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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, November 2, 2022

Albanian Language Media:

  • U.S. condemns burning property; calls for full extension for plates (media)
  • KFOR refutes Serbia’s claims about drones from Kosovo: No evidence! (Indeksonline)
  • Rohde: More common sense needed on issue of licence plates (media)
  • Serbia continues provocations; sends heavy artillery to Kosovo border (Indeksonline)
  • Vehicle with RKS plates belonging to a Serb set on fire in Zubin Potok (Lajmi)
  • Jamie Shea comments on Vucic’s objectives with army mobilisation (Albanian Post)
  • Germany confirms: EU-Western Balkans summit to be held on December 6 (RTK)
  • Berlin Process and Open Balkan as two parallel initiatives for a final goal (Albanian Post)
  • “Relations with Serbia determine Kosovo’s European future” (Dukagjini)
  • European MP: Kosovo now has a key role for peace in Europe (Klan Kosova)
  • Memli Krasniqi for an official visit to Washington and Brussels next week (Telegrafi)

Serbian Language Media:

  • KFOR: At the moment, no evidence of drones flying over from Kosovo to Serbia (KiM radio, Radio Mitrovica sever)
  • Vucevic to RTS: Drones were coming from several directions to central Serbia, MiGs-29 were not raised because of them (media)
  • Aleksic: Agreed transfer of authorities to Pristina, Vucic presents as ‘snatching’ (N1)
  • Balkan leaders off to Berlin: Serbia to choose between EU and Russia (FoNet, N1)
  • Dacic meets Chen Bo: Gratitude to China for support on Kosovo issue (Kosovo Online)
  • Orlic to Ambassador Tolkach: We thank Ukraine for its support on Kosovo issue (N1)
  • Orlic: We appreciate principled stance of Russia on Kosovo (Kosovo Online)
  • Trajkovic: I’m being threatened for testifying in Oliver Ivanovic’s murder case (KoSSev)
  • Bislimi: Licence plates can no longer be part of the dialog (RFE, media)
  • KP in north to also issue reprimands (KoSSev, Kosovo Online)
  • Ambassador Koshar: We are not guided by the logic of blackmail in our relations with Belgrade (Tanjug, media)


  • Expert says Belgrade has advantage over Pristina (N1)


  • Serbia, Kosovo, Trade Accusations Over Mystery Drones (BIRN)
  • Berlin Process 2022: Western Balkans week in Berlin (EWB)
  • Relations between Serbia and Kosovo should be normalized (EWB)



Albanian Language Media  


U.S. condemns burning property; calls for full extension for plates (media) 

The United States Ambassador to Kosovo, Jeffrey Hovenier, took to Twitter today to say that the “the U.S. condemns burning or destroying property and any effort to intimidate those with or intending to obtain RKS car plates under Kosovan law. These are cowardly and criminal acts”. Hovenier also said: “We reiterate our request for a full extension of the implementation period so that RKS plates can be installed over the course of 12 months while affirming that Kosovo has the right to implement this change.” 

KFOR refutes Serbia’s claims about drones from Kosovo: No evidence! (Indeksonline)

KFOR peacekeeping forces have reacted to reports in some Serbian media that drones from Kosovo entered the territory of Serbia. “For the time being we have no evidence about what some media are reporting. We will keep you updated if we have any information about this,” KFOR officials told the news website.

Rohde: More common sense needed on issue of licence plates (media)

German Ambassador to Kosovo, Jorn Rohde, said on Tuesday that “more common sense is needed on the issue of licence plates: We as EU and Quint have always been clear that Kosovo has the right to phase out of KM and etc. plates. This is in line with Brussels' agreements”. “We likewise have always been vocal about a longer transition period (12 months in total) as foreseen in the said agreement, also to solve remaining technical issues pragmatically. We still think our advice should be followed. But I also would like to see Kosovo Serb representatives contributing constructively to de-escalation. For example, explaining to Kosovo Serb citizens the reality that in Kosovo you need to use Kosovo licence plates,” Rohde wrote on Twitter.

Serbia continues provocations; sends heavy artillery to Kosovo border (Indeksonline)

The news website reports that Serbia is continuing its provocations with its armed forces on high alert near the border with Kosovo. Movements of heavy military artillery were noticed this morning near the border with Kosovo. Serbia’s Defence Minister, Vucevic, implied on Tuesday that the army would be on high alert and that the order came from Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic after Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti’s decision on licence plates.

Vehicle with RKS plates belonging to a Serb set on fire in Zubin Potok (Lajmi)

A vehicle with RKS licence plates belonging to a Serb was set on fire in Zubin Potok around 03:00 today, Kosovo Police said in a statement. “Relevant police units from the police station in Zubin Potok immediately went to the site and undertook all necessary police actions and notified the firefighting unit who also went to the site,” police said. “Kosovo Police remains committed to implementing its legal duties and responsibilities, in investing and resolving this case as soon as possible and also other cases when private properties, mainly vehicles with RKS licence plates, were set on fire”.

Police also said: “we call on all citizens without any differences to cooperate with the Kosovo Police, which will continue to provide security for all citizens and maintain public order, will work on resolving these criminal acts and bring the perpetrators of these criminal acts to justice”.

Jamie Shea comments on Vucic’s objectives with army mobilisation (Albanian Post)

Former spokesman of NATO, Jamie Shea, in an interview with the news agency, commented on reports about the Serbian army being on high alert following an order from Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. “Military forces are mobilised to face potential threats and there is no threat to Serbia from Kosovo,” Shea said.

Shea argued that Serbia should not use the issue of licence plates to stir friction between the Albanian and Serb communities in Kosovo. “On the contrary, Serbia must show that it is interested in a pragmatic solution because the situation requires calmness from all parties and not provocations,” he added.

“The same goes for every paramilitary organisation in the north of Kosovo,” She said referring to the news website’s report that a worrying presence of an armed group was noticed in the north of Kosovo on July 31.

Shea also said that although it would have been good if Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti had agreed to the request of the EU and the U.S. to postpone the licence plate conversion deadline for 10 months, he nonetheless has shown flexibility by phasing the decision. “Belgrade now needs to accept this principle,” he said. “I don’t believe the Hungarian minority living in Vojvodina would be allowed by Belgrade to move around with Hungarian licence plates".

Shea further commented on the West’s request to extend the deadline for 10 months. “Pristina should use a 10-month extension to implement a powerful information campaign in the north and oppose the misinformation and intimidation, and convince the Serb community that Kosovo licence plates do not constitute a threat to human rights and the status of their community,” he said.

Germany confirms: EU-Western Balkans summit to be held on December 6 (RTK)

Udine Ruge, adviser for European Affairs to the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz confirmed that integration of Western Balkans has become Germany’s main priority.

Referring to the statement of the Chancellor Scholz on 29 August in the summit held in Prague, Check Republic, Ruge said that the Berlin Process summit that will be held on Thursday, is part of this also personal engagement of the German Chancellor.

“I have to stress once again that this is not the EU summit, even if EU leaders participate, Ruge said at a press conference.

“There is another engagement of the president of the European Council Charles Michel on 6 December,” Ruge said, explaining that the summit is organised by the EU. 

He said that there is an agreement from the Brdo summit in Slovenia in 2021 to hold once a year a meeting of the senior level between the EU and Western Balkans countries.

“The preparations for this summit have just started. I am mentioning this to say that the Berlin Process summit is a synchronicity,” he said. 

Berlin Process and Open Balkan as two parallel initiatives for a final goal (Albanian Press)

The news website claims to have learned through diplomatic sources, about the drafting of a new Euro-American plan to connect two parallel processes with different objectives, the Open Balkans and the Berlin Process, in a single project.

From now on, "The Open Balkans will have the function of reconciliation in the region, while the Berlin Process will have the function of integration into the European Union," the news website reportedly learned.

"This is the operating formula for the future, merging the two projects into one," says the strategy seen by Albanian Post.

Reconciliation is achieved through "trade and communication", while integration is achieved through "cooperation". So, these two paths will be complementary to each other.

But it all depends on the reconciliation that is being tried to be achieved by February next year between Kosovo and Serbia through the French-German proposal - published in detail by the Albanian Post on September 18.

After the de facto recognition that Kosovo secures from Serbia through the agreement, initiatives such as Open Balkan and the Berlin Process are freed from conspiracies and instead of the preconceived duality, complement each other, the article notes.

On the other hand, Kosovo gains the security of membership in Open Balkan, where it is accepted with full rights as an equal member among other states (Albania, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Bosnia & Herzegovina).

The article further recalls the statement of the U.S. Envoy for Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar that "we would like to see Kosovo more aligned in terms of regional stability issues," adding that he had informed PM Kurti about this elaboration of the new plan in their last meeting.

Albanian Post also understands from sources that Kurti had expressed his concerns about this new plan, due to the fierce opposition he had made to Open Balkan since it was taken as an initiative in 2018.

“Relations with Serbia determine Kosovo’s European future” (Dukagjini)

An official from the EU public relations office, who preferred to remain anonymous, told Dukagjini that Kosovo’s path toward integration in the European Union depends also on the normalisation of relations with Serbia.

“The European Union continues to support Kosovo in its approximation with the EU, starting with the implementation of the Stabilisation/Association Agreement between the EU and Kosovo which has entered into force in 2016 … Kosovo and Serbia’s paths toward the EU depend also on the normalisation of relations,” the official said.

European MP: Kosovo now has a key role for peace in Europe (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo Assembly’s Committee for Human Rights, Gender Equality, Missing Persons, Victims of Conflict-related Sexual Violence, and Petitions, met today with Romeo Franc, a member of the European Parliament. The latter told the committee that Kosovo now has a key role for peace in Europe.

“When I arrived in Kosovo yesterday, I felt at home. I have strong ties with the Kosovo diaspora and one of my assistants is a Roma from Kosovo. Your country has a special place in my heart. From my point of view, Kosovo must be part of the European Union – this is very clear to me. As far as visa liberalisation is concerned, you have waited for a long time and this must happen as soon as possible,” Franc said.

“Kosovo now has a key role for peace in Europe. When we see Serbia, developments with Russia, and developments in the north and in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo is very important and Kosovo needs to be a strong state”.

Memli Krasniqi for an official visit to Washington and Brussels next week (Telegrafi)

The Chairman of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Memli Krasniqi, is expected to visit Washington and also spend a few days in Brussels next week.

The news website learns that Krasniqi will be hosted in meetings at the U.S. State Department and also meet officials of the National Security Council.

During his stay in Washington, the PDK leader will also be expected in Congress, in separate meetings in the Senate and the House of Representatives. Krasniqi will also have meetings in some of the main American institutes and think-tanks.

Telegrafi has learned that he will also hold meetings with well-known personalities, connected with the political developments in the Balkans, during the last two decades.

During his stay in Brussels, Krasniqi will hold meetings in the European Parliament and the European External Action Service.



Serbian Language Media 


KFOR: At the moment, no evidence of drones flying over from Kosovo to Serbia (KiM radio, Radio Mitrovica sever)

KFOR spokesperson Colonel Vitale told RTV Kim that KFOR has no evidence of drones flying over the territory of Kosovo into the territory of central Serbia and along the Ground Safety Zone.

“At the moment, we have no evidence of what the media has published. We will inform you if we have any information in this regard,” Colonel Vitale replied briefly to RTV Kim’s question.

Defence Minister Milos Vucevic told RTS this morning that he could not say whose drones they were, but that there were more of them and that they came from the territory of Kosovo.

This morning, the Minister of Defence of Kosovo, Armend Mehaj, announced that it was not true that drones were noticed in the area of Merdare and in the vicinity of Raska, which from Kosovo were observing the barracks and the position of the Serbian Army, recalled KiM radio.

Vucevic to RTS: Drones were coming from several directions to central Serbia, MiGs-29 were not raised because of them (media)

Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic told Radio Television of Serbia that he could not say whose drones they were, but that they came from the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, reported Serbian media. He said that multiple drones were spotted, there were various movements, but the MiGs-29 were not patrolling because of the drones. The Defense Minister pointed out that it was not just a question of drones entering the Raska district, the Serbian Army had spotted certain objects in the direction of movement over the Toplica and Nisava districts, reported media, citing RTS. The army can respond to these challenges with helicopters, cannons, plane machine guns, said Vucevic.

Unmanned aerial vehicles filmed activities in the Ground Security Zone and two barracks yesterday, RTS reported.

Drones flew over the area of Merdare and the surroundings of Raska. 

Minister Milos Vucevic said, in a guest appearance in RTS News, that in the last three days, the Army observed certain objects, unmanned aerial vehicles or drones that moved along the line of administrative separation of central Serbia in the Land Security Zone, and which occasionally entered the territory of central Serbia. 

Vucevic said that it was about attempts to observe the positions of the Armed Forces units and certain military barracks.

''It's not just a question of entering the Raska district, the Serbian Army observed certain objects also in the direction of movement through the Toplica and Nisava districts,'' he said, adding that ''the President of the Republic, as Commander-in-Chief, has issued an executive order to eliminate every such object''. 

"We will protect the sky that is under the control of the Serbian Army - the sky that is covered by our systems, in accordance with Resolution 1244 and the Kumanovo Agreement - it will be safe for all citizens of Serbia," the minister added.

The army has the capacity and ability to respond to every task, Vucevic underlined.

MiGs-29 did not patrol because of the drones

"To clear up the confusion, our fighters, MiGs-29, did not patrol because of drones, we have other procedures for dealing with such situations - they carried out regular police patrols, control of our sky, the Army can also use plane machine guns, helicopters, cannons, and other technical-technological means of a more advanced generation to respond to these challenges," added the Minister of Defense.

''I can't say whose drones they are, they come from the territory of Kosovo and Metohija,'' said Vucevic.

"All this takes place in the context of monitoring and trying to monitor the activities of the Serbian Armed Forces on the territory under our control, the Serbian Army has its own program of work and acts in accordance with the guidelines of the Supreme Commander," the minister noted.

"We have large exercises in progress, in terms of spatial coverage, which are called Manoeuvres 22. I expect that tomorrow the President of the Republic will visit part of the units in the Pasuljanske meadows and make sure how the military exercises are going on," said Vucevic.

He said that there were many incorrect headlines from Pristina - that the Serbian Army was concentrating on administrative lines, that ''we are entering the Land Security Zone contrary to Resolution 1244 and the Kumanovo Agreement''.

"By making a bogus out of it, someone is trying to get some information through that surveillance, spying," Vucevic pointed out.

The army, the state's key attribute 

According to the Minister, the Army was a key attribute of the state, ''it is an armed force, it is not a society of lovers of stamps or beautiful songs, it is an armed force that defends the state''.

The President of the Republic issued an order on the increased level of combat readiness, it was not the highest level, and the Army must be ready to carry out every order, Vucevic pointed out.

The Minister of Defense, Vucevic said that if ''a drone was spotted in the sky, it would be eliminated or be under our control'', reported Serbian media, citing RTS.

Security risks

He added that security risks existed due to non-negotiable behaviour of the administration in Pristina, due to abandoning the concept of dialogue, Pristina's insistence that the issue of licence plates was a matter for their administration - this could jeopardise security, and Serbia must react, reported the media.

The message from the state top was that ''there is no new Storm, no new Flash. These are not video games, better a thousand days at the negotiating table than one hour in the trenches, it does not mean that we are afraid, it does not mean that we will not respond to every challenge'', said the Minister of Defense.

''We call on Pristina and the Quint countries to return Pristina to the negotiating table, to stop the policy of one-sided decisions and raising tensions over a few Serbs that have remained in KiM,'' Vucevic noted. 

There were no breaks in the chain of command, and administrative wandering, he pointed out.

"Several aircraft were spotted, there were different movements. It's a more complex matter. MiGs-29 patrol our sky, we have the right to control our sky, like all other countries. We don't raise MiGs-29 for drones," concluded Vucevic in the RTS News, reported Serbian media.

Aleksic: Agreed transfer of authorities to Pristina, Vucic presents as ‘snatching’ (N1)

Vice President of Serbian opposition People’s Party (NS) Miroslav Aleksic said there is no danger whatsoever related to re-registration of vehicles in Kosovo and Metohija, noting “a major performance” was underway in which Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic attempts to present handover of authorities to Pristina, he has agreed upon, as “snatching by force”, N1 reports.

He added “Vucic sends planes on drones, and there were no problems whatsoever”.

“I was in the north and the south of Kosovo and Metohija last time, when licence plates were an issue. I go there once a month, and what was presented in the media in central Serbia does not exist there. Our people in Kosovo and Metohija, in addition to the problems they have with Albanians, the biggest problem have with he Serbian List, that is blackmailing and mistreating them, and they can not get the job or the firewood if they are not (members) of Serbian List”, Aleksic said. He added that the Serbian List is not helping Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, but rather dispersing them from there. “People in Lipljan, Gracanica and Kosovska Mitrovica convinced me of this”, he said.

Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director, Petar Petkovic reacting to Aleksic’s remarks said that Vuk Jeremic, leader of NS and former foreign minister and Miroslav Aleksic “were the most meritorious for surrender of Serbian interests in Kosovo and that is why they have no right to talk about lives of Serbs there and attack Serbian List”. 

Balkan leaders off to Berlin: Serbia to choose between EU and Russia (FoNet, N1)

Western Balkans leaders are set to sign agreements on mutual recognition of ID cards, university degrees and professional qualifications at a summit in Berlin on November 3, German Government officials said, N1 reported, citing FoNet agency. 

Moves towards closer integration aim to bring greater stability to a region that emerged from the break-up of Yugoslavia and the ethnic wars of the 1990s and is still wracked by tensions, an official of the Government in Berlin told Reuters, Free Europe reported.

He explained that the aim is to bring Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Kosovo, and Albania closer to their membership in the European Union (EU) amid fears about the rising influence of Russia and China in the region.

The German official said this refers to Serbia in particular, which was bombed by NATO two decades ago, and which struggles to balance historically close ties with Russia against aspirations for economic and political integration with the West.

Reuters quoted one of the German government officials as saying that Serbia must decide whether it wants to join the EU or enter into a partnership with Russia.

“The need for a decision is coming to a head in view of geopolitical developments,” the official said in reference to Russia’s war in Ukraine.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is due to receive leaders of the six Balkan countries and the EU in Berlin November 3 as a revival of the so-called “Berlin Process” that his predecessor Angela Merkel put in motion.

Dacic meets Chen Bo: Gratitude to China for support on Kosovo issue (Kosovo Online)

First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met Ambassador of China to Serbia, Chen Bo and discussed with her the advancement of bilateral cooperation and current geo-political affairs, Kosovo Online portal reports.

Chen Bo handed over to Dacic a letter from his Chinese counterpart, congratulating him on new appointment and expressing hope that current successful cooperation will continue at all levels.

Dacic noted ongoing fostering of friendly relations between two states, adding he hopes for continuation of a political dialogue at the high and highest level, as well as for strategic partnership between Serbia and China.  

He underlined gratitude of Serbia to China over its support in resolving the Kosovo issue, in particular in United Nations and other international organisations, as well as expectation that this support of vital significance to Serbia shall continue. 

Orlic to Ambassador Tolkach: We thank Ukraine for its support on Kosovo issue (N1)

Serbian Parliament Speaker Vladimir Orlic met Tuesday with Ukrainian Ambassador to Serbia Volodymyr Tolkach and extended gratitude on Ukraine’s principled stance on Serbian territorial integrity and sovereignty, press release from Serbian Parliament said, N1 reports.

Ambassador Tolkach confirmed that Ukraine’s position on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija will remain unchanged, the press release added.

Orlic said Serbia consistently advocates respect for international law and the full adherence to the principle of territorial integrity and sovereignty of all United Nations (UN) members.

“We thank your country for respecting Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty. Unfortunately, there are some who advocate the principles of international law in words alone, but openly violate them in the case of Kosovo and Metohija”, Orlic noted.

He informed Ambassador Tolkach about the “difficult situation in the southern Serbian province and the pressures and terror that Serbs face there”.

“Pristina is once again trying to threaten peace with unilateral and dangerous moves, and official Belgrade, led by President Aleksandar Vucic, is again trying to preserve that peace for everyone”, Orlic said, adding that Pristina is in an open campaign for membership in the Council of Europe, and based on who supports it, “it is clear who is ready to again openly violate the principles of international law“.

Tolkach thanked Serbia for its support in difficult times and care for the refugees, and added that Serbia and Ukraine have the difficult task of defending the principles of international law.

“We are aware that the situation in Kosovo and Metohija is not easy and we will continue to strongly support your country’s territorial integrity and sovereignty. These principles must apply equally to everyone, and as Serbian officials point out, when we defend our integrity, we protect it for others as well“, Ambassador Tolkach said.

Orlic: We appreciate principled stance of Russia on Kosovo (Kosovo Online)

Serbian Assembly Speaker Vladimir Orlic spoke today with the Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Serbia, Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko on a number of topics related to bilateral cooperation, Kosovo Online portal reports.

Orlic informed Botsan-Kharchenko on the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, recalling that Serbia, despite irresponsible and unilateral acts of Pristina, attempts to preserve the peace and stability in this part of Europe, reads the press statement.

He added Serbia remains fully committed to complete implementation of all agreements made so far and to adherence to international law.

He also thanked Russia for the support it extends to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia as well as for its principled stance on the Kosovo issue. 

Trajkovic: I’m being threatened for testifying in Oliver Ivanovic’s murder case (KoSSev)

After Oliver Ivanovic, this country cannot afford to play dumb to threats made against Rada Trajkovic, lawyer Bozo Prelevic said at a press conference organized by Trajkovic yesterday. While I’m on this “road to Calvary”, the humanization of a “man of the mafia“ as a protector of Serbs is underway, Trajkovic said, KoSSev portal reports.

Trajkovic held an emergency press conference yesterday, expressing concern over the alleged pressure from certain state structures to which she and her family have been exposed.

Read more at:

Bislimi: Licence plates can no longer be part of the dialog (RFE, media)

The Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo, Besnik Bislimi, said that the request to replace the illegal licence plates of cars, which Serbia issues to the citizens of Kosovo, can no longer be seen as an issue that can be negotiated in the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, reported KiM radio, citing RFE.

In an interview with Radio Free Europe, Bislimi said that he expected that the implementation of the Kosovo government's decision on the re-registration of these cars with Kosovo plates would go well, without the need for citizens to be punished.

"We hope that there will be no need to issue fines. In public jargon, it is called a warning, but it is actually a kind of additional information to make the most of the 21-day period, in which citizens are recommended to change their licence plates from illegal to legal ones. There are administrative capacities to meet these requirements," Bislimi said.

He also added that the announcements of the Serbian List show that, as he said, citizens were not able to decide, but someone else decided for them, which forced them to remain in the illegal sphere.

He also spoke about the role of the USA in the decision-making process related to licence plates and about their proposal to "completely postpone" the deadline for re-registration.

"The USA, as a friendly country, made suggestions to the Republic of Kosovo with the idea of helping to legalise all those who have cars with illegal licence plates," Bislimi said.

He also stated that no one disputed the legitimacy of the decisions of the Government of Kosovo.

"No one is disputing the fact that these plates are illegal, and no one is disputing the fact that these plates should not have existed in the first place, especially after January 2018. This means that their existence shows that Serbia has violated international agreements," said Bislimi.

He was of the opinion that requests to postpone the deadline for re-registration come mainly for two reasons.

"The first, they come because of a terrible campaign of misinformation and manipulation of the citizens of the Serbian community in the north of Kosovo by Serbia, and the second because of the extreme exposure of these citizens to threats coming from parallel structures in Serbia. Since this is a problem for us as well, since November 1st we have not started with fines or confiscation of license plates, which means that we have responded to the concerns of our international friends that citizens should somehow be protected from self-intervention from Belgrade and that, in addition to this picture served to the citizens, we show the Serbian community in the north the opposite face of the Government of Kosovo, as a government that instead of threats offers them tax incentives, and instead of confiscation or immediately, as the regulation provides, we enable them to move from illegality to legality in several stages," Bislimi said. 

He also emphasised that the decision on the plates has been made and that it will not change even if the USA influences it.

In an interview for RFE, Bislimi also spoke about the Franco-German proposal for resolving disputes between Kosovo and Serbia. 

According to him, this proposal envisages the resolution of disputes in two stages. He says that the Kosovo side has already made its proposals in this regard and that Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti will convey them to the leaders of Germany and France on November 3 in Berlin.

"It is about a proposal that, more or less, may have as a starting point in friendly countries like Germany and France concerns that the Brussels process is not moving at the right pace, that the geopolitical situation in the Balkans is not so good. So, the proposal that comes from there is in the context of these events. The idea is to resolve the relations between Kosovo and Serbia in two phases, where a large part of the disputes would be resolved now, and a very small part, which they say is 1 percent, but we believe it is more, would be left for a later period," explained Bislimi.

KP in north to also issue reprimands (KoSSev, Kosovo Online)

First day of implementation of the Pristina government’s decision to start issuing reprimands to drivers with Serbian licence plates of towns in Kosovo passed peacefully, KoSSev portal reports. According to media reports, dozens of reprimands have already been issued – but only at the Jarinje and Brnjak crossings.

Meanwhile, Kosovo Online portal reported that Kosovo special police units with two vehicles were issuing reprimands near Leposavic as well.

There is still no official confirmation that reprimands were also handed out in North Mitrovica. The Kosovo police of the region north, however, confirmed for KoSSev that they received a memo from Pristina, and while it was not specified, it implied that their officers will issue these warnings.

On Friday, three days before the deadline (October 31st), the Kosovo government decided to introduce re-registration in phases.

In practice, their decision on the removal of Serbian plates will be applied until April 21st, 2023 – the plan includes reprimands, fines, and temporary licence plates, and is supposed to end in complete abolishment of these plates, the portal recalled. 

Ambassador Koshar: We are not guided by the logic of blackmail in our relations with Belgrade (Tanjug, media)

French Ambassador to Serbia, Pierre Koshar told in an interview for Tanjug news agency that the EU was not guided by the logic of blackmail in its relations with Belgrade, that this was not its approach. He said that the document handed over to President Vucic, by him and other Quint ambassadors, referred to the issue of re-registration of vehicles with Serbian plates in Kosovo and that it calls for a dialogue.

"In that document, we call for the postponement of the implementation of the decision on the re-registration of Serbian vehicles, a decision whose legitimacy we do not dispute, and we call for the avoidance of anything that can increase tensions," Koshar said, answering the question of whether the document that Quint handed over to Vucic was coherent with Franco-German proposal on the solution of the Kosovo issue.

- It is about two documents related to different topics. In the proposal of the French president and the German chancellor, the will was expressed for renewed momentum in the dialogue and important topics in the dialogue that would enable normalization, which is much more important than license plates - Koshar pointed out.

When asked if the Franco-German proposal mentions a deadline for reaching an agreement, Koshar replied that there is no date.

- We, of course, hope that things progress quickly, that the dialogue progresses quickly because it is in the interest of everyone, including the Serbian population in Kosovo, but there is no deadline - the French ambassador pointed out regarding the media writing that the deadline was February 24.

- Who could even imagine that we set that date as the tragic date of the anniversary of the beginning of Russian aggression in Ukraine - Koshar asked.

When asked whether the "offer" in the Franco-German proposal on, as reported by the media, the accelerated accession of Serbia to the EU in exchange for the acceptance of Kosovo's admission to the UN, is acceptable to Belgrade and whether it is adequate "compensation" for the tacit recognition of Kosovo's independence, Koshar said that Brussels "is not guided by the logic of blackmail in its relations with Belgrade".

- That is not our approach, we stand for the rapid accession of Serbia to the EU, which President Macron has said many times, but this also implies that reforms should be accelerated regarding the functioning of the rule of law and freedom of the media, and we are counting on the Serbian authorities to do that. Therefore, this is not about some kind of compensation or "recoupment", it is about a goal shared by the EU countries, and hopefully, Serbia as well - pointed out Koshar. 

- It is also true that the progress in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina is one element of Serbia's approach to the European Union, it is also part of the criteria that have been considered and we hope, because of this, that the dialogue will be accelerated - said the ambassador.

When asked whether France supports the formation of the Community of Serbian Municipalities (CSM) and whether there will be one, the ambassador said that the decision on the formation was already contained in the Brussels agreements, and that it was now up to Belgrade and Pristina to "sit down at the table, discuss the contours and the prerogatives of the CSM" and the modalities of the community starting from what has already been agreed in Brussels.

He added that one of the goals of the Franco-German proposal was to support the mediation of Miroslav Lajcak, and that the goal was to precisely discuss the content of the CSM", reported Serbian media citing Tanjug's interview with Ambassador Koshar.





Expert says Belgrade has advantage over Pristina (N1)

Johns Hopkins university lecturer Edward Joseph told N1 on Tuesday that Belgrade has an advantage in negotiations with Pristina because some European countries have not recognized Kosovo.

Joseph, a conflict management expert with experience in the Balkans, said that failure to resolve the Kosovo issue is holding back Serbia and the rest of the region.

He said that economic problems are being used for political purposes. According to Joseph, this is about the unfinished breakup of Yugoslavia. The central issue is what happens to the Serbs outside of Serbia, he said adding that the late FRY President Slobodan Milosevic had an answer to that question and now Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has a renewed answer. He said that the essence of the problem is the fact that Serbia has an advantage, is not being criticized and it can continue backsliding and manipulating the West

Joseph said that the Serbian narrative is that history began in 1999 with the NATO air campaign which was unjust and led to Kosovo’s independence. History actually began in 1989 when Serbia took away Kosovo’s autonomy and that signaled the end of Yugoslavia, he said and added that this was when the history of Kosovo started. He said that the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) committed crimes and its leaders were held responsible.

In his opinion, the focus has to be on securing the status of the Kosovo Serbs but warned that this is not the case. He warned that things would get progressively worse for the Kosovo Serb as long as the focus is on secondary issues along with the dream of returning Kosovo to Serbia. The question of their final status won’t be resolved as long as Serbia maintains a hostile stance and controls Kosovo Serb politics.

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Serbia, Kosovo, Trade Accusations Over Mystery Drones (BIRN)

Serbian Defence Minister Milos Vucevic said on Wednesday that President Aleksandar Vucic had issued an order to raise combat readiness after the sighting of drones entering the territory from Kosovo.

“Having experience of the Ukrainian front, the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, as commander-in-chief, issued an order that every such facility be eliminated. Our fighters, MiG-29s, did not patrol because of drones, they carried out regular patrolling and control of our skies,” he said.

“The army can respond to these challenges with cannons,” said Vucevic.

He claimed the drones came from two directions from Kosovo, along the line of the Terrestrial Security Zone, with “occasional entries into the territory of central Serbia and attempts to observe the positions of units of the Serbian Armed Forces and certain facilities”.

The Minister said the “incorrect” headlines in the Kosovo media were that the Serbian army is “concentrating on the administrative line” with Kosovo, but that it is actually about exercises taking place throughout Serbia under the name “Maneuver 22”.

“I cannot say security risks do not exist, primarily because of the irresponsible behavior of the administration in Pristina, but Serbia does not want any wars,” said Vucevic.

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Berlin Process 2022: Western Balkans week in Berlin (EWB)

BERLIN — The 2022 edition of the Berlin Process takes place this week in the city where it started back in 2014. Besides the 3 November meeting of the heads of states of the Western Balkans six with representatives of the participating EU Member States and the UK, the Western Balkans Summit 2022 is complemented by two other events organised with the aim of including civil society and the youth from the Western Balkans in the Berlin Process — the Civil Society and Think Tank Forum and the Western Balkans Youth Forum.

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Relations between Serbia and Kosovo should be normalized (EWB)

Relations between Serbia and Kosovo should be normalized but their opinions differed in the way how the future of relation should be comprehended it was concluded during the panel “Kosovo and Serbia  – Escaping the Dead-end” at Belgrade Security Conference (BSC)

Variety of topics and problems were discussed on this panel, from licence plates in Kosovo to the Franco-German initiative regarding Kosovo-Serbia dialogue. 

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