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UNMIK Headlines 29 April

Headlines - 29.04.2015

Steinmeier: Kosovo does itself favour by establishing special court (dailies)

German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said yesterday in Pristina that it is Kosovo that will benefit from the establishment of the special court and not the international community. “Kosovo will be doing a favour to its history and its generations,” said Steinmeier in a joint press conference with Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa. He said he was hopeful that the Kosovo Assembly would vote for the court in the coming weeks. The German minister also discussed with Mustafa the Pristina-Belgrade dialogue and noted that it is crucial to have progress in the fields of telecommunications, economy and the establishment of the Association/Community of Serb municipalities. Steinmeier also met President Atifete Jahjaga and Foreign Minister Hashim Thaci.

Serbs not implementing Civil Protection agreement (Koha Ditore)

Five points of the Pristina-Belgrade agreement on Civil Protection were supposed to have been implemented by Tuesday but so far only one, which was the responsibility of the Kosovo institutions, has been implemented, reports the paper. Only the panel that will select members of the Civil Protection to be integrated into Kosovo institutions has been established. It will consist of two members of the Kosovo institutions, one representative of the Civil Protection and one of the EU. 

Mother and two children believed to be recovered in Llausha grave (Koha)

Human remains recovered on Monday by EULEX forensic teams in the village of Llausha, Skenderaj/Srbica municipality are believed to be those of a mother and her two children. Initial reports suggested that the grave contained four bodies but upon exhumation, only three bodies were recovered.

Body recovered from River Iber that of missing teenager Sead Alushi (Zeri)

Mitrovica Mayor Agim Bahtiri announced that the body recovered yesterday from the River Iber is that of 17-year-old Sead Alushi who went missing in north Mitrovica early April. The body was found on the banks of the river near the village of Rudare, Zvecan municipality.

Teachers’ strike to begin today (dailies)

Officials from the Kosovo education trade unions confirmed that the teachers’ strike will begin today after the government failed to pay the education staff allowance for each year in service. The strike, according to the trade union, will continue for as long as the government doesn’t deliver on its promises.