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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, December 28, 2022

Albanian Language Media:

  • Osmani: There is nothing that can defeat will of people to live freely (media)
  • Kurti about barricades in the north: Criminals will be arrested (Telegrafi)
  • Kosovo Police: Blocking in Merdare is illegal (Zeri)
  • Pantic’s detention replaced with house arrest measure, attorney confirms (RFE)
  • Kurti surprised by the decision to send Pantic to house arrest (Koha)
  • Von Cramon welcomes decision on Pantic, demands immediate removal of barricades (Klan)
  • Abazi: Pantic’s release, failure of the entire institutional chain (Telegrafi)
  • Bomb threat at Pristina Airport, passengers and staff evacuated (media)
  • AAK’s Tahiri calls on Kurti to summon meeting of party leaders (media)
  • LDK’s Hoti proposes four points for Kosovo to “emerge from Serbia’s trap” (media)
  • Gashi: Serbs citizens in north are paid €50 daily to be in barricades (Klan Kosova)
  • Kremlin: We are not pushing Serbia to incite tensions in Kosovo (RFE)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Barricades entered the 19th day: Now and Merdare crossing closed (KoSSev)
  • Dejan Pantic under house arrest (RTS, Blic, Tanjug)
  • Vucevic: Serbia's position to seek a political agreement (KoSSev, RTS)
  • Vucic: Pristina wants to banish Serbia, Serbs from Kosovo forever (Tanjug)
  • A new convocation of the Zubin Potok assembly formed (RTS)
  • Brnabic responds to Osmani on justice and democracy (Kosovo Online, social media)
  • Hill: Important that the Patriarch be with the Serbs in KiM (Danas,
  • Civil society: The Kosovo government to apologise to the patriarch; international community to speak out and condemn it (Kontakt plus radio)
  • Haradinaj: Kurti's statements complicate the situation; KFOR cannot be given deadlines (KoSSev)
  • UNS and DNKiM: Ensure unobstructed work to Svetlana Vukmirovic and other journalists (UNS, media)
  • Petkovic asks Rohde if he will condemn entry ban to RTS journalist (Kosovo Online, social media)
  • Nikola Nedeljkovic arrested on June 28 at Gazimestan released after six-months sentence (Tanjug)
  • Dacic: Albanian FM spurring Kurti to further provocations (Tanjug)


  • Kremlin Denies Kosovan Claims Russia Is Pushing Serbia to Stoke Tensions (Reuters)



Albanian Language Media  


Osmani: There is nothing that can defeat will of people to live freely (media)

The President of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani, in her annual address to the Kosovo Security Force, in Istog, has warned Serbia, saying that there is nothing that can defeat the will of a people to live free and independent.

"To all those who want to challenge our peace and freedom, let us remind them once again from here where you are lined up in defence of our flag and country, that there is nothing that can defeat the will of a people to live free and independent. We witnessed it in the 90s, when our liberation army, although few in number compared to the genocidal army and the Serbian police, had the will and fighting spirit many times greater, because it was in defence of the homeland. Precisely this fighting spirit in defence of our common home, Kosovo, resulted in the freedom we enjoy today and which we will defend at all costs and at every moment," Osmani said addressing the KSF soldiers at the Command of Ground Forces in Istog.

She stressed that ‘The KSF is ready to protect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic.”

She said that Kosovo's goal is to join NATO and that the institutions are continuing to increase the budget for the army. She said that this year it has been proven that the strengthening of defence capacities is a necessity.

She further thanked international allies, especially the USA for investments. "In addition to thanking each of you, starting with Commander Jashari, an equally big thank you goes to our allies, led by the US, who are helping us continue to train and prepare our military to increase its capabilities ," Osmani said.

Kurti about barricades in the north: Criminals will be arrested (Telegrafi)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti in the last meeting of the government this year also talked about the situation in the north of Kosovo, saying that criminal gangs are opposing the legal actions of the institutions and government of Kosovo.

“As far as the situation in the municipalities in the north of Kosovo is concerned, the legal actions of the institutions of Kosovo are being opposed by criminals who are challenging law enforcement authorities and threatening security in the country. These criminals are being supported by the president and government of Serbia with the aim of destabilising the region and threatening Kosovo’s territorial integrity,” he said.

“Kosovo’s institutions will not talk or cooperate with criminals but will arrest them. Erecting barricades is an illegal action, it is unacceptable and will not be tolerated,” he added.

Kurti also talked about the cooperation with KFOR to remove the barricades. “We gave the necessary time and space to KFOR to act, but this time is running out fast. We have cooperation and coordination with KFOR, and this necessary time and space has been given to KFOR, but one thing must be understood there cannot be at the same time the principle of freedom of movement and road barricades that prevent free movement,” Kurti said.

Kosovo Police: Blocking in Merdare is illegal (Zeri)

Kosovo Police said in a statement today that the blocking of the road in Serbia that leads to the crossing of Merdare “is illegal”. “This illegal blocking has rendered impossible the free movement of people and goods, therefore we call on citizens to use other border crossings for movement, excluding the border crossings of Jarinje, Bernjak and Merdare, until further notice,” the statement notes. 

Pantic’s detention replaced with house arrest measure, attorney confirms (RFE)

An attorney for Dejan Pantic, the former Kosovo Police officer who was arrested on December 10 under the suspicion of organising “a terror attack” against officials of the Central Election Commission, confirmed to the news website today that the detention of his client has been replaced with a house arrest measure. “[Kosovo] Police are obliged to transfer Pantic to the address where he lives,” the attorney said.

The Basic Court in Pristina confirmed to Koha news website that the measure has been replaced. “Following a request by the Special Prosecution to replace the measure of detention to house arrest, the court has approved the request and has changed the measure,” a spokeswoman for the Basic Court said.

Kurti surprised by the decision to send Pantic to house arrest (Koha)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, has said at a press conference today that he is very curious to find out how the decision was made to change the former measure of detention to house arrest  for the policeman Dejan Pantic.

"I don't know the court case of the one who is the defendant, because he could not be sent to official prison. He has the status of a detainee, but is accused of terrorism. Since he was on hunger strike and had heart problems, he could be taken to the hospital, which is understandable. But is it reasonable? It is decided by the judiciary. When you are accused of terrorism and you are sent to house arrest... I am curious to find out who is the prosecutor who makes this request and the preliminary court that made this decision," Kurti said.

Von Cramon welcomes decision on Pantic, demands immediate removal of barricades (Klan)

The EU rapporteur for Kosovo, Viola von Cramon, has welcomed the court's decision to send ex-policeman Dejan Pantic to house arrest.

"I warmly welcome the court's decision to send Dejan Pantic, a Kosovo policeman, to house arrest. This should lead to the immediate removal of the barricades in the north of Kosovo and complete de-escalation. Full support for EULEX and KFOR for their supervision," von Cramon wrote on Twitter.

Abazi: Pantic’s release, failure of the entire institutional chain (Telegrafi)

The MP of the Vetevendosje Movement (LVV) Haki Abazi, reacted today after the release of Serbian policeman Dejan Pantic to a house arrest and PM Kurti’s comment.

"The action is important, not the statement and the phrases. Reforming the government and reforming the judiciary is an urgent imperative and a priority. Releasing Pantic under house arrest is a failure of the entire institutional chain. The state is not built with people who have privatised and criminalised vital sectors in the past. We have received the trust for change and not toleration of the old habits," Abazi said.

Bomb threat at Pristina Airport, passengers and staff evacuated (media)

A bomb threat was received at the “Adem Jashari” international airport in Pristina. All passengers have been evacuated from the airport premises. Valentina Gara, spokeswoman for Pristina International Airport, confirmed the information. “I confirm we have received a bomb threat. The passengers and staff have been evacuated and are safe. The teams involved in the emergency plan are carrying out their duties,” she said.

Kosovo Police meanwhile issued a statement saying that the airport has been temporarily closed for security reasons.

AAK’s Tahiri calls on Kurti to summon meeting of party leaders (media)

Head of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) parliamentary group, Besnik Tahiri, called on Prime Minister Albin Kurti to summon a meeting of the leaders of political parties because of the situation in the north of Kosovo.

“The first topic that I want to address today is about the concerns that the AAK has about the situation in the country, which is very serious and calls for institutional responsibilities and state actions. On behalf of the AAK, I call on Prime Minister Kurti to urgently schedule a meeting with leaders of parliamentary parties, to discuss and send a message of political unity about the situation in the country. Serbia’s devilish plans have already crossed all red lines and therefore unity in these circumstances is exceptionally important,” Tahiri was quoted as saying.

LDK’s Hoti proposes four points for Kosovo to “emerge from Serbia’s trap” (media)

MP from the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Avdullah Hoti, proposed four points today for Kosovo “to emerge from Serbia’s trap”. Hoti said the barricades in the north must be removed in cooperation with KFOR. He said that “Kosovo should insist for the European Union and the United States of America to put pressure on Serbia not to obstruct and threaten Kosovo citizens travelling through Serbia”. “Safeguard peace powerfully. Show readiness for dialogue and a peaceful solution. Listen to the advice of our friends for actions that need to be taken within the dialogue. Do not mention war and conflicts. We paid a high price for the war, but we won with the help of our friends. There is a risk of losing in peace because of losing the support of our friends,” Hoti writes in a Facebook post.

Gashi: Serbs citizens in north are paid €50 daily to be in barricades (Klan Kosova)

Former Deputy Minister for Communities and Returns, Milazim Gashi, said in an interview with Klan Kosova on Tuesday that based on their research on the ground, “certain groups in Serbia are paying Serb citizens €50 a day to stay at the barricades in the north of Kosovo”. 

“It is clear that this is serious funding to keep the people in tension. The Serbian List did not have a high level of support because 45 percent of the Serb community did not support them. They mobilise certain groups. They cannot bring the intellectual part out on the streets … There are around 300 persons in all barricades in the north. They work in shifts, they also change certain positions. The Ministry of Interior Affairs has failed because they could not notice the movements of certain groups,” Gashi argued.

Sources: Former Serb police officer, Pantic, released on house arrest (Indeksonline)

Citing unnamed sources, the news website reports that Dejan Pantic, former Kosovo Police officer, has been released on house arrest. Pantic was arrested on December 10 under the suspicion of attacking members of the Central Election Commission in Mitrovica North. In reaction to his arrest, Serbs erected many barricades in the northern municipalities.

Kremlin: We are not pushing Serbia to incite tensions in Kosovo (RFE)

The news website reports that the Kremlin has rejected Kosovo’s claims that Russia is pushing Serbia to destabilise the situation in Kosovo. Officials in the Kremlin say that Serbia is only protecting the rights of ethnic Serbs.

Asked to comment on a statement by Kosovo Interior Minister Xhelal Svecla that Serbia, with influence from Russia, is trying to destabilise Kosovo, a spokesman for Kremlin, Dmitry Peskov, said that “it is completely wrong” to search for destructive Russian influence.



Serbian Language Media 


Barricades entered the 19th day: Now and Merdare crossing closed (KoSSev)

The barricades in the North, which were set up by the Serbs after the arrest of a former member of the Kosovo police, have entered their 19th day. The Jarinje and Brnjak crossings, which were closed by the Kosovo police, are also blocked. Since last night, Merdare crossing does not function either, which was closed by a barricade behind the Serbian crossing checkpoint, and then the Kosovo police stopped the traffic.

During this time, the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, visited the Army between Kraljevo and Raska, and then met with representatives of the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija.

The outcome of this meeting, as well as who attended it, still is unknown, but the interlocutors got acquainted with the current situation - Vucic with the situation on the ground, and the others with what Serbia was doing to preserve peace, confirmed the Serbian Minister of Defense. 

KoSSev reports that the situation in the northern part of Mitrovica is calm. Reinforced units of KFOR and EULEX patrolling the city with vehicles are noticeable.

Kosovo police are still stationed in multi-ethnic settlements.

Dejan Pantic under house arrest (RTS, Blic, Tanjug)

According to RTS, Dejan Pantic will be under house arrest. The same news was reported by other Serbian media, which also referred to their findings. 

On December 10, the Kosovo police arrested former police officer Dejan Pantic at Jarinje crossing, who was returning from Raska with his wife.

RTS recalls that Serbs from the north of Kosovo and Metohija gathered and set up barricades because of the arrest. 

On December 12, the judge of the Special Department of the Basic Court in Pristina sentenced Dejan Pantic to judicial custody for 30 days, reported RTS.

Vucevic: Serbia's position to seek a political agreement (KoSSev, RTS)

Representatives of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija last night informed the president about the situation on the ground and what made them to protest by setting up barricades, and he informed them about what Serbia is doing to preserve peace, Serbian Minister of Defence, Milos Vucevic, said this morning to RTS. 

The Serbian president confirmed that he was on his way to meet with the representatives of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija last night, after visiting the Army between Kraljevo and Raska.

The outcome of this meeting, as well as which of the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija attended it, is still unknown, reported KoSSev.

Vucevic told RTS that the talks there were dynamic and friendly, but complicated due to the circumstances.

"It was very dynamic. Those conversations are friendly, fraternal, but they are complex because the circumstances are also very challenging. The President introduced them to all the things that Serbia is doing to preserve peace and stability. The representatives of the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija informed him about the situation on the ground and what made them have to go to that type of peaceful and democratic protest, such as the barricades," he said today in a guest appearance on RTS, reported KoSSev portal.

Revealing that Vucic has an open line of communication with the representatives of Quint, Vucevic said that Serbia's views were conveyed to them - that a political agreement is required to resolve the situation, repeating that Serbia also has its own red lines.

"We are ready for an agreement, but it does not mean moving the red lines defined by Serbia. That agreement must provide security for Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. This is the condition of our country. It is up to us to find a political solution, and at the same time, the army and the police are ready to protect Serbia and all its citizens," Vucevic pointed out.

And the red lines, he recalled, are: "That there is no new pogrom, 'Flash' and 'Storm'." If the international community wants this to return to the format of dialogue and political agreement, Albin Kurti's administration series of irrational and unilateral moves must stop. The Serbs did not take to the streets out of boredom, but because of a series of moves over a long period of time that show that the government in Pristina really does not see Kosovo as a place where Serbs should live".

And while he tells the citizens of Serbia that they should not be afraid, he also emphasises that he does not know whether a solution is close, and that there is concern.

"We have a man who does not always make rational moves, or that those moves are not rational for the civilised world. The whole series, from the persecution of Serbs in Strpce, from attacks on Serbs in Kosovo under the guise of fighting the grey economy, the problem of licence plates, identity cards, the dissolution of election commissions, the ban on Serbs participating in elections and referendums, arrests... We are forgetting some other people who have been in custody for a long time or were sentenced according to very strange verdicts. The fact is that Kurti started the process of cancelling the agreements reached in the previous 10 years," said the Serbian Minister of Defense.

He said that Serbia does not wish for conflicts, but is ready to, above all, protect the country.

"No one is for war, and we do not wish for conflicts, but the Serbian Army is ready, trained, brave and determined to protect our country. I hope no one will be checking to see if that's true. Let's try to protect Serbia from conflict, to fight politically for Kosovo and Metohija, for the survival and life of Serbs, so that we don't get into the scenario that was written for us in the 1990s and get the halo of the ideal culprit. Serbia conducts its own policy, we are not an isolated island, but that does not mean that we are a punching bag," said Vucevic, reported KoSSev, citing RTS.

Vucic: Pristina wants to banish Serbia, Serbs from Kosovo forever (Tanjug)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said Tuesday that, even if the current situation in Kosovo calmed down, something new would happen in 15 to 30 days as Pristina's goal was to banish Serbia and "disobedient Serbs" from Kosovo and Metohija forever, Tanjug news agency reports.

That is why the Serbs are being criminalised, Vucic told reporters after a meeting with Patriarch Porfirije of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

"Considering the geopolitical situation and their desire to crush us due to the situation with Russia and Ukraine, you should have no doubt that this will continue. I am not sure we will be able to overcome that because we are talking to someone who is willing to hear no arguments".

Pristina should not be arresting people just because it does not like them, he said.

He said discussions were underway with international representatives.

"We are trying to preserve and ensure peace and reach a compromise solution", he said, adding that threats by Kosovo PM Albin Kurti were "hysterical".

He said he had spoken with Kosovo and Metohija Serbs last night and added that he was ready to go to Raska or Kursumlija for further discussions with them to ensure they spent Christmas at their homes.

Vucic noted that Pristina as well as a part of the international community needed the Serbs expelled from Kosovo and Metohija as that was the only way they thought the problem could be solved.

A new convocation of the Zubin Potok assembly formed (RTS)

In the village of Cabra near Zubin Potok, the constitutive session of the new convocation of the local assembly was held, where the new councillors were sworn in, as the Serbian List councillors resigned at the beginning of November, RTS reported yesterday. 

At the session in the improvised hall, 13 Albanian councillors took the oath. Three Serbian councillors, who, upon the recommendation of the Central Election Commission, can replace the Serbian List councillors, did not attend yesterday's session.

There are a total of 19 councillors in the local assembly. Three ethnic Albanians from the old convocation did not resign.

The session, as reported by the media in Albanian language, was chaired by the Deputy Speaker of the Assembly, Vedat Mehmeti.

The oath was also attended by the Minister of Local Self-Government Administration, Elbert Krasniqi.

Before Zubin Potok, the local legislative authority was formed in the northern part of Mitrovica.

Brnabic responds to Osmani on justice and democracy (Kosovo Online, social media)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said she finally agrees with Kosovo President Vjosa Osamni that democracy and justice will prevail, Kosovo Online portal reports. Brnabic said this in reaction to Osmani’s post on Twitter relating to the attacks on journalists in Zubin Potok.

“Finally (!), I fully agree with Ms.Osmani: democracy & the rule of law WILL prevail. Hence the barricades. Serbs are protecting their right to vote (which you took away), right to a fair trial (which you've denied), and the Brussels Agreement. They will prevail & Kurti WILL fail”, Branbic said. 

Hill: Important that the Patriarch be with the Serbs in KiM (Danas,

Christopher Hill, the ambassador of the USA to Serbia, said that it was important for the Serbian community to be able to see the patriarch, reported Danas portal. 

Hill answered yesterday for when asked how he commented on the ban to the Patriarch Porfirije to visit Kosovo and Metohija and the fact that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic practically blamed the entire international community for the resulting situation. He replied that he hoped such situations would not repeat.

"First of all, I think it is important for the Serbian community to be able to see the patriarch. I think that's something basic - for religious freedoms there. I don't think you will find anyone in the international community who opposes his right to enter Kosovo and meet with believers. That is our position and I hope this will not happen again," said Ambassador Hill, reported Danas.

Civil society: The Kosovo government to apologise to the patriarch; international community to speak out and condemn it (Kontakt plus radio)

Civil society representatives called on the Pristina government to apologise to the patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Porfirije, for the decision not to allow him to enter Kosovo and visit the Patriarchate of Pec before the upcoming holidays, reported Kontakt plus radio.

“The latest decision of the Government of Kosovo not to allow the Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Mr. Porfirije, to enter Kosovo to visit the Patriarchate of Peć and believers, represents a drastic example of a discriminatory attitude towards the Serbian Orthodox Church and its believers and followers.

The latest decision of the Government of Kosovo not to allow the Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Mr. Porfirije, to enter Kosovo to visit the Patriarchate of Peć and believers, represents a drastic example of a discriminatory attitude towards the Serbian Orthodox Church and its believers and followers. This decision causes additional disappointment and anxiety in the Serbian community, considering the fact that the visit of the Patriarch was announced according to the already established protocol, through the liaison officer in Pristina, as well as taking into account the political conditions set for a prelate who is asked to publicly condemn the actions of individual members of the SOC and thereby become involved in political events.

On this occasion, we would like to emphasise that the decision, as well as the current practice of the Kosovo authorities, is contrary to the provisions of the "Ahtisaari Plan", which clearly prescribes rights, privileges, and immunities for the clergy of the Serbian Orthodox Church. Namely, Article 1.6. Annex V provides that: "Kosovo cannot arbitrarily prohibit the entry or staying in Kosovo for priests, seminarians, monks, nuns, laymen, and other invited persons and members of the Serbian Orthodox Church". Such a decision is contrary to the Constitution of Kosovo, as well as international conventions, which guarantee freedom of movement as a fundamental human right (also guaranteed by Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights). Furthermore, related to the abovementioned, it is important to note that the Law on Religious Freedoms in Kosovo (02/L-31) in Article 4A (4.1) provides that the SOC is one of the six recognized religious communities in Kosovo. Also, the same law in Article 5.4. stipulates that: "All religions, beliefs and religious communities in Kosovo have the right to be provided with all kinds of protection and the opportunity to exercise the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the constitution, laws, agreements and international instruments, including the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR)".”

Read the full announcement at:

Haradinaj: Kurti's statements complicate the situation; KFOR cannot be given deadlines (KoSSev)

AAK leader Ramush Haradinaj said yesterday that the statements and actions of Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti "are thoughtless and only complicate the situation". He believed that KFOR cannot be given deadlines for removing the barricades, and he told the Serbian president to invite the Serbs to remove them themselves, reported portal KoSSev yesterday afternoon. 

"The war-mongering platform of Vucic and his men set up in the North crosses the red lines. He must urgently withdraw his men from the North and order the removal of the barricades and return to the negotiating table," Haradinaj said yesterday at a short press conference, reported KoSSev.

KoSSev reported that, on the other hand, he also said that "neither Kurti nor his people are behaving properly".

"Their reckless actions and statements, continuously and concretely in these three months, have only worsened the situation," he said, according to the portal.

KoSSev wrote that he also stated his position that the barricades do not help the dialogue, but, as he claimed, are ''only in the interests of Russian President Vladimir Putin''.

He appealed to Serbs from Kosovo not to fall for the "political calculations" of Vucic, or anyone else.

"I have a request to Serbs from Kosovo. Don't fall for political calculations, even those of Vucic. Do not cause collateral damage. Your future is in Kosovo, in peace and harmony with everyone else, so leave the barricades," he said.

He had another message for Vucic - "The logic of using military means to create a stronger position for an agreement on mutual recognition in relation to Kosovo is a chapter that was closed in 1999."

He also referred to the Kosovo PM's claims that the Kosovo government "gave more time to KFOR" to remove the barricades, saying that deadlines cannot be set for KFOR "because their mission is as clear and clean as a tear".

"NATO's peacekeeping mission is not foreign, so it cannot be considered as such. Deadlines cannot be set for KFOR. Their mission in Kosovo is as clear and pure as a tear... They are allies of peace and security in Kosovo and the prime minister should give up opposing rhetoric towards them," said Haradinaj and added:

"The future of Kosovo is eternally connected with the Western allies, especially with America,'' reported KoSSev portal.

UNS and DNKiM: Ensure unobstructed work to Svetlana Vukmirovic and other journalists (UNS, media)

Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS) and its branch in Kosovo (DNKiM) condemned double entry ban Pristina imposed on RTS journalist Svetlana Vukmirovic and editor of “Right to Tomorrow” broadcast and requested that she and her entire TV crew were ensured unobstructed entry in the territory of Kosovo.

Vukmirovic told UNS that yesterday as well, after half an hour's wait she was not allowed to enter Kosovo and Metohija and prepare her regular broadcast “Right to Tomorrow”.

“A police officer at an administrative crossing pointed a direction to me and told me ‘leave the country’”, she said, adding she was told other team members can enter, but she was not allowed.

Vukmirovic was banned from entering Kosovo several times already. Last time it took place last year, when after four days' wait she was told she could not enter Kosovo, under the pretext that she didn’t announce her visit 72 hours in advance through a liaison officer in Pristina.

Her broadcast “Right to Tomorrow” features the lives of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija as well as problems they face and is aired on Serbian national broadcaster RTS channel. 

UNS said it will address International (IFJ) and European federations of journalists (EFJ), OSCE, UNMIK and EULEX over this gross violation of freedom of media.

It also recalled that “Kosovo and Metohija is a territory with highest number of unpunished and uninvestigated murders and kidnappings of journalists in Europe, for which responsibility goes not only to Kosovo institutions, but also to the international community which is obliged to ensure unimpeded movement of journalists”.

UNS and DNKiM also condemned the attack on Klan Kosova team that took place two days ago in Zubin Potok. They asked KFOR and EULEX to investigate all circumstances of this case, adding it was necessary to ensure a safe working environment for media professionals in Kosovo. 

Petkovic asks Rohde if he will condemn entry ban to RTS journalist (Kosovo Online, social media)

Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Petar Petkovic took to Twitter to ask German Ambassador in Pristina Jorn Rohde why he didn’t condemn the entry ban to RTS journalist Svetlana Vukmirovic who was prevented twice from entering Kosovo at Merdare crossing this week.

Rhode earlier on Twitter condemned in the strongest terms an attack on the Klan Kosova team that took place in Zubin Potok.

“@GermanAmbKOS how come you did not condemn ban entry to K&M for RTS journalist Svetlana Vukmirović? Do Albanian journalists worth more or the problem is in Svetlana’s reporting about the life of Serbs in K&M?! All journalists should have equal rights, shouldn’t they?”, Petkovic wrote in a post. 

Nikola Nedeljkovic arrested on June 28 at Gazimestan released after six-months sentence (Tanjug)

A young Serb man, Nikola Nedeljkovic, arrested by Kosovo police at Gazimestan during celebration of Saint Vitus Day, June 28, was released after serving the sentence and is on his way to Belgrade, Tanjug news agency reports.

Nedeljkovic was sentenced to eight months in prison on September 6 for allegedly “inciting ethnic hatred and discord”. Beginning of December, the Court of Appeals reduced his sentence to six months.

Nedeljkovic’s lawyer, Jovana Filipovic told Tanjug, he was released from the detention centre in Mitrovica North and is on his way to central Serbia. She also said he was issued a one-year ban on entering Kosovo. 

Nedeljkovic told Kosovo Online he is happy to be in freedom, adding he was in jail just because he is a Serb. 

Dacic: Albanian FM spurring Kurti to further provocations (Tanjug)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Tuesday evening his Albanian counterpart Olta Xhacka had expressed support for “Albin Kurti's criminal regime”, accusing Serbia of sabre-rattling, Tanjug news agency reports.

"She has not uttered a word to warn Kurti that he has an international obligation to implement the Brussels Agreement, UN SC Resolution 1244 and all other relevant documents and the obligation to form a Community of Serb Municipalities, and that he must not send armed ethnic Albanian units to the north (of Kosovo and Metohija) and that they should not be arresting Serbs just for being Serbs", Dacic noted.

He said barricades put up by Serbs in the north of Kosovo were a form of peaceful political protest against Kurti's terror.

"Rather than warn him not to jeopardise peace and stability in the region, the Albanian minister is even spurring him to further provocations. That is why both she and the entire international community are hugely responsible for all that is happening and could happen in Kosovo. Serbia, led by President Aleksandar Vucic, will do everything for peace, but will also do everything to protect the Serbs from terror and pogroms", Dacic said.

Previously, Xhacka voiced "deep concern" over barricades in the north of Kosovo, accusing the Serbian authorities of "justifying the barricades and criminal groups refusing to remove them".





Kremlin Denies Kosovan Claims That Russia Is Pushing Serbia to Stoke Tensions (Reuters)

The Kremlin on Wednesday denied Kosovan claims that Russia was influencing Serbia to destabilise Kosovo, saying that Serbia was simply defending the rights of ethnic Serbs.

Asked about Kosovan Interior Minister Xhelal Svecla's claim that Serbia, under the influence of Russia, was aiming to destabilise Kosovo by supporting the Serb minority, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said it was "completely wrong" to search for destructive Russian influence.

Serbia denies it is trying to destabilise its neighbour and says it just wants to protect its minority there. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Tuesday that Serbia would "continue to fight for peace and seek compromise solutions."