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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 29

  • VV, LDK working groups discuss economy, “agree on 90% of topics” (media)
  • ECAP rejects LVV's request to count Diaspora ballots (media)
  • Kosnett calls for swift formation of new government (media)
  • Vetevendosje deputy leader Glauk Konjufca’s interview to TV Dukagjini
  • Haziri appointed LDK chief negotiator for talks with Vetevendosje (media)
  • Vetevendosje leader Kurti meets UN Development Coordinator Richardson (Zeri)
  • Vetevendosje leader Kurti meets PDTK leader Yagcilar (media)
  • PDK, AAK undetermined on possible involvement in dialogue with Serbia (RFE)
  • Mogherini to meet Western Balkans leaders (Koha)
  • Meta: Final Kosovo-Serbia agreement to be sustainable (Telegrafi)
  • 102 additional criminal charges for Serbs suspected for war crimes (RTK)
  • Dacic refuses to stop campaign against Kosovo’s recognition (Zeri)
  • Dacic: UNSC session on Kosovo to be held on October 31 (RTK)
  • “Agreement is impossible if Albanians allowed to dream ‘Greater Albania’” (Klan)

VV, LDK working groups discuss economy, “agree on 90% of topics” (media)

Most media outlets report that working groups of the Vetevendosje Movement (VV) and the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) met on Monday to discuss the economic program of a future coalition government. Following the meeting, VV deputy leader Glauk Konjufca told reporters that they discussed only on economic issues and ways to harmonise their programs. “For three hours we discussed only about this area [the economy] and we raised around 40 issues. I can say that we have agreed on 90 percent of them and what decisions and reforms the future government must make … We will agree on the other 10 percent of issues in our future meetings,” he said. Asked about the topics of negotiations, Konjufca said: “I cannot disclose these issues because it would hurt the trust in the ongoing negotiations. We need to safeguard this trust. I don’t think the 10 percent are the most important topics. But we need to agree so that nothing remains unclarified. We want to have thorough discussions in the new government, and we don’t want any disagreements along our way”. Konjufca said the upcoming meetings will focus on the judiciary, social issues, education and healthcare.

ECAP rejects LVV's request to count Diaspora ballots (media)

Media report that the Election Complaints and Appeals Panel (ECAP) has again rejected the request put forth by Vetevendosje to count 4,639 ballots which it concluded arrived to the Central Election Commission (CEC) after the set deadline. ECAP had made the same ruling previously but deliberated on the issue again after the Supreme Court decided in favour of the Vetevendosje appeal.

Meanwhile, Vetevendosje announced it will appeal the decision and accused ECAP of denying the voting rights to Kosovo citizens residing abroad. “Vetevendosje Movement will appeal to the Supreme Court again in the expectation that this issue is resolved and ballots are counted,” the party said.

Kosnett calls for swift formation of new government (media)

The U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo Philip Kosnett met separately yesterday Vetevendosje officials, leader Albin Kurti and Besnik Bislimi and from the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) deputy leaders Vjosa Osmani and Lutfi Haziri.

According to a statement issued by Vetevendosje after the meeting, Kosnett urged the quick creation of new institutions in Kosovo to enable first results in economic development and fight against corruption. “President Kurti briefed Ambassador Kosnett about the positive progress of meetings with the Democratic League and expressed belief that very soon the new government will be formed. He said priority will be given to the rule of law and fight against organised crime and high-level institutional corruption in order to pave way for socio-economic progress,” the statement reads.

At the same time, the LDK said that the meeting with Kosnett focused on the current political situation and coalition talks with Vetevendosje. “Dr. Osmani in the meeting discussed LDK priorities in the future institutions, particularly economic development, Kosovo-Serbia dialogue process and the rule of law and underlined importance of coordinating positions with our partners, the U.S. and European Union.”

Vetevendosje deputy leader Glauk Konjufca’s interview to TV Dukagjini

Vetevendosje (VV) deputy leader Glauk Konjufca said in an interview to TV Dukagjini on Monday that they did not discuss with the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) on the posts of President and Assembly Speaker. He said the post of President could have been part of the ongoing negotiations for a coalition government, if there the two parties had reached a pre-election agreement. Konjufca said they are against the election of the President directly by the people because in that case the President would assume different competencies. “We are against changes to the competencies of the President. We are in favor of a parliamentary republic,” he said.

Asked about the possible involvement of the Serbian List in the new government, Konjufca said they would not accept any conditions from the Serbian List. “I don’t think that a coalition with the Serbian List is a condition without which the new government of Kosovo cannot be formed. The [Serb] Minister that must be appointed, this must be done in consultations with them, but we will not make a coalition agreement as has been the case in the past. The Constitution provides that the government is elected with 61 votes. This article does not say if the votes need to come from Turks, Serbs or Albanians … The Serbian List must recognise the state of Kosovo,” Konjuca said.

Haziri appointed LDK chief negotiator for talks with Vetevendosje (media)

Lutfi Haziri has been appointed head of the negotiating team of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) for talks with the Vetevendosje Movement for a coalition government, several media report. Haziri was appointed to the post by LDK leader Isa Mustafa.

Vetevendosje leader Kurti meets UN Development Coordinator Richardson (Zeri)

Leader of Vetevendosje met yesterday the UN Development Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative Ulrika Richardson who congratulated him on the election results and urged the swift formation of the new institutions to pave way for cooperation and implementation of joint development projects.

Richardson informed Kurti that the UNKT's priority is partnership with the Assembly and Government of Kosovo, cooperation for pushing forward Sustainable Development Goals in Kosovo, and support of development projects of the new government in the future.

Vetevendosje leader Kurti meets PDTK leader Yagcilar (media)

Vetevendosje (VV) leader Albin Kurti and senior VV member Xhelal Svecla met on Monday with Mahir Yagcilar, leader of the Turkish Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDTK) and outgoing Minister of Public Administration, several news websites report. Kurti informed Yagcilar about the priorities of the new government and expressed readiness to cooperate in the future.

“With Mr. Yagcilar we also talked about the role of the Turkish community in Kosovo and the representation of this community. Kurti said economic development that generates employment opportunities is key to the progress of both individuals and communities in our Republic,” a Vetevendosje press release noted.

Kurti and Yagcilar also talked about the need for internal reforms in public administration.

PDK, AAK undetermined on possible involvement in dialogue with Serbia (RFE)

The leaders of the two winning parties in the October 6 elections, Vetevendosje’s Albin Kurti and LDK’s Isa Mustafa, are expected to set the framework of Kosovo’s position on the new phase of dialogue with Serbia. This is what Kurti and LDK’s Vjosa Osmani said in separate interviews to Radio Free Europe. The resumption of dialogue with Serbia and the eventual finalisation of the process with a comprehensive agreement, will be one of the first engagements of a new government, which is expected to be formed by Vetevendosje and the LDK.

Elmi Recica, senior member of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), told the news website they would closely follow the dialogue with Serbia and depending on the circumstances and developments, they will decide on the issue. “We have been a constructive party in all development phases, and Kosovo's interest will continue to be a priority for the PDK in the future. It is too early to talk now, regardless of what position the new ruling coalition will have on this issue … Other factors are now included in the process [of dialogue], especially Washington, which strongly supports the conclusion of talks, and I believe the Democratic Party of Kosovo will have a clear position on the matter,” Recica said.

Representatives of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) said they would discuss in their highest bodies whether or not they will join a negotiating team for talks with Serbia. “We have no position yet and we have not discussed this in our structures,” an AAK official was quoted as saying.

Political commentators in Pristina meanwhile argue that the inclusion of the opposition in the delegation for talks with Serbia would be a good political boost for Pristina.

Mogherini to meet Western Balkans leaders (Koha)

EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini will meet this evening leaders of the Western Balkans in an informal setting as she prepares to leave her current post.

The meeting will be attended by Prime Minister of Albania Edi Rama, President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci, Prime Minster of North Macedonia Zoran Zaev, President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic, President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic and members of Bosnia and Herzegovina presidency Zeljko Komsic, Milorad Dodik and Sefik Dzaferovic.

The meeting will be used to exchange views on the events in the region, resolution of challenges and analysis of the progress during Mogherini's term in office.

Meta: Final Kosovo-Serbia agreement to be sustainable (Telegrafi)

President of Albania Ilir Meta met NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and noted that Kosovo has a legitimate right to transform the Kosovo Security Force into a multiethnic army through a legal, transparent and democratic process.

"I also urged the restart of the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue aimed at a final, legally binding agreement which needs to be sustainable, implementable, and that recognises Kosovo's irreversible independence and sovereignty, that contributes to peace and stability of the region and that fully normalises relations between the two countries," Meta said.

102 additional criminal charges for Serbs suspected for war crimes (RTK)

The Association for War Crimes “Gjakova ’98, ‘99” has submitted 102 additional criminal charges of Gjakova population against Serbs suspected for war crimes. They said charges include from murders to the destruction of property. The charges and documents were submitted to Kosovo Police department for war crimes.

Head of the civil society group from Gjakova, Shkendije Hoda, said after the submission that this is the thirteenth contingent of submitted criminal charges, which contains 102 cases of crimes committed in Gjakova municipality.

According to her, this is the first cooperation with Kosovo Police, where they are offering evidence on crimes. She also gave details about the submitted charges. Finally, she said that the process was a delayed one but that they are accelerating it as much as possible.

Dacic refuses to stop campaign against Kosovo’s recognition (Zeri)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met yesterday the new U.S. Ambassador to Belgrade Anthony Godrey and told news agency Tanjug that he was asked whether Serbia plans to continue lobbying against recognition of Kosovo’s independence.

“I told him we understand they are not happy because there are 30 countries that have revoked recognition of Kosovo. It is very difficult to find a country today that would recognise Kosovo because the situation in the international community has changed,” Dacic said adding that stopping the campaign would be out of the question.

Dacic: UNSC session on Kosovo to be held on October 31 (RTK)

Serbia’s Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Monday that the UN Security Council session on the situation in Kosovo will be held on October 31. According to him, the session will be held despite Pristina’s efforts to avoid it. “At the end, Pristina representatives informed that they will participate at the session,” Dacic said.

“Agreement is impossible if Albanians allowed to dream ‘Greater Albania’” (Klan)

Serbia’s Minister of Defense Aleksandar Vulin said on Monday that the international community needs to acknowledge that Serbia is a reliable partner and to do their utmost for the implementation of agreements reached in Brussels and “not to allow Pristina to determine what will be fulfilled and what not”.

“If Albanians are allowed to judge on their own what to implement and what not to implement, if they are allowed to fantasize and work on the creation of a ‘Greater Albania,’ any discussions will be difficult and reaching an agreement will be impossible,” Vulin said.