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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, March 26, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

No agreement on dinar, next meeting on April 4 (media)
Lajcak: Important details were clarified, we will meet again next week (media)
Government: Content of CBK Regulation is not being discussed in Brussels (Koha)
Kurti remembers 25th anniversary of Serbian massacres in Gjakova and Rahovec (RTK)
Russia's proposal for an UNSC extraordinary session for Kosovo does not pass (RTK)
Gervalla: Security Council session, attempt at absurd parallels (media)
Konjufca on elections: It remains to decide whether summer or autumn is better (RTK)
Von Cramon to Brnabic: Agreements do not affect Kosovo's path to CoE (RTK)
Civil society against registration of portals in IMC, demands ownership and financial transparency (Koha)

Serbian Language Media:

Petkovic: Other side wants no solution, dialogue to continue on April 4 (Tanjug, media)
Lajcak: We will reconvene next week to find solution for cash operations (Tanjug, media)
Discussion on NATO bombing of Serbia not included on UN Security Council agenda (Tanjug, media)
Nebenzya: Shameful day for UN SC, those who bombed Yugoslavia did not wish to hear truth (Tanjug)
Ambassador Shuang on UNSC session and refusal to include 25th anniversary of NATO bombing of FRY in agenda (Kosovo Online)
Council of Europe session on Kosovo membership bid on Wednesday (Radio KIM)
Montenegrin DNP supports head of delegation to vote against Pristina admission to Council of Europe (RTS)  

International Media:

Council of Europe Rapporteur Backs Kosovo’s Membership Bid (Balkan Insight)
Cyberattacks and Ethnically-Fuelled Harassment Mark Start of Year (Balkan Insight)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, March 25, 2024

Albanian Language Media:
• Kosovo leaders’ messages on 25th anniversary of NATO aerial campaign (media)
• Kosovo authorities: Kosovo’s status in NATO PA advanced (media)
• O’Brien: We made it clear to Serbia that use of force against Kosovo unacceptable (media)
• Kosovo pledges to form Association after Council of Europe membership (Koha)
• Bislimi: Serbia destructive approach by refusing to sign agreement (media)
• Kosovo, Serbia chief negotiators to meet in Brussels today (media)
• Kurti hosts ambassadors of Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium, Finland, Luxembourg (media)
Serbian Language Media:
• Serbia marks 25 years since beginning of NATO bombing (N1, BETA, RTS, media)
• Vucic speaks at Remembrance Day ceremony, says Serbia will not join NATO (Kosovo Online)
• Anniversary of NATO bombing of Serbia commemorated in Serbian areas in Kosovo (Kosovo Online, media)
• Vucevic: Global views on 1999 NATO bombing of Serbia changing (Tanjug, FoNet)
• Anniversary of NATO bombing of Serbia, Western ambassadors mourn innocent victims (N1, Hina)
• Russian MFA: NATO intervention against FRY an act of gross violation of international law (RTS)
• Von Cramon reacts to Vucic’s statement that Serbia will leave Council of Europe (N1, FoNet)
• Dacic, Brnabic react to von Cramon’s statement on Serbia and Council of Europe (N1, FoNet, social media)
• Dacic: No threat of terrorism in Serbia (N1)
• Serbian flag on the Zvecan fortress was taken down then returned, again (KoSSev)
• Dacic concludes visit to Moscow (Tanjug, media)
International Media:
• ‘I thought it Was a Celebration’: Six Months On, Kosovo Citizens Recall Banjska Bloodshed (BIRN)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, March 22, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Kurti: Serbian forces have approached the border, we are observing carefully (media)
Kurti: Relations with USA are very good (RTK)
Bislimi accuses EU for "failure" of agreement: Serbia is not the only one to blame here (media)
Sarrazin on dinar issue: Good work is being done in Brussels (RTK)
Robinson on resigned policemen and judges in north: They should return to their jobs (media)
Robinson meets President of Constitutional Court (Klan)
U.S. Mission to OSCE: NATO intervention in Kosovo was necessary (VoA)
Opposition reacts to Kurti’s statement on early elections (media)
Serbia thanks Russia for not recognising Kosovo's independence (RTK)
Russia initiates Serbia's session at UN for 25th anniversary of NATO's intervention, the West: "You will come in vain" (Klan)
U.S. Department of State reacts to the meeting between Dacic and Lavrov (RFE)
Krasniqi from Brussels: Kosovo is the most pro-EU country in the region (Reporteri)
Haradinaj: We are not interested on dinar, we are interested about NATO (Klan)
Mehaj: Vucic's threats are permanent and evidence that Serbia is continuing with hegemonic policy of Greater Serbia (Klan)

Serbian Language Media:

Dacic: Bakoyannis statement culmination of hypocrisy (Tanjug, KoSSev, media)
Bakoyannis: Protection of Serbian and other minorities in Kosovo will improve if Kosovo becomes a CoE member (N1, KoSSev)
Dacic: Vital issues for Serbia discussed with Lavrov (Tanjug, media)
UNS: It is high time that Osmani stops discriminating journalists, preventing and limiting their work violates right to information (KoSSev, Radio KIM, Kosovo Online)
Vucevic on Kurti’s request that NATO strengthens its presence in Kosovo (Kosovo Online)
Djuric: Serbia abhors idea of another regional war (Kosovo Online, WSJ, Danas, FoNet)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, March 21, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Albanian Language Media:

EU announces a meeting between leaders of Kosovo and Serbia (RTK)
Murphy and Peach talk about Kosovo (Albanian Post)
KFOR commander and Hennessey talk about security and dialogue (media)
Bislimi: I informed Hovenier what was discussed at meeting in Brussels (RTK)
Osmani: Kosovo reflects strength and spirit of democracy at every step (RTK)
Kurti talks to Hughes about strengthening of Kosovo-Ireland relations (RTK)
Gervalla: Five non-recognizing countries will not prevent membership in CoE (Koha)
Hargreaves and Rasic talk about ensuring rights for all communities in Kosovo (Albanian Post)
Media will be able to observe counting of votes in future election processes (media)

Serbian Language Media:

Stano: The implementation of agreements between Kosovo and Serbia should be resolved at the highest level (RFE, Kosovo Online)
Association of journalist of Serbia: Untrue information about the March riots still on the RTK2 website (Radio Mitrovica sever) 
Vandalized signs in Serbian are not being cleaned in Kosovo (Kosovo Online)
Dacic: It can be expected that Kosovo will be admitted to the CoE following an urgent procedure (KoSSev, Beta)
Brnabic elected new Serbian parliament speaker (Tanjug, media)
Vucic to attend first nuclear energy summit in Brussels on March 20-21 (Tanjug)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, March 20, 2024

Albanian Language Media:
• Kurti: Britain should send more troops to protect us from Serbian invasion (media)
• Lajcak meets chief negotiators; discussions on Dinar to continue on Monday (media)
• State Department: Discussions on Dinar must continue urgently (media)
• Osmani on Vucic’s threats against Kosovo: He will fail again (Telegrafi)
• Government spokesperson: Vucic, a hostage of the past and desperate (RTK)
• Roth: With Vucic at helm, no way for Serbia to enter the EU (media)
• COMKFOR Ulutas meets Quint ambassadors in Kosovo (media)
• Maqedonci announces second package of military aid for Ukraine (media)
• Haradinaj: I can make Kosovo a member of NATO (media)
Serbian Language Media:
• Petkovic: We pointed out all difficulties for Serbs in Kosovo (Tanjug, media)
• Petkovic: Solution must include continued Postal Savings Bank operations in Kosovo (media)
• Lajcak: Dialogue to be continued next Monday (media)
• State Department: Dialogue adequate channel to resolve problems related to CBK decision (Kosovo Online)
• Serbian List met Swedish Ambassador, tell him dinar decision has political not economic background (Kosovo Online)
• Vucic congratulates Putin on election win, informs him of situation in Kosovo (Tanjug)
• KFOR Commander met ambassadors, discussed security situation in Kosovo (Kosovo Online)
• Serbian Parliament fails to elect speaker, MPs in war of words (N1)
International Media:
• Albanian PM’s ‘Intimidation’ of Woman Journalist Condemned (Balkan Insight)