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Belgrade Media Report 25 Ju

United Nations Office in Belgrade

Daily Media Highlights

Tuesday 25 July 2023


• Vucic: Serbia appreciates Suriname's de-recognition of so-called Kosovo (RTS/Tanjug/Politika)
• Brnabic: There have never been plans to privatise EPS (Tanjug/RTV)
• Orlic in Tehran at meetings with Iranian Ministers (RTV/Tanjug)
• Drecun: Pristina laying groundwork for further escalation (TV Pink)
• Vucevic thanks Angola for its firm position regarding Serbia’s territorial integrity (Beta/Politika)
• Office for KiM: Erden Atic continues to behave as occupation manager (Tanjug/RTV/RTS)
• Djuric: Kurti politically unwelcome in Washington (TV Happy)
• Russian Foreign Intelligence Service calls US sanctions against Vulin act of aggression against Serbia (RIA Novosti/Beta)


Bosnia & Herzegovina
• Meeting of B&H ruling coalition held (RTRS/BHT1)
• Proposed Law on Freedom of Access to Information in B&H Institutions causes heated debate at B&H HoR’s session (O Kanal)
• Zvizdic sends parliamentary initiative requesting establishment of Supreme Court of B&H (FTV)
• Dodik, Cvijanovic meet newly-appointed ambassadors and consuls generals of B&H from RS (RTRS/Glas Srpske)
• Martinovic: Veljovic suspected of having given information to Aleksandar Mrkic (CdM)
• Montenegro in the EU: View through a window (which is about to close) (CdM)
Republic of North Macedonia
• Kovachevski to elaborate proposal for constitutional changes before Committee on Constitutional Affairs (MIA)
• Position against constitutional changes under Bulgarian dictate supported, says Mickoski after meeting MP group (MIA)
• Grubi: DUI to leave government once constitutional amendments adopted (Kanal 5)

Belgrade Media Report 24 July 2023

United Nations Office in Belgrade

Daily Media Highlights

Monday 24 July 2023


• Brnabic: Suriname is the first country to have suspended recognition of unilaterally declared Kosovo (Tanjug/RTV)
• Dacic: Redefinition of decisions by certain countries on unilateral declaration of independence by Kosovo began with de-recognition by Suriname (Tanjug/RTS)
• Vucic receives farewell visit from UAE Ambassador (RTS/Tanjug)
• Orlic in Tehran with Iranian President: Principled stand on non-recognition of Kosovo (RTV/Tanjug)
• Orlic with Iranian speaker (RTV/Tanjug)
• Office for KiM: Pristina bans Petkovic to attend commemoration of anniversary of murder in Staro Gracko (RTS)
• Brnabic: Inquiry Committee abolished based on request from victims’ families (N1)
• Lajcak compares April elections north of Kosovo to ‘land mine’ (Kurier/FoNet)
• Boskovic: Formation, arming of army of Kosovo a consequence of Brussels agreement (Beta)
• Joseph: Sanctions against Vulin turning point (Demostat/Beta)
• Arrested Kosovo Serb released from detention (Tanjug/RTV)
• 12th Serbia Against Violence protest held in Belgrade (Beta)


Bosnia & Herzegovina
• Cvijanovic says she suspects that B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs participated in falsification of document sent to her by Guterres (RTRS)
• Media in RS carried comments to ‘diplomatic scandal’ and failure to deliver Guterres’ letter to Cvijanovic; Carried comments of RS politicians and analysts (RTRS)
• Dodik: Guterres is not competent to interpret Dayton Agreement, but his answer confirmed that Schmidt was not appointed as High Representative (RTRS/BHT1)
• Dodik: B&H must return to DPA’s foundation (ATV)
• RS opposition leaders announce they will continue united and strong political struggle against RS regime (BNTV)
• Minister Nesic to Minister Helez: You are fascinated by Dodik, if you want to wage war go to Afghanistan, Syria (Dnevni list)
• Veselin Veljovic arrested (TV Vijesti/CdM)
• Radonjic: Veljovic and three other people suspected of creating criminal organization, abuse of office and smuggling (CdM)
• Begovic: Election of supreme state prosecutor with full term in office crucial for continuation of reforms (Dan/MINA)
Republic of North Macedonia
• Xhaferi: Future solution can only be worse, to conclude constitutional changes for future generations (MRT/MIA)
• President Begaj visits Pustec together with Pendarovski (Radio Tirana)
• UK Home Secretary congratulates Balla on his new role as Interior Minister. Focus, boosting cooperation on illegal immigrants (Radio Tirana)

Belgrade Media Report 21 July 2023

United Nations Office in Belgrade

Daily Media Highlights

Friday 21 July 2023


• Dacic: Stoltenberg understands situation in Kosovo and Metohija (TV Pink)
• Vucevic: Arms acquired by Pristina flagrant violation of UNSCR 1244 (TV Prva)
• Petkovic: Pristina wants no de-escalation, Brussels meeting just a show to it (TV Pink)
• Finalising negotiations in field of free movement of people, capital, goods and services (Tanjug/RTV)
• Potential World Bank investments in science, innovation in Serbia (Tanjug)
• Belgian Wallonia delegation visits Serbia to check sources of military equipment exports (Beta)
• Hunger striker in parliament (N1)
• Unclear appointment procedures go in favor of (il)legal Schmidt (Blic)


Bosnia & Herzegovina
• Guterres replies to Cvijanovic’s letter: UN is not signatory of DPA and it is not member of PIC, which is the only relevant body for the appointment of HR in B&H (
• OHR: It is clear that Schmidt has been HR for two years (N1)
• Cvijanovic: If this is true Guterres' response, then it merely proves that UN is instrumentalized (Srna)
• Stevandic: Cvijanovic’s letter is diplomatic victory of the RS (RTRS)
• Lukic: UN should know that the appointment of HR is the exclusive right of UN Security Council prescribed by Annex 10 of DPA (RTRS)
• Lawyer Ognjen Tadic confirms that Guterres’ response to Cvijanovic is forgery (RTRS)
• Other legal experts comment on appointment of HR (N1/BHT1)
• Russian Embassy: Guterres’ response is confirmation Schmidt’s candidacy for post of HR was not approved (Srna)
• US Embassy: PIC is body that appoints the HR, UN SC’s approval is not needed (BHT1)
• RS parliament adopts proposal of amendments to RS Criminal Code defining defamation as criminal offense (BHT1/O Kanal/AJB/BNTV)
• EU, UN, CoE and OSCE issue joint statement condemning criminalization of defamation in RS (
• US Embassy on adopting law criminalizing defamation: Those who introduced and supported this repressive legislation have moved RS one step further down path toward authoritarianism (BHT1)
• UK Embassy: Criminalization of defamation stifles freedom of speech (Oslobodjenje)
• Joint statement not signed after EU-B&H Stabilization and Association Council meeting in Brussels; Kristo says she expects B&H to open accession negotiations by end of year (O Kanal)
• Zakharova: Demonization of Serbs as genocidal people is unacceptable, contradicts international law (RTRS)
• European Council extends mandate of EUSR in B&H Sattler for one year (BHT1)
• Becic after meeting with Spajic: We accept PES’ principles, Montenegro should have strong, stable, reform government (CdM)
• Djelosaj after meeting with Spajic: Basis of everything is from government to be stable and as long-term as possible (CdM)
• Spajic ends meeting with SNP-Demos delegation; Jokovic: We reached high degree of accord on priorities and principles (CdM)
Republic of North Macedonia
• Mickoski: Draft constitutional changes dramatically worsening country’s position, too late for consensus (MIA)
• Aggeler: What you achieve is what matters most, not what Radev says (MIA)
• President Begaj hosts a farewell meeting with Hohmann (Radio Tirana)
• Nikolla receives Hohmann, Albania is advancing with fast and determined steps towards the EU (Radio Tirana)
• EC, Albania is estimated to have made progress towards membership (Radio Tirana)
• Tensions in the north of Kosova, Rama: EU to act for the implementation of the Basic Agreement! The region cannot become a hostage of the Kosova-Serbia crisis (Radio Tirana)

Belgrade Media Report 19 July 2023

United Nations Office in Belgrade

Daily Media Highlights

Wednesday 19 July 2023


• Vucic to meet with Stoltenberg, Lajcak in Brussels (Tanjug)
• Vucevic: Vucic-Stoltenberg meeting opportunity to make Serbia's views heard (TV Pink)
• Dacic: We know that Turkey favors Kosovo, but we call for neutrality (TV B92/Beta)
• Economic cooperation to accompany significantly improved political relations with San Marino (Tanjug)
• Escobar: Violence in the north of Kosovo unacceptable (Beta)
• Twenty-five years marked in Velika Hoca in Kosovo since killings of Serbs and Romani in the municipality of Orahovac (Politika)
• Parliament’s inquiry committee on two mass shootings holds inaugural session (Beta)


Bosnia & Herzegovina
• B&H Presidency adopts conclusions proposed by Becirovic regarding attack on constitutional order of B&H; Cvijanovic votes against conclusions: B&H Presidency adopts two agreements in regards to Berlin Process (BHT1)
• Amendments to RS Criminal Code cause heated debate in RS parliament between MPs of ruling and opposition parties (BNTV)
• Dodik: People wanted public slander to be regulated, EU member states have even stricter regulations (Nezavisne novine)
• Sources from Brussels confirm no discussion on sanctions against RS, individuals (RTRS)
• Lukic confirms he was interviewed in SIPA in capacity of suspect (Nova BH)
• Anti-Dayton activities (Avaz)
• Helez meets Varhelyi; Helez: Varhelyi and I also exchanged opinions about the biggest problem in B&H – the attack on constitutional order of B&H (FTV)
• Dodik: RS’ proposal for resolving situation in B&H sent to Brussels ahead of B&H-EU Stabilization and Association Council meeting (N1/Glas Srpske)
• ‘The Troika’ fails to offer their proposal for de-escalation of political situation in B&H (RTRS/BHT1)
• Escobar addresses House Foreign Affairs Committee, Subcommittee on Europe: Dodik remains focused on undermining of DPA and Constitution of B&H; Wagner: B&H is facing attacks on its Constitution (FTV/BNTV)
• Dodik’s reaction to Escobar’s statement (ATV)
• Dodik: Lagumdzija should be held criminally liable because B&H joins EU statement on Russian operation in Ukraine (RTRS/ATV)
• Milatovic: After 2020 democracy in Montenegro maybe practiced for the first time; new parliament most likely next week (CdM)
• Spajic’s 10 principles for new government formation (CdM)
Republic of North Macedonia
• Weimar Triangle in parliament: Constitutional changes only prerequisite for opening of negotiating chapters (MIA)
• Ademi: Two MPs no longer part of DUI’s parliamentary group (MIA)
• Slovenia and Croatia agreed on application of compromise upon Zagreb's EU accession: VMRO-DPMNE MP (MIA)
• Tabaku meets Commissioner Varhelyi, focusing on economic reforms (Radio Tirana)
• Balla meets Ambassador Bucci: Close and strategic cooperation with the Italian law-enforcement structures (Radio Tirana)

Belgrade Media Report 18 July 2023

United Nations Office in Belgrade

Daily Media Highlights

Tuesday 18 July 2023


• Brnabic participates in informal meeting of Western Balkan leaders in Tirana (Tanjug/RTS/RTV/Politika)
• Vucevic: Arming of Kosovo does not change balance of powers, but does change situation on ground (TV B92/RTS)
• Starovic: Turkey's intensive arming of Pristina escalates risks (RTS)
• Dacic: We have good cooperation with SNS, it will stay that way (Tanjug/Politika/Beta)
• Jeremic: Differences exist in People’s Party over Kosovo, Serbia’s EU accession (Nova S)
• Arrested Kosovska Mitrovica Serb released on bail (Tanjug/RTS)
• Stano: Chief negotiators to meet in Brussels on Wednesday (N1)
• Oric threatens with war, Becirovic is hallucinating about ‘Great Serbia’ (Politika)


Bosnia & Herzegovina
• State-level coalition partners fail to hold meeting on Monday; ‘Troika’ leaders hold meeting without partners (Nova BH/N1)
• Meeting of highest officials of RS with heads of all institutions, administrative organizations, public companies and ministries held in Banja Luka (Nova BH/ATV)
• Dodik files report against Schmidt for false presentation, unlawful work; District Prosecutor’s Office in Banja Luka forms case (RTRS)
• Trisic Babic: Konakovic violates Constitution and principles of B&H's foreign policy (ATV)
• HR Schmidt urges authorities to ensure uninterrupted work of B&H Constitutional Court in line with B&H Constitution and DPA (FTV)
• Prosecutor’s Office of B&H orders investigation against Dodik and Lukic (FTV)
• Dodik: No activity from RS institutions was challenge to peace and stability of B&H or the region, which cannot be said for actions of part of the international community led by Escobar (Srna)
• Association of Victims of War and Witnesses of Genocide welcomes EP’s resolution and condemnation of war criminal Kordic (Dnevni list)
• Varhelyi meets Western Balkan leaders in Tirana to discuss new strategy for growth of Western Balkans (AJB)
• New round of negotiations on formation of the government (CdM)
• Milatovic: Talks on prime minister designate to begin following constitution of parliament (RTCG)
Republic of North Macedonia
• Kovachevski in Tirana: Promoting Western Balkan cooperation on EU path (MIA)
• Osmani on OSCE cooperation with Asian partners: Mutual security challenges require joint response (MIA)
• President Pendarovski meets Weimar Triangle ministers (MIA)
• PM Kovachevski meets Weimar Triangle ministers: Germany, France and Poland provide strong support (MIA)
• Szynkowski: Poland, France and Germany want to actively support North Macedonia on EU accession path (MIA)
• Luhrmann: Time is now for country's prosperous future in EU (MIA)
• Boone assures no new demands from Bulgaria or other countries after constitutional changes (MIA)
• Meeting with the leaders of the Western Balkans, Rama: A new economic support plan for the Western Balkans is being prepared (Radio Tirana)
• Meeting with leaders of the Western Balkans/Rama: The countries will have financial support from the EU (Radio Tirana)
• Varhelyi: Committed to the rapid implementation of the new strategy for the Western Balkans (Radio Tirana)