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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, July 21, 2022

  • Kurti: Serbia’s relation with Russia, an additional obstacle in talks (Koha)
  • U.S.: Radoicic is sanctioned for corruption and organised crime (Klan Kosova)
  • Serbian List: Radoicic is here to protect Serb people (media)
  • Interior Ministry: Greater engagement in fighting human trafficking (Koha)
  • KLA war veterans receive proposal from Kurti on pensions of veterans (Kallxo)
  • Balkan Countries Struggling to Curb Human Trafficking – US Report (BIRN)
  • Rama: No proof of organs trafficking by KLA leaders; CoE to apologise (Epoka)
  • Albanian Parliament to discuss resolution against Marty report today (media)

Kurti: Serbia’s relation with Russia, an additional obstacle in talks (Koha)

The daily reports on its front page that two days after a high-level meeting in Brussels failed to be held, Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said that Belgrade is responsible for this. Kurti argued that the lack of progress in the talks is linked to Serbia’s relation with Russia and called for greater pressure from the European Union and the United States on Serbia to position itself toward the war in Ukraine. “Neutrality is cynicism; you cannot be neutral between the fire and the firefighter,” he said.

Kurti also talked about the deputy leader of the Serbian List, Milan Radoicic, who is wanted by Kosovo authorities, saying that people like him are interested in instability in the north. “Those that are on the black list of the U.S. Department of the Treasury, those that have arrest warrants in Kosovo, those that worked and still work for illegal structures, are certainly interested in instability. The problem is when their interest finds political support in Belgrade. I believe that international factors should keep close track of the political support for these criminals that want instability in Kosovo, because they are fighting against the state of Kosovo,” Kurti said.

U.S.: Radoicic is sanctioned for corruption and organised crime (Klan Kosova)

The United States have slammed the Serbian List for their support to deputy leader of this party, Milan Radoicic, who is wanted by Kosovo authorities. A senior U.S. official told Klan Kosova on Wednesday that they are aware of the recent statements by the Serbian List about Radoicic and reminded the Serbian List that Radoicic is sanctioned by the U.S. Department of the Treasury for involvement in corruption and transnational organised crime. “We are aware of the latest statements about Milan Radoicic. Milan Radoicic is sanctioned by the U.S. government for involvement in corruption and transnational organised crime,” the official said.

Serbian List: Radoicic is here to protect Serb people (media)

The Serbian List issued a statement on Wednesday reacting to remarks by Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti who said people that want instability in Kosovo are finding political support from Belgrade. According to the Serbian List, Kurti wants “to attack” the Serbs, while SL deputy leader Milan Radoicic wants to protect them. “With his unilateral moves, Albin Kurti wants to score free political points by intimidating the emptyhanded Serb people and is the only person that directly threatens peace in the region … Unlike Albin Kurti who wants to create chaos and attack the Serbs, the Serbian List deputy leader Milan Radoicic, together with the Serbian List, is here to protect the Serb people from Prishtina because we need peace in this time of crisis,” the Serbian List said.

Interior Ministry: Greater engagement in fighting human trafficking (Koha)

Kosovo’s Ministry of Interior Affairs has pledged to implement the recommendations given by the U.S. State Department for the fight against human trafficking. The 2022 Human Trafficking Report noted that the Kosovo government does not fully meet the minimum standards for eliminating trafficking, but is making significant efforts to do so. “The government demonstrated an overall increased effort compared to the previous reporting period, taking into account the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on its anti-trafficking capacity, so it remained at level 2,” the report said.

The Ministry of Interior Affairs said it would make sure the recommendations of the report are seriously addressed by the National Authority against Human Trafficking and other relevant institutions of Kosovo, with the aim of efficiently combating the phenomenon that is concerning not only for Kosovo but the whole world.

KLA war veterans receive proposal from Kurti on pensions of veterans (Kallxo)

Acting leader of the KLA War Veterans Organisations, Faton Klinaku, told the news website on Wednesday that in the coming days they will discuss the latest proposal from Prime Minister Albin Kurti about the pensions of the veterans. Kurti sent a written proposal to the war veterans calling on them to draft a new law together. Klinaku said: “Yes, we have received the proposal of the Prime Minister. It took him one month to send the proposal. Now we will meet and discuss his proposal. After we make our decision, we will inform the public”. The news website notes that Kurti’s proposal for a new law will also initiate the process of assessing and verifying all members of the liberation war.

Balkan Countries Struggling to Curb Human Trafficking – US Report (BIRN)

The latest US State Department Trafficking in Persons Report for 2022 says Albania, Greece, Montenegro and Serbia did not fully meet the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking but are making efforts to do so. Another serious concern noted was the failure to prosecute officials involved in such crimes.

“Official complicity in trafficking crimes remained a concern, with the government reporting no prosecutions or convictions of officials despite serious allegations and the government dismissing a police officer from his position”, the report notes, on Albania.

Besides the inconsistent implementation of screening efforts for vulnerable populations the government lacks resources and capacities.

“The government lacked resources for long-term care, employment, and other reintegration efforts for survivors, and the government-run hotline continued to not function,” the report read.

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Rama: No proof of organs trafficking by KLA leaders; CoE to apologise (Epoka)

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama said on Wednesday in Brussels that the Specialist Chambers in the Hague were created based on a report full of lies. He said that investigations showed that there is no proof that leaders of the former Kosovo Liberation Army were involved in organs trafficking and that the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe must apologise for Dick Marty’s report. “It is a history of organs trafficking initiated by Russia and not by someone else … We are seeing again that there is no proof, there are zero facts, on allegations about organs trafficking,” Rama was quoted as saying.

Albanian Parliament to discuss resolution against Marty report today (media)

The Albanian Parliament will discuss today a draft resolution proposed by the ruling party “on the unfoundedness of claims made in Dick Marty’s report about organs trafficking” in Kosovo and Albania during the war in Kosovo. Opposition parties expressed their support for the resolution and Democratic Party MPs suggested two amendments on Wednesday, calling for a condemnation of the Serbian genocide and adding a paragraph to the resolution noting that Dick Marty said in a statement that his life is threatened by Serbian radical elements.