic was also dedicated to the upcoming general elections in B&H, adding that he voiced his hope that the elections will be fair, tolerant and peaceful. He noted that Vucic also expects that regardless of who wins the elections, cooperation between the RS and Serbia will be at a high level in terms of various projects in the fields of infrastructure, energy and future investments in the RS. “President Vucic also emphasized that official Serbia has no reason to choose sides. Citizens of the RS will be the ones to make a decision in the elections, choosing between the chaos caused by the ruling coalition, I would say, and the policy of changes that would bring a new concept to eliminate all bad habits that have been developed over the past 13 years,” Govedarica concluded.


US Ambassador to B&H Cormack expects meeting with Covic to take place soon (Hayat)


US Ambassador to B&H Maureen Cormack has so far held a series of meetings with representatives of political parties in the Federation of B&H, which were dedicated to amendments to the Election Law of B&H. However, a meeting with HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic has not been held yet. The US Embassy to B&H confirmed that Ambassador Cormack expects that the meeting with Covic will take place soon. Covic stated that he believes he will meet with US Ambassador Cormack and EU Special Representative (EUSR) Lars-Gunnar Wigemark this week. Covic explained that this should be followed by a meeting of Croat and Bosniak parties in order to seek a solution for amending the Election Law of B&H. Covic reiterated that, without agreement, B&H is at risk of facing a crisis and blockade in work of the authorities. Covic stressed that principles of amending the Election Law, agreed by the Bosniak parties, are unacceptable to HDZ B&H. He noted that HDZ B&H insists on implementation of B&H Constitutional Court (CC)’s decision on legitimate representation.

According to SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic, the Election Law of B&H might as well be amended after the general elections are called. “It is up to us to try to reach a solution. It will not be too late to find a solution until the end of September. For as long as this convocation of the Parliament exists, May 7 is not a strict deadline. This is something that this parliament can adopt until it is dismissed and another one formed,” Izetbegovic assessed. On the other hand, HDZ B&H deems that there are only 20 days left to amend the Election Law of B&H. According to Covic, there is just enough time to amend it if there is political will and, after the elections are called, HDZ B&H will put an end to the story about amendments to the Election Law of B&H. “We will not allow the speculations that we will be able to amend the Election Law in October too. If the rules, program of activities and calendar of the BiH Central Election Commission should be defined at the beginning of May, it is clear that there will be no point to do anything about the Election Law after that,” Covic explained. After the meeting with Ambassador Cormack, SDA, SBB B&H, SDP B&H and DF recently presented their proposal of amendments to the Election Law of B&H, which is unacceptable to HDZ B&H. Commenting on this fact, Izetbegovic said: “Republika Srpska and Mr. Covic would like to be the ones to set the criteria, rules of the game and priorities… Four parties that have up to 60 percent of MPs in the Federation of B&H Parliament are not entitled to have their own opinion on this issue?”


Foreigners are trying to save sinking ship (EuroBlic)


EuroBlic daily learned that the international community in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) will try to gather Bosniak and Croat political parties by the end of the week in order for them to try to reach an agreement on changes to the Law on Elections of B&H. According to sources, representatives of the European Commission and US Embassy to B&H are expected to hold separate meetings with HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic and representatives of the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) first, and then they will meet with leading political parties from the Federation of B&H in next three days. In case no agreement is reached, sources said, SDA, SBB B&H, DF and SDP might deliver to the parliamentary procedure the agreement they agreed on last week which, among other things, stipulates reduction of competencies of the Federation of B&H House of Peoples (HoP). MP Mirsad Mesic (SDP) said that SDA, SBB B&H, DF and SDP agreed on protection of citizens, which is “the foundation of Europe” and he added: “The fact Covic claims this proposal is the Islamic state, that is his problem”. Mesic also claimed that Covic’s proposal would secure management over all processes for Covic and added that this is no fight for rights of Croats but only a fight for authorities. Chair of SNSD Caucus in B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Stasa Kosarac said that solving of the issue of the Federation of B&H Parliament composed of two houses represents the key political issue but he doubts an agreement can be reached in next several days. Kosarac refused to speculate how SNSD might vote in case the proposal of the four political parties is delivered to B&H Parliament.

MP Damir Becirovic (DF) said that it would be the best to wait for the outcome of meetings which should take place in next several days and he claimed that the proposal of the four political parties would guarantee implementation of the ruling of B&H Constitutional Court in ‘Ljubic’ case. HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic stated that the Law on Elections of B&H will not be changed at all unless an agreement is reached in the next 15 days. Covic assessed that, in that case, B&H will face the most difficult crisis since signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and he accused Bosniak political parties that they do not want the agreement to be reached. Covic also added that Bosniak political parties believed they can change the DPA by eliminating one of the peoples in the unitary structure and he claimed that Bosniak political parties stand united in the stance that Croats need to be eliminated.


NATO PA delegation meets with reps of B&H authorities (TV1)


Members of the Defense and Security Committee and the Subcommittee for Future Security and Defense Capabilities (DSCFC) of NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NATO PA) met with representatives of B&H authorities in Sarajevo on Monday. According to TV1, representatives of Republika Srpska (RS) once again failed to attend the meeting with NATO representatives. On this occasion, NATO representatives expressed full support to B&H on its Euro-Atlantic path and the process of activation of the Membership Action Plan (MAP). NATO supports the policy of open rather than closed doors, and the doors to NATO are open for B&H if the authorities of this country undertake everything to overcome the main obstacle on this path i.e. registration of military locations. Member of DSCFC Joao Rebelo stated: “Our message is that we want B&H in NATO, we are not giving up on that.” According to Rebelo, it us up to B&H to make the final decision on moving towards NATO. B&H Minister of Defense Marina Pendes said B&H Ministry of Defense (MoD) is proud of the progress that has been made on registration of military property. Pendes explained that 31 military locations have so far been registered. According to Pendes, adoption of the Law on State Property will ease registration of military property in the area of the RS. Chairman of B&H parliament’s Joint Commission for Defense and Security Sifet Podzic deems that NATO will not turn a blind eye to unfulfilled requirements. Chairman of B&H parliament’s delegation with NATO PA Nikola Lovrinovic hopes NATO delegation realized that B&H wants MAP activation as soon as possible.


Izetbegovic to meet Stoltenberg and Ambassadors in Brussels (NAP)


Chairman of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Bakir Izetbegovic will pay a visit to Brussels on Tuesday, where he is scheduled to meet NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and Ambassadors of five world powers. “I will talk to them about accelerating of B&H’s NATO path, and about activating of MAP. NATO represents security. Whoever attacks a member, attacked the entire NATO,” said Izetbegovic.


Juncker: Distancing of Western Balkans from the EU would mean returning to nineties (


President of the European Commission, Jean- Claude Juncker warned that countries of the Western Balkans cannot distance themselves much from the European perspective, because this would cause of huge risk from repeating of the events from nineties. Juncker addressed the session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg and commented earlier statement of French President Emmanuel Macron who said that sovereignty of Europe is a key of EU’s future.

“I am not naive, I am aware of problem. I am aware of the efforts that Western Balkans countries need to demonstrate. If we distance these countries from the European perspective, we will face the events that were happening in the nineties. I do not want Western Balkans to return to war”, said Juncker. He also addressed Macron directly and said that he is glad that France and Germany are getting closer, but noted that the EU is not composed only of these two countries. “EU is composed of 28 members. There will be 27 of us tomorrow (after departure of the UK). In order for our engine to keep running, cooperation of everyone is required,” said Juncker.


Croatia preparing for EU Summit with Western Balkans countries (Hina)


The EU-Western Balkans summit, which will be held next month, will not give as strong a message as the one held in Thessaloniki in 2003, but it will clearly emphasize European Union membership prospects for Southeast European countries, Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Marija Pejcinovic Buric said in Luxembourg on Monday. "I think we have agreed that it is very important to confirm the European prospects for the Southeast European countries. There are differences between member states on how to achieve this and at what speed, which is normal and has happened before. It is too early to speak about this because the text of the declaration has not been agreed yet, but it certainly will not be as strong as the one from the Thessaloniki summit 15 years ago. But it will be inspiring enough and will show the great will and support of the EU for enlargement, of course, based on common interests and criteria. In other words, it will not be an enlargement summit like the one in 2003 but will certainly clearly underline the European prospects," Pejcinovic Buric said. EU foreign ministers discussed the Western Balkans during a working lunch in Luxembourg as part of preparations for the EU-Western Balkans summit in Sofia on May 17. According to diplomatic sources, several member states, including Germany, France and the Netherlands, do not want the Sofia summit to be understood as an enlargement summit and are even against using the word enlargement. They want the summit to focus on connecting the countries within the region and on connecting the region with the EU on specific issues. Asked if the EU demanded from Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) to change its electoral legislation to comply with a Constitutional Court ruling, Pejcinovic Buric said that the matter had not been discussed, but added that it was important for those changes to be adopted by institutions of B&H and not those outside the country. "Electoral legislation was not discussed much. The only people who spoke about it were High Representative Federica Mogherini and I. That was not the topic, but we agreed that this law should be adopted by institutions of B&H, it is their law, and we can only guide them and help them. People in B&H must agree on this, and it is important to us that the Constitutional Court ruling is accepted, that the Croats as a constituent people are legitimately represented at all levels at which elections are held, in other words both at the level of the Presidency and at the level of the Federation of B&H" the Croatian foreign minister said.


Croatia to respond to Slovene complaint regarding border arbitration today (HRT)


Croatia was to have issued a comment by Monday on the Slovene letter of complaint regarding the border arbitration. The Croatian response to the Slovene complaint comes ahead of a discussion on the issue to be held at the next session of the European Commission on May 2nd, 2018. When asked about Croatia's response, the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs replied: Croatia will issue a written statement on the Slovene complaint on April 17th, 2018. In its written statement, Croatia will make a well-argued response to all the Slovenian allegations and clearly state Croatia's position. Namely, that Croatia, by refusing to implement the arbitration ruling - on the basis that it does not acknowledge the ruling as it is the result of an arbitration proceeding that was compromised by Slovenia and that in so doing Slovenia deprived it of any credibility – is not violating the laws of the European Union.


Croatian President congratulates newly-elected Montenegrin leader (Hina)


Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic has congratulated Milo Djukanovic on being elected President of Montenegro, pledging Croatia's support to Montenegro on its path to European Union membership, the President's Office said in a statement on Monday. Grabar-Kitarovic congratulated Djukanovic and wished him a lot of success in his work. Croatia is committed to supporting Montenegro's EU membership path based on individual merit and is willing to continue sharing its own experience from the process with Montenegro, the statement said. The two presidents expressed their readiness to further strengthen relations between Croatia and Montenegro and to resolve outstanding issues between the two countries bilaterally, in the spirit of good neighborliness and mutual respect. They noted the responsibility of the two countries as NATO members in ensuring stability, security and prosperity in the entire region of Southeast Europe. They also emphasized the importance of the Montenegrin minority in Croatia and the Croatian minority in Montenegro as a link between the two countries and the commitment to further improving the status of the two minorities, the statement said.


Foreign media on Djukanovic’s victory (CDM)


Foreign news agencies have reported on a landslide victory of the veteran leader Milo Djukanovic in the Montenegrin presidential polls. Most of them described Djukanovic as the leader of the party which ‘rejected’ Russia and led Montenegro into NATO last year and has pledged to complete talks for EU membership. The Associated Press (AP) reported Djukanovic and his party won by a landslide in the 2018 presidential elections and thus avoided the second round of elections. The AP also wrote the vote Sunday is the first since Montenegro joined the Western military alliance in December. The elections are seen as a test for Djukanovic, who favors European integrations over closer ties with its traditional ally- Russia. Djukanovic and his party, the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS), have ruled Montenegro for almost 30 years, writes the AP. Reuters described Djukanovic as a veteran pro-EU politician whose party led Montenegro in NATO and hopes to lead it into the European Union (EU). The Agency reminds of presidential role which is largely ceremonial, but that Djukanovic is expected to wield considerable power and influence policy through DPS. The Russian news agency Tass also reported on Djukanovic’s success, stating that the DPS leader pledged to push for Montenegro to become an EU member state by the end of his 5-year term. The term of his rule by the end of a new presidential term will be 32 years, which brings him close to the record of Zimbabwe’s leader Robert Mugabe, who led the country for 40 years, reported Tass.


Presidential elections in Montenegro: Resurrection of the SDP (CDM)


As already well known, Milo Djukanovic won the presidential elections (53, 8%) and made his remarkable comeback. What’s interesting is that, Draginja Vuksanovic, literally resurrected the Social Democratic Party and said that she’s very satisfied with her result. Since Djukanovic’s winning was pretty remarkable this time, the question is how the opposing parties are supposed to behave now and plan the forthcoming local elections scheduled for the end of May. Djukanovic said that Democratic Party of Socialists is a serious machinery and that Montenegro is definitely on its way towards the EU and very close to acceding it. How will the opposition react…well, we’ll see. They should probably find some other political solution and other way of acting on the political stage. They’re also expected to say what their plans for the next period are.

Draginja Vuksanovic raised the Socialist Democratic Party from the ashes by winning 8, 3% of votes at the elections. Did she prove that she’s able to be the President of this party? However, that would be an interesting switch.


Progress not visible in practice (CDM)


There has definitely been progress – but on paper only, not really in practice, as far as Montenegro is concerned, as stated in the report on the progress in Montenegro’s EU accession which will be presented tomorrow in Strasbourg. This report estimates that the critical points for all countries of the Western Balkans are those related to the rule of law, organized crime and corruption. Slowing down of the reforms has been noticed in the Bosnia and Herzegovina as well, whereas Serbia will access to the EU only by implementing reforms and dialogues.


Dacic comments on the “friendship” between Montenegro and Kosovo (MINA)


Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia, Ivica Dacic said that the alleged friendship between Montenegro and Kosovo was nothing but an imposed, new-kind of friendship. “I don’t believe that friendship is honest. When it comes to relations with us, I can assure you that it’s all about the traditional, honest friendship based on the mutual support. Our interests aren’t opposed, but rather common”, said Dacic. Results of the presidential elections in Montenegro, according to Dacic, won’t change the relations between the two countries. Dacic expressed his wish for further strengthening and improving relations with Montenegro. “We should focus on practical solutions of open questions regarding what is the most important for Serbia and that is, certainly, the question of citizens of Montenegro of Serbian origin.


Macedonia to get EU negotiations date by July: EU sources (MIA)


EU member countries want Macedonia to be given a date to start accession talks by July at the latest, MIA has learned from top diplomatic sources in Brussels. Bulgaria's presidency would like a date to be set in June while Bulgaria still holds the presidency of the Council of the EU, MIA's Brussels correspondent reports. But if it seems impossible, most EU countries would like a date to be fixed in July at the latest during Austria's presidency 'even if the name dispute isn't fully resolved but only if it is on its way to being settled," the sources has told MIA.

A 'very positive' atmosphere prevails in the member countries towards Macedonia and its progress in terms of reform implementation. "The atmosphere is so positive, it would make it difficult to Greece to block the setting of a date for negotiations, and unless Greece found a way to block it, it wouldn't make Greece look good," diplomatic sources from a key EU player have told MIA. The sources say that most member countries, including the big ones, wish a date for start of membership talks was given 'in a package' to both to Macedonia and Albania, whose reform progress is also hailed in Brussels. Albania also has open issues with Greece, but it seems Greece steers clear of imposing a direct blockade, MIA has learned.


Osmani gives Zbogar detailed report on Plan 3-6-9 (MIA)


Vice-Premier for European Affairs Bujar Osmani delivered the final report on the implementation of Plan 3-6-9 to EU ambassador Samuel Zbogar ahead of release of the EU's Progress Report for the Republic of Macedonia. "We have implemented more than 90 percent of the reforms included in Plan 3-6-9 and 100 percent of its essence. The plan has achieved its goal of putting the country back on its Euro Atlantic track," Osmani said while delivering the report to EU ambassador Zbogar. The Secretariat for European Affairs said that Osmani was expecting good news from Brussels tomorrow at the presentation of the European Commission's Progress Report on Macedonia. Plan 3-6-9 was adopted in July of last year after the new government was elected. Part 3 of the long-term plan was accomplished in the first three months by organizing fair and credible elections last November. Part 6 was achieved by the time the European Commission's Enlargement Strategy concerning the Western Balkans 2025 was presented.

The deadline to implement Part 9, i.e., the entire Plan 3-6-9, is April 17, when the EC releases its Progress Report.


Zaev: No leaders' meeting on name negotiations, only informative meetings (MIA)


A leaders' meeting on the course of the name negotiations will probably not take place, because no special breakthrough was made at last week's Ohrid talks, said Prime Minister Zoran Zaev.

"I believe that most likely there will be meetings, in fact some sorts of informative meetings at which the foreign minister and myself will inform the president and the opposition leader... It matters to us to inform everybody and to share ideas about the coming strategic steps," Zaev told reporters Monday. It is necessary not only to inform ourselves, but also to consult each other about the strategies and steps aiming at national unity and consensus over such vital issues, he noted. Asked about the positions of the ruling government and the opposition in Greece regarding his remarks about the name dispute, Zaev said Macedonia had been running a transparent process. "It is true that there have been differences from the start, for 27 years, but it is also true that there has been progress in the negotiations. Not everything has been solved. Firstly, however, it's a good thing that the citizens of the two countries have been pretty informed about what's going on, and secondly, there have never been better conditions for the negotiating process and there has never been such certainty that the solution could be solved," stated Zaev.

Asked what would happen if the two parties failed to reach a solution, the Premier said he didn't even think about not finding a solution. "In case no solution is found, most probably we will continue to negotiate. I know for a fact that even if we don't find a solution we must continue to build friendship...I sincerely hope we could reach a solution, we have so much to work for in the future as neighbors and in the interest of the citizens of the two nations," concluded Zaev.


European Commission, conditional accession talks with Albania (ADN)


The European Commission will recommend that the European Union opens accession negotiations with Albania but with one condition: to continue with the judicial reform and vetting law implementation. The document, part of the annual EU enlargement package that is set to be published today, April 17 and it will be present to the Albanian Government by the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Frederica Mogherini.

"As regards the political criteria, strong polarization persisted in the political establishment. Parliamentary activities were affected by a prolong boycott of the opposition in early 2017, which also delayed the appointment of the judicial vetting institutions. In May, an agreement between the main ruling party and the opposition allowed resuming parliamentary activities, triggering some changes to electoral legislative framework. This was conducive of the smooth organization of the general elections in June, although a number of OSCE/ODIHR recommendations still remained outstanding. Some progress was made toward improving the functioning of the National Council for Civil Society. Additional efforts are needed to better involve civil society organizations as part of an inclusive policy dialogue," says the report.

EU requires more work to fight corruption, organized crime and more efforts to tackle money laundering, criminal assets and unjustified wealth.


Opposition requests CDU-CSU support for negotiations (ADN)


The Democratic Party Chairman Lulzim Basha, in a visit to Berlin, has requested CDU-CSU Parliamentary Group in the German Bundestag to support the opening of accession negotiations with Albania, a decision which will be taken after the European Commission's recommendation. "We have requested support as an act that will help Albania and Albanians having a common dream of the EU membership, but also as an added effort to meet the unfulfilled criteria in the fight against crime, corruption, judicial reform, public administration reform, respect for human rights that are violated, such as the Kukes case," said Basha. He added that on behalf of the DP, he has guaranteed partners to see this as a process that enables the continuation of the battle to destroy organized crime and state capture, to fight corruption, to treat all citizens equal before the law, to bring corrupt politicians before justice, to free the economy from monopoly and oligarchy, as well as to restore competitiveness as a prerequisite for economic development. "Through the opening of negotiations, he has sought to strengthen our battle as opposition for an Albania free from injustice, free from the concentration of power in the hands of few and free from organized crime and corruption," Basha stressed. Meanwhile, the SP Parliamentary Group Chairman Taulant Balla, in a statement regarding Basha's visit to Berlin, raised concern over the policy that the Democratic leader Basha, hoping that he will not lobby against the opening of negotiations. According to Balla, "the intolerable behavior of the DP in the recent plenary sessions is related to this political force against Judicial Reform and the Vetting". However, Balla has confirmed that the country has met the priorities for the EC's recommendation to open accession talks. "Albania has fully met the key priorities set for the EC's recommendation to open negotiations and we are hopeful that the recommendation will be handed over to the Albanian authorities by the Ambassador of the EU Delegation and by the highest EU representative authorities, led by the High Commissioner for Foreign Policy, Federica Mogherini, as they deserve gratitude on behalf of the Albanian people for the continued support they have been giving Albania on the path of its historic EU membership," Balla said.

For him, the judicial reform and its results with the removal of corrupt judges from the justice system are a clear signal given to EU institutions for the functioning of the rule of law in Albania.




France wants EU expansion freeze amid Balkans war warning (AP, by Lorne Cook, 17 April 2018)


BRUSSELS — French President Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday ruled out any expansion of the European Union until the bloc is reformed, as a top EU official warned that the volatile Balkans could face a return to war if countries in the region have no hope of joining. The Balkans spiraled into conflict in the 1990s as former Yugoslavia broke apart, but ethnic and nationalist tensions continue to simmer more than 20 years on. EU member states must agree unanimously for any country to become a member. Accession to the 28-nation EU has been a powerful driver of political and democratic reform in countries like Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro — which recently joined NATO — Serbia and its former territory of Kosovo. But with Britain set to become the first country to leave the bloc next year, Macron told EU lawmakers in Strasbourg, France that "I will only support an enlargement when there is first a deepening and a reform of our Europe." "I don't want a Balkans that turns toward Turkey or Russia, but I don't want a Europe that, functioning with difficulty at 28 and tomorrow as 27, would decide that we can continue to gallop off, to be tomorrow 30 or 32, with the same rules," he said. But European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, whose institution recommends whether countries should be allowed in, insisted that Europe's door must remain open. "If we remove from these countries, in this extremely complicated region, I should say tragically, a European perspective, we are going to live what we already went through in the 1990s," Juncker said. "I don't want a return to war in the Western Balkans." When he took over at the European Commission four years ago, Juncker vowed that there would be no EU enlargement during his term. EU and Balkans leaders will meet in Bulgaria on May 17, but no country in the region is likely to be invited to join, even though some are involved in membership negotiations. Turkey is also a candidate for membership and has been promised fast-track accession negotiations in exchange for ensuring that tens of thousands of migrants — many of them Syrian refugees — don't enter Europe from its territory. However, the talks are at a virtual standstill. Countries like France, Germany and Austria would prefer some kind of "privileged partnership" with Turkey to letting it join.


Palmer: Kosovo solution only through dialogue (VOA, 16 April 2018)


The US expects Belgrade and Pristina to continue talks despite problems and hopes for normalization of the relations by the end of the year, Matthew Palmer, Director for South Central European Affairs at U.S. Department of State, has said. Palmer told Voice of America (VOA) that the US was not pressuring Belgrade into normalization, but that Washington was putting pressure on all participants in the negotiating process. He said he hoped that Belgrade and Pristina would overcome current difficulties and get back to the negotiating table. During his recent visit to Belgrade, Palmer met Serbia’s top officials, telling them that the US hoped a significant progress could be made even before the end of 2018. “I think it is important that the two sides return to the negotiating table as soon as possible, to leave events from three weeks ago behind them, to look forward and try to find way to achieve some progress in respect to the agreed goals. “I think there is room for a substantial progress by the end of this year providing that both sides commit themselves to the process. If that does not happen, we are here for the long run,” Palmer told VOA.