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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, June 3, 2020

Albanian Language Media:

  • Avdullah Hoti elected new prime minister of Kosovo (media)
  • Fight against Covid-19 and economic recovery, priorities of new govt (media)
  • Hoti presents composition of his cabinet (media)
  • S. embassy, Grenell welcome the formation of new government (media)
  • EU congratulates the new Kosovo government (media)
  • Thaci pledges to cooperate with new government (media)
  • Haxhiu: New government, illegal (Klan)
  • Selimi: This is Thaci's government not one of people (Telegrafi)
  • Veseli: PDK will not support Hoti-led government (Kallxo)
  • Haradinaj: Hoti government is not against anyone (Klan Kosova)
  • Hoti government with a convicted minister (Kallxo)
  • Kosovo government holds meeting ahead of Assembly's vote (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • New Kosovo government voted, Serbian List has two ministers (RTS)
  • Brnabic: Pristina not to conduct populist politics (Tanjug)
  • RFE: Lajcak to restart Belgrade–Pristina talks soon; Vucic: After bans lifted (N1)
  • Vucic on situation in US, Kosovo issue (B92)
  • Vucic spoke with Rohani, Iran committed at respecting territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia (RTS)
  • Várhelyi expects significant EU’s investments in Western Balkans (N1, BETA)
  • Last Serb in western Kosovo Decani town dies at 58 (N1)
  • No new Covid-19 infection cases in Serb-populated areas (Kosovo-online)


  • America’s Never Been Less Likely to Help the Balkans (Balkan Insight)


  • Kosovo picks new government promising deal with Serbia (Reuters)
  • Hoti elected prime minister (Balkan Insight)
  • Opinions Split over Legality and Effect of Kosovo’s Reciprocity Measures (Balkan Insight)


  • Insults, Leaks and Fraud: Digital Violations Thrive amid Pandemic (Balkan Insight)
  • Kon: It is time to suspend introduced measures (B92)



Albanian Language Media


Avdullah Hoti elected new prime minister of Kosovo (media)

Avdullah Hoti, candidate from the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), has been elected the new prime minister of Kosovo.

Of 86 MPs that took part in the vote, 61 were in favour of the Hoti-led government, 24 against and one abstained. 

Fight against Covid-19 and economic recovery, priorities of new government (media)

Candidate for prime minister of Kosovo from the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Avdullah Hoti said in his remarks before MPs that the government under his leadership will focus on two immediate priorities: fight against the Covid-19 pandemic and the economic recovery. 

"In addition, the Government will also treat with priority the strengthening of the state, its integrity and sovregnity, and fight against negative phenomena, especially crime and corruption," Hoti is quoted in Klan Kosova. 

He is quoted as also stating that the new government would not agree to a land swap as part of the final agreement with Serbia. "We will take on constitutional responsibilities to push forward the dialogue process, in cooperation with the EU and the U.S., by not allowing border changes and land swaps."

Kallxo quotes Hoti as saying that reaching a comprehensive agreement with Serbia is of vital interest for Kosovo. "The dialogue will be based on clear objectives which need to be achieved through the agreement. The comprehensive agreement will be based on mutual recognition between the two countries."

Hoti presents composition of his cabinet (media)

Avdullah Hoti, candidate for prime minister, presented before MPs the composition of his cabinet. 

Apart from the post of prime minister, the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) will lead seven ministries and one deputy prime minister:

Driton Selmanaj - Deputy Prime Minister; Hykmete Bajrami – Minister of Finance; Anton Quni – Minister of Defence; Vlora Dumoshi – Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports; Agim Veliu - Minister of Internal Affairs; Arban Abrashi - Minister of Infrastructure and Environment; Armend Zemaj - Minister of Health; Besian Mustafa – Minister of Agriculture.

Candidates from the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo include Besnik Tahiri - First Deputy Prime Minister; Meliza Haradinaj - Minister of Foreign Affairs; Selim Selimi - Minister of Justice; Blerim Kuci - Minister of Economy; Rame Lika - Minister of Education.

Social Democratic Initiative (NISMA) will have one deputy prime minister - Albulena Balaj and the following ministers: Skender Reçica - Minister of Labour; Vesel Krasniqi - Minister of Trade and Industry.

Representatives from the non-majority communities in the new government of Kosovo are expected to be Goran Rakic - Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Local Government; Dalibor Jevtic - Minister of Returns and Communities; Enis Kervan - Minister of Regional Development.

U.S. embassy, Grenell welcome the formation of new government (media)

The U.S. Embassy in Kosovo has welcomed the formation of the new government of Kosovo. 

"Congratulations on the peaceful formation of the new government. We look forward to working with the Hoti government to continue important work on peace, justice, and prosperity, including efforts to strengthen regional relations and combat COVID-19," the U.S. Embassy said on social media.

The U.S. presidential envoy for Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, Richard Grenell, also welcomed the election of the new government of Kosovo.

Grenell's spokesperson Dick Custin said they are looking forward to cooperating with the new government and continuing dialogue with Serbia.

EU congratulates the new Kosovo government (media)

The European Union has congratulated the new Kosovo government led by Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti saying it is looking forward to joint work to advance EU-Kosovo relations.

“The coronavirus pandemic will remain a shared challenge for the foreseeable future and the EU will continue to stand by Kosovo and its people. We also want to see Kosovo advance on its European path. This will require determined reform efforts to strengthen the rule of law, in particular the fight against corruption and organised crime, and to promote socio-economic development.

“A swift resumption of the EU-facilitated Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue, with the support of EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajčák, is essential to achieve a comprehensive normalisation of relations with Serbia. The EU-facilitated Dialogue is the only way to turn Kosovo's European future into a reality for its citizens,” a joint statement issued by High Representative/ Vice-President Josep Borrell and Neighbourhood and Enlargement Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi states.

Thaci pledges to cooperate with new government (media)

President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci has reacted to the successful vote of the new government of Kosovo led by Avdullah Hoti calling it an "important day for our democracy."

Thaci congratulated MPs for their vote and wished the new government success in implementing its programme. "I extend my full cooperation in implementation of national and international agenda," Thaci wrote on Facebook.

He added that inter-institutional cooperation and coordination will be necessary to achieve economic recovery and move towards Euro-Altantic integration.

Haxhiu: New government, illegal (Klan)

Albulena Haxhiu from the Vetevendosje Movement and now former minister of justice has reacted to the voting of the new government. 

"From the people's government to an illegal government of Hashim Thaci that depends on Serbia," Haxhiu wrote on Facebook.

Selimi: This is Thaci's government not one of people (Telegrafi)

Head of the Vetevendosje Movement parliamentary group, Rexhep Selimi, said  that a government led by Avdullah Hoti will be one led by President Hashim Thaci and not be of the people. 

"This government will only serve him to legitimise partition of Kosovo and benefit from this government another mandate as president," Selimi said today at the Kosovo Assembly.

He said that the no-confidence motion against Albin Kurti government was planned to pave way for what he said is a secret agreement between Thaci and Vucic. "We know full well your goals. They are shallow but also dangerous."

Veseli: PDK will not support Hoti-led government (Kallxo)

Leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) Kadri Veseli said at the Kosovo Assembly session today that his party MPs will not vote in support of a new government led by Avdullah Hoti from the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK).

Veseli said that LDK has always had a role in overthrowing governments and of never taking on responsibilities. 

"The Democratic Party of Kosovo will not vote for this Government. We are not with VV, nor are we with LDK. There is and there will be no bargains with me and the PDK for power," Veseli is quoted by Kallxo news website.

Haradinaj: Hoti government is not against anyone (Klan Kosova)

Leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Ramush Haradinaj congratulated the citizens of Kosovo on the election of the new government.

He said that the new government under the leadership of Avdullah Hoti from the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) does not stand against anyone "but is of Kosovo and will help Kosovo in this difficult time." 

Hoti government with a convicted minister (Kallxo)

Kallxo news website is reporting that the new government of Kosovo led by Avdullah Hoti has in its composition a minister that has been convicted of a criminal offense.

Meliza Haradinaj, new Minister of Foreign Affairs and formerly adviser to ex prime minister Ramush Haradinaj, has been convicted to a conditional 1 year in prison sentence for falsely reporting her assets.

Kosovo government holds meeting ahead of Assembly's vote (media)

In a meeting held an hour before the Assembly was set to vote on its successor, the acting Government of Kosovo adopted the decision to allocate funds for the families of the two miners who tragically lost their lives yesterday at the Novoberdo mine.

The government approved the request to allocate each of the families €30,000.

Furthermore, the government decided to transfer another €12 million to the ministry of economy for implementation of the emergency fiscal package and also to cover the costs of "green card" vehicle insurance for members of the Kosovo diaspora.



Serbian Language Media


New Kosovo government voted, Serbian List has two ministers (RTS)

With 61 votes members of the Kosovo Parliament voted today for the new government, while Serbian List would have two ministerial posts, RTS reports.

New Kosovo Prime Minister Avdulah Hoti said that the dialogue with Belgrade is of crucial importance, adding the roles of the EU and US in this process are inseparable.  

He told the MPs that all should be involved in the dialogue and be united, including the EU and the US.

“The dialogue to reach a final agreement is of vital interest for Kosovo. The authorities would fully respect the Constitution during the talks. The dialogue would have clear aims on the issues that will be discussed and we shall be transparent. The agreement would be based on mutual equality of Kosovo and Serbia,” Hoti said, RTS reports.

RTS also said that current President of Serbian List Goran Rakic would be Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Local-Governance Administration, while the current Minister for Communities and Returns Dalibor Jevtic will continue performing this function.

Meanwhile, the Secretary General of the Serbian Foreign Affairs Ministry Veljko Odalovic said earlier one should listen very carefully to today's expose of Avdulah Hoti, adding it was a good message he announced to expressly revoke the measures that have blocked the dialogue. Odalovic further assessed the political scene among Kosovo Albanians as so complicated that “no one knows anything any longer.”

Speaking for RTS news programme, Odalovic opined that compared to his predecessors Hoti seems to be more ready for the dialogue and compromise.

Asked if Pristina waits for the change of the authorities in the US, Odalovic responded it was obvious that they would prefer that change to happen and the administration which was Clinton’s once gets in power again.

Commenting on the role of the Serbian List in the Pristina Parliament, Odalovic said he hopes it would be a more serious story now compared to earlier ones, and that Serbian representatives would have enough room to achieve their aim and take care of the interests of Serbs and Serbia.  

Brnabic: Pristina not to conduct populist politics (Tanjug)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said today she hopes the new Pristina government would be sufficiently responsible, foremost, towards its citizens and will not conduct a populist politics, as well as think about what needs to be done for the economic progress of an entire region, in particular Kosovo. So the citizens could live better, have greater employment opportunities, higher salaries and investments, she added, Tanjug news agency reports.

This can happen only if we cooperate, talk and if the situation is stable and peaceful, Brnabic assessed

RFE: Lajcak to restart Belgrade–Pristina talks soon; Vucic: After bans lifted (N1)

After supported by all European Union member states to facilitate the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina on the normalisation of relations which had been on hold since November 2018, as the EU special envoy, Miroslav Lajčák, a Slovakian diplomat, said he planned to resume the negotiations this month, even before the general elections in Serbia due on June 21, Radio Free Europe (RFE) reported.

The RFE's sources said Lajcak intended to contact the officials in Pristina "on the day" a new government was elected to prepare the first round of the resumed dialogue.

Kosovo Parliament is due to vote on a new cabinet on Wednesday. But, earlier in the day,hundreds of people protested outside Kosovo's Parliament against the vote for the new cabinet.

Besides, Kosovo's President Hashim Thaciwho, who together with his Serbia's counterpart Aleksandar Vucic, led the dialogue held under the EU auspices for years before the break a year and a half ago, had said he wouldn't cooperate with Lajcak, accusing him of siding with Belgrade.

To make the restart possible, Lajcak has to wait for June 15 when the EU opens its borders so that the negotiators can come to Brussels.

The EU envoy added the new rounds of the talks would not focus on technical issues as before for the most time, but on "high political process."

It is not clear if the idea of the border change will be on the agenda, since, according to RSE, "the large majority" among the EU member states are against any territory swap between Belgrade and Pristina, especially Germany and France.

Kosovo's politicians also strongly oppose the idea.

Washington, which Kosovo considers as the decisive factor in a final solution, has a more flexible view on the issue, as has Belgrade, which hasn't explicitly excluded the option, though hasn't officially said it is its plan.    

Commenting on Lajcak's announcement, Vucic said on Wednesday that Belgrade was always for talking with everyone, but that it was necessary that Pristina lifted the import taxes on goods from Serbia and removed other limitations to the flow of people and goods.

"When they do that, I'm always ready (to talk)," he said.

Asked about some media reports that an agreement would be reached soon, Vucic said that the great powers had always interfered in the Balkans, "but Serbia will have to be asked about something."

"It's nice that they have already decided, but Serbia's people and leadership will bring a final decision. And as the leadership of an independent and sovereign state," Vucic told reporters while touring the road construction works in the broader region of Novi Pazar in south-western Serbia. 

See at:

Vucic on situation in US, Kosovo issue (B92)

The United States of America will not lose interest in Kosovo, and Richard Grenell shows that interest every day, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said, B92 reports.

"We want the American people to overcome the current difficulties," Vucic said, adding that he wishes President Donald Trump and the American people all the best.

"When I read 'you've got what you deserved' - I don't agree with that at all. Not to mention the human aspect that you should be with the people who have suffered heavy losses. We are with them and we are here to help", Vucic noted.

However, that does not mean that America will lose interest in Kosovo, and Grenell shows that interest every day.

"Their interest is growing, and now I'm thrilled because of that - you can't run away from your job," the President explains.

When asked why he did not comment on the change of the decision of the Kosovo government regarding the goods coming from Serbia, he responded in the following manner:

“I didn’t comment because no one asked me, they design something new every day,” he says.

"I did not declare myself, so that goes without saying," he added. He also believes that Kosovo Albanians were as well at a loss with this decision.

When asked to comment on the statements coming from Montenegro that Serbia is raising tensions, he states that he will not respond. "In order to avoid raising tensions further, I wouldn't even answer them."

See at:

Vucic spoke with Rohani, Iran committed at respecting territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia (RTS)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic had a phone conversation with the President of Iran Hassan Rouhani, Vucic’s press office said in a statement, RTS reports.

Vucic thanked Rohani for the initiative to talk and emphasized that Serbia would continue developing cooperation with Iran wherever possible and in the areas of mutual interests. He expressed hope that both countries would successfully overcome the current health crisis related to the coronavirus pandemic and focus on fulfillment of the plans for future and development of bilateral cooperation, including the economic ones.

Vucic also underscored that Serbia remains truly grateful to Iran for its principled stance on non recognizing unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo, as well as for the support on this issue, despite major pressure.

President Rohan said Iran would remain committed to respecting territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia and would continue supporting Serbia in the international organizations.

He reconfirmed Iran's determination to develop comprehensive relations with Serbia and thanked President Vucic for his engagement to develop bilateral cooperation between the two countries.  

Várhelyi expects significant EU’s investments in Western Balkans (N1, BETA)

The EU Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Policy Oliver Várhelyi said on Tuesday he expected major bloc’s investments in the Western Balkans’ countries for their recovery from coronavirus pandemic economic consequences, BETA news agency reported.

Speaking to reporters, Várhelyi said the amount would include the cooperation with the world capital and was meant for the EU southern and eastern neighbours and the Western Balkans region.

At the same news conference, EU High Representative Joseph Borrell explained the aims and means of the Union’s international activities worth EUR 118 billion envisaged in the EU 2021-2027 budget.

Várhelyi said in Brussels that the European Development Fund (EDF) would provide additional EUR 10.5 billion in support to the neighbourhood and that a part of that money would be for the first time allocated to the Western Balkans for coping with the coronavirus pandemic aftereffects.

The aid will go to small and medium companies, employment, energy, transport, digital economy, environment and ‘green economy,’ while an additional billion Euro should enable guarantees for additional two billion for the Western Balkans for the first time, Várhelyi said.  

See at:             

Last Serb in western Kosovo Decani town dies at 58 (N1)

Bosko Ciric, 58, the only Serb who lived in the town of Decani, in western Kosovo, was found dead in his apartment without signs of foul play, Sava Janjic, Abbot of Serbian Orthodox Church Visoki Decani Monastery told website on Wednesday.

Ciric was born in Decani town, left it in June 1999 at the end of the war in Kosovo and returned ten years ago.

Before getting back his home, Ciric lived in the monastery. He is said to have been respected by the Albanians and never had a problem because of his nationality.

The monks said he had recently been in poor health. His autopsy will be performed at Pristina Clinical Centre.

Visoki Decani, is a Serbian Orthodox Church medieval monastery, founded in the first half of the 14th century by Serbian king Stefan Decanski.

Sava Janjic is a long-time monastery's abbot and is equally respected by both the Serbs and Albanians.

During the 1998-1999 war in Kosovo, besides the Serbs, also Albanians found shelter in the monastery.  

See at:

No new Covid-19 infection cases in Serb-populated areas (Kosovo-online)

No new Covid-19 infection case was registered in the Serb-populated areas in Kosovo over the last 24 hours, the Crisis Committee of Mitrovica North announced, Kosovo-online portal reports.

Since the outbreak of the pandemic a total of 118 persons have been infected. Out of this number 106 persons have been cured, and ten persons have passed away.

The two remaining active cases are staying at the Clinical Hospital Centre in Mitrovica North, the portal recalled. 





America’s Never Been Less Likely to Help the Balkans (Balkan Insight)

By Vesko Garcevic

An increasingly fragile region desperately needs US support over its ‘unfinished business’ – but election distractions, COVID-related economic problems and other issues mean it won’t get it.

Since the fall of Slobodan Milosevic in 2000, the Western Balkans has never been in such dire need of support from the West as now – and that support has never been more difficult to obtain.

The phrase “unfinished business in the Balkans” was coined just months after Milosevic’s political demise.

The term referred to several issues, including outstanding bilateral disputes, the status of Kosovo, weak state institutions, a democratic deficit across the region and the vulnerability of post-conflict societies.

However, it also contained a gleam of hope, epitomized in the firm commitment of the West, above all the EU, to remain engaged in the region. Soon after, the EU launched a process to facilitate democratic reforms and grant an EU perspective to the whole region.

See at:





Kosovo picks new government promising deal with Serbia (Reuters)

Kosovo’s parliament elected a new government on Wednesday with a prime minister promising to reach a deal on normalising ties with Serbia that would enable it to get a United Nations seat.

The new government of Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti, of the centre-right Democratic League of Kosovo, was voted for by 61 deputies in the Balkan country’s 120-seat parliament after weeks of legal wrangling.

Hoti elected prime minister (Balkan Insight)

With 61 MPs voting in favour of Avdullah Hoti’s proposed cabinet, Kosovo has elected its sixth government since declaring independence in 2008.

In an extraordinary session of the Kosovo Assembly, a new coalition government led by LDK’s Avdullah Hoti was elected on Wednesday with 61 votes in favour, 24 votes against and one abstention. With a majority of 61 required, the motion electing the government passed by a single vote.

In his address to the Assembly before the vote, Hoti said that his government would protect Kosovo’s territorial integrity and respond to the “shock” that the economy will suffer in the coming months.

See at:

Opinions Split over Legality and Effect of Kosovo’s Reciprocity Measures (Balkan Insight)

Kosovo’s caretaker prime minister lifted a 100 percent tariff on Serbian goods, only to impose ‘reciprocity measures’ on the eve of leaving office.

It was probably Albin Kurti’s last decision as prime minister of Kosovo, and arguably his most contentious.

In a parting blow before parliament votes on a new government, Kurti’s caretaker cabinet introduced new reciprocity measures against Serbia on Saturday, drawing immediate condemnation from the European Union, Belgrade and Kosovo’s own president, Hashim Thaci.

See at:





Insults, Leaks and Fraud: Digital Violations Thrive amid Pandemic (Balkan Insight)

Digital rights violations proliferated in Central and South-East Europe during the coronavirus pandemic, with over half of them involving propaganda, disinformation or the publication of unverified information, monitoring by BIRN has shown.

From January 26 to May 26, BIRN collected information about 163 cases of breaches of digital rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Hungary, North Macedonia, Romania and Serbia.

Sixty-eight of the cases related to the manipulation in digital environment, while 25 related to publishing falsehoods and unverified information with the intention to damage someone’s reputation.

BIRN’s monitoring of digital rights, developed together with the SHARE Foundation, has shown that ordinary people were the most affected by such violations, with members of the public being the target in 126 of the cases.

State institutions or state officials violated digital rights in a total of 37 cases, meanwhile.

States rarely addressed the abuses arising from these violations, and in 45 cases, the perpetrators were not identified, while 139 of the total of 163 cases were not resolved.

See at:

Kon: It is time to suspend introduced measures (B92)

Serbian epidemiologist and member of the Crisis Committee Predrag Kon said that Serbia is at the end of the coronavirus epidemic, adding it's a time to suspend introduced measures, B92 report.

"We have reached the end, it is time to relax and I agree with Dr Nedstorovic (Branimir) that it is time to suspend the measures. We just need to respect a distance of one meter. Approaching people to less than one meter brings the possibility of contracting anything the other person has, not just coronavirus,” Kon told TV Pink.

He added Serbia is entering from a precarious epidemiological situation into a favorable one, that Vojvodina is already in a favorable situation and Belgrade would be soon.

He also said the epidemic cannot be declared as over yet, because it takes 28 days without any new cases, which is difficult to achieve due to the opening of borders and sporadic cases.

"It can always happen that some case appears, but it does not mean that we are objectively in an epidemic," Kon emphasized.

See at: