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Headlines - 12.07.2013

UNMIK Headlines 11 July

• Amnesty law in the hands of MPs, citizens called to protest (Koha Ditore)
• Thaçi pledges to confirm to Ashton acceptance of the agreement on telecom and energy (Koha Ditore)
• Division of Police on ethnic basis starts (Koha Ditore)
• Daka: OSCE to have operational role during elections in the north (Koha Ditore)
• BIA spies are not allowed in KIA (dailies)
• Serbs again block construction work in “Kroi i Vitakut” (Koha Ditore)
• Polt: Declaration of north’s autonomy has no value (Tribuna)

Headlines - 11.07.2013

UNMIK Headlines 10 July

• KSF with the same mandate despite reaching full capacity (Koha Ditore)
• EU and US call for approval of amnesty law (dailies)
• Ashton: Belgrade made difficult decisions (Epoka e Re)
• AAK declares “war” to Vetëvendosje (Zëri)
• Serbs prevent construction of houses in “Kroi i Vitakut” (Koha Ditore)

Headlines - 10.07.2013