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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, June 3

• 13 new cases of coronavirus in last 24 hours (media)
• Thaci: New government will have my support (media)
• LDK announces names of its ministers in new eventual government (media)
• Osmani: Transitional govt until new elections, best option (Koha)
• Mustafa: We will have a government with a full mandate tomorrow (media)
• Haziri doesn’t trust the Hoti government (media)
• Source: Some MPs in the coalition will vote against (Lajmi)
• Abazi says LDK agreed to give SL leading posts, including DPM (media)
• Constitutional Court kept no records of sessions on Thaci's decree case (Koha)
• EP rapporteur calls on all parties to respect Court’s decision (media)
• Konjufca: LDK is now group of close interests, Thaci gave them the govt (T7)
• Svecla: Vote on Hoti government tomorrow, very likely to fail (KTV)
• Vetevendosje: Protest are becoming inevitable, but not tomorrow (media)
• New round of Kosovo – Serbia dialogue, maybe in June (RFE)
• EU calls on Kosovo to review decision on reciprocity with Serbia (RFE)
• Grenell to continue to serve as Presidential Envoy for Kosovo-Serbia talks (media)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, June 2

• 27 new cases of coronavirus in last 24 hours (media)
• Thaci: New government to assume its responsibilities (media)
• PM's office: Constitutional Court contradicted itself (media)
• Kosovo Assembly presidency to meet tomorrow (media)
• LDK: We have required votes for new government (media)
• LVV demands transcripts of Constitutional Court (media)
• Kosovo’s acting Deputy PM suspects Court’s decision is "falsified" (media)
• Constitutional Court rejects claims its ruling is falsified (Kallxo)
• Nagavci: No-confidence motion, result of appetites for power (KTV)
• President Thaci meets AKR leader Pacolli (media)
• Tunheim: Court made fair decision on President’s decree (Gazeta Express)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, June 1

• Covid-19: 13 new cases in last 24 hours (media)
• Kosovo authorities ease coronavirus measures (media)
• Kosovo government supplements reciprocity towards Serbia (media)
• Kurti: Denying Kosovo reciprocity is denying its sovereignty rights (media)
• Lajcak criticizes Kosovo’s move to expand reciprocity measures (media)
• Osmani supports recently-expanded reciprocity measures (media)
• Thaci: Kurti risking everything achieved in two decades (media)
• Hoti: The new government will eliminate every obstacle to dialogue (media)
• Veseli: Reciprocity measures, part of Kurti’s deceitful mentality (media)
• Names of ministers expected to be appointed to Hoti-led govt (Koha)
• UNDP publishes latest Public Pulse poll (media)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, May 30

• Borrell: EU prefers current borders between Kosovo and Serbia (RFE)
• 12 new cases of coronavirus in last 24 hours (media)
• Survey: Citizens satisfied with Osmani and Kurti’s work (media)
• CDHRF calls on all parties to respect Court’s decision (media)
• National Security Council supports Grenell’s position (Telegrafi)
• Decision to open Kosovo’s air and land borders, next week (media)
• Von Cramon: All parties must respect Constitutional Court's decision (DW)
• Vogel: U.S. expects swift agreement to declare Kosovo a concluded mission (RFE)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, May 29

• Constitutional Court rules in favor of President Thaci’s decree (media)
• President Thaci welcomes decision of Constitutional Court (media)
• U.S. Embassy statement on Constitutional Court’s decision (media)
• Grenell comments on Court's decision (Express)
• Konjufca implies LVV will seek opinion from Venice Commission (media)
• Abazi: This is state capture (media)
• Haxhiu: Court's decision is scandalous (media)
• Hoti: Time to unite for the country (media)
• Mustafa: Constitutional Court ruling, triumph for democracy (media)
• Haradinaj: Hoti government to be formed as soon as possible (media)
• Limaj calls on parties to respect Constitutional Court decision (media)
• Vetevendosje supporters hold “test-protest” in downtown Prishtina (media)
• Border changes promoted with taxpayer money (Kallxo/Prishtina Insight)
• Osmani: Those who lobbied for partition with taxpayers’ money, want to govern again
• Ambassador Heldt reacts to BIRN story about partition lobbying (Kallxo)
• Mujanovic: First time in history a govt hires lobbyists to partition own territory
• Haradinaj: I stopped Kosovo’s partition, no one can bring back this issue (media)
• President Thaci publishes images of “drug lab”, accuses “Kurti’s group” (media)
• Svecla: Psychiatric experts should comment on Thaci’s statements (media)
• Prosecution initiates investigations on surveillance room allegations (media)
• PDK: VV took data of over 1 million citizens from surveillance room (media)
• Miftaraj: The surveillance case is Thaci’s game, nothing more (Koha)
• President’s advisor: Kurti wants to be a dictator (media)
• 4 new cases of coronavirus confirmed in last 24 hours (media)
• Montenegro decides to open border with Kosovo on June 1 (media)