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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, February 19, 2020

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti: Reciprocity measures aimed at protecting local producers (media)
  • Grenell slams EUobserver story on Kosovo-Serbia land swap plan (media)
  • Opposition collecting signatures for Assembly session to oppose lifting of tax (Express)
  • Haradinaj writes about which option of lifting tariff he would support (Express)
  • Konjufca: we will reach concrete agreements with the government of Albania (RTK)
  • Haxhiu: We will annul notaries appointment process this week (Telegrafi)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Vucic: ''The only alternative is war, and we would not have survived it'' (B92)
  • Macron's "plotting" with Serbia and Kosovo - UN the only place for reaching solution (Sputnik, B92)
  • SNS decided on name of electoral list: "Aleksandar Vucic - For our children" (B92)
  • Jevtic: Damage to Menkovic family, whose house was demolished, must be compensated (KoSSev)
  • Bozovic: Indictments for murder of Oliver Ivanovic not supported by evidence (Radio kontakt plus)
  • Kosovo Deputy PM Haki Abazi for Danas: We will seek compensation for war damages, so the devastation and crimes do not repeat again


  • Vetevendosje MP: Dialogue ‘on the verge of restarting’ (Prishtina Insight)
  • Tensions take center stage as Western Balkans gets under the spotlight in Munich (EWB)


  • Protesters demand prominent lawyer’s license be revoked (Prishtina Insight)



Albanian Language Media


Kurti: Reciprocity measures aimed at protecting local producers (media)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti reiterated that he plans to withdraw the import tariff on Serbia and instead will introduce reciprocity measures to protect local producers.

Speaking at the second Convention of Kosovo Manufacturers underway in Pristina, Kurti said: "We do not want tariffs as punitive measures towards the consumers but reciprocity as a protective measure towards producers. Products made in Kosovo that are being subjected to unloyal practices and competition will be protected. As soon as recommendations reach my office we will analyse them and decide to remove the tariff and establish reciprocity. We are an independent and sovereign country and will act accordingly," Kurti said. 

In his remarks, Kurti also quoted to have said that the reciprocity measures will be based on WTO and CEFTA principles. 

He also assured Kosovo producers that the government will fully support them. "We will remove the barriers for entrepreneurs, create equality for businesses, fight fiscal evasion and provide affordable electricity for producers. With the Development Fund there will be support for each producer." 

Grenell slams EUobserver story on Kosovo-Serbia land swap plan (media)

The U.S. Special Envoy for Kosovo-Serbia negotiations, Richard Grenell, has reacted to a recent story published by the EUobserver news portal saying that the land swap plan for Serbia and Kosovo remains popular in U.S. circles and that Grenell is engaged in promoting the idea of a "quick deal" on recognition. 

Grenell called the story 'fake news'. "And you never called or wrote to ask. I am for what the parties agree to - I’m focused on economic development, not politics," he wrote on Twitter. 

Opposition collecting signatures for Assembly session to oppose lifting of tax (Express)

MPs from opposition parties have begun collecting signatures for calling an extraordinary session of the Kosovo Assembly to oppose the government’s plan to lift the import tax on Serbia, Gazeta Express reports.

Teuta Haxhiu, MP from the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), said that they are almost done collecting signatures required to call an Assembly session. “We are cooperating with all opposition parties. We are almost there,” she said.

Officials from the Social Democratic Initiative (NISMA) confirmed their support. “NISMA’s parliamentary group has given signatures for the extraordinary session. We met two days ago,” Haxhi Shala, head of NISMA parliamentary group said.

At the same time, sources from the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) said some of the party's MPs have already put their signatures on the request to call a session.

Haradinaj writes about which option of lifting tariff he would support (Express)

Former Prime Minister of Kosovo Ramush Haradinaj insisted once again that the Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti should not lift the 100 percent tariff on goods from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.  

Haradinaj wrote on his Facebook profile that Kurti has offered to lift the tariff while returning to an already consumed and compromised dialogue.

“Do not lift the tariff for return in a consumed and compromised process but make offer for a final contract and mutual recognition in existing borders. Kosovo has agreed on three rights: Association based on Constitution, enhanced rights for Serb community based on Ahtisaari’s plan and special status for the Orthodox Church in accordance with the draft law on religious freedoms. Offer lifting the tariff for the final contract, for recognition in existing borders, not for the start of the dialoguing process already consumed and compromised,” he wrote.

He said if Kurti chooses the first option, for the final contract of recognition, then he and his political party will support him, however, he added that if Kurti choses the second option “we will keep you responsible for the consequences.” 

Konjufca: we will reach concrete agreements with the government of Albania (RTK)

Kosovo’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Glauk Konjufca hosted today a meeting with his Albanian counterpart Gent Cakaj.  

After the meeting, Konjufca said at a press conference that relations with Albania are brotherly and according to him the two countries have many obligations towards each other.

“The relations are brotherly; therefore, we have more obligations toward each other than appreciation. I consider that a major work has been done, however the space to deepen our relations is always open. We will make efforts to implement the agreements reached so far,” he said.

“We will be in maximal coordination with our ministries with regards to the joint meeting of the governments that will be held in Shkoder, because we will do the utmost to reach concrete agreements in order to implement them later. Our economic and trade relations should improve. Ever since the tariff was set, Albania’s exchanges towards Kosovo have increased 300 percent. However, this did not happen conversely, and this should be improved, and we should arrange this,” he said.

He also stressed that he supports Cakaj’s initiative for unification of Albanian political parties in Presevo Valley, in order for them to compete as a joint list in future elections.

 Cakaj on the other hand spoke about an agreement for joint lobbying for Kosovo’s recognition.

“We treated some essential problems of cooperation with Mr. Konjufca. We expressed readiness for joint embassies,” Caka said.

“I want to say that considering the need for concretization of the cooperation and joint meeting of both governments, I proposed two initial agreements to Mr. Konjufca: the first one is that we should gather and sign an agreement of sharing expenses for a campaign lobbying for recognition of Kosovo. The second agreement is transmission of the experiences in the process of the European integration,” he said.

Cakaj also met with the President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci, Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Assembly Speaker Vjosa Osmani. quotes him as saying “We are ready to start work on undoing the border. It should be more an issue of technical steps than of political discussions.”

Haxhiu: We will annul notaries appointment process this week (Telegrafi)

Kosovo's Minister of Justice Albulena Haxhiu announced that the appointment process of the notaries will be annulled in the coming days. 

"The Ministry of Justice is expected to be one of the ministries that will face many challenges. Within the Ministry of Justice a decision for annulling the notary process could be expected this week," she said.

Haxhiu added that the appointment of notaries has lost credibility for the fact that many candidates associated with political parties that were in the previous government managed to pass the test. "Our goal is to ensure the process is transparent and lawful, and so we have decided to completely reset it."



Serbian Language Media


Vucic: ''The only alternative is war, and we would not have survived it'' (B92)

Vucic says Serbia would not survive another war, which is why it must strive for talks when it comes to resolving the Kosovo issue, portal B92 reports.

Asked to comment on the statement by US Presidential Special Envoy Richard Grenell, that it was fake news that the US has a quick plan to resolve the issue of Kosovo, Aleksandar Vucic responds that he had been saying that above all we need to talk on our own. 

"Whenever large Western powers interfere, everyone will look for half of Serbia. It is our duty to resist this," he said after visiting construction works at the Clinic for Infectious and Tropical Diseases in Belgrade.

Vucic also posed a question to reporters: "Can you imagine our situation if we decide not to conduct talks, how would our people in Kosovo survive, is there an alternative?"

Only war is an alternative and we will not do that, he said, noting that Serbia does not need conflicts.

"We need decades of peace because that's the only way we would have new clinics all over Serbia. We wouldn't survive another war. After the Balkan wars, the First and Second World Wars, the wars of the 1990s ... we wouldn't survive it. We need smart policy," Vucic concluded.

Macron's "plotting" with Serbia and Kosovo - UN the only place for reaching solution (Sputnik, B92)

Talks on the status of Kosovo cannot be conducted or concluded in the Brussels format, but the entire outcome would have to take place at the UN, Sputnik portal writes today.

The portal recalls that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said in Munich that Kosovo status could not be discussed until Pristina abolishes tariffs on goods from central Serbia. However, Sputnik recalls that this requires a new United Nations decision.

Dragomir Andjelkovic, a political analyst, explains to Sputnik that a new status solution could only be made if approved by the UN Security Council, and only if Serbia agrees with such an epilogue. The Brussels dialogue does not anticipate status issues, but rather technical issues and has status-neutral format.

"If status was discussed in any format and there was some status solution, the United Nations is certainly the only place that would have to cover such a possible deal with the new Resolution", Andjelkovic claims.

Whether Serbia is ready to talk about status or not is one thing, adds Sputnik's interlocutor, adding that the UN is the umbrella institution upon which the definitive confirmation of such an attitude depends. "As far as status negotiations are concerned, I think they can be acceptable, but provided that all outstanding issues in the Balkans, including the issue of Republika Srpska, are discussed. So, then we would consider a new international conference that would include resolving Kosovo status, but also the future of Republika Srpska. That, in principle, might be acceptable", Andjelkovic said.

It would be clearer in what direction things are actually developing after the Macron Summit for Kosovo recently announced by the French President.

See at:

SNS decided on name of electoral list: "Aleksandar Vucic - For our children" (B92)

Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) has decided to go to the upcoming parliamentary elections in Serbia with the "Aleksandar Vucic - For Our Children" list, B92 confirmed.

The decision on the name of the electoral roll under which the progressives will run in the April elections in Serbia was made at a meeting of the SNS election headquarters, which was held late last night and ended after midnight, as was previously reported by the media.

SNS also decided that the result of 48.2 percent of the votes won in the 2016 elections will be the lower threshold they will be satisfied with, i.e. that only a larger number of votes will be considered successful in the upcoming elections.

Jevtic: Damage to Menkovic family, whose house was demolished, must be compensated (KoSSev)

Kosovo Minister for Communities and Returns, Dalibor Jevtic visited the Menkovic family in the village of Cernica, nearby Gnjilane, whose house was demolished yesterday based on the decision of the local municipal administration, KoSSev portal reports.

Jevtic underlined this was violation of the legal regulations and promised legal aid to the affected family.

The Menkovic family lives in dire social conditions, in a six-member household, including three children.

“At the moment when we hear messages that the rule of law and laws would prevail in Kosovo, acts like this one demonstrate the otherwise. We will institutionally, legally and democratically fight against such cases, because those who want to destroy, same as they demolished the house of the Menkovic family, also want to hamper (relations) and further deepen the gap between Serbs and Albanians,” Dalibor Jevtic said.

He also recalled security issues that Serbs from Cernica face for decades.  

Bozovic: Indictments for murder of Oliver Ivanovic not supported by evidence (Radio kontakt plus)

Civic Initiative Freedom, Democracy, Justice (SDP) deputy leader Ksenija Bozovic assessed that since the very beginning investigation of the murder of Oliver Ivanovic was “sloppy”, adding the spot of the murder remained unprotected for 20 minutes and that everything (related to the investigation) was done in an unprofessional manner.

“After two years we have an indictment, and Oliver’s closest associate and secretary Silvana Arsovic is accused. The indictment charges her of switching the surveillance cameras off at the party premise,” Bozovic said. She added “up to now no single evidence was provided to see where this evidence comes from.”

Bozovic further opined that both indictments, first one and then the amended one were not supported by evidence.

The defence lawyers of the indicted persons, in the case of Oliver Ivanovic’s murder, should file complaints and objections to the indictments by March 11, Radio kontakt plus recalled.

Kosovo Deputy PM Haki Abazi for Danas: We will seek compensation for war damages, so the devastation and crimes do not repeat again

Kosovo's Deputy Prime Minister Haki Abazi, in an interview for Belgrade based daily Danas, on the occasion of the twelfth anniversary since Kosovo declared independence, said that the existence of ''the state of Kosovo for the past 12 years, has stabilized the region to such an extent that it clearly contributing to peace.''

''It has been a hectic flight so far, and many new threats have been posed to the new state, both internally and externally. On the domestic front, mainly due to a lack of focus on moving towards the completion of the state-building process and the adoption of a political and economic system based on the interests of the few rather than the public interest.''

''However, Kosovo will survive, citizens are very resilient and committed to a normal life, a life of prosperity, full of extremely positive energy, which they very clearly expressed in the October 6 elections, by the democratic revolution.''

Danas: How do you evaluate the attitude of the Serbian authorities towards the independence of Kosovo in the mentioned period?

Deputy PM Abazi: ''The government and institutions of Serbia continue to operate in the past. The paradigm has not changed, they blame Milosevic for what he could not achieve, not for what he and his regime did. The Serbian government continued to use all the tools at its disposal to complicate and hinder the lives of Kosovars, so it can be said that they too want to achieve the results that Milosevic tried through war and conflict. Serbia's behaviour justifies the presence of KFOR, as it is clear, that if KFOR is not present, there will be orchestrated incidents, such as attempted provocation by train or other incidents to cause conflict. Another argument that supports my view is the efforts and financial means that "Serbia uses in Kosovo" to instrumentalize Kosovo Serbs to sabotage Kosovo institutions and political processes. At the international level, Serbia has made Kosovo a major foreign policy goal. It has spent funds to persuade countries not to recognize Kosovo's independence and to prevent its membership in international institutions such as Interpol, UNESCO, UN, etc. Rhetoric similar to that of the 1990s is also important. My question is, whether there is an end to it, and whether such an approach has created so many problems in the region and lost decades in that cycle of very unhealthy relationships and results. It's very gloomy. Within this conglomerate of Serbia's approaches, the necessity of actions from Kosovo, such as tariffs and reciprocity of actions, should be understood. The answer is simple, we cannot continue to buy Serbian products and services, because it is clear that in this way Kosovo citizens, and therefore all citizens, finance the salaries of the Serbian state and Serbian civil servants so that they can move and advocate and lobby against our very existence - ''the state of Kosovo''. There is no logic to go on like this.''

Danas: How do you understand the idea of a "compromise" regarding the final deal, which is being launched by the Serbian authorities? What does compromise mean to you, what does it entail?

Deputy PM Abazi: ''It is very wrong to expect that the process between Serbia and Kosovo began after the declaration of independence. The fact that the Serbian government has changed does not mean that there was no dialogue and negotiations before. Serbia asked the International Court of Justice if Kosovo's declaration of independence violated international law, UN resolution 1244 or the constitutional framework for self-government, and received a negative response in three ways. This decision was made in July 2010, ten years ago, and Serbia continues to seek compromise after all the compromises made during the negotiations with the troika process, the Vienna negotiations and EU-enabled dialogue. An engagement strategy and a lack of commitment to close the process have been adopted so that it can gain more. Serbia has never paid a salary for more than 250,000 workers expelled on a political basis from its factories and jobs in ten years, never paid for all deaths that occurred during the 1990s and tortures in so-called interrogation rooms, never paid for the 1998-1999 genocide attempt when 1,1 million Albanians were systematically expelled from Kosovo, it has never accounted for more than 20,000 rapes and over 12,000 killed. Kosovo has never received funding from the succession of wealth of the former Yugoslavia. Then what is the future perspective for good neighbourly relations if, in this situation of deep social, political and financial debt, Serbia needs to seek more compromise from Kosovo and its people. Kosovo wants to close this chapter and move towards building a democratically developed state, a rule of law, that offers equal opportunities to its citizens and celebrates its ethnic, cultural, religious and linguistic diversity. Serbian institutions are taking the same approach to all neighbouring countries and allies who abuse politics by abusing Serb communities, religion, or even through their networks from the past, trying to control political processes in other countries, such as northern Macedonia.''

Danas: Do you think it is possible for local officials here, who were active politicians during the 1990s war, such as Vucic, Dacic, Vulin ... to reach a final agreement with the Kosovo authorities?

Deputy PM Abazi: ''It is in Serbia's interest to move forward. Serbian leaders in the 1990s threw Serbia to its knees, they empowered wrong ideas, killed intellectuals and journalists, killed the spirit of progress. Serbia is one of the biggest countries in the region, and especially the names you mentioned in your question, who were actors and know well what was going on in the 90's, they are lucky to be in politics today and if they do not take the opportunity to turn the Serbia's course (where, let's say, is Germany today compared to Jews) it is very difficult to see how Serbia will change and how it will reach any agreement with anyone in the region. I believe the most important question they should ask themselves is how they will be remembered in history, as the puppets of Milosevic, or as leaders who have taken Serbia to the next phase of democracy, development and good neighbourly relations with its neighbours.''

Danas: How do you evaluate the Kosovo and Serbian authorities so far? It has been said that despite the unpleasant tones in official communication, they actually have good relations and agree on Kosovo's division? 

Deputy PM Abazi: ''It is very difficult to qualify the relations of the previous government in Kosovo and the current president with the Serbian government and the president of Serbia, but the fact that after 20 years of war and 12 years after the declaration of independence, leaders of Kosovo and Serbia talked with cards in their hands, in some dark rooms, far away from the eyes of the public, tells enough about the nature and way of thinking. We know that it means playing with maps in the Balkans. That was Milosevic's goal when he decided in 1989 to deploy tanks, police, military and paramilitary forces to Kosovo, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and again in 1997 to Kosovo. These are old ways of thinking; ethnically cleansed states do not function and do not exist. Even if there is a way to create ethnic states, the next day people will start mixing and working, changing places, trading. I believe there are other reasons why President Vucic and President Thaci are very close to each other, and that, I am convinced, is a selfish motive, not the interest of both countries or the interests of the people of both countries. If it were not so, they would not make plans in dark rooms, but as true leaders would help solve problems and move forward instead of playing 19th century games.''

Danas: Will Kosovo seek compensation for war damages from Serbia for devastation and crimes in the 1990s?

Deputy PM Abazi: ''Yes, it is documented, and sooner or later Serbia will have to compensate for the damage and pay for the destruction of property and the lives lost during the 1990s and the war. We will do this because it is our right, and we will do more to prevent it from happening again. It has happened many times in the past history, if Serbia allows stories of Dimitrije Tucovic to be taught and lectured in schools, Serbian students and the public in Serbia will understand what happened, that is, our common history has one colour, and that is the red blood of ordinary people who were exposed to violence and war that had one direction. Serbia should pay and should also give up the idea of occupation and waging war and build a partnership instead.''

Danas: How do you see the solution to the situation in northern Kosovo? In what way is it possible to integrate the Serb population there into Kosovo society, given the expressed intolerance, tension, fear of violence, additional Serbian authorities’ instructions ...?

Deputy PM Abazi: ''The Serb community in the north should be left alone and should not be manipulated by either side. Serbia cannot and must not continue to victimize the Serb communities in Kosovo through manipulation. If Serbs in southern Kosovo can live and integrate, why can't Serbs in the north live and integrate. The sabotage of Kosovo's political and economic development also severely affects Serbs who are unable to find a job and build their independent lives. There is a new era in Kosovo, today there are new people ruling Kosovo, we look forward, we would like Serbia to recognize this not because of Kosovo but because of Serbia itself. If in the past the interest of the state was a geopolitical game, then it is more so today, but the interest of the state and the people is to first provide our citizens and then, if necessary, to use the geopolitical games.''

Danas: Do you support RECOM?

Deputy PM Abazi: ''RECOM is the best initiative in the region and among the best globally. It is time to embrace the past and the reality that is documented and verified and face it. It is the only way to deconstruct myths in the region and allow people to see beyond their bubble or what certain media create for them as a reality of the past. RECOM should be supported by independent funds and all countries should commit to the process with the highest level of seriousness. I am in favour of the EU requesting countries aspiring to assist in the Western Balkans, as part of RECOM, predict some soft criteria for advancement. We cannot enter the EU with all the skeletons and missing people in the region. With this great burden of mind and soul, progress is difficult.''

Danas: How do you evaluate the work of the Kosovo authorities from 2008 to the present? Have they done anything good for the public interest and the citizens of Kosovo?

Deputy PM Abazi: ''Unfortunately, the list of good results is very short and limited, and the biggest cause for concern is the corruption they have imposed, as well as the tolerance within the system that acts as a mediator and often as a protector of corrupt behaviour. However, the self-sustaining, resilient and very energetic nature of the people has made progress in the life of our country. There is a very important private sector, based on self-motivation and very often self-funded, as well as a very vibrant civil society and media sector. But what really makes Kosovo to progress are very diligent individuals and a large diaspora. It is a great misfortune that between 120,000-150,000 thousand, mostly young people, left Kosovo and went to EU countries, primarily because of their dissatisfaction with the way the authorities led the countries and the results achieved.''





Vetevendosje MP: Dialogue ‘on the verge of restarting’ (Prishtina Insight)

Removing the 100 per cent import tariff on Serbian goods and the possibility of a deal involving territory exchange were debated by newly-elected MPs on Tuesday as part of a round table discussion on the future of the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue.

Artan Abrashi, a newly-elected MP from Vetevendosje, stated on Tuesday that the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia is ‘on the verge of restarting’ at a round table discussion organized by the Kosovo Democratic Institute, KDI.

Abrashi then outlined the basis on which the new coalition government would approach the dialogue and ruled out signing a deal in haste. “In the new phase we need to be represented with clear and consolidated principles,” he said. “There cannot be an agreement without a dialogue – we do not believe that complicated issues can be resolved simply or quickly.”

See at:

Tensions take center stage as Western Balkans gets under the spotlight in Munich (EWB)

Even though Western Balkans and EU enlargement in general did not represent an important topic at the Munich Security Conference 2020, being overshadowed by issues such as the division in the West and relations with China and Russia, the region did find itself under the spotlight, described by an US official as a “fairly robust topic” on which there is still a lot of focus. This time it was the Serbia-Kosovo conundrum and the tensions surrounding it that took center stage.

Three events related to the Western Balkans were organized as side events to the Munich Security Conference 2020, one of the most important conference on international relations in the world, which was held from 14 to 16 February in the Bavarian capital.

Surely the most important event related to the Western Balkans was the panel discussion held on 14 February within the Balkans Dialogue programme initiated by EastWest Institute, whose previous events took place in Berlin and Belgrade.

See at:





Protesters demand prominent lawyer’s license be revoked (Prishtina Insight)

After a video of high profile lawyer Tome Gashi arguing with a beggar and kicking his belongings on Prishtina’s main boulevard became widely publicised last week, human rights activists organised a protest outside his office on Monday demanding professional and criminal accountability. 

The protest was organized by the Youth Initiative for Human Rights – Kosovo, YIHR, who called on demonstrators to protest against abusive behaviour and protect the fundamental right to dignity. “YIHR strongly condemns the abusive behaviour of lawyer Tome Gashi, and will always continue to be against such acts of violence,” the announcement for the protest read.

See at: