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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, July 12, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Government: Police presence reduced by 25%, elections in north after summer (Koha)
  • EU: Kosovo agreed to immediately reduce police presence in municipal buildings in north (Koha)
  • NATO leaders: Western Balkans requires continued attention (Reporteri)
  • Kurti: Vulin proved a threat to peace and security (Koha)
  • Osmani: Together with our allies we will fight the influence of ill-wishers (media)
  • Rama: North of Kosovo can become hotbed with threat of opening conflict (Klan)
  • Hovenier goes to burnt house of Serb who was planning to return to Istog (media)
  • Haradinaj condemns burning of Serb's house, calls for arrest of perpetrators (Klan)
  • SRSG Ziadeh condemns arson attack on returnee home in Veric (media)
  • Presidency, Assembly and Government buildings illuminated with Srebrenica symbol (Koha)
  • Abbott meets KFOR Commander, discuss security situation (RTK)

Serbian Language Media: 

  • NATO wants better relations with Serbia, condemns tensions in Kosovo (N1)
  • Hovenier: We hope for a complete de-escalation in the north (Radio Gorazdevac, Radio Mitrovica sever)
  • Hovenier condemned the burning of the house of the Jozic family in Istok (Kosovo Online)
  • An invitation to Kosovo to lift all restrictions on the movement of Serbian goods (Kontakt plus radio)
  • Doyle-Price: Kearnes's statements do not reflect positions of UK gov't , parliament (Tanjug)
  • Kosovo and EU flags, and the banner “United in Diversity” displayed on the Ibar Bridge (KoSSev)
  • US Embassy: The sanctions against Vulin are not aimed at any Serbian institution, we support the citizens of Serbia (KoSSev)
  • US Treasury imposes sanctions on Serbia’s top security agency chief (N1)

International Media:

  • US Sanctions Serbia’s Intelligence Chief Over Alleged Corruption (Balkan Insight)
  • Kosovo Opposition Scents Opportunity in Kurti’s Rift With West (BIRN)
  • KFOR confirms that injured soldier in Zvecan had his leg amputated (
  • Bridging the Language Gap Between the Serbian and Albanian Communities (BIRN)
  • Eurobarometer survey: Trust in the EU varies across the Western Balkans (EWB)

Albanian Language Media

Government: Police presence reduced by 25%, elections in north after summer (Koha)

The government of Kosovo has announced that in the meeting that the Kosovo chief negotiator in the dialogue with Serbia, Besnik Bislimi, held on Monday with the EU Special Representative, Miroslav Lajcak, Kosovo has agreed to immediately reduce the police presence in and around the municipal buildings in the north, as it is said, to the extent of 25%.

A press release issued by the government notes that the focus of the meeting was creating preconditions for strengthening the focus on the full and unconditional implementation of the Basic Agreement of February 27 and the Ohrid annex of March 18.

Reducing the police presence in and around municipal buildings is the first point agreed upon by the government. The next point is that "Kosovo Police, together with EULEX and KFOR, will assess the security situation as necessary, in particular to look at the possibility of further reducing the police presence in and around municipal buildings". The third point is that of holding elections in the four municipalities in the north. "The Government of Kosovo through a public statement supports the holding of early elections in the 4 municipalities in the north of the country and that after the summer season. Kosovo expresses its commitment to providing the necessary legal basis to enable the organization of these elections,” the point notes. The fourth point listed by the government notes that the EU will invite the two chief negotiators to Brussels with the aim of finalizing the sequencing plan for the normalisation agreement, after which the implementation of all the articles of the agreement will begin. The actions are said to be finalized within a two-week period.

EU: Kosovo agreed to immediately reduce police presence in municipal buildings in north (Koha)

The European Union announced that Kosovo has agreed to reduce the presence of police forces in and around municipal facilities in the north, as well as to conduct regular security assessments, in cooperation with EULEX and KFOR.

In a response to Koha, the EU said that based on the assessments, the possibility of further reducing this police presence will be considered, "without undertaking any move that could escalate the situation". "Lajcak had an informal bilateral meeting with the Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo and the chief negotiator Besnik Bislimi, in Bratislava on July 10. They discussed Kosovo's response to the EU's demands for the de-escalation of the situation in the north, the organization of early local elections in the four northern municipalities and the return to implementation of the agreements, according to the June 3 statement. They agreed on Kosovo's first steps in these three areas. These include the immediate reduction of police presence in and around municipal buildings, Kosovo to conduct regular joint assessments with EULEX and KFOR, as necessary, to assess the possibility of further reduction of this presence, without undertaking no movement that could escalate the situation, as well as the encouragement for early elections, and for the establishment of the required legal basis,” the EU response notes.

NATO leaders: Western Balkans requires continued attention (Reporteri)

Leaders of NATO countries said on Tuesday, on the first day of the summit held in Vilnius, Lithuania, that the states of the Western Balkans are of strategic importance for the alliance, and confirmed their commitment to the security and stability of the region. They said they support reforms that strengthen the aspirations of the countries of the region towards NATO and the European Union.

"We will continue to improve our political dialogue and practical cooperation in order to support reforms, regional peace and security, and counter malicious influences, including disinformation, hybrid and cyber threats, posed by state and non-state actors," the leaders said.

They assessed that the Western Balkans requires constant attention and commitment from NATO and the international community to face these challenges. "Democratic values, the rule of law, internal reforms and good neighborly relations are of vital importance for regional cooperation and Euro-Atlantic integration. We expect continuous progress in this direction", says the statement of the leaders of the 31 NATO countries.

They called on Serbia, which has neutral status in terms of military alliances, to engage constructively with NATO and its neighbors. It is estimated that the strengthening of NATO-Serbia relations would be beneficial both for the alliance, as well as for Serbia and the whole region.

Kurti: Vulin proved a threat to peace and security (Koha)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti reacted after the sanctioning of the head of the Serbian Intelligence Agency, Aleksandar Vulin, by the United States of America, saying that the threat posed by the Serbian state to peace and security has been proven. "The U.S. Treasury has sanctioned Aleksandar Vulin, the head of Serbia's intelligence agency and former Minister of Internal Affairs and Defense for corrupt arrangements facilitating malign Russian activities in Serbia and the region, proving the threat posed to peace and security at the highest levels of the Serbian state," Kurti e wrote on Twitter.

Kosovo’s Minister of Interior Affairs, Xhelal Svecla, said that Vulin is only one of Belgrade's connections with Moscow, and only one of the mediators that bring together Russian President Vladimir Putin and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. "Vulin had recently participated in the "security conference" organized in Moscow. This is simply the next proof and evidence that Serbia, as long as it is guided by a non-demiloshevicized policy, serves as a tool of Russia for destabilizing the Balkans," Svecla said in a Facebook post.

Svecla also said he is not happy that “there are criminals in governing positions in Serbia” and that Kosovo does not wish harm to anyone. “We would be pleased if we had responsible, open-minded and uncorrupt politicians in all the neighboring countries,” Svecla said.

Osmani: Together with our allies we will fight the influence of ill-wishers (media)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani reacted on Tuesday after the United States imposed sanctions on Aleksandar Vulin, the head of the Serbian Intelligence Agency, who has held important positions in the government of Aleksandar Vucic.

“Vulin and co damaged democracy and threatened peace in our region. He served Russia's malign interests and transnational organized crime, thus undermining regional stability. I applaud the U.S. for the decision to sanction him. Together with our allies we’ll fight the influence of such malign actors,” Osmani tweeted.

Rama: North of Kosovo can become a hotbed with a threat of opening conflict (Klan)

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama said on Tuesday in a conversation with the expert of the European Center of the Atlantic Council, Rachel Rizzo, that what is happening in the north of Kosovo is a risk of opening a conflict. Rama argued that a third party has been established in the north, which according to him, are the extreme groups. He added that the issue of Kosovo should be treated in the same way as Ukraine, even though the conflict there is bigger.

"I am very comforted by President Biden's speech today in the Council. The Western Balkans today regarding security, may not be on the same scale as Ukraine, not so small as to be treated as something worthless, what is happening with the northern part of Kosovo is very dangerous, to become a hotbed with a threat of opening the conflict as the EU facilitation works with two parties with Pristina and Belgrade, there is a third party that is being set up, which are the extreme groups in the north of Kosovo, which have been created over the years as a haven for criminal activity, drug trafficking, arms, and cryptocurrency production," Rama said. "That's why I think it's time to combine the present, this dialogue facilitated by the EU, this diplomatic path with a stronger stance of NATO through KFOR".

Hovenier goes to burnt house of Serb who was planning to return to Istog (media)

U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo, Jeffrey Hovenier, visited on Tuesday the newly built house of Kosovo Serb returnee Svetislav Veric in Istog, which was set on fire on Monday by unknown persons. "This house in Istog suffered a criminal arson. I visited to see for myself, with the permission of the family, who intended to return to their property. I condemn this arson attack and this attempt to intimidate a family from exercising their right to return to their home," Hovenier said.

Haradinaj condemns burning of Kosovo Serb's house, calls for arrest of perpetrators (Klan)

Leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj, condemned the burning of the house of a Kosovo Serb on Tuesday. "Kosovo, as a democratic country with Euro-Atlantic aspirations, guarantees the basic rights for a safe life and inviolable property to all its citizens," Haradinaj wrote on Facebook. "We must proudly conform to our constitution, taking the obligation to protect and respect everyone equally, to make it possible for everyone to feel at home, including all communities".

"The burning of a house of a Serbian citizen, citizen of Kosovo, is an unacceptable act as well as against our commitment to peace and stability".

Haradinaj called on authorities to start investigations. "I invite the law enforcement authorities to bring the perpetrators of this ugly attack to justice as soon as possible!" he said.

SRSG Ziadeh condemns arson attack on returnee home in Veric (media)

UNMIK chief Caroline Ziadeh condemned on Tuesday the arson attack on a returnee home in Veriq/Verić and called for prompt and thorough investigation into the incident. “Every person has the right to be safe in their own home, including those who have returned to their villages years after the conflict,” Ziadeh said.

Presidency, Assembly and Government buildings illuminated with Srebrenica symbol (Koha)

The premises of the Presidency, the Assembly and the government were illuminated with the symbol of the "Srebrenica Flower", on Tuesday. On the Day of Remembrance of the Genocide in Srebrenica, all the victims who were massacred by the Serbian forces were remembered.

"Illumination of the facility of the Presidency and the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo on the Day of Remembrance of the Genocide in Srebrenica", says the announcement of the Presidency.

The Prime Minister's Office said that it is remembering one of the most gruesome massacres that happened in Europe after World War Two. “On the 28th anniversary of the genocide in Srebrenica, Bosnia, we commemorate all the Bosnian men and boys, mercilessly massacred by the forces of Serbia. We remember one of the most macabre massacres that happened in Europe after the Second World War. May the memory of the victims of the genocide in Srebrenica live forever," the statement notes.

Abbott meets Commander of KFOR, discuss security situation (RTK)

UK Ambassador to Kosovo, Nicholas Abbott met on Tuesday with the Commander of KFOR, Angelo Michele Ristuccia. In a Twitter post, KFOR said that the meeting focused on the security situation. "The Ambassador of the United Kingdom in Kosovo, His Excellency, Nicholas Abbott, visited the KFOR commander, MG Ristuccia, at the 'Film City' camp in Pristina, and discussed the general security situation in the area," the mission said.

Serbian Language Media

NATO wants better relations with Serbia, condemns tensions in Kosovo (N1)

NATO heads of state and government said on Tuesday that the Western Balkans remains a region of strategic importance for the Alliance, adding that stronger relations with Serbia would benefit the entire region and condemning escalation of tensions in Kosovo.

“Strengthening NATO-Serbia relations would be of benefit to the Alliance, to Serbia, and to the whole region. We look to Serbia to engage with NATO and its neighbours in a constructive manner, including in its public communications on the mutual benefits of NATO-Serbia cooperation,” the Vilnius Summit communique said.

The NATO Summit lent support to the European Union – facilitated dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and urged both sides to “engage in good faith towards reaching a lasting political solution”. “We call on both sides to immediately de-escalate, return to dialogue, and engage constructively in implementing the agreement on the path to normalisation between Belgrade and Pristina reached recently in Brussels and Ohrid,” the communique said.

It said that the Alliance remains committed to NATO’s continued engagement in Kosovo, including through KFOR which will continue to provide a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement in Kosovo in line with UNSC Resolution 1244. “The recent escalatory actions are unacceptable, and we condemn the violence in northern Kosovo as well as the unprovoked attacks that caused serious injuries to NATO soldiers. We have increased KFOR’s troop presence to respond to the recurrent tensions. Any changes to our force posture in KFOR will remain conditions-based and not calendar driven,” it added.

The Summit communique said that NATO remains strongly committed to the security and stability of the Western Balkans by supporting reforms that advance the respective NATO and EU aspirations of the countries in the region which, according to the Alliance leaders, requires continued attention and commitment to counter challenges.

Hovenier: We hope for a complete de-escalation in the north (Radio Gorazdevac, Radio Mitrovica sever)

US Ambassador to Kosovo Jeffrey Hovenier said yesterday in Pec, after the opening of the educational institution ''Bonevet'', that EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajcak and Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo Bislimi published tweets in which they suggested that they had reached a certain understanding about some initial steps, which should help us reach de-escalation, reported Radio Mitrovica sever, citing Radio Gorazdevac.

"All I can say is that from the perspective of the US it is very important, and I can repeat what we have said several times, and hopefully we will see a complete de-escalation in the North. We want to get back to the important work, to see the full implementation of the Ohrid Agreement by both sides. This means that we want to avoid new hotspots or new crises that hinder our efforts, so that this really important strategic agreement is implemented for the benefit of Kosovo, and for the benefit of regional security."

On a Radio Gorazdevac question whether the events in the north of Kosovo affect the inter-ethnic relations between Serbs and Albanians, Hovenier says that it is best to ask the citizens.

"I am concerned, and I understand that, as far as the average member of the ethnic Serbian community in the north is concerned, they are scared and worried, they do not feel as they describe it to me, their concerns are heard and someone listens to them. I am also concerned about the ethnic Albanian population in the north. I don't think any of the mayors I talked to were surprised that they were elected with less than four percent of registered voters, which voted for them. I don't think any of them were sure how they were going to perform their duties and represent, actually maintain the community, and respond to the problems of the entire community in that context," Hovenier said.

"There is concern and nervousness, and this again gives the government and citizens a reason to work on de-escalation, and it concerns both local authorities and the central government. It actually gives them reasons to do things that will reassure all citizens and take active steps to build trust between communities," added Hovenier.

Today, the American ambassador, together with the mayor of Pec, Gazmend Muhadjeri, opened "Bonevet", an educational institution that encourages children and young people to develop talents and skills.

"This is one of the reasons why the US supports programs like 'Bonevet' very strongly. That's why we hire young people and try to make them work together, where there's really no thought about ethnicity. They prefer to see each other as human beings and their closest ones," Hovenier said.

The mayor of Pec, Gazmend Muhaxheri, thanked the American Embassy for its support, and it was also announced at the ceremony that this center is open to all communities living in the region of Pec, reported Radio Gorazdevac.

Hovenier condemned the burning of the house of the Jozic family in Istok (Kosovo Online)

The US Ambassador to Kosovo, Geoffrey Hovenier, visited yesterday the house of the Jozic family in the village of Veric, near Istok, which was set on fire, and condemned the arson, finding that it discourages the return of this family, reported Kosovo Online.

"A fire was set in this home. I visited it to see for myself, with the permission of the family, who intended to return to their property," Hovenier wrote on Twitter.

"I condemn the arson and this attempt to intimidate the family and prevent them from exercising their right to return to their home," Hovenier said.

He called on the Kosovo authorities to quickly find those responsible for setting the fire in Jozic's house.

An invitation to Kosovo to lift all restrictions on the movement of Serbian goods (Kontakt plus radio)

After the Kosovo government introduced a measure banning the import of products from Serbia, Serbian Trade Minister Tomislav Momirovic sent a letter to Oliver Varhelyi and the European Commission, reported Kontakt plus radio.

Momirovic pointed out that such a decision deliberately causes an inevitable humanitarian crisis because the Serbian population in Kosovo depends on basic food products delivered from central Serbia.

In response to his letter, the European Commission called on the authorities in Pristina to immediately revoke that decision.

The minister stated in the letter that the decision of the Pristina authorities is an open violation of the CEFTA 2006 agreement and that it goes against the principles of free trade.

Upon receiving the letter, Varhelyi thanked the Government of Serbia "for the efforts it invests in the direction of the implementation of the common regional market and for the dedicated work on the realization of strategic goals on Serbia's path to the EU".

Doyle-Price: Kearnes's statements do not reflect positions of UK gov't , parliament (Tanjug)

British MP Jackie Doyle-Price, who is heading a UK parliamentary delegation visiting Serbia, said on Tuesday statements by British MP Alicia Kearnes, who has accused the Serbian Orthodox Church of weapons smuggling from central Serbia to Kosovo, did not reflect the official position of the UK government and parliament but a personal view, reported Tanjug.

At the delegation's meeting with MPs of Serbia's ruling coalition, Doyle-Price noted that the delegation members were interested in, and committed to, strengthening the ties with Serbia, the Serbian parliament said in a statement.

It said the delegation had also inquired about Russia's influence in Serbia and about Serbia's position in the NATO Parliamentary Assembly.

The Serbian MPs said Serbia was pursuing a policy that was in line with its own national interests while respecting international agreements, and that, while adhering to those positions, it expected the same treatment from other countries.

They also said Serbia had fulfilled all expectations put before it in the EU-facilitated talks on Kosovo-Metohija, whereas the establishment of a Community of Serb Municipalities by the interim Pristina institutions was now over a decade overdue.

They stressed that Serbia would continue to be militarily neutral and a part of the Partnership for Peace Programme and remain committed to peace and stability in the region.

Kosovo and EU flags, and the banner “United in Diversity” displayed on the Ibar Bridge (KoSSev)

Amid the crisis in three northern municipalities, the flag of the European Union, the flag of Kosovo, as well as a large banner with the inscription „United in Diversity“ – the motto of the EU – were displayed yesterday on the main bridge between North and South Mitrovica.

The chairman of the North Mitrovica MA, Nedzad Ugljanin, the new deputy mayor of this municipality, Katarina Adjancic, two municipal representatives, and the European official Kati Schneeberger took a photograph next to this banner on the same bridge.

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US Embassy: The sanctions against Vulin are not aimed at any Serbian institution, we support the citizens of Serbia (KoSSev)

''The US Ministry of Finance imposed sanctions on Aleksandar Vulin, director of the Security and Information Agency, former minister of defense and interior affairs. This action is not aimed at any of the institutions of the Republic of Serbia. The US is steadfast in its efforts to expose those involved in corrupt and destabilizing activities that undermine the rule of law in the Western Balkans and deepen Russia's malign influence in the region. The USA continues to support the citizens of Serbia on the way to reform the judicial system, fight against corruption and create a better future,'' announced the US Embassy on Twitter yesterday, reported KoSSev portal.

And in the document of the US Treasury, it is stated that Serbian institutions are not targeted, recalled KoSSev.

US Treasury imposes sanctions on Serbia’s top security agency chief (N1)

The US Treasury Department imposed sanctions on the head of Serbia’s top civilian security agency Aleksandar Vulin for “corrupt dealing which facilitates Russian malign activities in Serbia and the region”, reported N1.

“The US Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctioned an individual in Serbia pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 14033. The designation of Aleksandar Vulin underscores the United States’ determination to hold accountable those engaged in corrupt dealings that further their own political agendas and personal interests at the expense of peace and stability in the Western Balkans. These corrupt dealings facilitate Russian malign activities in Serbia and the region,” a press release said. The sanctions include the blocking of all of Vulin’s assets in the US.

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International Media

US Sanctions Serbia’s Intelligence Chief Over Alleged Corruption (Balkan Insight)

The US has sanctioned Security Information Agency chief Aleksandar Vulin, one of the closest allies of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, accusing him of fostering corruption and promoting Russia’s interests.

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Kosovo Opposition Scents Opportunity in Kurti’s Rift With West (BIRN)

Cornered by the international community over the inflamed situation in Serb-majority northern Kosovo, Kosovo’s Prime Minister, Albin Kurti, is not having an easy time at home either.

On May 31, two days after Serb protesters in the north attacked KFOR peacekeepers, leaving more than 30 of them injured, the third biggest opposition party in parliament, the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, AAK, initiated a no-confidence motion in Kurti’s government.

Almost six weeks on, none of the other opposition bloc parties, the Democratic Party of Kosovo, PDK, and the Democratic League of Kosovo, LDK, have committed their signatures to make the motion valid for parliamentary procedure.

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KFOR confirms that injured soldier in Zvecan had his leg amputated (

A Hungarian soldier who served in NATO’s peacekeeping forces in Kosovo, KFOR, had his leg amputated following injuries sustained in clashes with Serbian protesters in northern Kosovo.

On 29 May, during ongoing protests by Serbs in the northern municipalities, 30 KFOR soldiers were attacked and injured.

In response to Radio Free Europe, KFOR confirmed that the Hungarian soldier had his leg amputated, adding that all injured soldiers “have returned to their homes”.

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Bridging the Language Gap Between the Serbian and Albanian Communities (BIRN)

Interaction in their native languages between Serbs and Albanians in Kosovo is increasingly falling because of the language barrier, with younger generations no longer learning each other’s language. But some are still trying to bridge this language gap.

At first, Serbian language was associated with violence in Genti Behramaj’s mind. “I was very scared of the cyrillic alphabet, because during the war my village, Kotorr [near Skenderaj], was burnt. When we came back, my house was still burning, with a lot of writings in cyrillic all over it ” remembers the 30 years old Kosovo-Albanian.

It took him some time to overcome his trauma. Later, he came to live in South Mitrovica. “That’s when I started to challenge myself, ” he says. An internship in Belgrade of 3 months and a volunteering programme in Brezovica offered him the possibility to live in Serbian families and start learning the language. He was then involved in a peace-building programme and the creation of a cultural center in Mitrovica called Social space for Deconstruction, SSD.

In his efforts to break the invisible barrier between both sides of the city, Genti has become a regular in the northern part. “I go to coffees, I order raki, I have conversations with the locals” describes the young man.

His Serbian is not perfect, but he can talk decently and understand most of it, which facilitates the interactions: “People are very friendly with me, and very curious. It starts from “where are you from” and then ends up in “everything.” Including sometimes the controversial topic: politics.

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Eurobarometer survey: Trust in the EU varies across the Western Balkans (EWB)

The trust in the European Union is still higher in the majority of Western Balkan countries than the EU itself, while, with the exception of Serbia, more than 50% of people in the region believe membership in the EU would be a good thing.

These are some of the results of the Spring Eurobarometer 2023 survey, conducted in May and June in the EU and other countries on the continent.

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