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Headlines - 24.07.2014

UNMIK Headlines 23 July

• Proposal for construction of three bridges in Mitrovica (Tribuna)
• Haradinaj for talks with Vetevendosje, Vetevendosje ready for opposition (Koha)
• Coalition warns President Jahjaga (Lajm)
• US urge Kosovo parties to wait for Constitutional Court decision (Tribuna)
• The candidate, according to Constitutional Court ruling (Lajm)
• Pack: I believe they understood my message (Epoka e Re)

Headlines - 23.07.2014

UNMIK Headlines 22 July

• Investigations result in war crimes indictment (Koha)
• High-level indictments (Tribuna)
• Haradinaj: No return to point zero (Bota Sot)
• Vetevendosje doesn’t not exclude possibility of joining coalition (Bota Sot)
• Tahiri travels to Brussels (Lajm)
• Jablanovic: We voted for Mustafa to avoid elections (Lajm)
• Government leaves Mitrovica without a joint board (Koha)

Headlines - 22.07.2014