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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, March 2, 2021

Albanian Language Media:

  • COVID-19: 488 new cases, 8 deaths (media)
  • Lajcak expects Kosovo-Serbia agreement within mandate of Kurti’s government (media)
  • Schutz on Lajcak's visit to Kosovo (Express)
  • Hoti: Sovereignty and integrity of Kosovo non-negotiable (media)
  • Vetevendosje publishes details of Kurti-Lajcak discussions (Express)
  • Kurti: The Constitution does not allow us to unite with Albania (media)
  • March in Pristina on ‘usurpation of guaranteed seats in the Assembly’ (Koha)

Serbian Language Media:

  • 105 new Covid-19 cases in Serbian communities (Radio Mitrovica sever)
  • The Gracanica Crisis Staff: 18 new cases of coronavirus registered (KiM radio)
  • Elek: Epidemiological situation in northern Kosovo unfavorable, final moment for vaccination (Radio kontakt plus)
  • Criminal report against Rasic’s son filed over injuries caused to underage I.M. (Radio KIM)
  • Lajcak says Kosovo dialogue to continue, Osmani says no talks on borders (N1)
  • Rakic and Jevtic with Lajcak on the continuation of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina (Kosovo Online)
  • Fabrizi: Dialogue on Kosovo a priority for the EU, Lajcak's arrival is a positive sign (Blic, Tanjug)
  • Vuletic: It is difficult to have a dialogue when one side is exclusive (RTS)
  • Selakovic to visit Germany, Belgrade-Pristina dialogue one of topics (Kosovo-online)


  • Balkan Countries Must Get Serious on Science Diplomacy (Balkan Insight)


  • Amid resistance from Turkey, Kosovo embassy may not be in Jerusalem (The Times of Israel)
  • Twenty years on, the disappeared still cast shadows in northern Kosovo (
  • What does the landslide victory of the unpredictable LVV in Kosovo mean for the EU? (Der Standard)
  • Serbia’s Vucic Delivers COVID-19 Vaccines to Bosnia (Balkan Insight)



Albanian Language Media  


COVID-19: 488 new cases, 8 deaths (media)

467 new cases of COVID-19 and eight deaths from the virus were recorded in the last 24 hours in Kosovo. 270 persons recovered from the virus during this time. There are 8,236 active cases of COVID-19 in Kosovo. 

Lajcak expects Kosovo-Serbia agreement within mandate of Kurti’s government (media)

The European Union Special Representative for Dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak, stated in Pristina that he expects a comprehensive Kosovo-Serbia agreement to be reached within the governing mandate of Albin Kurti and Vjosa Osmani.

After a meeting with the acting president, Vjosa Osmani, he said that the EU expects the implementation of the electoral program of the leaders of Vetevendosje Movement, Albin Kurti and Osmani, but that the international partners, the EU and the U.S. are waiting also the continuation of the dialogue.

"I have said it in the past and I repeat that this process can be completed within a few months, it does not take years to reach an agreement. But, we are not the ones who are rushing or slowing down the process. It is Kosovo and Serbia that decide how fast they want to proceed. If they want to meet us on a monthly basis, we are there," Lajcak said.

He also said he expects the political class in Kosovo to be united in this regard and to understand the importance of dialogue with Serbia.

Lajcak assured Kosovar leaders that the dialogue process is in full coordination with the United States.

"I'm happy to say that after the arrival of the Biden administration, this collaboration could not be closer than it is. We are working closely on a daily basis, with our American partners and friends, and we share the same goal which is the European future for Kosovo and for the whole region of the Western Balkans," Lajcak said.

Acting President Vjosa Osmani said that the new institutions will engage in dialogue, but with a new approach, however according to her, the main goal will be equal treatment in dialogue and mutual recognition as a final act.

"The new approach means that we can by no means accept that the issue of borders, sovereignty, constitutional regulation of Kosovo become part of the negotiations because those negotiations ended in 2008, under the mandate of Ahtisaart," Osmani said.

"Kosovo has made many concessions, as they have brought it to the brink of non-functionality. It is not a question of what Kosovo can give again, but how the EU can give the benefit to Kosovo and Serbia for EU membership," she added.

Osmani said that she has asked Lajcak to offer after the constitution of the new institutions, all the agreements reached so far within the dialogue and to see at what stage they have been implemented and what can be done.

Lajcak met today in separate meetings also with the Acting Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti, resigning leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) Isa Mustafa, acting leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) Enver Hoxhaj, the leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Ramush Haradinaj.  

The latter wrote in a post on the social network Facebook that he reiterated his position ‘for a Comprehensive Legally Binding Agreement, which has the epilogue of mutual recognition within the existing borders and respects the constitutional order of the Republic of Kosovo’

Schutz on Lajcak's visit to Kosovo (Express)

The Director for the Western Balkans of the German Foreign Office, Susanne Schutz, praised the commitment of the European Union Special Envoy for Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak.

She said that it is important for both sides to engage in dialogue.

"I highly appreciate EUSR Lajcak’s efforts regarding the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue. Important that both sides engage fully and in good faith," she wrote on Twitter.

Hoti: Sovereignty and integrity of Kosovo non-negotiable (media)

The acting Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti today held a meeting with the European Union Charge d'Affaires for the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak.

"I thanked the EU Envoy for Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak for the cooperation so far in mediating the dialogue process with Serbia and wished him success in finalizing this process. From July 2020, the dialogue resumed on three basic principles: a final agreement with mutual recognition will be discussed, the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Kosovo is non-negotiable, while the Constitution of Kosovo is inviolable," Hoti wrote on Facebook.

Vetevendosje publishes details of Kurti-Lajcak discussions (Express)

Vetevendosje Movement (LVV) has issued today a press release for last night's meeting of the leader of this entity, Albin Kurti with the EU envoy for dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak.

The communiqué states that Lajcak and Kurti discussed the February 14 elections.

"At the beginning of the meeting, they talked about the recent elections, their progress and what they mean for the country and its citizens, as well as the need for the formation of new institutions as soon as possible. The incoming Prime Minister Kurti informed Mr. Lajcak about the priorities of his government, which derive from the needs which are evident as well as openly expressed by the citizens of Kosovo," it is said in the communiqué.

Further, it is said that Kurti told Lajcak that the dialogue with Serbia is an important process that should not be neglected.

"However, based on this fact, it must be well prepared and with a new approach, which must be transformative based on principles and values, unlike the transactional one based on momentary interests. Secondly, it should have a trans-Atlantic character in terms of coordination between the European Union and the United States of America but also of Western integrations for both sides. Thirdly, it should be democratic and transparent, in the service of peoples and citizens and not of current governments or particular politicians. In the end, the two agreed to remain in regular contact and to continue the cooperation after the formation of the new government," reads the communique.

Kurti: The Constitution does not allow us to unite with Albania (media)

The leader of the Vetevendosje Movement (LVV), Albin Kurti, is participating at the marking the 577th anniversary of the Lezha Covenant. He said from this city, that the Constitution of Kosovo does not allow unification with Albania.

He called on Kosovo and Albania to coordinate towards the integration and the union in three main areas: common security, energy and natural resources and foreign policy.

"Unfortunately, the Constitution of Kosovo has a contradiction in Article 1.1 with Article 1.3. Article 1.1 states that Kosovo is an independent, sovereign and democratic state and Article 1.3 prohibits us from joining another state. In this sense, Kosovo's independence does not constitutionally allow unification with another independent state, such as Albania. But at the same time, it represents an obstacle for integration of another kind such as the European one. In Kosovo, as we do not have a law on referendum and we cannot change the Constitution, it shows that we need to do more work and it will take some time to reach that point, but that is the historical intention and desire of the Albanians," Kurti said.

March in Pristina on ‘usurpation of guaranteed seats in the Assembly’ (Koha)

A protest march of non-majority communities and some members of civil society against the "usurpation of guaranteed seats in the Assembly" has begun.

The protest was organised after the complaints of the parliamentary candidates from the Bosniak community who said that Ardiana Hodjic was supported by the Serbian List.

Osman Djuevic of the Bosniak party Nasa Iniciatijva has called for an international response to the results of the February 14th parliamentary elections, in which certain entitites of other communities received votes in cities where only Serbs live. Numerous entities have accused  the Serbian List of manipulation.

He said that this is a violation of the Constitution of Kosovo, while warning legal prosecution.

Djuevic called on the relevant institutions and the international community to react to the case.

"We will use all legal mechanisms to guarantee our seats. We call on the relevant institutions and the international community to react to this issue and ensure that our rights guaranteed by the Constitution are not violated," he said.

Bosniak and Roma entities have accused the Serbian List of influencing the increase of votes for certain entities only to extend its influence in the Assembly, beyond its 10 seats. These parties have received votes even in the regions where there are no inhabitants of this community at all.




Serbian Language Media


105 new Covid-19 cases in Serbian communities (Radio Mitrovica sever)

In the last 24 hours, 105 cases of coronavirus infection were recorded in Serbian areas in Kosovo, out of a total of 218 samples tested, the North Mitrovica Crisis Staff announced.

One person died as a result of coronavirus. 

New cases by municipalities: North Mitrovica - 42, Zvecan - 20, Leposavic - 11, Zubin Potok - 5.

In central Kosovo 27 cases were registered. 

Priluzje - 7, Gnjilane - 6, Kamenica - 5, Strpce - 4, Gracanica - 3, Prizren - 2.

The Gracanica Crisis Staff: 18 new cases of coronavirus registered (KiM radio)

The Gracanica Crisis Staff announced today that in the past 24 hours, in the area of this municipality, 18 people have been infected with the coronavirus, while 39 people are currently under health supervision.

The Municipal Crisis Staff appeals to the citizens to be responsible and respect the epidemiological measures and recommendations.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, 507 people infected with coronavirus have been registered on the territory of the municipality of Gracanica, reported KiM radio.

Dr. Elek: Epidemiological situation in northern Kosovo unfavorable, final moment for vaccination (Radio kontakt plus)

Epidemiological situation in northern Kosovo has deteriorated compared to the previous week, with almost double the number of hospitalized persons, acting director of the Clinical Health Center in Mitrovica North, Dr. Zlatan Elek said.

He added vaccination should not be avoided, and people need to adhere to all preventive measures in the fight against Covid-19.

To illustrate the severity of the situation, Elek said that 100 persons are currently hospitalized in Mitrovica North, two patients are on ventilators, while 42 patients receive oxygen support, adding that capacities of the hospital are 180 patients.

“We cover Priluzje, Strpce, Plemetina, Oblic….If colleagues in Gnjilane and Gracanica have no capacities, we also meet their demands, relating to admission and treatment of the patients. The most complicated cases and cases we can’t treat here we send to tertiary care institutions. This includes University Clinical Center in Nis, and hospitals in Krusevac and Batajnica”, Elek said.

He also opined that lack of discipline among the citizens was the reason for deteriorated epidemiological situation.

“It means we didn’t adhere to preventive measures. The moment numbers started to decline, we started with the gatherings in café bars, restaurants….we didn’t wear protective equipment – masks, gloves, we didn’t maintain distance and this is where we ended up. We are facing increased numbers, with potential to go on rise, if we continue acting like this”, Elek said.

Criminal report against Rasic’s son filed over injuries caused to underage I.M. (Radio KIM)

Jovana Filipovic, lawyer of underage I.M. one of the participants in a fight in Laplje Selo, filed a criminal report against Nikola Rasic yesterday, over bodily injuries caused to her client, Radio KIM reports.

According to her, Rasic caused head injuries to her client, and he spent several days on medical treatment.

She claims that at the time of the incident, her client was standing with his hands in the pockets, as it could be seen on the video footage submitted, as well as from the prosecution statement.

She also said the case of her client has been separated from the case of other seven detained youngsters and is being held at the court in Pristina, not in Gracanica.

“His case is separated. Although the fight took place on February 22, we have learned only today that he is treated as a suspect”, Filipovic said yesterday.

She added her client is receiving threatening messages on Instagram and that she informed the police about it.

Radio KIM recalled that parents and friends of detained youngsters protested for six days in a row in front of the police station in Gracanica.

Lajcak says Kosovo dialogue to continue, Osmani says no talks on borders (N1) 

European Union envoy Miroslav Lajcak said in Pristina on Tuesday that the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue will be continued once the new Kosovo government takes office.

“The EU and the US support the continued dialogue on issues important to every citizen of Kosovo… The dialogue will continue, we will create internal procedures,” the Serbian state TV (RTS) reported him as saying after a meeting with acting President Vjosa Osmani. He called for political unity in Pristina, saying that the dialogue is not the sole responsibility of one side or one party.

He said that the EU and US are in partnership on Kosovo. “The message is that the EU member states, and the US are looking forward to continuing the dialogue… That is why I had talks with (Vetevendosje leader Albin) Kurti and Osmani to see where we are with the dialogue. The conclusion at those meetings is that the dialogue will be continued,” he said.

Osmani told the media that she told Lajcak that part of the process should be reviewed as part of preparations to continue the talks. She said the dialogue should result in mutual recognition within the current borders of Kosovo. “We have to be sure that we keep to the mandate from parliament, the red lines it sets. No negotiations on the borders of Kosovo are allowed. There is no negotiation on the status of Kosovo, we expect it to end in recognition,” Osmani said.

See at:

Rakic and Jevtic with Lajcak on the continuation of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina (Kosovo Online)

The President and Vice President of the Serbian List, Goran Rakic and Dalibor Jevtic, talked today with the EU Envoy for Dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Miroslav Lajcak about the recently held early parliamentary elections in Kosovo and the continuation of the dialogue.

Representatives of the Serbian List told Lajcak that "it is very important to continue the dialogue as soon as possible," the statement said.

The statement added that the Serbian list "reminded Lajcak of the signed agreements that have not yet been implemented by Pristina, and which are essential for the secure survival of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija."

Fabrizi: Dialogue on Kosovo a priority for the EU, Lajcak's arrival is a positive sign (Blic, Tanjug)

Dialogue on Kosovo is a priority for the European Union, says the head of the EU Delegation to Serbia, Sam Fabrizi, and emphasizes that the Union wants to help normalize relations between Belgrade and Pristina and the process of European integration in the region.

Fabrizi told Belgrade based K1 television that the visit of the EU special envoy for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Miroslav Lajcak, to the region was a "positive sign" and that the EU was very interested in the region and Serbia, and does not deal with politics of ultimatum.

- Lajcak does not bring any ultimatum, he wanted to visit the region after the elections in Pristina and talk to everyone. The EU wants to help, for us dialogue is a priority for the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina and one of the key elements for the region to get closer to the EU - said Fabrizi

Asked about the implementation of the Brussels Agreement and the Community of Serbian Municipalities, still a "dead letter on paper", Fabrizi reminded that Lajcak repeated many times that the issue should be resolved and that it was an important part of the Brussels Agreement, which must be implemented.

Vuletic: It is difficult to have a dialogue when one side is exclusive (RTS)

It is difficult to talk about any dialogue when one side, in this case Pristina, is exclusive in demands, and that is insisting on recognition, sociologist and professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences Vladimir Vuletic told Radio Television of Serbia (RTS).

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti has returned to the political scene, and for him it is an opportunity to position himself on the international scene, Vuletic stated for RTS.

"The position of Brussels and Pristina is closer than in relation to Belgrade, and Kurti knows that the role of the EU is to push Russia out of the Balkans, and then everyone else. The EU is trying to start a dialogue, but it is difficult to have a dialogue if one side is exclusive in demands, as Pristina is, which insists on recognition. The dialogue does not suit Kurti, and Miroslav Lajcak is aware of that situation and it will be much harder for him in the talks in Belgrade," Vuletic said.

Selakovic to visit Germany, Belgrade-Pristina dialogue one of topics (Kosovo-online)

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister would pay an official visit to Germany on March 3 and 4, and meet with his German counterpart Heiko Maas and Angela Merkel adviser, Jan Hecker, Kosovo-online portal reports.

Topics of the talks in Berlin would include bilateral cooperation between Serbia and Germany, Serbia’s EU integration but also Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, the portal added.

After the meeting of the two foreign ministers that should take place Thursday afternoon, according to Tanjug, a media address was planned.  






Balkan Countries Must Get Serious on Science Diplomacy (Balkan Insight)

The big powers have long understood the need to unite scientific know-how with diplomacy both to deal with common problems and raise their international profiles – when will the Balkan states do likewise?

“To remain relevant and competitive, we need to engage more in science diplomacy and global scientific collaboration,” Carlos Moedas told a conference on “a new start for Europe”, in Brussels in 2015.

Moedas, then European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, was a strong advocate for European leadership in addressing global challenges through enabling partnerships between regions and countries, going beyond mere support for collaborative projects.

It seemed that the EU had finally grasped the importance of officially embedding science diplomacy within European policies and was recognizing its contribution to the EU’s international goals.

The participants at the Brussels 2015 conference probably little realised how prophetic Moeda’s advice about the importance of science diplomacy would soon be.

Only five years later, the whole world was struck by a coronavirus pandemic – and countries were desperately struggling to secure vaccines for their populations.

See more at:





Amid resistance from Turkey, Kosovo embassy may not be in Jerusalem (The Times of Israel)

Turkish ambassador holds talks with Pristina’s PM-designate Albin Kurti following establishment of diplomatic ties with Israel, announcement of mission in capital

PRISTINA, Kosovo (AP) — Kosovo’s prime minister-designate has found himself in a difficult diplomatic position ahead of taking the post following his country’s diplomatic ties with Israel.

Albin Kurti of the Self-Determination Movement party, or Vetevendosje!, is expected to be Kosovo’s next prime minister after his party won the February 14 parliamentary election.

On Monday, Kurti met with the Turkish ambassador in Pristina, and Kosovo’s decision to open an embassy in Jerusalem was among the topics of discussion.

See more at:

Twenty years on, the disappeared still cast shadows in northern Kosovo (

Twenty-three years ago this June, Miroljub Ađančić’s brother was working at the Belaćevac mine near Obilic, not far from Priština, when uniformed men wearing the insignia of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) came and took him and nine of his colleagues hostage.

It was June 22, 1998, the first day of the so-called Battle of Belaćevac Mine during the Kosovo War between the KLA and the forces of Slobodan Milosevic’s Yugoslavia.

The KLA had seized the facility, which provided most of Kosovo’s electricity. A week later, the mine was retaken by units of the Yugoslav Army and Serbian police, which killed ten KLA fighters.

But no trace of the hostages was ever found.

See more at:

What does the landslide victory of the unpredictable LVV in Kosovo mean for the EU? (Der Standard)

The left-nationalist party is striving for reunification with Albania. That could make negotiations with the EU and the USA more difficult

The early elections in Kosovo on February 14th brought enormous success for the “Movement Self-Determination” (Lëvizja Vetëvendosje, LVV) and its party leader Albin Kurti. According to the preliminary election results, it won almost 48 percent of the vote.

Strengthened by the massive approval, Kurti again spoke out in favor of unification with Albania after the election. In keeping with its party name, the LVV will therefore continue to be no simple negotiating partner for the EU.                                                    

See more at:

Serbia’s Vucic Delivers COVID-19 Vaccines to Bosnia (Balkan Insight)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic delivered 10,000 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine to Bosnia and Herzegovina, after making similar donations to Montenegro and North Macedonia in recent weeks.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic arrived by plane in Sarajevo on Tuesday with 10,000 AstraZeneca vaccine doses for Bosnia and Herzegovina, which has been struggling to procure any COVID-19 vaccines.

The vaccines, enough to inoculate 5,000 people, are intended for the country’s Bosniak- and Croat-dominated Federation entity, which has yet to receive any vaccines. Bosnia’s Serb-dominated Republika Srpska entity has so far procured 22,000 doses of the Sputnik V vaccine from Russia.

“I am happy if we will save five, nine or ten lives,” Vucic told reporters at Sarajevo airport.

Vucic also took a swipe at the European Union, as vaccines ordered by Belgrade via the EU under the COVAX scheme have not arrived in Serbia yet. Serbia launched its vaccination scheme by procuring significant amounts of Chinese and Russian vaccines instead.

See more at: