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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, February 19, 2024

Albanian Language Media:
• Osmani: Government and allies to meet and agree on the Dinar (media)
• Blinken congratulates Kosovo on independence day (media)
• Shaheen: Radoicic must be arrested for Banjska (media)
• Svecla: All suspects for Banjska attack are in Interpol’s system (media)
• Kurti meets Borrell, calls for removal of “unfair measures” (media)
• Kurti meets Munsch, highlights need for accountability for Banjska attack (media)
• Maqedonci: Massive deployment of Serbian brigades on Kosovo border (media)
• Rafuna: Govt to coordinate with U.S. to have economic sustainability (KSP)
Serbian Language Media:
• Vucic on Banjska: Interpol warrant issued at the request of “independent Kosovo”; our authorities are investigating (KoSSev, TV Prva)
• US senator called for arrest of Milan Radoicic after meetings with Vucic and Kurti (KoSSev, N1)
• Vucic: I expect an invitation to Brussels, I hope for some solution (KiM radio, RTS)
• Dacic: Kosovo celebrating the anniversary of destruction international legal order (N1)
• Djuric: Kurti leads a hybrid conflict against the Serbs in Kosovo (Kosovo Online, Kurir)
• Rada Trajkovic: This Kosovo is not what the international community hoped for (KiM radio)
• Gerxhaliu: Uncertainty is driving people away from Kosovo; it's not just the poor who are leaving (Kosovo Online)
• KFOR denied Index Online about the presence of the Serbian army in the Podujevo region (KiM radio, KoSSev)
International Media:

• US peacekeepers ready to prevent violence in north Kosovo, commander says (Reuters)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, February 16, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Blinken on Kosovo-Serbia relations: Dialogue, the only right path (media)
Blinken asks Serbia to adhere to its commitments, reach normalization agreement with Kosovo through dialogue (media)
Hovenier: CBK regulation has affected partnership between two governments (media)
Kurti travels to Munich to participate in Security Conference (media)
Von Cramon calls Bislimi's statements against Serbian NGOs as false and dangerous (Albanian Post)
Rama criticizes Kosovo: Uncoordinated actions may gain a few votes, but not the future (media)
Abdixhiku: Kosovo has become hostage to populist madness (Koha)
Krasniqi to Kurti: You do not have legitimacy to destroy relations with USA (Albanian Post)
Hoti: Failed politicians threaten democratic world by escalating situation (Koha)
Haradinaj criticizes Kurti: His behavior and actions are wrong (RTK)
Issuance of Japanese visas in Pristina begins (RTK)

Serbian Language Media:

Blinken: Dialogue the only way forward for Belgrade and Pristina (KoSSev, media)
Hovenier: It is simply not true that current situation has not affected relations between Kosovo and US (KoSSev, Kosovo Online)
Von Cramon says statements of Kosovo authorities dangerous, put targets on NGOs (KoSSev, media, social media)
Vucic: Loud silence following statement from Albania is uncomfortable (media)
Dacic: Serbia struggling to maintain freedom (N1)
Concrete blocks placed around police station in Leposavic (Kosovo Online)

International Media:

​On Recent Developments in Kosovo (U.S. Mission to the OSCE)
Staff Shortage Keeps Children’s Trauma Ward in Kosovo Empty (Balkan Insight)
Kosovo Court Sentences Arsonist of Journalist’s House to Four Years (Balkan Insight)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, February 15, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

• Kurti: Kosovo has no ally and friend that is more important than the U.S. (Koha)
• U.S. determined for Serbian Dinar issue to be resolved diplomatically (media)
• Murati: Tomorrow all Kosova-Serb pensioners will receive their pension as they do every 15th of each month (media)
• Murati: We consult and coordinate with our allies (RFE)
• Bislimi: 25 billion dinars entered Kosovo, one part goes to Bridge Watchers or Northern Brigade (KTV)
• NATO SG: Dialogue is way forward; parties to refrain from inciting rhetoric (media)
• Rama: Don’t want to lecture Kurti on Dinar; allies need to understand Kosovo (ATV)
• Bislimi implies Lajcak is not fair and neutral to parties in normalization process (media)
• Lajcak meets O’Brien, “grateful for strong U.S. support” (media)
• Kosovo Police stop two suspects for disseminating leaflets for resistance (Telegrafi)
• Kurti meets Ruecker and Sejdiu, highly appreciates Germany’s contribution (media)
• Torres: We must continue to support Kosovo’s progress, strengthen partnership (media)
Serbian Language Media:
• Radosavljevic on Bislimi’s cricitisms: The fact that we had to go to Brussels an indication that the PR government doesn’t accept Serbs as a political factor (KoSSev)
• Vucic: Pristina lied to its Western partners; we will find a way to help the Serbs in Kosovo (Kosovo Online, RTS)
• Dacic thanked the Egyptian ambassador for the understanding on the Kosovo issue (Blic, media)
• Grenell: Bislimi now attacks Lajcak as well - Kurti and Osmani alienating all sides (Kosovo Online)
• Ymeri: O'Brien's message one of the most serious for Kosovo; the issue of the dinar connected to the C/ASM (Kosovo Online)
• In connection with leaflets two Serbs detained in Mitrovica, another person identified, searches conducted (KoSSev)
• Telekom's signal again available in the north of Kosovo (Tanjug, RTS)
• Serbia’s National Bank condemns halting of dinar shipment bound for Kosovo (N1)

International Media:
• Inside Secretary Blinken’s Agenda in Albania: A Comprehensive Overview (

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, February 14, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Kurti: There is risk of new attacks (Koha)
European Parliament starts formalization of growth plan for Western Balkans (media)
O'Brien: We will not treat Kosovo government as partner if we are not treated the same (VoA)
Rohde: Kosovo and Serbia have satisfied local audience, but they have not come close to common goal such as EU (media)
Kurti's adviser to Rohde: Serbia is rejecting and fighting signing of agreement (media)
Osmani: Ambassador Abbott supported many important causes for Kosovar society (Klan)
Abdixhiku meets Hovenier: Coordination serves advancement of national interest (Klan)
Brush: Vucic's self-perception as president of 'Serbian world' does not contribute to dialogue(Reporteri)
Police on leaflets distributed in the north: It is not serious threat (Koha)
Croatian PM on Banjska attack: Kosovo-Serbia war almost started (Reporteri)
Sandulovic after CBK decision: Radoicic, Veselinovic, Rakiqi and other criminals will no longer get rich (Reporteri)
OSCE: Draft law on IMC should not have restrictions and unfair influence on media (RFE)
The New York senator proposes a resolution for February 17 (Klan)

Serbian Language Media:

O'Brien’s message to Pristina: If you do not treat us as partner, we won’t treat you as a partner either (Kosovo Online, KoSSev, media)
Petkovic: If Kurti truly cared about peace, he would first form Community of Serbian Municipalities (Kosovo Online, media)
Members of National Convent on EU and Serbs from Kosovo visit Brussels to discuss challenges of Serb community (media, social media)
MTS.doo team prevented to repair malfunction at Leposavic municipal building roof (Kosovo Online)
Telekom Serbia director general announced filing criminal charges against Leposavic mayor (media)
Radakovic: Kurti is buying time; three months insufficient for solution (Kosovo Online)
Derikravic went on hunger strike, demands Tax Office return more than 310,000 euros he claims were illegally seized (KoSSev)
“When Kosovo Cadastral Agency changes your identity, gender and origin“ (KoSSev, N1, Radio KIM)
Dacic receives new Slovak Ambassador (Tanjug)
Vucic: Time has come to establish large movement for people and state (Tanjug)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, February 13, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Osmani meets German ambassador, talk also about implementation of CBK regulation (Klan)
CBK's 10-point plan for the dinar that must be implemented within three months (Express)
Governor Ismaili: CBK has not postponed deadline for implementation of Regulation (TV Dukagjini)
Abbott: CBK regulation should not be seen only as a matter of sovereignty (Koha)
Government and opposition worried about situation in north (Koha)
KFOR observed protest in north, says it was peaceful (media)
New organization appears in north, instructs citizens how to oppose police (Koha)
Maqedonci: Equipment of KSF with Javelin, a fait accompli- waiting for USA offer (Klan)
Visiting restrictions for Thaci and others lifted (Koha)
Measure for employment of citizens in four northern municipalities, launched (media)
Haradinaj meets Hovenier, talk about political developments in Kosovo (media)
Krasniqi meets Danish minister, discuss developments in Kosovo (media)
Abdixiku: Kosovo is collective hostage to symbolic populism, people are leaving (Albanian Post)
Tirana hosts the EU-Western Balkans roundtable on the growth plan (RTK)
Kervan and Ahmetxhekaj discuss community programs at RTK (RTK)

Serbian Language Media:

Serbian List calls on citizens not to fall for provocations of alleged "People's Defense" (Kosovo Online, N1, BETA)
Problems pileup but solutions are not at sight (N1)
Bishop Teodosije: Many are turning away from Serbs; there is danger of disappearing from these areas (Kosovo Online)
Abott meets Konjufca, discuss CBK decision as well (media, social media)
CBK issues instructions for implementation of cash regulations (N1, KoSSev)
Djuric on transition period of CBK decision on dinar (Tanjug, Kosovo Online, media)
KFOR Multinational Specialized Unit conducted security patrol at margins of protest in Mitrovica North (Kosovo Online, social media)

International Media:

Kosovo Serbs Protest Euro-Only Policy as Bank Offers Transition Period (Balkan Insight)
Trend of Albanian Women Suicides Caused by Men ‘Worrying’, Experts Say (Balkan Insight)