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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, April 11, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

  • Osmani receives OSCE chairman, discusses Kosovo's membership in the CoE (media)
  • Gervalla informs OSCE chairman about situation in the north (media)
  • Dinar gathers chief negotiators of Kosovo and Serbia again next week in Brussels (media)
  • FH: Serbia's refusal to recognize Kosovo, big challenge in democratization (media)
  • KSF receives logistic equipment from Germany worth €2.7 million  (media)
  • Elezi on placing cameras at polling stations in north: They apply to all election processes (Klan)
  • Citaku: Kurti brutally interfering in North Macedonia’s elections (ekonomia)

Serbian Language Media: 

  • Vucic refuted that he “was preparing for invasion” of Kosovo (Radio KIM)
  • Trajkovic: Both Belgrade and Pristina see Radoicic as “a danger if he speaks what he knows about both of them” (KoSSev)
  • Dacic: Serbia to contribute to dialogue amid global crisis (Tanjug)
  • Djedovic Handanovic: "Elektrosever" and EPS stand behind the citizens, there is a lot of misinformation (Radio Mitrovica sever, TV Pink) 
  • EU Spokesperson: Still without date for meeting in Brussels next week (Kosovo Online)
  • Szunyog meets Bishop Teodosije, discusses SOC matters, including returning land to Decani Monastery (Kosovo Online, social media)
  • EU ambassadors supported visa liberalization for holders of Serbian passports from Kosovo (KiM radio, Tanjug)


  • Dimitrijevic: Kurti causes animosity among Serbs in Kosovo, the SL decisions not in their interest (KoSSev)


  • Serbia: Freedom in the World 2024 Country Report (




Albanian Language Media  


Osmani receives OSCE chairman, discusses about Kosovo's membership in the CoE (media)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani received in a meeting the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Europe and Trade of Malta, at the same time current chairman of the OSCE, Ian Borg.  They discussed the cooperation of the institutions of Kosovo with the OSCE, including past OSCE support and current cooperation with local institutions.

Osmani was informed about the priorities of Minister Borg and Malta as this year's chairman of the OSCE. They also discussed bilateral relations between Kosovo and Malta, Kosovo's membership in the Council of Europe, as well as the latest political developments in the region, announced the Presidency.

In the discussion with Minister Borg, Osmani said that Kosovo continues to be at the forefront of progress in the region and beyond in terms of strengthening the rule of law and democracy as well as the promotion of human rights.

Gervalla informs OSCE chairman about situation in the north (media)

Cooperation in democratization, rule of law, freedom of the media, advancement of the rights of non-majority communities and security in Kosovo and the region were the key topics in the meeting between the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Donika Gervalla and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malta, chaired by OSCE, Ian Borg, it is stated in the press release of Kosovo’s Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Diaspora.

"The Republic of Kosovo is an example in the region in terms of democratization, the rule of law, respect for the rights of non-majority communities and as a factor of stability, therefore Kosovo's membership in the OSCE would further strengthen the role of the OSCE in achieving its objectives in the Western Balkans", Gervalla said.

Furthermore, the two ministers also spoke about the Berlin process, the implementation of the agreements and the accelerating steps of the integration of the Western Balkans into the European Union as the only alternative for the future of the region, highlighting the fastest possible membership of Kosovo in Council of Europe.

Gervalla also informed Borg about the situation in the north of Kosovo, the investments of the Kosovo government in that part of the country, respect for the rights of local Serbs and the destabilizing actions of Serbia, which endanger security and peace not only in Kosovo, but throughout the region.

At the end of the meeting, ministers Gërvalla and Borg agreed on the next steps in the coordination of joint projects.

Dinar gathers chief negotiators of Kosovo and Serbia again next week in Brussels (media)

The EU's special envoy in the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak, is expected to call the chief negotiators, Besnik Bislimi and Petar Petkovic, for a meeting in Brussels to continue the discussions regarding the dinar issue. In a response to the news website, the EU confirms that the meeting will be next week, but the date has not yet been determined.

"The EU mediator plans to call another meeting next week at the level of chief negotiators to discuss a temporary solution to the issues caused by the recent Central Bank of Kosovo regulation, provided the parties are willing to commit based on the ideas presented by the EU mediator", said an EU spokesperson for

FH: Serbia's refusal to recognize Kosovo, big challenge in democratization (media)

Despite a turbulent year for the civil society and the citizens of Kosovo, the position of this country on the road to democratization has remained the same as last year, it was said in the latest report of the international organization, Freedom House, on the level of democracy in some regions of Europe and Asia.

The problems with Serbia have been mentioned as among the key obstacles in Kosovo's way forward. In the assessment for the year 2023, from 1 to 7 points, where 1 represents the lowest level of democratic progress and 7 the highest, Kosovo continues to have 3.29 points.

In the section on Kosovo, the report mentions that in 2023, disagreements with Serbia have entered a new phase of escalating tensions. "Kosovo Serb protesters clashed and injured 30 NATO troops in May, and armed Serbs carried out an attack in September that killed four people, including a police officer," the report said.

"In many countries, but especially in those of the Western Balkans, political leaders are using the greater focus on regional security as a justification to subvert democratic institutions and avoid democratic norms." The report also mentions that the current government in Kosovo, which began its leadership in 2021, "has tried to remove the country from the legacy of the parliamentary conflict, promoting a reform agenda based on the rule of law".

"Prime Minister Albin Kurti has initiated a new vetting process for judges. However, Serbia's refusal to recognize Kosovo's independence continues to be a major barrier to democratization. Despite the agreements reached between the two governments at the beginning of 2023, the year has been followed by instability and the escalation of violence fueled in part by Belgrade's unofficial connections with organized criminal groups". In February 2023, Kosovo and Serbia reached an agreement with the purpose of normalizing relations, while in March for an implementation annex. However, the parties have not signed the agreements and have done little to implement them.

The Freedom House report also mentioned the reaction of Kosovo's international partners to "Kurti's harsh approach in the negotiations with Belgrade, and the lack of consultation with the Kosovo Serb community", which, according to the report, "complicated the efforts of the Government to free itself from this long-term challenge".

Serbia marks the 'greatest decline' In the report for 2023. From the 3.79 points it had the previous year, Serbia has now been evaluated with 3.61 points.

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KSF receives logistic equipment from Germany worth €2.7 million  (media)

The Security Forces of Kosovo received five military trucks today after the ceremony of accepting and handing over means worth 2.7 million euros from the Federal Republic of Germany at the "Adem Jashari" barracks in Pristina.

The Minister of Defense, Ejup Macedonci, described this donation as an opportunity to increase the logistical and operational capacities of the KSF. "Supporting the military operations of the KSF is just one of the areas where Germany contributes significantly to the security of our country", Maqedonci said.

German Ambassador Jorn Rohde said that this donation is another German step in support of Kosovo. "This is a help for logistics in the field of transport in general. KSF had 10 trucks and now we have 15 trucks", said the ambassador.

This donation came as part of last year's German investment of 3 million and 800 thousand euros.

Elezi on placing cameras at polling stations in north: They apply to all election processes (Klan)

CEC spokesman Valmir Elezi announced to the media that the installation of cameras is not only valid for the voting process on April 21 in the municipalities in the north, but also for future election processes.

"The CEC clarifies that this is not a decision that only includes the voting process for April 21, but will also apply to other election processes. The placement of cameras in polling stations is planned during the drafting of by-laws by the CEC. These and other regulations have not been drawn up only for the voting process on April 21, 2024, but will also apply to other election processes", Elezi said.

He further added that the placement of cameras inside the polling station is done in order to secure election materials and preserve the integrity of the voting and counting process in the polling station and mentioned irregularities in the past election processes. “The preservation of the recording of the cameras will be temporary until the destruction of the electoral material, which according to the law is done within 60 days after the certification of the results", he continued.

Elezi said that the CEC has followed the constitutional and legal path for the creation of the List of Voters for the voting process on April 21, 2024.

Citaku: Kurti brutally interfering in North Macedonia’s elections (ekonomia)

Vlora Citaku, deputy leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) has called the Kosovo government's interference in the presidential and parliamentary elections in North Macedonia shameful, miserable and dangerous.

“They opened their doors and hearts in our most difficult hours. Without conditions. Moreover, boys and girls came and selflessly fought for our freedom. Some even gave their lives. Two decades later, Albanians in North Macedonia are important factors. They are the most deserving for maintaining the Euro-Atlantic course of their country", Citaku wrote in a post on Facebook.

"And what did the Prime Minister and the Government of Kosovo do today? They brutally interfered in the elections there, dividing the Albanians. By slandering and manipulating. Prime Minister Kurti has an aversion towards any political leader of the KLA. Shameful. Poor. Dangerous," she added.



Serbian Language Media


Vucic refuted that he was “preparing for invasion” of Kosovo (Radio KIM)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in a post on his official Instagram account dismissed allegations put forward by Croatian Jutarnji List daily under the headline “Bases are being built in the shape of horseshoe! Putin gave blessings, Vucic is preparing for invasion”, Radio KIM reports.

Jutarnji List referred to an article published by British daily Telegraph about alleged Serbian bases along the administrative line with Kosovo.

In a post on Instagram Vucic said that “more than 10.000 articles of similar content had been written against Serbia over the last 25 months”. “No one ever apologized for the lies uttered. They won’t (apologize) for this one either. This lie, as much as tomorrow, will be overshadowed by another one, and so on indefinitely. It is impossible to refute such stupidities and nonsense several times a day”, he added.

Trajkovic: Both Belgrade and Pristina see Radoicic as “a danger if he speaks what he knows about both of them” (KoSSev)

Rada Trajkovic, Serb politician from Kosovo, said Milan Radoicic is not going to be prosecuted for a long time over Banjska tragic events, because he is, as she said, protected by both, authorities in Belgrade and Pristina, KoSSev portal reported.

She told the BETA news agency that Radoicic escaped arrest several times “because he was tipped off from Pristina to leave the north of Kosovo”.

“Also, on September 24, last year Radoicic left in Banjska murdered and wounded fellows, left military equipment worth 5 million euros and got out of Kosovo upon previous tip off. Radocic had a deal with all Kosovo authorities, from (Ramush) Haradinaj, through (Hashim) Thaci to (Albin) Kurti”, Trajkovic said.

According to her, Kosovo institutions for technical and personnel reasons do not have the possibility to file an indictment against Radoicic based on irrefutable evidence.

Commenting on French President Emmanuel Macron's request to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic that the organizers of the tragic events in Banjska be brought to justice, Trajkovic said the international community will constantly insist that Vucic brings Radoicic to justice.

"All the evidence that exists is in Pristina, however, there is still no indictment from the Kosovo Prosecutor's Office. The prosecution in Belgrade has Radoicic's confession that he organized Banjska, but there are no other elements for raising an indictment. Vucic does not want to arrest Radoicic because he had a deal with him. Both Pristina and Belgrade authorities perceive Radoicic as a danger to speak about what he knows about both of them", she added.

She said Pristina prosecution does not deal with the substance, but deals with Radoicic in the "most banal" manner.

"They break into Radoicic's houses, apartments and bars without prior regular procedure on determining the origin of the property. The Kosovo Government cannot hand over Radoicic's vehicle fleet to Kosovo police, even though some of the vehicles are suspected of being stolen. Such an approach by Kosovo authorities is haphazard, unprofessional and tendentious. Apart from murder of a Kosovo police officer, there is no other reason for Vucic to deliver Radoicic to Pristina", she said.

Trajkovic also claimed that Radoicic “currently has a group of people near the administrative line that can be in the function of potential destabilization of the region”. "Radoicic still rules the Serbs in Kosovo. If he is not isolated, the question arises as to who can take advantage of his freedom, whether the authorities in Belgrade or some foreign secret service", she said.

Dacic: Serbia to contribute to dialogue amid global crisis (Tanjug)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met with OSCE Chairperson and Maltese FM Ian Borg in Belgrade on Wednesday, and noted that Serbia considered the OSCE the most significant security platform and stood ready to contribute to dialogue amid a global crisis, Tanjug news agency reported.

"Despite the fact the whole world is in crisis, and that the crisis is also spilling over to the functioning of this organization, we believe the OSCE is the most significant security platform for dialogue and we stand ready to contribute to a process of revitalizing substantial and constructive dialogue that is needed in crisis conditions in relationships between states as well as in the multilateral arena", Dacic told a press conference after the meeting with Borg.

Dacic called on the OSCE to maintain its status-neutral position in Kosovo as its operations in the territory were a part of a mandate based on UNSCR 1244.

Borg noted the OSCE's commitment to maintain its engagement in the region and strengthen the cooperation with Serbia at a critical time for the OSCE region and the world. He said his discussions with Dacic had addressed many important issues the OSCE and Serbia were working on, including efforts to help deliver on commitments in critical areas such as rule of law, human rights, democratization and media freedoms.

Djedovic Handanovic: "Elektrosever" and EPS stand behind the citizens, there is a lot of misinformation (Radio Mitrovica sever, TV Pink) 

The Minister of Mining and Energy of Serbia, Dubravka Djedovic Handanovic, stated that Serbia will continue to help the citizens in the north of Kosovo and will ensure a safe supply of electricity, reported Radio Mitrovica sever, citing TV Pink.

''All our citizens in the north of our province can count on their country. Citizens in the north of Kosovo should be safe and know that "Elektrosever" and "Elektroprivreda Srbije" stand behind them and will provide them with stable electricity," the minister told TV Pink.

She stated that the Government of Serbia, as well as the relevant ministry, needs the trust of the citizens.

"Our goal is for them to know that they can count on their country, as was the case in the past. Citizens in the north of Kosovo and Metohija receive misinformation that does not come from Belgrade or "Elektrosever" and there is no truth in what is being placed to them. There are technical challenges in the implementation of the agreement on energy, primarily in connection with the meters, which are mostly old, and in some places, there are none. But we will solve everything with joint efforts," said the minister.

"Contracts for the supply of electricity should exist and this is provided for in the agreement on energy, and "Elektroprivreda Srbije" gives all the support to "Elektrosever" to implement that agreement. An additional challenge is the number of engaged employees in the field, and EPS teams are in the north of Kosovo and Metohija every day together with employees from "Elektrosever," she stated.

In a guest appearance on TV Pink, the Minister of Mining and Energy explained that EPS recapitalized "Elektrosever" and invested capital in that company so that it could develop, and that the implementation of the agreement on energy is closely monitored by all foreign embassies in Kosovo.

EU Spokesperson: Still without date for meeting in Brussels next week (Kosovo Online)

The EU special envoy for Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak will invite next week the chief negotiators of the both sides, Petar Petkovic and Besnik Bislimi for a meeting in Brussels, in order to continue talks on Kosovo Central Bank decision to ban dinar in payment transactions, Kosovo Online portal reported.

As the EU spokesperson said the date is not set yet. “The EU mediator plans to call yet another meeting next week at the level of chief negotiators in order to discuss provisional solution to the issues caused by recent decision of Kosovo Central Bank, under conditions that the parties are  willing to oblige based on the ideas the EU presented as a mediator”, EU spokesperson said.

Szunyog meets Bishop Teodosije, discusses SOC matters, including returning land to Decani Monastery (Kosovo Online, social media)

Head of the EU Office in Pristina, Tomas Szunyog met today Raska-Prizren Diocese Bishop Teodosije and discussed with him matters pertaining to the Serbian Orthodox Church in Kosovo, including decision on returning the land to Visoki Decani Monastery, Kosovo Online portal reported.

“Glad to meet Bishop Teodosije today with whom I discussed matters pertaining to the Serbian Orthodox Church in #Kosovo, including the implementation of the @DecaniMonastery decision”, Szunyog wrote in a post on X social platform.

EU ambassadors supported visa liberalization for holders of Serbian passports from Kosovo (KiM radio, Tanjug)

Ambassadors of EU member states supported the approval of visa liberalization for holders of Serbian passports from Kosovo, issued by the Coordination Administration of Serbia, the Council of the EU announced.

This is stated in a letter sent by the Chairman Willem van de Voorde, sent to the Chairman of the EP Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE), Juan Fernando López Aguilar.

The letter adds that if the EP adopts its position in the first reading, the Council will approve the position of the EP and these acts will be adopted in a wording that corresponds to the position of the EP.

On April 9, the EP Committee for Civil Liberties, Justice and Internal Affairs (LIBE) adopted the draft report on visa liberalization for holders of Serbian passports from Kosovo, issued by the Coordination Administration of Serbia, and submitted by the EP member and rapporteur for the abolition of those visas, Matjaz Nemec.

This decision ensures that the entire region of the Western Balkans has the same visa regime for traveling to the EU, the EP announced at the time.

After the vote in LIBE, Nemec said that there is a possibility that the decision on visa liberalization for holders of these passports will be implemented by the beginning of the summer and added that follow the EP to confirm this decision by the end of April at the plenary session of the EP in Strasbourg.

The last plenary session of the EP should be held from April 22 to 25 in Strasbourg, and then the ministers in the EU Council should vote on this decision.

Kosovo Serbs, who hold passports issued by the Coordination Administration, which functions within the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Serbia, are the only ones who still need a visa to enter EU countries after visas were abolished for Kosovo citizens from January 1, 2024.

In November 2023, the European Commission proposed to start a procedure to include citizens of Kosovo, who have passports issued by the Coordination Administration of Serbia, through visa liberalization.





Dimitrijevic: Kurti causes animosity among Serbs in Kosovo, the SL decisions not in their interest (KoSSev)

"I think the Serbs who live here are completely politically anemic in light of what Belgrade and Pristina are doing," said Darko Dimitrijevic, editor of Radio Gorazdevac, commenting on the current situation and position of Serbs in Kosovo, which is taking place under the veil of decisions by Belgrade and Pristina, reported portal KoSSev.

Dimitrijevic states in an interview for KoSSev that the whole situation seems like a "nightmare" to the local population.

He adds that Belgrade's decisions change from year to year, and lately "from month to month".

"First it was said, let's start that petition to go to the elections, so when the referendum comes, don't go to the referendum. There is no clear political strategy when it comes to Belgrade and Belgrade's decisions, it is evident that they are made ad hoc," Dimitrijevic states.

On the other hand, the moves of the Kosovo prime minister are seen as an attempt to use the pretext of democracy, the rule of law, and all that Kurti says, "which has nothing to do with reality": "It reaches a level where the Albanian community is much more powerful and superior in the legal meaning over other communities".

The consequence of that, Dimitrijevic points out, we already see and feel, because the Serbs are disintegrated when it comes to the entire Kosovo system.

Small number of Serbs in Kosovo police in the south as well 

“Today, not only in the North, but you also have a small number of police officers from the Serbian community. In Gorazdevac, where I live, there are also no police officers from the Serbian community. In many places, young people do not see the Kosovo government and Kosovo institutions as a partner in achieving prosperity and a better life, but rather as some repressive model”.

In this regard, he points out that Kurti makes decisions that cause animosity in the Serbian community.

Decisions made by the SL are not strategic and in most cases are not in the interest of Serbs

Asked about the referendum for the impeachment of the mayors of four municipalities in the North, which will be held on April 21, where Serbian parties in Kosovo are calling for a boycott, Pristina accuses Belgrade of blocking the entire process, while the international community criticizes calls for a boycott and calls on Serbs to participate in this process.

Dimitrijevic points out that the decisions made by the Serbian List are not strategic, and in most cases are not in the interest of Kosovo Serbs.

"I have to say that I do not understand the decisions of the Serbian List, so they are made ad hoc, they are not strategic, and in most cases, they are not in the interest of Serb citizens living, not only in the North, but in the entire area of Kosovo and Metohija."

On the other hand, he points out that Pristina at all costs wants to have the institutions in the North under its control.

"What is evident is that Pristina is doing the complete opposite, throughout this whole process that is happening. It is clear that Pristina wants to have all these institutions in the North under its control, and that its word should be the last, regardless of the fact that 97-98 percent of citizens from the Serbian community live there."

However, as he says, it is logical and democratic that citizens living in the North - make these decisions.

Pristina, but the international community cannot understand that Serbs from Kosovo are tied to Serbia and Serbian institutions

Dimitrijevic points out that Pristina, as well as the international community, cannot understand that Serbs from Kosovo are tied to Serbia and Serbian institutions.

"What both Pristina and the international community, in my somewhat humble opinion, cannot understand is that the Serbian people are bound to Serbia and to the institutions of Serbia and in all future negotiations and strategic decisions, and all that, that should be taken into account every time".

He points out, on the one hand, Belgrade's pressure on the Serbs, and on the other hand, the misunderstanding of the authorities in Pristina to understand this fact, which he says is "difficult to change."

"The same as the fact that the Albanian people from Kosovo are not tied to Albania as their mother country is also hard to change."

He is not optimistic that the population census will have a large response in the North

Although he states that the turnout in the municipalities in the south will be half, he is not of the same opinion when it comes to the North.

"When it comes to places like Gorazdevac, Orahovac, Osojane, and places where there are municipalities with an Albanian majority, but where Serbs also live, I think that the response will be half and that in the North there will be none, because the SL and certain parties have invited to boycott," Dimitrijevic points out.

It is unfortunate, he says, that the Serbs in Kosovo "do not have a long-term strategy" regarding these situations.

He points to lack of unity on issues "that are of strategic national interest for survival in these areas".





Serbia: Freedom in the World 2024 Country Report (


Serbia is a parliamentary democracy with competitive multiparty elections, but in recent years the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) has steadily eroded political rights and civil liberties, putting pressure on independent media, the political opposition, and civil society organizations.

Key Developments in 2023

  • Prompted by two mass shootings in May, large-scale antigovernment protests took place throughout the summer.
  • In December, an SNS-led coalition won an absolute majority of seats in the National Assembly following snap parliamentary and local elections that were marked by credible reports of irregularities. After the elections, mass protests emerged again in Belgrade, where demonstrators condemned alleged fraud and manipulation and questioned the race’s final results.

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