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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, July 15, 2021

• COVID-19: 12 new cases, no deaths (media)
• New wave of pandemic may be inevitable, Kosovo Health Minister says (media)
• Working women and the pandemic (Kosovo 2.0)
• Samples of some persons poisoned in Decan will be send abroad (Koha)
• Intelligence Agency chief to report to Assembly today on Decan situation (media)
• Kosovo Minister of Trade insists Mini-Schengen is a trap (Koha)
• Kosovo, Serbia leaders to discuss future of dialogue next week (Exit News)
• Von Cramon: Public hearing for Simmons, regretful (Klan Kosova)
• LDK leader: Anton Cuni will run for Prizren Mayor (media)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, July 14, 2021

• COVID-19: Eight new cases, no deaths (media)
• Government vows to support Decan, opposition accuses it of negligence (media)
• Hajdari: Government preparing for reciprocity measures (Kallxo)
• Dragica Gasic's case to be raised in Brussels, U.S. Embassy reacts too (Koha)
• Former EULEX judge sparks controversy over Ivanovic war crimes trial (BIRN)
• Former Judge Simmons's allegations, EU says it stands by EULEX and its achievements (Kallxo)
• Borrell: Genocide denials have no place in Europe (RFE, media)
• Kosovo buys 14 military vehicles from Turkey, Vucic expresses reservations (TV Pink, media)
• IREX: Kosovo and Albania with sustainable information system (RTK)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, July 13, 2021

• COVID-19: Five new cases, no deaths (media)
• Szunyog: Agreement on Association is law, Government needs to implement it (Kallxo)
• Petkovic makes fun of Kosovo officials, accuses them of not establishing Association (Koha)
• EULEX slams Simmons's allegations as "ill-conceived" and "unsubstantiated" (media)
• Simmons reacts to EULEX rebuttal: People of Kosovo deserve the truth (media)
• Ex-judge: EU law mission in Kosovo holds anti-Albanian bias (AP)
• U.S. supports the work of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers (Klan)
• Next session against KLA leaders at The Hague scheduled for 21 July (media)
• Williamson: Terrible crimes committed against Kosovo Albanians during 98-99 (media)
• KWN urges institutions to treat crimes against girls, women as a priority (media)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, July 12, 2021

• COVID-19: 12 new cases, no deaths (media)
• Association of Serb municipalities after parallel structures are dissolved (Koha)
• Kosovo leaders commemorate 26th anniversary of Srebrenica genocide (media)
• Borrell, Varhelyi statement on Srebrenica genocide anniversary (media)
• Gervalla: EU should not be blamed for our mistakes (media)
• Tanin: Kosovo to ensure an enabling environment for all returnees (media)
• President Osmani requests support from EULEX, experts urge caution (Koha)
• Kadri Veseli released to visit family following father's passing (media)
• Op-ed: Kurti’s momentous opportunity to transform Kosovo (The Jerusalem Post)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, July 9, 2021

• COVID-19: Eight new cases, two deaths (media)
• Kosovo, Serbia trade blame for logjam in dialogue (BIRN)
• Osmani: If Serbian army crosses the border it will be met by US troops (media)
• Kosovo Government has no timeline for reciprocity toward Serbia (KTV)
• Ker-Lindsay blames EU for setbacks in Kosovo-Serbia dialogue (Telegrafi)
• Kosovar city's first Serb returnee reopens wartime wounds (RFE)
• HLCK, YIHR support Serb returnee in Gjakova (Klan Kosova)
• UN: 2022 budget for UNMIK approved (Deutsche Welle)