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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, April 27

  • Covid-19: 32 new cases confirmed, total number 767 (media)
  • Four KFOR members evacuated after testing positive for Covid-19 (Kallxo)
  • Vitia: We will decide on new measures on 30 April (T7/Telegrafi)
  • President's decree can only be challenged when a non-winning party is mandated (Koha)
  • Kurti: Missing persons, the first thing to be discussed in dialogue (media)
  • Muhaxheri: Formation of new government is close (RTK)
  • Selmanaj says coalition government to be voted this week (media)
  • Pacolli: We are not interested to be part of any government (net)
  • Kurti dismisses his advisor, Shkelzen Gashi (media)
  • Visa liberalisation – injustice that will not be corrected soon (media)

Kosovo Media Highlights

Covid-19: 32 new cases confirmed, total number 767 (media)

Kosovo's National Institute for Public Health announced that yesterday 297 tests were carried out, of which 32 have tested positive for Covid-19.

The Institute announced that one patient was declared recovered from the virus over the last day, taking the number of recoveries to 166. At the same time, it also confirmed one death of a 44-year-old man who is reported to have also suffered from other underlying medical conditions.

The majority of the new cases (23) are from the municipality of Peja.

The total number of Covid-19 cases in Kosovo currently stands at 767.

Four KFOR members evacuated after testing positive for Covid-19 (Kallxo)

Montenegro's Ministry of Defence announced that it evacuated from Kosovo one of its officials and three members of Croatia's armed forces, all of whom were serving in Kosovo under KFOR troops.

The four KFOR members were evacuated after testing positive for coronavirus. The condition of KFOR members is stable and they will receive medical treatment in their respective countries.

Vitia: We will decide on new measures on 30 April (T7/Telegrafi)

Acting Minister of Health Arben Vitia said that an assessment of the epidemiological situation in Kosovo will be done on 30 April and the new measures, including that of movement restriction, will be decided accordingly.

"Depending on their recommendations, we will decide what activities will be allowed to be exercised and how the restriction of movement will be continued," Vitia said.

He also commented on the 1,000 Covid-19 test kits donated by Serbia. "In a video conference we had with the counterpart from Serbia, organised by ambassadors, it was said that a good work was being done with the testing of all citizens, including those in the north. As a sign of good will, he offered 1,000 tests which I accepted. I am a minister of health and to me the only important thing is protecting the lives of all citizens."

President's decree can only be challenged when a non-winning party is mandated (Koha)

Koha writes that President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci's actions relating to the forming of the new government have not been followed up with publication of the letter-exchange which could potentially be a case addressed to the Constitutional Court.

Thaci's office has only issued a statement about the letter he has sent to the leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) Isa Mustafa asking him to put forward a candidate for prime minister but has not also published the letter itself which he did on all occasions he asked the same thing to the leader of the Vetevendosje Movement and acting Prime Minister, Albin Kurti.

The paper has reached out to Thaci's office seeking clarifications but has received no reply while the former president of the Constitutional Court, Enver Hasani, said the president's decree can only be challenged before the court when issued and when one of the non-winning party of October elections is mandated to form the new government.

At the same time, LVV has said they will appeal to the Constitutional Court as soon as Thaci 'formalises' his actions.

Kurti: Missing persons, the first thing to be discussed in dialogue (media)

On the National Day of Missing Persons marked on 27 April, acting Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti said that there are still many open wounds in Kosovo and that the saying that time heals all wounds does not apply to the families of 1,641 still unaccounted persons in Kosovo.

He said the future cannot be rightly built without the past being properly closed.

"It is our duty to do all we can to cut this absent justice by making the issue of missing persons the first in the future Kosovo-Serbia dialogue. There is no amnesty - only justice," Kurti wrote on Facebook.

Muhaxheri: Formation of new government is close (RTK)

Peja mayor who is also deputy leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo Gazmend Muhaxheri said PM candidate Avdullah Hoti is negotiating with the partners.

He did not give any deadline for the formation of the new government, saying only that it is close. “I believe that our candidate is holding negotiations and I believe that he is close to forming the new government of Kosovo,” Muhaxheri told RTK.

Selmanaj says coalition government to be voted this week (media)

Kosovo Assembly MP from the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Rasim Selmanaj said on Sunday that the new government comprised of the LDK, NISMA, AAK and minorities, is expected to be voted this week.

“It is approximated and when all details are set in place, the government will be voted next week. We of course are holding continuous meetings, and we are already waiting of its finalization.

Ekonomia Online news portal reports that the Ministry for Foreign Affairs is expected to be led by Meliza Haradinaj, the Ministry for Economic Development, by Blerim Kuqi, Selim Selimi is expected to lead with the Ministry of Justice, and Rame Lika with Ministry of Education. Besnik Tahiri from AAK is expected to be Deputy Prime Minister. 

Pacolli: We are not interested to be part of any government (

The New Kosovo Alliance (AKR) will not be part of the new government which is expected to be formed by the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), the news website reports. The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), the Social-Democratic Initiative (NISMA) and minority community political parties are expected to be part of the new government.

However the AKR leader Behgjet Pacolli said they are not interested to be part of any government. “Yes it is true, we are not interested to be part of any government,” Pacolli said.

LDK leader Isa Mustafa said he might be ready to seek votes of the Assembly of Kosovo for formation of the new government this week. 61 votes of the MPs are required to approve the new government. 

Kurti dismisses his advisor, Shkelzen Gashi (media)

Acting Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti has dismissed his advisor Shkelzen Gashi following his statement on the KLA.

"I consider it is best that he does not engage in the debate in which he is involved from the post of my advisor," Kurti said.

Gashi was widely criticised for his remarks about the KLA where he is alleged to have accused it of committing crimes. He rejected having accused the KLA as a whole but said that certain members have been involved in committing crimes.

Visa liberalisation – injustice that will not be corrected soon (media)

The European Parliament, through a report voted by the Commission for Foreign Policy, presented by Croatian MP Tonino Picula, has requested once again approval of the decision for visa liberalization for Kosovo, and added that this should take place without delays. However, this call does not represent news, as such calls have been made for years.

The problem of visa liberalization stands at the lack of will of some significant EU member states at the Council. As France and Holland are against, and some countries hesitate, such decision does not appear in the agenda. Diplomats in Brussels do not believe that this will happen soon. The situation created with COVID-19 as well as political situation in Kosovo have complicated this journey further, media report.