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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, April 3, 2020

Albanian Language Media:

  • EU officially appoints Lajcak as Special Representative for Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (media)
  • Germany congratulates Lajcak on his appointment (social media)
  • France: Lajcak can count on our support (media)
  • Italy welcomes appointment of EU special representative for dialogue (Klan/RTK)
  • Haradinaj: EU stalling the Kosovo-Serbia agreement process (Kallxo)
  • Kosovo think tank welcomes Lajcak’s appointment as EU special representative (Koha)
  • Heldt happy with trucks from Bosnia entering Kosovo, says this should be two-ways (Klan)

Serbian Language Media:

  • International support does not reach Serb municipalities (Radio KIM)
  • A misinformation: Goran Rakic did not say the number of infected; Bahtiri, Rakic and KFOR Commander urged citizens to respect curfew (, KoSSev, KIM radio) 
  • Vucic: Curfew from 1 pm on Saturday till 5 am on Monday (B92)
  • Vucic spoke with Putin and Macron: "Significant assistance and support for Serbia" (B92)
  • New 111 infected, three more deaths of COVID-19, total 1171 infected (B92)
  • No prisoner infected with Covid-19 in Mitrovica North (Radio KIM)
  • Man arrested in Mitrovica North for attacking journalist on March 23 (KoSSev)


  • US Burns Credibility in Grenell Quest for Foreign Policy Win, as Kosovo Government Falls (
  • Washington is stoking a new Balkan crisis (


  • Balkan Private Sector Workers Hardest Hit by Coronavirus Fallout (Balkan Insight)
  • On Top of COVID-19, Kosovo Faces Constitutional Crisis (Balkan Insight)


  • UNICEF delivers 3.6 tons of supplies to Kosovo to support COVID 19 response (media)
  • NATO and EADRCC help Western Balkans countries counter COVID-19 pandemic (EWB)
  • Rejecting Criticism, Commissioner Says EU Was 'Very Quick' In Helping Neighbors Fight Coronavirus (RFE)



Albanian Language Media


EU officially appoints Lajcak as Special Representative for Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (media)

The Council of the European Union today appointed Miroslav Lajcak from Slovakia as EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue and other Western Balkan regional issues.

“The tasks of the new EU Special Representative will be to achieve comprehensive normalisation of the relations between Serbia and Kosovo, improve good neighbourly relations and reconciliation between partners in the Western Balkans, helping them overcome the legacy of the past, and contribute to the consistency and effectiveness of EU action in the Western Balkans,” a statement issued by  Council states.

It adds that Lajcak will take up his duties immediately, with an initial mandate of 12 months.

See the full statement:

Germany congratulates Lajcak on his appointment (social media)

Germany's Ambassador to Kosovo, Christian Heldt, congratulated Miroslav Lajcak on his appointment as EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. 

Heldt said on Twitter that Germany is looking forward to Lajcak's engagement and will fully support it. 

"Dire need to move forward," Heldt wrote. 

France: Lajcak can count on our support (media)

The French Embassy in Kosovo has reacted to the appointment of Miroslav Lajcak as EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue saying that he can count on the support of France in exercising his new functions. 

“He will represent the European Union and its member states in his mediating role with the aim of reaching a comprehensive, final and legally binding agreement between the two parties,” the French Embassy said in a statement on social media.

Italy welcomes appointment of EU special representative for dialogue (Klan/RTK)

Italian Ambassador to Kosovo, Nicola Orlando, has welcomed the appointment of Miroslav Lajcak from Slovakia to the post of EU Special Representative for Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. 

"He can count on Italy's support to restart the EU facilitated dialogue btw Kosovo & Serbia as soon as possible aiming to a final, comprehensive agreement and reconciliation," Orlando tweeted. 

Haradinaj: EU stalling the Kosovo-Serbia agreement process (Kallxo)

Leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Ramush Haradinaj reacted to the appointment of the EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue.

“In the stages of the grand finale and a leading US role, the EU is stalling the process,” Haradinaj wrote on Twitter.

Kosovo think tank welcomes Lajcak’s appointment as EU special representative (Koha)

Kosovo-based Epik institute has hailed the appointment of Miroslav Lajcak as the EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue and Western Balkans regional issues calling it a new momentum in Kosovo’s EU integration process. 

EPIK said that Lajcak’s appointment represents the unification and intensification of the EU’s focus in supporting the achievement of a comprehensive, legally binding agreement for full normalisation of relations between Kosovo and Serbia. 

“At the same time, the Government of Kosovo has fully lifted the 100 percent tariff on Serbia’s products. The Government’s decision for lifting the 100 percent tariff ensures Kosovo respects obligations stemming from the integration process, advances regional cooperation and creates a necessary political environment for advancing European perspective,” EPIK said in a statement. 

EPIK underlined ‘vital’ importance the EU has in facilitating the dialogue for normalisation of relations saying that the future of Kosovo is in the European Union: “The EU remains by far the largest financial and economic supporter to Kosovo and the region.” 

Heldt happy with trucks from Bosnia entering Kosovo, says this should be two-ways (Klan)

The German Ambassador to Kosovo Christian Heldt has hailed the news that trucks with goods from Bosnia and Herzegovina have entered Kosovo after the caretaker government lifted the 100-percent tariff. 

Heldt commented on Twitter to a post by the EU Special Representative to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Johann Sattler, who said he was happy to hear that first trucks from Bosnia had arrived in Kosovo and that regional cooperation pays off. 

“Couldn't agree more. And even happier to hopefully see movement the other way round too soon. Shouldn't be a one way thing when talking cooperation. Also people being able to travel and visit post-COVID. Personal encounters start making the difference,” Heldt wrote. 



Serbian Language Media


International support does not reach Serb municipalities (Radio KIM)

The Serbian media based in Kosovo for the second day continue reporting on the lack of international support to the Serb-populated areas at the times of coronavirus pandemic.

This time, Radio KIM reports that a large financial aid was given to Kosovo as a support to fight coronavirus. The EU alone has allocated EUR 5.5 million for the needs of the University Clinical Center in Pristina, while the US helped Kosovo with USD 1.1 million. At the same time different UN organizations and the UK Embassy were allocating the money and providing other sort of support.

However, the officials in the Serb-majority municipalities south of the Ibar River claim that nothing of this aid has reached the Serbs.

In Gracanica municipality each village has either a health house or ambulance, while in Gracanica, under difficult conditions operates a Clinical Hospital Center dislocated from Pristina. This hospital in a situation where Kosovo, same as the entire world, faces a coronavirus pandemic for the treatment of its patients has two respirators only, Radio KIM reports referring to the media statement on Bratislav Lazic, director of this hospital.

Director of the health department in Gracanica municipality, Aleksandar Popovic briefly told RTV KIM that no international support was given to the municipality, adding he would inform the public if that happens.

The situation is similar in the municipality of Novo Brdo. The mayor Svetislav Ivanovic told RTV KIM they received no support from the international community.

“When it comes to the support, we had donations on the local level, also from a donor from Mitrovica who wished to remain anonymous, but we had no donation from the international community,” Ivanovic said.

Mayor of Klokot municipality Bozidar Dejanovic told RTV KIM until now they received support from the Ministry for Communities and Returns and Kosovo Ministry of Health.

“We have received 37 packages for families, and the distribution would be done during the day to those who need it the most. In addition to this, we have received from the Kosovo Ministry of Health support such as masks, gloves and alcohol for disinfection. We also received help from Gnjilane municipality such as protective equipment,” Dejanovic said.

Partes-Pasjane municipality official Dragan Petkovic also said they received no support from the international institutions.  

“For the time being there is no support from the international community, apart from what we get regularly from the Kosovo Ministry of Health. Yesterday we received a shipment of gloves, masks and certain disinfection items. They told us that next week we would get a bit larger help, so let’s see in the coming period,” Petkovic said.

Strpce expects help from the Ministry for Communities and Returns. It would be distributed to the socially vulnerable returnees’ families in the municipality. There was no other help, Ivica Tanasijevic, deputy mayor said.

A misinformation: Goran Rakic did not say the number of infected; Bahtiri, Rakic and KFOR Commander urged citizens to respect curfew (crnobeli, KoSSev) 

KFOR commander, Major General Michele Risi and the mayors of North and South Mitrovica, Goran Rakic and Agim Bahtiri, last night from the main Ibar bridge jointly called on citizens on both sides of the city to respect the measures set by the Pristina institutions, while Rakic called for compliance with the measures adopted by Serbian-sponsored Kosovska Mitrovica emergency team, reported all Serbian language media in Kosovo.  

The Portal Crno Beli Svet noted that some Kosovo media reported that Rakic mentioned that 17 people were infected with the virus in northern Kosovo and that more than 200 people were in self-isolation, however the portal said that Rakic did not state this in his address.

The Mayor of South Mitrovica, Agim Bahtiri urged citizens from both sides of Mitrovica to follow the recommendations of the Kosovo Ministry of Health in order to ''succeed together in this war ''.

''Unfortunately, this world-threatening virus has not bypassed us. This evil recognizes no administrative, religious or national boundaries, '' North Mitrovica Mayor, Goran Rakic stressed last night.

In a brief statement, he called on the citizens of Mitrovica to abide by the instructions given by the doctors and municipal emergency team, adding that it is the only way ''we can save our lives''.

The event was not previously announced, at least to some parts of the media. The only announcement was sent by the mayor of South Mitrovica, Agim Bahtiri via a press release written in Albanian and released shortly before the event took place.

Questions were not allowed at this ''press conference'', and after the meeting, KFOR presented a press release describing KFOR’s activities in the fight against coronavirus to the media crews present, however, without gloves or a mask on. The safe distance measure was also not respected.

Vucic: Curfew from 1 pm on Saturday till 5 am on Monday (B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said last night that three new measures have been introduced, including curfew from 1 pm on Saturday till 5 am on Monday to fight the spread of coronavirus, B92 reports.

"The first measure is to introduce curfew on Saturday from 1 pm to 5 am on Monday," he said, adding that the ban does not apply to the pensioners who can go to the stores on Sunday from 4 am to 7 am.

A new measure that applies from last night is that no more than two people can gather in one place.

The third measure, which is valid from Saturday evening, is that from 23 to 1h in the range of 200 meters from the place of residence, pets could be walked by not more than two people together.

"We expect acceleration in the next 72 hours in terms of the number of infected people, but unfortunately we can expect an increase in the number of deaths," Vucic also said.

See at:

Vucic spoke with Putin and Macron: "Significant assistance and support for Serbia" (B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic had a phone conversation with presidents of Russia and France, Vladimir Putin and Emanuel Macron, B92 reports.

The main topics of the conversation were the fight against coronavirus, continued cooperation with the European Union and confirmation of the closest friendly relations with Russia.

"Great talk with a sincere friend of Serbia, President of France. Serbia has received a lot of support in the fight against COVID-19 and on its European path," the President wrote on Instagram's profile.

He had first spoken with the President of Russia and stated that he had a very good conversation with Vladimir Putin.

"A very good conversation with the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin. A confirmed friendship and significant assistance comes to Serbia. I want to thank Vladimir Putin and the Russian people," Vucic wrote.

These discussions are followed by meetings of the COVID-19 Crisis Staff to combat the contagious disease and to eliminate the possible adverse consequences of the COVID-19 infectious disease in the economy field.

New 111 infected, three more deaths of COVID-19, total 1171 infected (B92)

According to the latest information from the Ministry of Health, 111 more people positive on coronavirus were recorded in Serbia, B92 reports. 

Thus, the number of COVID-19 patients, from 1060 increased to 1171.

Since the last report, 637 samples have been tested. A total of 31 people infected with coronavirus have died in Serbia.

No prisoner infected with Covid-19 in Mitrovica North (Radio KIM)

Kosovo Ministry of Health announced that no prisoner in Mitrovica North is infected with Covid-19, Radio KIM reports. The results of 56 tested persons came out negative.

It was added that despite several prison guards and a medical technician being infected, the full implementation of the protective measures at work and discipline can prevent spread of coronavirus among detainees. 

Man arrested in Mitrovica North for attacking journalist on March 23 (KoSSev)

KoSSev portal reports that the Kosovo police North region arrested a Serbian man,  M.Dž. (1988) for assaulting a member of the Blic shpk media team from Pristina. Branislav Radovic, regional KP spokesperson confirmed the news.

“The extensive investigative work of the North region solved the criminal case of assault on an official and the suspect was uncovered and identified,” Radovic said.

The attack took place on March 23 in Mitrovica, and at that time the journalist sustained minor injuries caused by several blows.

The suspect was questioned in the presence of his lawyer and admitted committing the crime. According to the decision of the competent prosecutor of the Basic Prosecutor’s Office in Mitrovica, he would be detained for 48 hours and a criminal complaint was filed. The act was qualified as an “assault on an official person”.





US Burns Credibility in Grenell Quest for Foreign Policy Win, as Kosovo Government Falls (

With the world distracted by the accelerating coronavirus pandemic, the United States last week precipitated the fall of a popular and promising reformist government in perhaps the most pro-American country on earth, Kosovo. The damage to American credibility and moral authority in Kosovo, throughout the Balkans, and with Germany and France has been massive. All this has been driven by President Donald Trump’s special envoy for Kosovo-Serbia negotiations, Richard Grenell, who now wears three hats (serving also as ambassador to Germany and acting director of national intelligence), and it has simultaneously managed to deepen the chasm between the United States and the European Union, particularly with Germany.

See more at:

Washington is stoking a new Balkan crisis (

While the coronavirus pandemic preoccupies Washington, the Trump administration is inadvertantly stoking a new conflict in the Balkans. In a hastened effort to forge a settlement between Serbia and Kosovo that would enable U.S. forces to leave the region, the White House could unravel many Western achievements since ending the Yugoslav wars in the 1990s by inciting new regional rivalries.

Kosovo is in the midst of a political crisis as the coalition government fell apart on March 25 because of disagreements over responses to the pandemic. But the real battle has pitted President Hashim Thaci, who has reportedly discussed Kosovo’s partition with Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vucic, against Prime Minister Albin Kurti, who is adamantly opposed to any border changes. Washington has evidently sided with Thaci in the forlorn hope that it can quickly settle the Serbia-Kosovo dispute.

See more at:





Balkan Private Sector Workers Hardest Hit by Coronavirus Fallout (Balkan Insight)

Sudden redundancy; forced unpaid leave; massive pay cuts – while authorities in the Balkans count the cost of COVID-19 in terms of infection rates, deaths and the damage to the economy, private-sector workers find themselves particularly vulnerable to the effects of a global lockdown on the tourism, hospitality, services and retail industries.

With unions sounding the alarm over a spike in violations of worker rights, BIRN has identified a number of examples affecting particularly those on fixed-term contracts.

They range from sudden layoffs to workers forced to take unpaid leave, significant wage cuts and pressure on vulnerable categories of workers to forgo already-approved paid leave.

See more at:

On Top of COVID-19, Kosovo Faces Constitutional Crisis (Balkan Insight)

New election or new government?  That’s the choice facing Europe’s youngest state just as it confronts what promises to be the biggest healthcare crisis and economic fight of its short life.

A week after Albin Kurti’s Kosovo government was toppled in a no-confidence vote forced by his junior partner, political leaders are divided over whether or not the Constitution requires a snap election to follow.

See at:





UNICEF delivers 3.6 tons of supplies to Kosovo to support COVID 19 response (media)

The shipment of professional protective and medical equipment acquired by UNICEF arrived to Prishtina, as part of UNICEF’s Kosovo support to the health system in response to the current coronavirus crisis, online media quote a statement issued by the UNICEF Office in Kosovo.

“3.6 tons of equipment have been delivered to the Ministry of Health to support health workers on the frontline of Kosovo’s fight against COVID 19,” UNICEF said. 

Head of UNICEF office, Murat Sahin said on the occasion: “UNICEF Kosovo has been able to react quickly, delivering lifesaving preventative supplies to front line health workers even when logistics are exceptionally challenging. We will continue to support creative means so that young person and child in Kosovo overcomes challenges posed by COVID 19”.

NATO and EADRCC help Western Balkans countries counter COVID-19 pandemic (EWB)

NATO Foreign Ministers will hold a meeting today by a secure videoconference to address the Alliance’s response to the coronavirus and other key issues for the Alliance.

“This is a global health crisis”, Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg told a press conference ahead of the one-day meeting, the first gathering in the Alliance’s history held by videoconference.

“NATO is doing its part to help in this common fight against an invisible enemy”, the Secretary General said, citing examples including the airlift of medical equipment, US and Turkish medical donations and Germany taking in French and Italian patients.

See more at:

Rejecting Criticism, Commissioner Says EU Was 'Very Quick' In Helping Neighbors Fight Coronavirus (RFE)

The EU commissioner for neighborhood and enlargement, Oliver Varhelyi, has rejected accusations that the bloc has been too slow in providing assistance to its Balkan neighbors and countries of its Eastern Partnership program in their fight against the coronavirus pandemic.

In an interview with RFE/RL on April 2, Varhelyi also said he wasn’t worried that China and Russia could capitalize politically on the EU response to the crisis.

See at: