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Headlines - 28.10.2016

Headlines 27 October

• Mustafa: Brussels wants ratification not declaration on demarcation (RTK)
• “Government has degraded, early elections as soon as possible” (Indeksonline)
• Working group will try to find solution on demarcation (Koha)
• Kosovo Assembly to discuss today courts’ rulings on KLA members (dailies)
• PDK: “Drenica 2” verdict, tendency to criminalize KLA’s war (Telegrafi)
• Democracy Plus against Assembly’s session on Drenica case (Lajmi)
• Rashiti: Dialogue with Serbia will last a long time (Klan Kosova)
• Abrashi: No budget for all KLA veterans (Kosova Sot)

Headlines - 27.10.2016

Headlines 26 October

• Declaration on demarcation, hostage of LDK and AAK (Koha)
• Abrashi: There will be more meetings of political leaders (Koha)
• LDK MPs: Veseli wants to become prime minister prior to special court (Zeri)
• Constitutional Court rejects Serbian List demands (Kosova Sot)
• Fadil Demaku resigns his MP post (Zeri)
• “Serbia is dangerously reemerging hegemonistic project” (Epoka e Re)
• Interior Ministry hosts international conference against extremism (RTK)

Headlines - 26.10.2016