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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 3, 2024

Albanian Language Media: 

  • Kosovo on verge of allowing goods from Serbia, following German pressure (RFE)

  • Explosion in Zubin Potok at night, no one injured (Reporteri)

  • Zeqiri: Explosion in Zubin Potok, an unacceptable act (Reporteri)

  • Kurti meets Albanian diaspora in Poland, “important nexus” (media)

Serbian Language Media: 

  • Vucic speaks with Slovenian president about Brdo-Brijuni Process meeting (Tanjug)

  • Andric Rakic: Kurti will not give up strategy of “as little dialogue as possible and to change reality on ground as much as possible” (Kosovo Online)

  • Arsenijevic after release: I was attacked, and yet arrested first (KoSSev, Radio kontakt plus, media)

  • Association of Journalists of Kosovo: Visar Syla yesterday directly violated right to free reporting (KoSSev)

  • KoSSev: While police investigates cause of fire in house at Zubin Potok, Zeqiri knows there were attackers  

  • Trial of Sladjan Trajkovic returned to beginning due to changed court panel (Tanjug, RTS, media)

  • IFJ-EFJ/SafeJournalists: Death threats to Tanjug journalists must be investigated (Tanjug, media)

  • German Ambassador: We support Serbia on its path to EU (N1)

  • Chair of EU-Serbia Stabilization and Association Committee elected (N1, Kosovo Online, media)


  • ‘My People Were a Big Part of It’: Serbian Photographer on Kosovo War’s Traumas (Balkan Insight)


Albanian Language Media  


Kosovo on verge of allowing goods from Serbia, following German pressure (RFE)


“We are working and are committed for the 10th anniversary of the Berlin Process to be successful,” the Kosovo government told Radio Free Europe when asked if it is considering Germany’s request to lift the ban on the import of goods from Serbia.


The German Embassy in Kosovo confirmed to the news website that “there have been many discussions between German and Kosovar officials on the topic” because “Germany wants to achieve results with regards to CEFTA [Central European Free Trade Agreement] at this year’s summit of the Berlin Process”.


German Special Envoy for the Western Balkans, Manuel Sarrazin, made the request to lift the ban in early September, saying that the ban blocks the work of CEFTA. He also said that because of the ban Kosovo risks its participation in the Berlin Process – an initiative that aims to help the economic development of the countries of the Western Balkans and their approximation with the European Union. The tenth summit of the Berlin Process will be held on October 14.


The Kosovo government decided to ban the import of goods from Serbia in July last year, citing security reasons. At the time, Serbian police arrested three Kosovo police officers. Although the latter were later released, the ban remained in force.


The EU said on several occasions that the decision of Kosovo’s authorities is in opposition with CEFTA and the spirit of Kosovo’s Stabilization/Association Agreement with the European Union.


German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said on Tuesday at a preparatory meeting with foreign ministers from the Western Balkans that the next two weeks will be crucial for a successful summit of the Berlin Process. “It depends whether an agreement on the implementation of CEFTA will be reached. There is still work to be done to achieve this,” she said.


Chairman of the Kosovo Chamber of Commerce, Lulzim Rafuna, told Radio Free Europe that the decision to ban the import of Serbian goods was made for security reasons more than a year ago and that the time has come to seriously consider annulling the decision. He said that the decision risks not only the work of CEFTA, but the Berlin Process and the Common Regional Market too, which was agreed upon in 2020. “Everything is related. That is why it is important to remove all obstacles, and not only those by Kosovo … We too have problems with exporting goods to Serbia, because it does not recognize Kosovo’s phytosanitary documentation,” he argued.


Safet Gerxhaliu, Pristina-based economy expert, agrees with Rafuna’s remarks and adds that the Kosovo government must not experiment with regional economic cooperation. He also said that Kosovo must understand the importance of European economic integration and that it doesn’t have the luxury of blocking regional cooperation with its political decisions. 


Explosion in Zubin Potok at night, no one injured (Reporteri)


An explosion occurred last night in Zubin Potok, which is suspected to have caused a fire in an uninhabited building. The deputy police director for the northern region, Veton Elshani, announced that there were no injuries from this explosion.


"An explosion was reported in Zubin Potok, which is suspected to have caused a fire in an uninhabited and unfinished building.


"There are no injuries, while the police and firefighters are at the scene. It is still not known what caused the explosion, but adequate police units are at the scene", said Elshani.


Local media in the north have published footage from the scene.


Zeqiri: Explosion in Zubin Potok, an unacceptable act (Reporteri)


The mayor of Zubin Potok, Izmir Zeqiri, has announced that the property where last night's explosion took place in the north belongs to the former mayor of this municipality.


"I strongly condemn last night's attack on the property of the former mayor of Zubin Potok and appeal to the law enforcement agencies to catch the attackers and bring them to justice... similar attacks that are happening on the lives and properties of citizens are unacceptable and will not stop us in our work and commitments for calmness, order and law," he wrote.


Kurti meets Albanian diaspora in Poland, “important nexus” (media)


Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti met on Wednesday with the Albanian diaspora in Poland, saying that they are an important nexus of Kosovo’s relations with Poland. Kurti also said that “Poland is an important partner with whom we aim to further cooperation in economic exchange, defense and security, cultural interaction, and many other areas”.


Serbian Language Media 


Vucic speaks with Slovenian president about Brdo-Brijuni Process meeting (Tanjug)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic spoke with Slovenian President Natasa Pirc Musar on Thursday about an October 7-8 meeting of Brdo-Brijuni Process leaders in Tivat. "I thanked Slovenia for supporting Serbia on the EU path and expressed the hope the Union will send clear messages regarding the enlargement policy", Vucic wrote in an Instagram post.

He added discussion with Pirc Musar had also addressed the importance of cooperation and partnership, as well as promotion of the Western Balkans' common goals within the framework of EU integration and sustainable development. He noted that joint projects would contribute to better connectivity, prosperity and stability in the region.

Andric Rakic: Kurti will not give up strategy of “as little dialogue as possible and to change reality on ground as much as possible” (Kosovo Online)

Mitrovica North-based New Social Initiative, program manager Milica Andric Rakic told Kosovo Online portal that the EU mediator in Belgrade-Pristina talks Miroslav Lajcak is trying to use US influence in order to persuade Pristina return to dialogue, but that this will only be influenced by new European administration and future composition of the government. Otherwise, she adds, it is difficult to expect a change in Pristina’s course “as little dialogue as possible and to change the reality on the ground as much as possible”.

“Until we see the composition of the new government in Pristina and unless we have a government with a larger coalition, that is, a government of Self-determination and a larger political party, not only with minorities, but I also really don’t see that there can be any progress. We will have a freeze on this situation until the moment political circumstances change or until the authorities in Pristina convince themselves that dialogue is the way to solve it or there is no major escalation”, she told the portal.

She recalled that since September 2021, Kosovo fell into a cycle of constant crises with a clear goal of Pristina to artificially change the reality on the ground.

“All we know for the last three years, in fact since September 2021, when we fell into that cycle of constant crises, is that Kosovo Government is not giving up on the course it has set, which can be described as: as little dialogue as possible and to change the reality on the ground as much as possible”, she emphasized.

Arsenijevic after release: I was attacked, and yet arrested first (KoSSev, Radio kontakt plus, media)

Serbian Democracy leader Aleksandar Arsenijevic was released yesterday after being briefly detained at Kosovo police station, KoSSev portal reported. He was arrested in the afternoon of the same day, at Mitrovica North promenade, while blowing the whistle to protest the presence of a local official, in a newly opened Albanian-owned Missini pastry shop. He was assaulted by at least two Albanians, guests of this restaurant, the portal added. 

Two Albanians were also detained, and one more Serb, who was nearby the incident place.

Arsenijevic: May I not move in the town, if someone is in an aggressive mood?

Upon leaving the police station, Arsenijevic told the media what had happened.

“I protested the presence of Erden Atiq at the promenade. Then three people started insulting me and swearing at me from a newly opened café Missini. I have recordings showing that Atiq’s security first talked, negotiated something with them. After that one of them, in a white shirt, attempted to approach me from my back side. The person, who previously swore at me, also jumped up. The person in white shirt attempted to grab me by the hand, then police jumped in and arrested me, as a victim of their violence. This is unbelievable”, Arsenijevic said.

He added, those persons who attacked him were not from the north, but came from Mitrovica South.

“Today I was attacked by three persons of Albanian ethnicity, who are not from our city, they came from the south. Because of this reason, as they said, they arrested me and issued a fine for disrespecting an official person”, he added.

Arsenijevic also asked, "Does this attack mean he must not move around his own town, if a person who is in an aggressive mood towards him comes to the town?”

“This means they do not forgive us even when they beat us up, they do not let us cry when they beat us up. This will not be tolerated”, he said, adding that another Serb who was arrested will also be released and a fine issued to him, which Serbian Democracy will pay for.

He also claimed that one of the police officers at the promenade told him: “You know they are aggressive, why are you there to walk around?”

At the end, he also had a question for, as he said, the entire international community. “Can I move freely in my town? Is that the aim of this government, of those institutions? Or is it their aim to expel us slowly, meter by meter?”. He noted that Serbian Democracy will not stop with their actions to express protest and they would be “even better and more creative. The more they pressure us, the more empowered we shall be”. 

Association of Journalists of Kosovo: Visar Syla yesterday directly violated right to free reporting (KoSSev)

Association of Journalists of Kosovo (AGK) expressed concern over “obstructive actions” of the chief of the cabinet of Mitrovica North mayor, Visar Syla against journalists from Pristina while they were reporting on the arrest of Aleksandar Arsenijevic, leader of Serbian Democracy in Mitrovica North. Syla attempted to prevent them from recording this incident – both verbally and physically, KoSSev portal reported.

“Such behavior directly violates their right to free reporting”, AGJ said in a statement.

According to the statements of Kallxo and Telegrafi journalists and available video recordings published by those portals, chief of Erden Atiq’s cabinet, Visar Syla, attempted to obstruct the work of Florinda Kelmendi and Blineri Mehmeti, by placing the hand on camera of one of them, and telling both not to record. Both journalists said they told Syla they were doing their job.

“We went there to record, I told him this is my duty, but he insisted that I stop recording”, Blineri Mehmeti said, AGK conveyed. AGK last night also condemned the behavior of Visar Syla, adding that he not only obstructed the work of journalists, but directly violated their right to free reporting. AGK called on Kosovo officials to avoid acts that go to the detriment of journalists, citing Kosovo declines by 19 places on press freedom index by credible international organizations. 

Video published by Kallxo is available at:

KoSSev: While police investigates cause of fire in house at Zubin Potok, Zeqiri knows there were attackers  

Late last night, an explosion was heard from the direction of a multi-floor object under construction and the fire was noticed on the ground floor of this premise, quickly extinguished by firefighters. The Kosovo police are still investigating the cause, as they confirmed today, while the current Albanian mayor of this town, Izmir Zeqiri knows that there were attackers, demanding they be arrested. He also said the property of former Zubin Potok mayor was affected.

“It is still unknown what caused the explosion, but adequate police units are on the spot”, reads the replay sent to the KoSSev portal.

Police in their report this morning also said “it had been reported that unknown persons threw an explosive device at a private premise under construction, which caused the fire. Police units went to the spot, same as firefighters who extinguished the fire”. 

Trial of Sladjan Trajkovic returned to beginning due to changed court panel (Tanjug, RTS, media)

The trial of Sladjan Trajkovic, who is charged by the prosecution in Pristina with alleged war crimes against the civilian population, was returned to the beginning today due to a change in the members of the court panel, reported Tanjug agency.

At today's hearing in the Basic Court in Pristina, Trajkovic once again pleaded not guilty to the allegations in the indictment.

The defense and the prosecution agreed with the proposal that the witnesses who have been heard so far should not be heard again, while the defense attorney of Sladjan Trajkovic, Dejan Vasic, again requested that his client be tried while on bail.

IFJ-EFJ/SafeJournalists: Death threats to Tanjug journalists must be investigated (Tanjug, media)

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ), together with the SafeJournalists Network, have expressed full solidarity with Tanjug journalists who have received death threats by email for reporting on Kosovo.

"We are grateful to the Ministry of Information, together with the High Tech Crime Department of the Higher Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade, for identifying the source of the threat. The Ministry showed how it can react in the shortest possible time and we expect it to do the same in similar cases in the future, especially when threats come from territory where it has authority. Those who make these death threats must be punished. Journalists must feel protected and their right to move freely and carry out their work without fear of attack must be guaranteed," the SafeJournalists Network said.

"We condemn in the strongest terms possible the gruesome death threats received by journalists at Tanjug News Agency. Journalists must be able to carry out their work, including on Kosovo territory, without fear of being ‘shot in the head.’ Death threats against media professionals are an attack on media freedom and the public's right to know. It is crucial to ensure a swift and thorough investigation into the death threat, so that the perpetrators are deterred from repeating similar criminal behavior in the future," the IFJ-EFJ said in a statement.

"The death threats represent a serious attack on media freedom and further jeopardise the safety of journalists working in increasingly difficult conditions on a daily basis. According to the latest Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) monitoring, there have been twelve incidents of death threats against journalists since January, ten of them online. It is therefore crucial that the relevant institutions show determination to protect media freedom, starting with prosecuting the perpetrators of online threats that endanger journalists' lives before they can escalate beyond the screen," it noted.

German Ambassador: We support Serbia on its path to EU (N1)

German Ambassador to Serbia Anke Konrad told a reception marking German Unity Day that her country will support Serbia every step of the way on its path to European Union (EU) membership. Konrad recalled that the Berlin Wall fell 35 years ago, ushering in a new era for over 17 million East Germans and that, for many, that October 3 brought a lot of expectations and hopes, but also questions and concerns, N1 reported.

Konrad pointed out that many people in Central and Eastern Europe experienced major changes during that period, yet they managed to become part of the EU, and added that they understand the challenges facing the Western Balkans on their path to EU membership. Serbia has chosen to embrace these challenges, she said, emphasizing that Germany stands shoulder to shoulder with Serbia and its people, offering support at every step on the road to EU membership.

The event was attended by Serbian ministers, although Prime Minister Milos Vucevic was absent, Parliament speaker Ana Brnabic, representatives of the opposition parties People’s Movement of Serbia, Green-Left Front and Serbia Center, representatives of religious communities, dignitaries from the diplomatic community and media.

Chair of EU-Serbia Stabilization and Association Committee elected (N1, Kosovo Online, media)

Member of European Parliament Loucas Fourlas was elected as the chair of the European Union (EU) Delegation to the Serbia-EU Stabilization and Association Committee at the committee’s constitutive meeting, reported N1. 

His deputies are Alessandra Moretti MEP, of the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, who chaired the committee in the previous European Parliament term, and Christian Democrat Giorgos Aftias.

The Stabilization and Association Committee serves as a forum for political dialogue between the two parliaments regarding the candidate country’s EU integration process. It comprises members of the European Parliament and of the candidate country’s national parliament, with the chair alternating between MEPs and local parliamentarians.

RTS reported that Fourlas, a former member of the EP from Cyprus, said that Serbia is an important country for Europe and said that his goal will be to use the available funds so that Serbia can make significant progress on its way to the EU. 




‘My People Were a Big Part of It’: Serbian Photographer on Kosovo War’s Traumas (Balkan Insight)

Goran Tomasevic – who was among the first journalists to document the grisly scene after mass killings at Kosovo’s Dubrava prison in 1999 – told BIRN that covering the war took a deep emotional toll.

“As long as I can walk and hold my camera, I will go for it,” declared Serbian photographer Goran Tomasevic, who covered the aftermath of the killings at Kosovo’s largest prison in 1999 and the exodus of Kosovo Albanians on trains to Macedonia during the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia.

In an interview at BIRN’s Reporting House in Kosovo’s capital, Pristina, Tomasevic – who has also covered wars and conflicts in the Middle East and Africa and is a recipient of several awards, including a Pulitzer Prize – said the events in Kosovo had affected him most because “[Serbian] people were a big part of what was happening”.

“The situation for us photographers was totally unfriendly. The police were like, ‘You are working for Reuters [news agency]’, the population didn’t like me, Albanians didn’t like me because I’m Serb, and the Kosovo Liberation Army didn’t like me either,” he recalled.

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