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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, August 1, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Govt starts legal way to remove mayors; doesn’t choose EU ‘preference’ (Nacionale)
  • Analysts: Opposition should cooperate with unsatisfied MPs from majority (RTK)
  • Osmani congratulates Switzerland on its National Day, “long-standing partner” (media)
  • LDK ready for elections; Rukiqi: Growing support after reforms and changes (EO)
  • “Calls” for Serbian army to return to Kosovo; Belgrade doesn’t react to threatening graffiti (RFE)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Elek warns of alarming situation in Mitrovica North Clinical Hospital Center (Politika, Kosovo Online)
  • Svecla and Krasniqi visit Mitrovica North police station, mayor Atiq, landfill and sports hall (KoSSev)
  • Lawyer sent request to Supreme Court for extraordinary mitigation of Svetomir Bacevic’s sentence (Radio kontakt plus)
  • Vucic thanks Ambassador of Syria for supporting Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty (RTS)
  • Vucic discussed Kosovo with Peach over phone (Kosovo Online, social media)
  • Pendarovski to visit Serbia on Wednesday (Tanjug)


  • Court: Convention for Persons with Disabilities becomes mandatory for Kosovo (Klan)
  • Kurti holds conversation with students at “Teach for Kosova” summer institute (media)



Albanian Language Media  


Govt starts legal way to remove mayors; doesn’t choose EU ‘preference’ (Nacionale)

The news website reports that Kosovo’s Ministry for Local Government decided on Monday to appoint a working group that will draft an administrative directive to set procedures for an initiative that would remove the mayors of four municipalities in the north of Kosovo. 

“The European Union has said openly that it prefers the mayors to resign as a faster way toward new elections. But it seems that the government has chosen another way: one that would remove the mayors through a civic initiative,” Nacionale notes.

The news website also publishes a document signed by Local Government Minister Elbert Krasniqi, which appoints the chair and the members of the working group that will “draft the administrative directive for setting procedures and timelines for the civic initiative for the removal of the mayors”. The deadline is September 1.

Analysts: Opposition should cooperate with unsatisfied MPs from majority (RTK)

According to some political commentators in Pristina the best period for Kosovo to go to early national elections is autumn, but that going to elections is senseless if the opposition lacks a reliable platform for the citizens that could change the current mood of the electorate. They also argue that the opposition parties should also cooperate with unsatisfied MPs from the majority in parliament.

Artan Muxhairi, political analyst, told Radio Kosova that the opposition parties need to have a clear platform and that it is their moral obligation to grow stronger in order to have a constructive political race that would benefit the people of Kosovo. “The opposition in Kosovo is discorded, because it has often proved in the last couple of months that it is not able to benefit from the major mistakes of the Kurti-led government. Therefore, it is hard to imagine how they will take the country to [new] elections and how they will have a positive result in the new elections … The opposition is currently not convincing before the electorate that it has a strategy to become an alternative that is way more reliable than the Kurti-led government. If the opposition is serious and works honestly in drafting a strategy to change the governance in Kosovo, then autumn could be the optimal period to go to elections, because the issue of the dialogue, and the political, economic, and social crises, can no longer continue with this trend,” he argued.

Arta Tahiri, a political commentator, said that if the opposition is serious about its attempt for a no-confidence motion against the government, then it should engage with MPs from the majority who are not satisfied with the government ‘s work. “Certainly they can cooperate during summer and have this vision. However, there is a considerable number of 16 votes that they have to secure for the no-confidence motion. I don’t believe this is achievable, because 16 MPs is a considerable number,” she added.

Osmani congratulates Switzerland on its National Day, “long-standing partner” (media) 

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani congratulated Switzerland today on its National Day. “Happy National Day to President Alain Berset and our Swiss friends! Switzerland is our longstanding partner, and an ardent supporter of the people of Kosovo. Together, we will continue to strengthen the bond between our countries, with our diaspora playing a pivotal role,” Osmani said. 

LDK ready for elections; Rukiqi: Growing support after reforms and changes (EO)

Member of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Berat Rukiqi, said in an interview with the news website that this party is ready to go to early national elections and that the people are seeing the LDK as an alternative in giving Kosovo the right direction on its Euro-Atlantic path.

Rukiqi said that their public polls show that there is growing support for the LDK not only in Pristina but Kosovo wide, and that this comes as a result of changes and reforms in the party. “This is not a matter of our readiness [for early elections], but a matter of Kosovo needing a new road,” he said.

Rukiqi also said that “Kosovo has unfortunately lagged behind in the last couple of years, and I think there is capacity, ideas, program and a political readiness to push forward all the processes that have stalled, and to unblock the processes that have been blocked”.

“Calls” for Serbian army to return to Kosovo; Belgrade doesn’t react to threatening graffiti (RFE)

A new graffiti “When the army returns to Kosovo” appeared in late July in several locations in Belgrade. Under the message is painted the flag of Serbia. A banner with the same message was displayed by fans of the Crvena Zvezda soccer club, during a friendly match with Italian team Fiorentina on July 26 in Belgrade.

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said the action called for violence and Belgrade too reacted.

The message “When the army returns to Kosovo” was displayed in the stadium in front of thousands of people, and it was also written in several frequented locations in downtown Belgrade.

Walking by one of these graffiti, Uros from Belgrade told Radio Free Europe that the message is despicable and that something much better could have been painted on the facades. “This reminds us of some negative things,” he said. He also said that he does not like the fact that nationalistic propaganda was being spread on walls.

Milica Jovanovic, a resident of Belgrade, told Radio Free Europe that the message does not correspond to what the city is about, “a city filled with tourists, foreigners. Whether or not we will come back with the army is not something we should be dealing with on the streets.”

According to a survey by the Institute for European Affairs conducted in August last year, half of the respondents (49.9 percent) said they did not believe that Serbia can regain full control and sovereignty over Kosovo.

Among the passersby was also Rade Grozdanic, who told RFE that “writing these messages is pure utopia”. He said he had to flee Croatia in 1995 after Operation Storm, which enabled Croatia to regain control over one part of its territory where Serbs formed the so-called Serb Republic of Krajina. “Such calls and politics can never bring no good to anyone,” he said, commenting on the graffiti “When the army returns to Kosovo”. “What return, what Kosovo, what army, I think there are way more beautiful things that people are interested in,” he said.

Another citizen of Belgrade who introduced himself as Miodrag told RFE that he understands those who write such messages but that he would never do this himself. “There are people who do this in order to get other people in trouble, I think the youths do this. Someone brings it up as a topic and I don’t think those that write this are the reading types and they are not very educated,” he argued.

The news websites contacted the Crvena Zvezda club, but they did not respond about the actions of their fans. UEFA too did not respond to a question from the news website if they would react to the display of a political message at the stadium in Belgrade.

Maja Zilic, programme coordinator at the Youth Initiative for Human Rights (YIHR) told RFE that the message “When the army returns to Kosovo” is very clear and very threatening. “Because we all know what the Serbian army did in Kosovo in the 1990s and what this message means in the present context of negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina,” she argued. Zilic also said that the message of the graffiti is that there is no peaceful way to resolve the dispute [between Kosovo and Serbia] and that no institution in Serbia has reacted to the graffiti. 



Serbian Language Media


Elek warns of alarming situation in Mitrovica North Clinical Hospital Center (Politika, Kosovo Online)

Director of the Clinical Hospital Centre in Mitrovica North Doctor Zlatan Elek told Belgrade-based Politika daily that the situation at this health institution is alarming, adding that medications supply are nearing the shortage as result of Pristina authorities decision to ban delivery of medications from central Serbia.

“The oxygen bottles were delivered yesterday, but we are nearing the shortage of medications, sanitary material and infusion solution”, he said.

According to him, the licensed company for longer than a month and a half, by unilateral Pristina decision, is not allowed to bring in medications, making the hospital empty of supplies.

“If our problem is not resolved by tomorrow, we won’t be able to function. A humanitarian disaster is taking place in the Clinical Hospital Center in Kosovska Mitrovica before the eyes of the entire world, our patients are suffering, and the world remains silent”, he said.

He stressed that more than 90 percent of the Serbian and non-Albanian population but also Albanians receive medical treatment at this hospital, not only those in the north of Kosovo but also those living south of the Ibar River.

“By decision of a single man, in this case (Albin) Kurti, the lives of our patients staying in the hospital for treatments, have been endangered. The situation is alarming, we are on the verge of humanitarian collapse”, Elek said.

Svecla and Krasniqi visit Mitrovica North police station, mayor Atiq, landfill and sports hall (KoSSev)

Two Kosovo ministers visited Mitrovica North yesterday – Xhelal Svecla and Elbert Krasniqi. Namely, they paid a visit to the police station in Mitrovica North and mayor Erden Atiq, as well as several other places. They also drove around the sites of three buildings under construction, located near the sports hall and the bus station, where works have been recently suspended by new Mitrovica North authorities, KoSSev portal reports.

The Interior Minister and Minister of Local Government were welcomed by the deputy commander of the region north, Veton Elshani, described by Svecla as “acting regional director“, the portal writes further, adding that they met mayor Erden Atiq in municipal premises.

In the meantime, a video showing Kosovo police near the sports hall in Mitrovica North appeared on some Telegram pages. The Kosovo Online portal, in a text entitled “While children are playing in the sports hall, officers in plain clothes search a field“, reported that citizens were upset by their presence.

Elshani told KoSSev it was actually a visit of the two ministers, and that the video shows the ministers and the mayor along with police security. When asked what they were looking for there, he said that they were interested in that part of the town. “They wanted to see the road and what’s located in that part“, he added, without providing further details. The minister did not stay there long, but just drove by.

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Lawyer sent request to Supreme Court for extraordinary mitigation of Svetomir Bacevic’s sentence (Radio kontakt plus)

Due to Svetomir Bacevic’s poor health condition, his defence lawyer Dejan A. Vasic sent a request to the Kosovo Supreme Court for an extraordinary mitigation of his sentence. Bacevic was previously convicted of “war crime against the civilian population” to five years in prison by Basic Court in Pristina, Radio kontakt plus reports. The Court of Appeals upheld this verdict at the beginning of this year.

In the request, lawyer Vasic emphasised that Svetomir Bacevic has already served half of the assigned sentence, and at the same time pointed out the extremely poor health condition of his client, which represents a real danger of serious consequences.

"I am sure that this fact will be confirmed by the doctor who examined my client at the Clinic and Hospital Center in Pristina", Vasic said.

Bacevic is a displaced person from Kosovo and has lived in Gornji Milanovac in central Serbia. In December 2020, he went from Belo Polje, his home village, to Pec to retrieve his personal documents. He was arrested in the municipal building and taken to the police station. After the hearing, he was transferred to Pristina for detention.

Vucic thanks Ambassador of Syria for supporting Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty (RTS)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic received the Ambassador of Syria to Serbia Basem Jaman. During the meeting Vucic wished lasting peace to the Syrian people and extended gratitude to this country for the support it offers to Serbia in preserving its sovereignty and territorial integrity, RTS reports.

“We spoke about fostering bilateral relations and other forms of cooperation to the benefits of citizens from both states”, Vucic wrote on his official Instagram profile. 

Vucic discussed Kosovo with Peach over phone (Kosovo Online, social media)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic discussed over the phone with UK Special Envoy for Western Balkans Sir Stuart Peach current regional affairs and Kosovo in particular, Kosovo Online portal reports.

“President Vucic and Sir Peach exchanged opinions about current regional affairs, in particular about Kosovo and Metohija, with the agreement to continue conversation during the upcoming visit of the UK Special Envoy to Serbia, which is expected soon”, reads the statement posted on Vucic’s official Instagram profile. 

Pendarovski to visit Serbia on Wednesday (Tanjug)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic will on Wednesday receive North Macedonian counterpart Stevo Pendarovski, who will be on a working visit to Serbia.

Vucic and Pendarovski will first visit the monastery of St Prohor Pcinjski at 12.10 pm, the press office of the Serbian president announced in a statement on Tuesday.

The two presidents will then hold a meeting at 12.30 pm and speak to reporters afterwards.





Court: Convention for Persons with Disabilities becomes mandatory for Kosovo (Klan)

The Constitutional Court of Kosovo has decided to include the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities to the list of international agreements and instruments directly applicable in Kosovo. The request to the Constitutional Court was submitted by the President of the Kosovo Assembly, Glauk Konjufca.

“The Court, unanimously decided to (i) declare the request acceptable and to conclude that (ii) the proposed amendment of Article 22 [Direct implementation of International Agreements and Instruments] of the Constitution, through which the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is added to the list of international agreements and instruments directly applicable in the Republic of Kosovo, this does not diminish the basic rights and freedoms guaranteed by Chapter II [Basic Rights and Freedoms] of the Constitution,” a press release issued by the court notes.

The Court also highlights the positive obligations that Kosovo assumes through the constitutional amendment, being that the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities also outlines specific positive obligations for countries, among others, for undertaking necessary legislative measures, as well as other measures, by creating mechanisms in the service of the full implementation of the Convention.

Kurti holds conversation with students at “Teach for Kosova” summer institute (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti held a conversation on Monday with students from the “Teach for Kosovo” summer institute, in the spaces of the American University in Kosovo, RIT Kosovo. A press release issued by his office notes that Kurti shared with the present students’ details and events from his commitment and political journey, starting with student activism.

Kurti said that as Prime Minister of Kosovo now he “constantly notices that every time we talk about education we end up talking about the economy, every time we talk about the economy we end up talking about education, thus emphasizing the importance of linking the labor market with education professional through dual education.”

“Dual education according to the models of German-speaking countries, in Kosovo, has started piloting in 2022-2023 in four professional schools, in three municipalities, with four profiles: cook, hairdresser, waiter and mason. Meanwhile, due to the interest of municipalities and schools, the school year 2023-2024 will find us with 21 vocational schools in 13 municipalities where eight additional profiles will be offered, including tailoring, auto mechanic, metal worker, woodworker, heating and air conditioning installer, electrician, wholesaler and retailer, and beautician.”

Kurti also focused on the two-year government. “He highlighted that during this period the Government has increased the budget for education by 26%, as it has made public higher education free, while giving special attention to girls in the STEM fields by offering them great support through scholarships.”

“In front of the students, he spoke about the government’s many commitments with special emphasis on the employment platform for young people aged 18-25, Superpuna, which since its launch has been quite successful with over 5 thousand employment relationships mediated.”