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UNMIK Headlines 1 October

  • Finnish FM Haavisto calls for resumption of Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (media)
  • Osmani: I’ll lift tariff if Serbia gives us information about 1,500 missing persons (Koha)
  • Haradinaj says AAK-PSD coalition leads in nine municipalities (KTV)
  • IFIMES: Kosovars want to see political changes (Express/Zeri)
  • Thaci: Macron committed to supporting Kosovo's integration (media)
  • CDHRF: Rights of Serb voters not supporting Serbian List being violated (Koha)
  • Prosecution to interview Rada Trajkovic again on Ivanovic’s case (RTK)
  • Djukanovic’s cabinet does not comment Irinej’s statements on Kosovo (media)
  • Cakaj: Kosovo recognition and UN membership, acceptance of objective reality (RTK)
  • “They have separated us from Kosovo” (Koha)

Finnish FM Haavisto calls for resumption of Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (media)

Finland's Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto said in Pristina yesterday that the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina needs to continue. “You have our full support for continuation of talks. We do not like there is lobbying against you in several contexts. This is unacceptable but there are also some issues regarding the tariff and policies which I hope will be overcome and talks with Serbia can continue,” Haavisto said at a joint press conference with acting Foreign Minister of Kosovo Behgjet Pacolli.

Pacolli on his part said he briefed the Finnish diplomat about the current situation in Kosovo, highlighting the visa liberalisation process and Interpol membership bid. “I informed my colleague about the situation following decision to head to elections and I said the future government of Kosovo will be very attentive in creating conditions to begin dialogue with Serbia,” Pacolli said.

He also stressed that Finland supports visa liberalisation for Kosovo: “My counterpart said he will do everything to make sure Kosovars enjoy the right to travel freely.” Gazeta Express quotes Pacolli as saying that the visa liberalisation is a matter of months.

The Finnish minister also met acting Prime Minister of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, who said he received strong support from the Government of Finland for Kosovo’s integration processes.

Osmani: I’ll lift tariff if Serbia gives us information about 1,500 missing persons (Koha)

Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) candidate for Prime Minister, Vjosa Osmani, said in an interview to KTV on Monday that she will lead the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia and that “the process must be led by a person that cannot be blackmailed”. She also said she would not allow border changes to be part of the process of talks. Osmani said “the tariff will be part of the reciprocity with Serbia. We will call on Serbia to return to the table of talks. Serbia today does not accept many Kosovo goods and creates non-tariff blockades. Full reciprocity is even harsher than the tariff. I will remove all tariffs if Serbia gives us information about 1,700 missing persons”. According to Osmani, the import tariff on Serbia goods was introduced as a cover-up for the scandals of the Haradinaj-led government. She also said that crucial topics in the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia are missing persons, war reparations and other issues related to the normalisation of relations. Osmani also said she remains committed to a post-election coalition with the Kurti-led Vetevendosje, but that they too have to decide on the issue.

Haradinaj says AAK-PSD coalition leads in nine municipalities (KTV)

Kosovo’s outgoing Prime Minister and AAK-PSD candidate for Prime Minister, Ramush Haradinaj, said in an interview to KTV on Monday that this coalition leads in nine municipalities for the upcoming October parliamentary elections, in Istog, Peja, Klina, Decan, Gjakova, Rahovec, Suhareka, Junik and Obilic. Haradinaj said he would not co-govern with any political party that intends to lift the import tariff on Serbian goods. “Why should I co-govern with someone that leads you to a dead-end road. Even if I win the elections tomorrow, I need a partner and if this partner does not commit to keeping the tariff until recognition [from Serbia], I will not co-govern with them … We will not be part of a new government that does not have clarity on issues of national interest,” Haradinaj said. Haradinaj also said that during his term in office, he managed to stop the idea for land swap between Kosovo and Serbia and that he pushed forward several important projects, such as the Law on the Trepca mining complex, and the formation of the Kosovo Army. Haradinaj also pledged he would not form a new coalition with the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK).

IFIMES: Kosovars want to see political changes (Express/Zeri)

Ljubljana-based International Institute for Middle East and Balkan Studies (IFIMES) in a recent research concluded that the people of Kosovo want to see political changes and that the upcoming parliamentary elections are the most unpredictable so far. "Analysts say these are one of the most unpredictable elections in Kosovo which for many can be fortunate," the institute writes.

With regards to post-election coalitions, IFIMES anticipates challenges considering that criticism of parties for one another has deteriorated recently. "Until now, main parties have exchanged serious allegations which make it almost impossible for a post-election coalition to be formed."

IFIMES says citizens of Kosovo are "deeply disappointed" with current political structures being the only ones in the region without right to free travel. "Kosovo is in a permanent political crisis, generation of crisis is a political concept and a way for current ruling political structures to survive."

Thaci: Macron committed to supporting Kosovo's integration (media)

President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, joined world leaders in Paris to pay final tribute to the former French president Jacques Chirac who died last Thursday.

In a Facebook post, Thaci said the political legacy of president Chirac for peace in Europe will continue to be inspiring: “We are proud to be part of western values and civilisation. President Macron confirmed to me that he remains committed to supporting Kosovo and the whole region on the path to EU and NATO integration.”


CDHRF: Rights of Serb voters not supporting Serbian List being violated (Koha)

The Kosovo-based Council for Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF) expressed concern over what it said are continuous threats to Kosovo Serbs and political parties who do not support the Serbian List. "The right to vote freely is being flagrantly violated to Kosovo Serb voters that do not want to vote for the Serbian List," said CDHRF adding that the situation is not receiving due reaction from either Kosovo or international institutions.

"CDHRF considers that the 6 October election results will be imposed for local Serbs as grounded on discrimination, threats and intimidation and as a result, will easily be disputed."

Prosecution to interview Rada Trajkovic again on Ivanovic’s case (RTK)

The Special Prosecution of Kosovo is dealing with the statements of former Kosovo Assembly MP Rada Trajkovic, who recently said that she was offered a video recording of Oliver Ivanovic’s murder.

“Yes, we have seen the statement of Ms. Trajkovic. She was here before and heard as a witness. What she said now, appears to be a novelty. She said nothing earlier about the recording. I as prosecutor of the case will deal with this and treat her statement with great attention. We will treat this statement with utmost seriousness,” said Special Prosecutor Syle Hoxha.

“Majority of eventual witnesses to shed light on this case are ion the northern part. They are limited, intimidates and hesitate to cooperate on the case,” Syla said adding that Serbian government is not helping to resolve the case.

Djukanovic’s cabinet does not comment Irinej’s statements on Kosovo (media)

The cabinet of the President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic said it would not comment “expectations” of the Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church Irinej, to withdraw recognition of Kosovo.

“Montenegro has a sustainable foreign policy, based on its state and national interests, which according to the assessments of the most significant European and world, contributes to the stability in the region,” said Djukanovic’s service for information.

Two days earlier, during his visit to Montenegro, head of the Serbian Orthodox Church said he is convinced that Djukanovic will withdraw recognition of as he put it “fake state of Kosovo” and that he “will return to truthful values.”

Montenegro recognized independence of Kosovo in October 2008, only a few months after the declaration of independence.

Cakaj: Kosovo recognition and UN membership, acceptance of objective reality (RTK)

Albania’s Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Gent Cakaj met with the UN Under-Secretary General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs Rosemary DiCarlo.

“The meeting contained three important things: First, we highlighted in detail Albania's support for increasing the effectiveness of the peacekeeping operations undertaken by the organization and the ongoing efforts to strengthen the 'Peacebuilding Fund'. Second, we strongly emphasized the need for the Republic of Kosovo to join the UN and recognition of its independence from all member states as a measure of establishing historical justice and accepting objective reality. Third, we unveiled Albania's program in the service of Albania's candidacy for the seat of a non-permanent member of the Security Council for the year 2022-2023,” Cakaj said.

“They have separated us from Kosovo” (Koha)

The paper reports on its front page that the two highways in Kosovo have shortened the roads to North Macedonia and Albania, but some businesses around the smaller towns “have paid the consequences”. “Some towns have been economically affected from the construction of highways. Although there is no specific study about the positive or negative impacts on local businesses, very few people now travel through Lipjan, Shtime or Suhareka when they go to Prizren. The town of Kacanik [on the road to Skopje] shares the same fate,” the paper notes. A resident of Kacanik told the paper: “they have separated us from Kosovo”.