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UNMIK Observer, Morning Edition, November 9

  • Mustafa: LDK-LVV close to harmonisation of programs, some minor differences remain (media)
  • Kurti visits French Foreign Ministry (media)
  • Jevtic: We want to be part of institutions (Klan)
  • Rasic: Belgrade threatened to stop salaries, pensions for those who do not vote SL (T7)
  • Dacic expects Albania’s apology for Cakaj’s statements (media)
  • Bulliqi: Border demarcation with Montenegro is not over (media)


Mustafa: LDK and LVV close to harmonisation of programs, some minor  differences remain (media)

Isa Mustafa, leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) said on Friday after the meeting with his political party’s leadership that they discussed the flow of the discussions with Vetevendosje Movement (LVV) on harmonization of the program for coalition and added that there are points where they could not reach complete consent.

According to Mustafa, LDK leadership assessed that their working group did a wonderful job and added that there are some issues of economy where they could not reach complete agreement with LVV.

“There are some differences in social issues because we are committed to a market economy,” he said.

Mustafa also said that there was a prior agreement in principal that the Prime Minister’s post would belong to the  political party which wins the elections, while distribution of ministries will be discussed with LVV.

He confirmed that they will discuss about which entity can propose the president, but the proposal will not be made now.

“I see that there is noise about the president, it is not in our agenda, government election is in our agenda. All the matters that will appear during this period, have to be discussed among partners. I have not in any occasion requested to become President of Kosovo. The party which will gain the mandate to propose the President of Kosovo will decide on this,” he said.

Mustafa said that discussions of the highest level will LVV will continue after certification of elections. “We will continue at the highest level, where I and LDK deputy leaders who worked on the program will participate. We will continue with issues that concern investments and dialogue with Serbia,” he said and added that tariffs, privatization funds will also be subject of discussions.

Kurti visits French Foreign Ministry (media)

Vetvendosje Movement’s candidate for the Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti visited during his two-day visit to France the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in Quai D’Orsay.

He met there with the Director for Continental Europe Frederic Mondoloni, head of the Department for Western Balkans Thomas Bertin, and the Director of the Cabinet of the Minister for European Affairs Voncent Guerend.

"Following their congratulations on our success in the elections and my thanks for France's support for Kosovo, we discussed bilateral relations between our two states, political developments in Kosovo and the regional situation in the Balkans," Kurti informed.

Jevtic: We want to be part of institutions (Klan)

Deputy leader of the Serbian List Dalibor Javtic said they do not have any problem meeting anyone with regards to the establishment of the new government of Kosovo.

“We want for the election will of the Serb citizens to be respected and we should be equally accepted. We will not be the ones to impose ourselves and initiate meetings. Our doors are open for those who won the elections. The positions ‘we do not want to discuss with the Serbian List’ if the Constitution allows, are not a good approach. We want to be part of the institutions in order to resolve problems,” Jevtic said.

He added that they want for the law to be respected and that there is no need for Brussels, only to respect what is written in the Constitution.

He said he never discussed with the leader of the Vetevendosje Movement Albin Kurti. “We met within the Assembly, but we did not have a chance to talk about any issue. We had curtesy greetings but not any kind of discussion. I did not have a meeting that could be considered a political one,” he said.

Serbian List has won almost all the votes of the Serb community in Kosovo, however Kurti said he will not have this political party in his government.

Rasic: Belgrade threatened to stop salaries, pensions for those who do not vote SL (T7, RTK)

Nenad Rasic, former prime ministerial candidate from the coalition of several Kosovo Serb political parties ‘Sloboda’ said Serbia’s government forced Kosovo Serbs to vote the Serbian List in the 6 October early parliamentary elections.

“They threatened that whoever does not vote the Serbian List, will lose the salary, will lose pension,” he said. He said Kosovo Serbs faced direct threat from the ministers of the Serbian government.

He added that media controlled by Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vucic are accusing him and other politicians such as Rada Trajkovic for treason.

“They are saying they are not Serbs, they have changed religion, they are Albanians now,” Rasic said adding that such attacks are made by radicals, not normal politicians.

Dacic expects Albania’s apology for Cakaj’s statements (media)

Albania’s Acting Foreign Minister Gent Cakaj said Serbia is to be blamed for the murder of 12 thousand Albanians, deportation of millions of people and millions of dollars damages caused during the latest war in Kosovo.

Serbia’s Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic reacted saying that except for a public apology, Albania should distance from Cakaj’s statements which according to him insulted the Serbian state and population.

“This is a falsification of events in Kosovo, therefore I expect apology of the Government of the Republic of Albania,” Dacic said citing Cakaj’s statements. He added that such statements do not contribute to good neighborly relations between Belgrade and Tirana and are in complete contradiction with Serbian leaders’ efforts to improve relations with Albania.

According to him, such statements affect stability of the entire region.

Bulliqi: Border demarcation with Montenegro is not over (media)

Shpejtim Buliqi, chairman of the Kosovo’s State Commission for Marking and Maintenance of the Border, said that the issue of defining the border between Kosovo and Montenegro is not over.

In a conversation on the public television RTK, he stressed that without the stones being set at the borders with the consent of both sides, the demarcation of the border with Montenegro could not be said to have ended.

"There can be no unilateral placement of stones at the borders, this cannot happen," Bullic said.

He said Kosovo has sufficient evidence to prove that there are mistakes on border demarcation and that he expects the new government to undertake concrete steps to initiate correction.