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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, April 18

  • 53 patients with COVID-19 are being treated at hospital, two in serious condition (media)
  • Kurti: I will only meet with the President to announce elections and for the pandemic (media)
  • Thaci to Kurti: Nominate the prime minister-designate “without delay” (media)
  • Kurti and Lajcak agree that dialogue should resume after pandemic (RTK)
  • Lajcak: I will continue to cooperate closely with the U.S. (media)
  • COVID-19 won’t stop Kosovo war crimes court from filing indictments (Express)
  • Konjufca discusses support on visa liberalization with German FM Mass (media)
  • Osmani joins campaign against domestic violence (RTK)

53 patients with COVID-19 are being treated at hospital, two in serious condition (media)

53 patients infected with COVID-19 are currently being treated at the Infectious Diseases Clinic operating within the Clinical and University Center of Kosovo. Two of them are in intensive care. Infectious disease specialist Arben Vishaj gave details about the condition of the infected.

Vishaj said that six of the infected are with oxygen therapy and that two others are in intensive care.

The National Institute of Public Health announced last night that from the testing of 209 samples taken from the Infectious Diseases Clinic, the tracking of contacts in the field and from the quarantine in the Student Center, 31 people resulted to be infected. The confirmed cases are from Ferizaj, Vitia, Pristina, Fushe Kosova, Skenderaj, Shtimje, Leposaviq and Zubin Potok.

At present, the number of COVID-19 cases in all municipalities of Kosovo stands at 518. Among them, 88 patients have recovered, while 14 people have died.

Kurti: I will only meet with the President to announce elections and for the pandemic (media)

Acting Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti, said during a debate on TV Dukagjini that he did not go to the White House because the agreement there was ready. He added that his demonstrative leaving from the White House would have been much more harmful for Kosovo.

According to Kurti, the reason why the agreement was not signed there is that Serbia’s representation in the U.S was complete while that of Kosovo was partial. He added that if he went at the White House, someone much more senior official than Grenell would be present at the meeting.

Speaking about the Covid-19 situation in Kosovo, Kurti said that he has sent on Friday an invitation to the President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci and to all political leaders to meet on Monday at 10:00 hours in order to see what can be done in order to overcome the situation together as soon as possible.

Speaking about the tests that arrived from Serbia, Kurti said Serbia thought that the government would not treat Kosovo Serb citizens. “They were surprised from our actions and then they expressed some kind of readiness and sent approximately 1000 tests. “It was a good gesture of Serbia. Those tests will not be used only for Serb citizens,” Kurti said.

Asked about the no-confidence motion, Kurti said the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) breached the coalition prior to Agim Veliu’s dismissal. He however added that Veliu was dismissed for taking President Thaci’s side on declaring state of emergency, and that if this did not happen, he would still be Minister of Interior.

Thaci to Kurti: Nominate the prime minister-designate “without delay” (Express)

Kosovo President Hashim Thaci sent on Friday the fourth letter to the Acting Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, asking him to nominate the prime-minister designate “without further delay.”.  Thaci reminded Kurti that in the previous exchange of letters he had not nominated the candidate.

Thaci emphasized that Kurti must inform him about the candidate. “But you have not done so yet, despite the fact that I have already sent three requests,” Thaci wrote to Kurti. “Therefore, once again, in accordance with Article 95 of the Constitution and the Constitutional Court’s judgement in case no. K0103/14, I ask you to send me the name of the prime-minister designate as soon as possible.”

Thaci’s fourth letter comes after Kurti wrote to Thaci warning him that as President of the country and helped by certain political entities he is trying to impose an unconstitutional solution after no-confidence vote in Government last month. Kurti reiterated his stance that his party – the Vetevendosje wants early elections after the end of Covid-19 pandemic, adding that the President and other political entities are trying to impose unconstitutional solution following no-confidence vote in his Government on 25 March.

Kurti and Lajcak agree that dialogue should resume after pandemic (RTK)

Acting Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti held on Friday afternoon a telephone conversation with the EU’s Special Representative for Kosovo-Serbia dialogue and other regional matters in Western Balkans, Miroslav Lajcak.

A press release issued by the government of Kosovo notes that Kurti initially informed Lajcak about the situation in Kosovo with regards to the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as the measures that the Ministry of Health has undertaken.

“As far as the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue is concerned, Mr. Lajcak informed Mr. Kurti that he is currently analyzing the up to date reached agreements between Kosovo and Serbia, as well as discussing with the parties that will be involved in the dialogue.

Pm Kurti said the government of Kosovo is currently focusing on the war against Covid-19, where all Kosovo political parties in the government and opposition, should be united. He also requested from Mr. Lajcak to convince in the meantime the Serbian party to give up the idea of exchange of territories between Kosovo and Serbia.

Both interlocutors agreed that they will be in permanent contact and that the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue will resume as soon as the situation with Covid-19 is overcome.

Lajcak: I will continue to cooperate closely with the U.S. (media)

Miroslav Lajcak, EU’s special representative for the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, told Radio Free Europe that his duty is to complete successfully this dialogue and ensure that Kosovo and Serbia resolve their pending issues once and for all.

Lajcak said there is only one dialogue, mediated by the European Union. He however added that he will continue to cooperate closely with his U.S colleagues, because “The United States of America and the European Union share a joint agenda for this region.”

“The U.S. have been EU’s main partner in Western Balkans and EU’s main partner on Belgrade-Pristina dialogue,” Lajcak said.

COVID-19 won’t stop Kosovo war crimes court from filing indictments (Express)

Coronavirus pandemic will not delay publication of the first indictments by the Specialist Prosecutor’s Office (SPO). The SPO press office told Gazeta Express that the work of the pre-trial judge who was assigned by the Kosovo Specialist Chambers President to review indictments filed by the SPO continues as planned.

In February 2020 the Specialist Prosecutor notified the President of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers of his intent to initiate proceedings before the Specialist Chambers and a Pre-Trial Judge was assigned to deal with the indictments. According to the Law on specialist Chambers the Pre-trial Judge has six months to review the indictments. The Specialist Prosecutor’s Office press service answering Gazeta Express said the review of the indictments will be done within deadlines. “The work of the pre-trial judge assigned by the President to review indictments filed by the Specialist Prosecutor continues as planned,” SPO’s press office said. However, the SPO admits taking measures to prevent from COVID-19. “The work of the pre-trial judge assigned by the President to review indictments filed by the Specialist Prosecutor continues as planned,” said SPO spokesperson Christopher Bennett.

More than 200 people, mostly former Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) members, have been summoned by the SPO prosecutors based at the Hague for questioning as suspects or witnesses in relation to crimes allegedly committed between 1 January 1998 and 31 December 1999 in Kosovo.

Konjufca discusses support on visa liberalization with German FM Mass (media)

Kosovo’s Acting Foreign Minister Glauk Konjufca had on Friday a telephone conversation with Germany’s Foreign Minister Heiko Mass.

“We discussed this time with Mr. Mass the Berlin Process and relations with the countries of the region,” Konjufca said.

Among other issues, I informed the German Minister on the lifting of the 100 percent tariff and applying of reciprocity with Serbia,” he added.

“We of course spoke during this telephone conversation about the relations between our two countries and as Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, I of course requested their support in the process of the visa liberalization,” Konjufca said.

Osmani joins campaign against domestic violence (RTK)

Kosovo’s Assembly Speaker Vjosa Osmani joins the campaign of the UN Women against domestic violence.

“With the speed of the spread of coronavirus pandemic, the pandemic of domestic violence is spreading in Kosovo and around the world. The victim of this violence may be your mother, sister or best friend.

Domestic violence does not recognize age, financial status or level of education. It can be anywhere.

Violence only survives when we are silent, so this period of isolation should never isolate your voice. Prevention of domestic violence starts with you,” reads Osmani’s message.