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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, March 4, 2024

Albanian Language Media:
• Osmani and Erdogan reconfirm deepening of relations (RTK)
• Kurti: We still have problems on the border with Serbia (RTK)
• Kurti participates in opening of PES campaign for European elections (RTK)
• Krasniqi asks Lajcak to play a role in lifting measures against Kosovo (RTK)
• Ukrainian ambassador in Albania: Recognition of Kosovo, a matter of time (media)
• Reuten: EU has surrendered to two destabilizers like Vucic and Dodik (media)
• PDK calls for elections: Government characterized by corrupt affairs (media)
Serbian Language Media:
• Vucic: The situation will be increasingly difficult; we need unity to save Kosovo (Kosovo Online, Tanjug, RTV)
• Elek: Due to the dinar ban, employees at the CHC in Mitrovica North are at risk; a shortage of food for patients (Kosovo Online, KoSSev, RTS)
• SL: Kurti's attacks are proof that we are working in the interest of the Serbs (Tanjug, Kosovo Online, Radio Mitrovica sever)
• Dacic meets Lavrov in Antalya (N1)
• Peach: Dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina should create a multi-ethnic future (KiM radio, Tanjug)
• National Convention on the EU: Vucic’s claims about conspiracies are a distraction from certain topics (N1)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, March 1, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Kurti on absence in Tirana Summit: Visit to Britain was planned a year ago (Koha)
Kurti meets Northern Ireland’s Secretary of State, discuss cooperation (Reporteri)
European Parliament asks EU to change its approach to dialogue (media)
Hovenier: CBK regulation should be implemented after preparatory process (media)
Bislimi: Discussions with allies, always welcome (RTK)
Xhaferi: Kurti's intervention in North Macedonia’s elections, damages Kosovo’s image (Reporteri)
Hoti: Lectures in Northern Ireland, just an excuse to avoid Tirana Summit (Reporteri)
Signatures in the north verified, vote to dismiss mayors soon (Koha)
Electricity billing starts in the north (media)
A person arrested in the north for behaving aggressively towards KFOR soldiers with a toy gun (Klan)
Serbian Language Media:

Hovenier: US dissatisfied with quality of partnership with Kurti’s government (N1, BETA, KoSSev)
Petkovic, Kekic met representatives of US Embassy in Belgrade (Kosovo Online)
Serbian Democracy request for referendum against decision to allocate land parcel to Kosovo MIA rejected (KoSSev)
Sadiku: 2.216 citizens who signed petition should be respected (KoSSev)
Koha: CEC completed verification of signatures, 20 percent quote achieved (Kosovo Online)
Serbian List condemns arson of vehicle in Leposavic, demands international involvement in case (Radio Kontakt plus)
Vucic: We extremely appreciate friendship with Central African Republic (Tanjug)
State Department: Serbia should implement ODIHR recommendations without delay (N1)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, February 29, 2024

Albanian Language Media:
• Sarrazin: We’ve asked for sanctions on Radoicic, we don’t have quorum (Klan)
• Barbano: Decision on Decani Monastery land is binding (media)
• Osmani meets Zelenskyy: Ukraine’s victory is Europe’s victory (media)
• Osmani meets Albanian PM Rama, “discussions and coordination” (media)
• New KFOR Turkish contingent arrives in Kosovo (media)
• Kurti visits St Matthew School in Belfast (media)
• Kamberi: Vucic won’t meet Albanians’ requests in Valley if no intl pressure (RTK)
Serbian Language Media:
• Vucic: Ukraine a friend of Serbia, does not recognise Kosovo (Tanjug)
• Vucic and Zelenskyy met in Tirana (Kosovo Online, social media)
• Vucic: At our request, Tirana declaration makes no mention of sanctions on Russia (media)
• Barbano: Court’s decision on Visoki Decani land binding to all individuals and institutions in Kosovo (Kosovo Online, social media)
• Vucic: Kurti wants to become a legend by destroying Serbs (Kosovo Online, media)
• Sarrazin: Refusal of Kosovo politicians to participate in meetings discussing dinar indicates less sovereignty (Kosovo Online)
• Brnabic: Serbian Government to continue to cooperate with ODIHR (Tanjug, media)
International Media:
• Both Sides in Serbia Claim Victory Over ODIHR Election Report (Balkan Insight)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, February 28, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Lajcak indicates more meetings, “many political questions remain unanswered” (media)
Ismaili: We didn’t negotiate regulation; it is in force and does not change (Koha)
CBK says new regulation was not contested (media)
Agreement reached a year ago not implemented, EU considers both parties responsible (Koha)
Osmani: We remain united in our support for Ukraine (RTK)
Sarrazin and Ahmeti discuss Kosovo's membership in CoE (media)
Krasniqi and Abdixhiku meet German emissary, make requests and promises (Kallxo)
Britain requests from Kosovo and Serbia to implement agreements (Koha)
KFOR: Bondsteel, main pillar of mission throughout Kosovo (media)
EU to present soon mandatory roadmap for implementation of Basic Agreement as condition for integration of Kosovo and Serbia (Albanian Post)
RTK publishes video showing Radoicic punching Serb (media)
Kamberi: No peace in Balkans without Kosovo-Serbia normalization (Kosovapress)
Janjic says CBK regulation is legal (media)

Serbian Language Media:

Petkovic: Belgrade demonstrated full commitment, solution at political level a must (Tanjug)
Lajcak: Many political questions remain unanswered, additional meetings needed (Tanjug, media)
Milivojevic: Results in Brussels expected, Pristina is not for progress in dialogue (Kosovo Online, RTV)
Serbian politicians from north meets Sarrazin, criticize attitude of Kurti towards Serbs, demand reaction from international community (KoSSev)
Poll: One year after EU agreement, majority of respondents say things have changed for worse (KoSSev)
Stano: Kosovo and Serbia will not progress towards EU unless they implement agreements (Kosovo Online, RFE)
Dacic receives his Central African Republic's counterpart Baipo-Temon (media)
Serbia Against Violence refuses consultations with President Vucic (N1)
Vucic to attend Ukraine-SEE summit in Tirana (Tanjug)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, February 27, 2024

Albanian Language Media:
• Kurti signs MoU with EBRD for €400 mil in investment funding (media)
• CBK leaders to represent Kosovo at meeting on Serbian Dinar in Brussels (media)
• Hoti: Government didn’t want agreement with allies in Pristina (media)
• Citaku: Instead with allies, our institutions coordinating with Belgrade (media)
• Buland hosts US – Kosovo bilateral defense consultations (media)
• KFOR: We don’t interfere with freedom of movement of individuals (media)
• Gervalla meets Hovenier, discuss efforts to strengthen security, stability (media)
• Ukrainian MP message for Kosovo: Arm yourself, no one will defend you (media)
• “Radoicic brutally beats opponents” (RTK)
Serbian Language Media:
• Trend Analysis: The majority of surveyed Serbs concerned about security (KiM radio, KoSSev)
• The Office for KiM: The auxiliary building on the property of a returnee near Klina set on fire (RTS)
• SL: The international community must prevent the expulsion of the Serbs from their ancestral homes (Kosovo Online)
• KFOR denies that it forbade certain Pristina officials to visit the North (KiM radio, KoSSev)
• Vucic, Sarrazin discuss upcoming Brussels meeting, situation in Kosovo (Tanjug)
• Brnabic at Western Balkans Investment Summit (N1)