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UNMIK Headlines 30 August


Headlines - 30.08.2014

UN SC values Kosovo war against extremism (dailies)

The United Nations Security Council held on Friday the session for Kosovo, where it discussed the report of the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon. UNMIK chief, Farid Zarif, expressed through a video-conference regret for the incidents which took place in or around Kosovo during the past 36 hours, near the villages of Orlovac and Kushtovë/Košutovo, resulting in at least three fatalities, including a Serbian police officer, and gunfire injuries to three others. He used the occasion to express his deepest sympathies to the families of Albanian victims as well as to the family of the Serbian police officer.

“Turning to the latest report you have before you today, I wish first to congratulate the Kosovo voters, institutions and political leaders on the successful conduct of the 8 June general elections, which were held for the first time throughout Kosovo under a unified legal framework, and in a peaceful and well-organized manner. I also wish to acknowledge the constructive role of the leadership in Belgrade in encouraging Kosovo Serb voters to fully participate in these elections. I commend the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and the European Union (EU) for the important role they played in facilitating the organization of the elections and in enhancing their overall transparency and accountability.

In order to capitalize fully on the success of that process, I have joined many others in urging political leaders in Kosovo to treat the formation of Kosovo's next government as the most pressing imperative.

In May, the adoption of municipal statutes by the Serb-majority municipalities in northern Kosovo marked a significant step forward. Both sides are aware that commitment to full implementation of the 19 April 2013 Agreement on the ground can only be validated through their concrete and visible actions.

I hope that members of the Council will unanimously encourage both parties to resume their high-level meetings as soon as the next government is in place in Pristina.”

Zarif spoke also about the Special Court, stating that it will become operational in the beginning of the next year.

Speaking about the missing persons, Zarif said that concrete actions were undertaken at the Rudnica stone quarry in Serbia’s Raška. He acknowledged with great appreciation the efforts of both Belgrade and Pristina to ensure a non-politicized professional operation.

Zarif applauded the effective action taken by the Kosovo police and security bodies to tackle trends of violent extremism and prevent participation of some Kosovars in the conflicts in foreign wars. “I also wish to commend the close engagement of the Islamic Community of Kosovo and its leaders, as well as the public stand taken by other religious and secular leaders to distance themselves entirely from such extremism.”

UNMIK chief stated that progress has been observed with regard to the returns and reintegration process of displaced persons in Kosovo.

Enver Hoxhaj, the Minister of Kosovo’s Foreign Affairs stated that to Kosovo population, UN remains the symbol of hope and international peace. He said that Kosovo will soon have its broad based, multiethnic government. “Kosovo government harshly condemns the pressure on the EULEX staff in the north of Kosovo,” said Hoxhaj and criticized Serbian authorities for lack of effort to implement Brussels agreement. Hoxhaj expressed hope that Pristina-Belgrade dialogue would not last endlessly and that it would conclude with a peace treaty. Speaking about the exhumations at the mass grave in Rudnica, Hoxhaj said that any delay on enlightenment of the fate of the missing, prolongs the pain of the families. “I have to bring to your attention that 15 thousand civilian citizens lost their lives during the war. A considerable number of women were raped by the Serbian state apparatus,” said Hoxhaj. He also requested reconstruction of the UNMIK mission in Kosovo.

Ivica Dacic, Foreign Minister of Serbia said during his speech that implementation of the first agreement for the normalization of the relations between Belgrade and Pristina has started. He added that he expects from Brussels to continue with mediation of this process. Dacic mentioned bans for Serbian officials to enter Kosovo. Speaking about Oliver Ivanovic, Dacic said that he was arrested “for some alleged crimes committed in 1999. We have requested his release on bail, however this was not approved,” he said.

Dacic further hailed the work of the U.S. Prosecutor Clint Williamson. According to him, Kosovo should not be taking over EULEX’s responsibilities. “Mitrovica incidents in June show that reconciliation requires time,” said Dacic.


Anti-constitutional internationals (Koha Ditore)

The Constitutional Court of Kosovo will not lack quorum in September. The mandate of the three international judges will be extended in contradiction with the procedure foreseen in the Constitution of Kosovo and without being voted at Kosovo Assembly. This was announced by the authorities of the European Union and the Presidency of Kosovo. The nominations of the judges will be made by the EU Representative, Samuel Zbogar and they will be decreed by the President of Kosovo, Atifete Jahjaga.


EULEX determined to implement its mandate (Tribuna)

The EU mission in Kosovo, EULEX, has issued a press release which stresses that the European Union acknowledges the right to opinion of all citizens in Kosovo, including those of the Mayors from the northern Kosovo Municipalities. However, the Mission will continue to implement its mandate in line with the wishes of Member States of the European Union. “It is understandable that certain legal proceedings might be uncomfortable for some individuals, but if they have not committed any crimes, then they should not fear to present themselves and have the opportunity to legally challenge any accusation,” stresses this press release.


Coalition Block does not want a consensual prime minister (Tribuna)

The Coalition Block created after the 8 June elections, refuses any agreement with the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), even if the latter gives up the post of the prime minister and offers a consensual solution. Donika Kadaj, deputy of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), said that the Coalition Block refuses any kind of coalition with the PDK. “Absolutely not. PDK will not be partner of the Coalition in any form or in any moment. The Block has nominated Ramush Haradinaj for Prime Minister and Isa Mustafa for the Speaker of the Assembly,” she said adding that the other posts have also been foreseen in the agreement among partners.


Gashi: If LAN does not give in, we will go for elections (Epoka e Re)

Latif Gashi, Deputy of the Democratic Party of Kosovo, said in an interview for this daily that the coalition between the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), and the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), should give in, in order to overcome the political stalemate. “If they do not want to negotiate, then we will go for elections,” said Gashi. He added that the Coalition Block is reading the Constitution wrongly. According to him the Constitution does not allow any nomination of the Assembly Speaker without the consent of the winning party.