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Headlines - 18.07.2016

UNMIK Headlines 15 July

• PM Mustafa on meeting with U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Nuland (Zëri)
• Border demarcation not on today’s government meeting agenda (Koha)
• Hyseni: KAF cannot be formed without demarcation (Koha)
• “Demarcation led by Kosovo administrators not decision-makers” (Bota Sot)
• Mustafa: Concrete results in fight against corruption, organised crime (Koha)
• Kosovo Assembly adopts 2016 budget review (Koha)

Headlines - 15.07.2016

UNMIK Headlines 14 July

• Mustafa: Demarcation, condition for establishment of armed forces (RTK)
• Hoxhaj: Border demarcation process is fine (Koha)
• Haradinaj: Association/Community to be revised by autumn (RFE/RTK)
• Initiative for roundtable of political leaders to discuss demarcation (Koha)
• Vetëvendosje calls on PM Mustafa to report to Assembly (Zëri)
• Germany does not give in toward Serbia on Kosovo (Epoka)
• Odalović does not deny the possibility of a mass grave in Pristina (Telegrafi)

Headlines - 14.07.2016