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UNMIK Headlines 3 December

Headlines - 03.12.2015

Kerry: We would not support any agreement that would threaten Kosovo’s sovereignty, security or independence (media)

The leading story in all daily newspapers this morning is the visit by the United States Secretary of State John Kerry. Most dailies highlight Kerry’s remarks that the United States would not support any agreement that would threaten the sovereignty, security or independence of Kosovo. Koha Ditore quotes Kerry as saying that in a democracy the debate is held in parliament. “The parliament is a holy place of democracy and a place where people need to respect one another. All parties need to renounce the use of violence in public life and commit to engaging with other peacefully and constructively in order to narrow down differences and find the common path,” Kerry said. The US Secretary of State also praised Kosovo’s leaders for their commitment to dialogue with Serbia and the tough decisions that they had to make. Under the leading front-page headline The United States disappoints the opposition, Epoka e Re quotes Kerry as saying, “Parliament is no place for teargas or threats”. Zeri reports on the front page that Kerry has called on the government to fight corruption. Kosova Sot notes that Kerry called on Kosovo’s leaders to achieve concrete results in the employment, economic development, rule of law and political dialogue. Kerry also reminded the heads of Kosovo’s government about their obligation to establish the special court that will address war crimes allegations.

Thaci: Kerry gave clear messages (Epoka e Re)

Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Hashim Thaci assessed that the visit of the U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry was very significant for Kosovo. He said that Kerry conveyed clear messages that the U.S. will remain Kosovo’s partner. “Despite the global challenges, the U.S. remains determined as Kosovo’s partner. Those who helped us liberate and become independent are helping us to strengthen and become EU and NATO members. If we unite and dialogue among us in the institutions that we have created, nothing will stop us. Kerry valued Kosovo’s leadership and the courage of our state to face challenges and mark success on building the state. Active interaction with the U.S. will continue in the days and weeks to come, and only good news will come from this cooperation,” wrote Thaci on his Facebook page.

Three opposition parties to meet today (Kosova Sot)

Visar Ymeri, leader of Vetevendosje Movement, Ramush Haradinaj, leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), and Fatmir Limaj leader of the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), will meet today to discuss their further actions. AAK spokesperson Muharrem Nitaj informed that the meeting will be held at Vetevendosje HQ at 16:00 hours, to discuss further steps of the opposition and the manifestation which will be held in Gjakova/Dakovica on Saturday.

Ilir Meta to mediate between government and opposition (Epoka e Re)

The President of the Albanian Parliament, Ilir Meta, accompanied by two other well-known public personalities, will visit Kosovo these days to mediate between the Kosovo government and the opposition. Citing reliable sources, the paper reports that in efforts to find a solution and overcome political crisis, Meta will meet PDK’s leader Hashim Thaci, his deputy, Kadri Veseli, as well as the leaders of the three opposition parties, Visar Ymeri, Ramush Haradinaj and Fatmir Limaj.

Vetevendosje: Government to withdraw from recent agreements (dailies)

The Vetevendosje Movement, through a press release, commented on the visit of the US Secretary John Kerry, saying it was a visit of an honoured official from an allied country, and as such, it has the respect of the political spectrum and citizens of Kosovo. “However, the government is not using the support and respect of the US towards Kosovo for a victory over Serbia, but it is misusing it for the benefit of Serbia’s projects in Kosovo,” reads the press release. In regards to Kerry’s statements for democracy in the Assembly, Vetevendosje considers the Assembly is violated by the parliamentarian majority due to their arrogance. “The government should withdraw from the recent agreements with Serbia and Montenegro in order to return to normality in the Assembly.” Meanwhile, representatives of the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) and Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, commenting on Kerry’s messages for political dialogue, said there cannot be dialogue with those who tend to decide without consulting the opposition and citizens on important matters.

Abrashi: I expect AAK and NISMA to reflect, not Vetevendosje (Koha)

Kosovo Minister of Labour and Social Welfare and spokesperson for the government, Arban Abrashi, while commenting on US Secretary John Kerry’s visit to Kosovo, said Kerry’s messages in regards to agreements with Serbia and Montenegro have shown that the government has the support of the US on these issues. “This is seen as the right way from the US, and normally there is no other way. We have received great support that has given us the courage to continue our work,” he said. Abrashi also added that the opposition should reflect on Kerry’s messages. “I expect more reflection from AAK and Initiative for Kosovo as they have been part of the state-building processes, while I don’t expect such a thing from Vetevendosje,” Abrashi said. According to him, the act of pelting with eggs and filming it to disgrace the attacked persons resemble the actions of the terrorist group ISIS.

Osmani: LDK deserves a slap from its voters (Lajmi)

Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) MP, Vjosa Osmani said for Tribuna Channel that it would have been good if LDK voters punished some individuals of this party. Osmani added that Isa Mustafa betrayed LDK’s electorate the moment he signed the coalition with the Democratic Party of Kosovo. She added that electorate will decide in the next elections if they approved of Mustafa’s decision.

Lavdrim Muhaxheri is paralyzed? (Gazeta Express)

The news site reports that Lavdrim Muhaxheri, an individual from Kosovo fighting for ISIS, has not entered the territory of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia or Kosovo. Last week several media reported that Muhaxheri was hiding in some villages near Skopje. However, the intelligence services of two countries have now reported that Muhaxheri is paralyzed and is not able to move from ISIS-occupied territories in Syria.