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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, August 9, 2021

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti is asked to find “creative” solution for Association (media)
  • Kusari-Lila: We can discuss other topics with Rama, but not Open Balkan (Koha)
  • Police Director says vetting in judiciary, including police, is necessary (media)
  • Kosovo Defence Minister: US Army main guarantor of security in Kosovo (media)
  • COVID-19: 263 new cases, no deaths (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Rakic: Pristina uses passivity of Brussels (Vecernje Novosti)
  • Incident near administrative line with Kosovo on Friday (Tanjug, Radio KIM)
  • Patriarch Porfirije: Support to church and people in Greece (Radio KIM)
  • Vucic and Botsan-Kharchenko – High degree of bilateral cooperation (RTS)
  • Albanians launch petition against Goran Bregovic (KoSSev)
  • Five new cases of Covid-19 registered in Serbian areas on Saturday (Radio KIM)


  • Zaev: Our peoples have same path, ‘Open Balkans’ demonstration of progress (Kosovo-online, Politika)


  • Diaspora Kosovars flood home after year of absence (BIRN)


  • Serbians likely to be able to travel to EU after August 15 (N1)



Albanian Language Media  


Kurti is asked to find “creative” solution for Association (media)

Refusing to establish the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities in Kosovo is not seen as a wise move. Commentators of the dialogue between Prishtina and Belgrade argue that the Kurti-led government needs to find a creative solution in line with the Constitution. They believe that this could break the stalemate in the talks in Brussels and that the pressure would then fall on the Serbian side which is benefiting from the delay in the process.

Demush Shala, director of the EPIK institute, said: “they [Kosovo government] need to propose a model of the Association that would be between an Association with full competencies as foreseen in Brussels and a non-governmental organisation. So, between an NGO and an Association with executive competencies, there is a middle ground that Kosovo institutions need to propose in line with the decision of the Constitutional Court. It is up to Kosovo to make this proposal and then Serbia may not like it, it is their right not to agree. But the ball needs to be thrown off to the other side. Kosovo needs to make this proposal in line with the Brussels agreement and the decision of the Constitutional Court.”

Jeta Krasniqi from the Kosovo Democratic Institute said “the issue must be looked into because not only Kosovo has failed to meet its obligation for the Association, but Serbia too does not want an Association based on the ruling of the Constitutional Court … The ball or the pressure should be on Serbia not on Kosovo”.

Besnik Vasolli, commentator of European integration, said Kosovo needs to be creative and try to find a solution so that the dialogue does not stop. “However, this must not include threatening the sovereignty or stability of our country. It is not in our interest or in the interest of our international partners to make Kosovo a dysfunctional state. But at the same time, Kosovo needs to create a broad-based mechanism of consultation between political parties to see if there is another alternative that we can propose. This would unblock the dialogue,” he said.

Kusari-Lila: We can discuss other topics with Rama, but not Open Balkan (Koha)

Vetevendosje parliamentary group chief, Mimoza Kusari-Lila, said today that given the circumstances of Kosovo’s grave history with Serbia, one cannot believe that Serbia will change with an initiative such as the Open Balkan. She said that all political parties are in unison not to support the initiative. “We believed that the Mini-Schengen too was detrimental. It cannot be called Open Balkan if three out of six Western Balkans are against it,” she said.

On Kosovo’s relations with Albania, Kusari-Lila said that they will continue to discuss topics with Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama but not about the Open Balkan, which according to her was initiated unilaterally with Serbia and North Macedonia. “It is meaningless to push forward this idea when there are so many obstacles,” she said.

Police Director says vetting in judiciary, including police, is necessary (media)

Kosovo Police Director General, Samedin Mehmeti, said in an interview on Sunday that a vetting process is needed in the judiciary and the police and that this would lead to increased public trust in these institutions. “We absolutely welcome a vetting that would increase the public trust and the legitimacy of the institution in the eyes of the public,” he said.

“Different modalities can be used that have proved efficient in other countries and also best practices while always focusing on the country specifics and the specifics of the police organisation,” Mehmeti said.

Kosovo Defence Minister: US Army main guarantor of security in Kosovo (media)

Kosovo Defence Minister, Armend Mehaj, said on Sunday that the US Army was and still is the main guarantor of security in Kosovo. “Everything that was built, developed and advanced in the defense and security system in our country in general, and in the Ministry of Defence and the Kosovo Security Force (KSF) in particular, is attributed to the crucial role and the irreplaceable support of the United States and its army,” Mehaj said during a visit to the US military camp Bondsteel on Sunday.

COVID-19: 263 new cases, no deaths (media)

Kosovo has recorded 263 new cases with COVID-19 and no deaths from the virus in the last 24 hours. Eight persons recovered from the virus during this time. There are 2,271 active cases with COVID-19 in Kosovo.



Serbian Language Media


Rakic: Pristina uses passivity of Brussels (Vecernje Novosti) 

Serbian List (SL) President Goran Rakic in an interview with Belgrade-based daily Vecernje Novosti on Monday pointed out “dialogue was a process in which the parties try to solve problems by talking and looking for a compromise, while respecting their own signatures”.

“When you have this in mind, as well as the behaviour of Pristina, then their intention to block the dialogue is clearly visible. Because, they do not enter the dialogue with a sincere intention to solve problems, nor do they respect the obligations they have undertaken so far. I don’t wish to speculate as to why this is a tactic and whether they have someone’s support in it, but such behaviour is irrational and irresponsible towards the citizens who gave them support in the elections”.

Rakic this way answered the journalist’s question if he believes the negotiation process will lead to some concrete results in near future, in particular because the last round of dialogue in Brussels again showed that for Kurti, in addition to recognizing Kosovo, there are no other goals.

Talking about the Community of Serb-majority Municipalities, Rakic said that “European Union has contributed to Pristina’s behaviour with its passivity. It is unbelievable to me that even eight years after the signed agreements, we have not formed the Community of Serb-majority Municipalities, for which Brussels was the guarantor. In that sense, I am partially disappointed, because the EU is not an informal association, but a serious organization that has economic, political and other mechanisms for implementing its decisions and policies. If we see that when it comes to Pristina, this is missing, then my position that Brussels is passive, is absolutely justified and appropriate”.

When it comes to the case of Dragica Gasic, the only Serb returnee to Djakovica, Rakic opined that “she was a hero of the 21st century and a symbol of the struggle of Serbian people for return, normal life and coexistence. There will be a big mark on the face of many who were supposed to protect Dragica Gasic, and they failed to do so. She is discriminated against in multiple ways. First, because she is a Serbian woman-returnee, the only one in Djakovica, second because she is a woman, thirdly because she is ill ... And all that was not enough for some from the international community to react”, Rakic said.

He added that “when we talk about the returns, there is a lack of sustainable return. First of all, I am thinking of two important aspects, economic and security. If there is no security, how to return, and on the other hand, if you return, and your shop, field or forest is usurped, what will you live from? Overall, the results are devastating, the number of returnees in Kosovo is among the lowest in the world”. 

Incident near administrative line with Kosovo on Friday (Tanjug, Radio KIM)

An incident took place on Friday, in the ground security zone near the administrative line with Kosovo, Serbian Ministry of Defense told Tanjug news agency.

The Serbian Army patrol from Mrca base in the ground security zone on Friday around 16.30 in the Ugljarski krs region, noticed a group of around 12 persons involved in illegal logging, that fired a shot in the air, upon noticing the army patrol, the statement added.

The military patrol after that also fired a shot in the air, and started moving in the direction of the group, after which they set the dogs on army members, while two rifle shootings were heard from a location 200 meters away. After that the persons dispersed and retrieved in the direction of Kosovo.

No one was injured in this incident, while Serbian Army said it has informed KFOR about the incident. 

Patriarch Porfirije: Support to church and people in Greece (Radio KIM)

Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC) Patriarch Porfirije sent a letter to the Archbishop of Athens and all Greece Ieronymos expressing support to the church and Greek people over catastrophic fires that hit the country, SOC said in a statement, Radio KIM reports.

He also kindly asked Archbishop Ieronymos to “convey to the fraternal Greek people and clergy, in particular in the most affected areas, the prayers of an entire Serbian Orthodox population, who had not and shall never forget that their almost the only friend in recent past during the great war misfortunes it faced were fraternal Greek people and sister Church”.

Patriarch also sent expressions of deepest condolences to the families of those who died in the recent disaster. He also instructed all temples in Belgrade and Belgrade-Karlovac Archbishopric to start collecting donations until further notice for the people in Greece.

Media earlier reported that Serbia was among 22 countries which sent the aid to Greece. Serbia sent a special 37-member unit with 14 vehicles and three helicopters that would help extinguish the fire. 

Vucic and Botsan-Kharchenko – High degree of bilateral cooperation (RTS)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Russian Ambassador to Serbia Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko assessed that Serbia and Russia over the last period, despite difficulties caused by Covid-19 pandemic, have confirmed a high degree of bilateral cooperation, RTS reports.

They also discussed infrastructural projects, and the situation in the region, in particular in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and agreed it was necessary to ensure peace and stability.

Russian Ambassador once again expressed condolences over the death of Serbian Ambassador to Russian Federation Mirolsav Lazanski and emphasized his contribution to the development of Serbian- Russian relations. 

Albanians launch petition against Goran Bregovic (KoSSev)

An online petition against Goran Bregovic’s performance at the upcoming beer festival in Korca, Albania was launched on Sunday. The petition arrives after a multi-day-long smear campaign against the Serb singer in the Kosovo media, KoSSev portal reports.

The petition was initiated yesterday by a certain Albana R. Ulaj, reportedly from New York – according to the geographical location listed below her name. The petition has been signed 1,300 times so far.

It contains the same accusations that the Pristina based media have extensively reported in the last few days. Namely, Goran Bregovic is accused of being “the inspirer of the massacre in Kosovo“, and “the idol of the murderous Serb army during the wars in the former Yugoslavia“. The petition, however, also alleges that Bregovic “awakened Serb nationalism“ through the lyrics “kello“, “juris“ and “boom, boom, boom“ in his song ‘Kalashnikov.’

Meanwhile, Serbian media also reported that a protest, over Bregovic’s performance scheduled to take place in Korca, yesterday has failed as only four persons including the organizer appeared.

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Five new cases of Covid-19 registered in Serbian areas on Saturday (Radio KIM)

Out of 24 tested samples in the Serb-populated areas in Kosovo, five tested positive for Covid-19, Crisis Committee of Mitrovica North announced on Saturday, Radio KIM reports.

The five new cases were registered as follows: two in Leposavic, and one each in Mitrovica North, Zvecan and Zubin Potok.

Currently there are ten active cases in Serbian areas in Kosovo.

A total of 20.855 persons have been tested since the outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic, and out of this number 6.047 were positive for Covid.

A total of 149 persons have died in the Serbian areas in Kosovo since the outbreak of the pandemic. 





Zaev: Our peoples have same path, ‘Open Balkans’ demonstration of progress (Kosovo-online, Politika)

North Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said that all peoples living in the Balkans have the same path, same vision and values which are European ones, and not policy of walls and divisions, Kosovo-online portal reports.

In an op-ed for Belgrade-based daily Politika Zoran Zaev said that ‘Open Balkans’  was an expression of a strong political will of Serbia, North Macedonia and Albania and an initiative of a highest public interest.

According to Zaev the aim was that people feel as soon as possible direct economic advantages and facilitation, adding he expects the benefits would soon be felt in the household budgets of millions of families, and quality of lives of millions of people would improve.

“Three nations can do much more than one nation. Look from that perspective – we can do much more together, and our peoples know, want and seek that we get united for the sake of better today and better tomorrow. That is my message to leaders in Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro (…)”, Zaev said.

He also noted that “the Open Balkans is a demonstration of progress, our step forward in following the majority will of our peoples. No more waiting and rejection. Everyone's support is welcome in this common European path of ours, and the support of the EU, as our natural, expected and long-invited partner, is the most welcome".

According to him, Albania, Serbia and Northern Macedonia will not stop their integration due to vague signals sent by Brussels, relating to the enlargement, which until yesterday, as he said, they were assuring it was strategic for the Union.

"And while the Union is expanding in the morning and closing in the evening, our path is open day and night, European one, without dilemmas dedicated to cooperation, friendship, solidarity, greater freedom and a better life for every citizen of our region", Zaev concluded.





Diaspora Kosovars flood home after year of absence (BIRN)

After staying away in 2020, due to the pandemic, Kosovars living and working abroad arrived home to see family and friends in record numbers in July – a trend that shows every sign of continuing in August.

After many Kosovars living abroad were prevented from returning home for their summer holidays last year due to the pandemic, this summer has seen an unprecedented influx.

The country’s main Adem Jashari airport on Sunday, via its official Facebook account, reported: “July 2021 ended with a record performance … We thank our compatriots and all passengers who have used the services of Prishtina International Airport Adem Jashari.”

It is estimated that around, or even over, a million people entered Kosovo this July, well up from the figures in 2020 and 2019.

Only 88,000 people flew into the airport in July last year and only 304,000 flew into the airport in the last pre-pandemic year in July 2019.

Kosovo police told BIRN that they believed 760,859 people entered Kosovo through various border crossing points this July.

Meanwhile, in the first week of August alone, 661 flights brought in another 100,000 passengers.

Most of the visitors are members of the large diaspora who were not able to visit the country throughout 2020 due to COVID-19 measures.

It is officially estimated that some 800,000 Kosovars live and work abroad, many of them travelling back regularly to visit family and friends.

Lirim Krasniqi, from the NGO Germin, which deals with diaspora issues, told BIRN: “Their inability to come last year throughout the entire year, not just during the summer season, increased their desire” to come home this summer.

According to Krasniqi, the influx is also because most of the diaspora members have now been vaccinated via vaccination schemes in their countries of residence, and also because in Kosovo itself, COVID-19 “measures have been eased in the last couple of months”.

In 2020, BIRN reported that Kosovo’s economy would likely suffer a good deal due to diaspora members not being able to visit.

Diaspora remittances are a mainstay of the economy, but also important are the euros that diaspora Kosovars spend in shops, cafes and restaurants during their extended holidays in their homeland.

Rental cars and taxis have become almost unavailable in recent weeks due to the increase in demand created by holiday returnees.

But Krasniqi stressed Kosovo had not done much to attract the diaspora back home this year, who come back mainly due to their own family loyalties and to visit relatives. “We have not done anything extraordinary to attract so many people,” he noted.





Serbians likely to be able to travel to EU after August 15 (N1)

Serbian Trade and Tourism Ministry said the country is not likely to be taken off the European Union’s green list of the so-called COVID-safe countries after August 15, and Serbian citizens will not encounter difficulties spending their planned holidays abroad, N1 reports citing Kurir.

“We are still not in the red zone nor we think we would be taken off the green list, but it is still extremely important for us to continue with vaccination and that is the key to a successful way out of this situation”, Trade and Tourism Minister Tatjana Matic said.

Speaking to the media, Matic added that the epidemiological situation in Europe is closely monitored and that new public health measures are introduced based on the observations.

“When it comes to the travel arrangements that our citizens booked, they will be implemented with no difficulty, so the citizens will use their arrangements this year after August 15 as well, with no trouble”, she said.

Matic also stressed that the travelling to the European Union was enabled mostly owing to the successful vaccination, which put Serbia on the green list.