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UNMIK Headlines 13 April

Headlines - 13.04.2017

  • Germany expects full normalization with a binding agreement (Koha)
  • Tanin: UN Security Council decides on UNMIK’s mandate (media)
  • Association, hostage to problems within Serbian List (Radio Free Europe)
  • Ahmetaj: No visa liberalization without demarcation (Zeri)
  • Opposition parties to harmonize text of motion of no confidence soon (Epoka)
  • Haradinaj: Some Serbian List MPs are not against Kosovo Army (Bota Sot)

Germany expects full normalization with a binding agreement (Koha)

German Foreign Minister, Sigmar Gabriel, told the paper in an interview on the eve of his visit to Kosovo, that Germany is a friend of Kosovo and that it will continue to support Kosovo on the path of reforms and modernization whenever this is required. Gabriel will visit Kosovo today and meet with Prime Minister Isa Mustafa and Foreign Minister Enver Hoxhaj. Gabriel said Berlin is concerned with the recent tensions throughout the Balkans. “States, but above all the people must decide what direction they are going to take,” he said. Commenting on dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade, Gabriel said Germany expects a full normalization of relations between Serbia and Kosovo through a binding agreement. “This process is important for the roads of both countries toward the European Union. But it is even more important for the people in Serbia and Kosovo,” he added.

Tanin: UN Security Council decides on UNMIK’s mandate (media)

Commenting on media reports about the Foreign Ministry’s request to shutdown UNMIK, SRSG Zahir Tanin said on Wednesday that the downsizing of staff and the conclusion of the mandate of the mission can be done only by the United Nations Security Council, Koha Ditore reports on page two. Tanin made these remarks at a closed meeting with the Kosovo Assembly Foreign Affairs Committee. Kosova Sot covers the meeting on page four under the headline The UN decides when UNMIK will shut down. The paper quotes Tanin as saying, “We are here to work with you and see how we can contribute together to peace and stability in Kosovo, together with KFOR, EU, EULEX, OSCE and other international organizations”. Epoka e Re, which covers the meeting on page six, quotes PDK MP and committee chair, Elmi Recica, as saying that UNMIK’s role is defined by UNSC Resolution 1244. Asked to comment on media reports that the Foreign Ministry has called for the shutdown of UNMIK, Recica said his committee has received nothing from the Foreign Ministry and added that the committee will soon summon Foreign Minister Enver Hoxhaj for a briefing on the matter. Bota Sot similarly reports on the meeting on page three.

Association, hostage to problems within Serbian List (Radio Free Europe)

Bajram Gecaj, Deputy Minister for Local Government and advisor to Prime Minister Isa Mustafa, told Radio Free Europe on Wednesday that the government is ready to talk with representatives of the Serbian List about the statute of the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities as soon as they return to the government. “We have seen that the Serbian List has returned to the Kosovo Assembly. However, we are having some difficulties with their full return to the government because of certain problems within the Serbian List … The minute they resolve their internal disputes and approach the Prime Minister with their proposals, we will consider that they have fully returned to the government and we are ready to start talks about the statute of the Association,” Gecaj added.

Ahmetaj: No visa liberalization without demarcation (Zeri)

Kosovo’s European Integration Minister, Mimoza Ahmetaj, told the paper on Wednesday that the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro is the only remaining criteria that Kosovo needs to fulfill before it can get visa liberalization. Ahmetaj warned that every delay in the process can threaten the visa-free travel for the people of Kosovo. Ahmetaj said the government will submit the border demarcation deal to the Assembly at the appropriate time, without mentioning a specific date.

Opposition parties to harmonize text of motion of no confidence soon (Epoka)

NISMA MP Zafir Berisha said on Wednesday that the three opposition parties are already working on the text of the motion of no confidence against the Mustafa-led government. Berisha said the heads of the parliamentary groups of Vetevendosje, AAK and NISMA, will finalize the text by Friday. Berisha confirmed that PDK MPs Nait Hasani and Shukri Buja have supported the initiative. Independent MP, Gezim Kelmendi, has also said he will support the motion of no confidence.

Haradinaj: Some Serbian List MPs are not against Kosovo Army (Bota Sot)

AAK MP and chair of the Kosovo Assembly Internal Affairs Committee, Daut Haradinaj, said on Wednesday that the statement by U.S. Ambassador Greg Delawie that Kosovo’s Army will be formed this year is very important. Haradinaj also said that some Serbian List MPs are not against the formation of the Kosovo Army, “because this is good for them too”.