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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 28, 2019

• ECAP to decide today on Diaspora votes (media)
• VV-LDK continue coalition negotiations (Kosovapress)
• Kurti: There will be no obstacle that will not be overcome with LDK (RTK)
• “There is no obstacle on establishing new government” (Epoka e Re)
• Kurti: There will be talks with Serbia but under clear guidelines (Zeri/Epoka)
• UK wants to postpone UN Security Council session on Kosovo (Klan Kosova)
• Palmer to visit Kosovo this week? (Gazeta Sinjali/Klan Kosova)
• "Kosovo to lift tax, Serbia to ensure favourable climate for talks" (Indeksonline)
• Dacic says independence of Kosovo is “dead” (Lajmi/Zeri)
• Ramadani: Russia and Serbia are threatening Balkans (Epoka e Re)
• Protest in New York will demand justice for sexual violence victims (RTV21/Kallxo)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 26

• CEC: Announcement of final results depends on ECAP (RTK)
• Vetevendosje leader Kurti meets Albanian PM Rama in Tirana (KP/Koha)
• Thaci: Peace in region depends on peace between Kosovo and Serbia (media)
• Kurti: Agreements with Serbia need to be reviewed (EO/Koha)
• Osmani: LDK, VV will not discuss land swap with Serbia (VOA/Klan)
• Serbian List: Joining Kosovo government not a priority (Zeri)
• German Ambassador Heldt’s interview to Gazeta Express

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 25

• CEC: Final results to be announced early next week (Zeri)
• Kurti: No constitutional obligation to have Serbian List in government (RTK)
• Vetevendosje complains to Supreme Court over Diaspora votes (Koha)
• Dehari family receives copy of forensic report into their son’s death (media)
• Vetevendosje wants Special Prosecution to investigate its activist’s death (media)
• Lumezi: We will seek U.S. assistance in investigating Astrit Dehari's death (media)
• Kurti meets German chancellor’s adviser on foreign policy (media)
• Rama expected to meet Kurti today (Klan Kosova)
• Limaj: We expected to win at least eight seats (Telegrafi)
• GAP: If new government has 12 ministries, €15.5 million will be saved (media)
• Greminger: Resolution of Kosovo – Serbia issue, crucial for region (media)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 24

• LVV, LDK working groups discuss modalities of new government (media)
• Ballots from Serbia processed for counting (Zeri)
• Four members of CEC demand urgent meeting (Kosovapress/RTK)
• Vetevendosje reacts to CEC’s decision to count ballots from Serbia (media)
• Mustafa calls on CEC to verify legality of ballots from Serbia (media)
• Pacolli: Why are Serbia ballots more precious than Diaspora ones? (Bota Sot)
• Limaj: NISMA has 5.5% of votes, votes from Serbia shouldn’t be counted (Koha)
• Palmer: This will be first government that won’t have party from KLA (media)
• U.S. and Russia want a compromise solution on Kosovo (Klan Kosova)
• Kosovo leaders welcome U.S. resolution on killing of Bytyqi brothers (media)
• Serbian official, Kozarev, not permitted to enter Kosovo (media)
• Kelmendi: Losers and winners (Koha)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 23

• Albin Kurti expects to take over PMs post in November (Alsat)
• Vucic: Let us make efforts for compromise, frozen conflict is not a solution (RTK)
• Serbian proposal for land swap falls on def ears in Kosovo (Koha)
• LVV and LDK working groups to meet again today (Koha/Zeri)
• KLA war veterans don’t rule out protests (Epoka)
• Ibrahim Gashi summoned by specialist chambers (media)
• “Special court doing its job, arrests will be made soon” (Indeksonline)
• Serbian List accuses EU of supporting government without their participation (Zeri)
• Bilcik: Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, essential for Serbia’s road towards EU (RTK)
• Kosovo, North Macedonia with joint taskforce against security threats (RTK)