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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 5, 2020

Albanian Language Media:

  • COVID-19: 41 new cases, two deaths (media)
  • “Statements of Serbian officials insult victims of Serbian crimes” (media)
  • Hoti meets Greek MP Andreas Patsis (RTK)
  • EU requests from leaders to refrain from statements which harm reconciliation (RFE)
  • Dzaferovic: Bosnia and Herzegovina supports Kosovo-Serbia dialogue ( RFE)
  • Zemaj: Whoever enters Kosovo from countries with high risk, to be quarantined (RTK)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Six new cases of Covid-19 registered in Serbian areas in Kosovo on Sunday (Radio KIM)
  • Serbian List demands urgent investigation of the attack in Donja Brnjica (Kontakt plus radio)
  • Djuric reacts to attack in Donja Brnjica (media)
  • Unknown assailants shot at a group of Serb children in Donja Brnjica village (KoSSev)
  • Vulin reacts to Haradinaj-Stubla’s remarks (B92)
  • Rama and Vulin quarrel on liberators, criminals, "Greater Albania" (NMagazin, Beta)
  • Stano: Balkan leaders to promote reconciliation, not otherwise (Tanjug)
  • “Kosovo is heart of Albania” chanting in front of Holy Mother of Ljevis Church (Radio KIM, KoSSev)
  • Ambassador: Germany supports and encourages Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (N1)
  • Peoples’ Party sues Serbian President for not wearing a mask (N1)


  • The Bite of the Vampire: Milosevic's Legacy Over Kosovo and the Balkans (ISPI)


  • Dacic: Still no conditions for return on 200.000 displaced persons from Kosovo (media, GoS)



Albanian Language Media 


COVID-19: 41 new cases, two deaths (media)

Kosovo’s National Institute for Public Health said today that 41 new cases of coronavirus have been recorded in the last 24 hours.

73 persons have meanwhile recovered from the virus during this time and two deaths were recorded.

The highest number of new cases is from the municipality of Prishtina (11).

There are currently 1,294 active cases of COVID-19 in Kosovo.

“Statements of Serbian officials insult victims of Serbian crimes” (media)

The Kosovo Government in a statement Monday said that they are deeply disappointed after public statements of Serbia’s senior officials, who as the government said, continue expressing disrespect to the war victims in  Kosovo, their families, who for over two decades now, continue desperately seeking their loved ones who were kidnapped by Serbian forces. 

“These scandalous statements, in  addition to insulting all victims of Serbian  crimes, prove before the world that officials in Belgrade, after all these years, deliberately have covered up crimes, by keeping secret the location of mass graves of hundreds of innocent civilians,” the Government said in a press release. 

The government of Kosovo condemned such behaviour and called on international community, especially the European Union and the United States of America, to do so as well. The Government said that they remain committed to a peaceful future of the region and continue to strongly cooperate with the Western allies on integration of the region into the Euro-Atlantic family. 

EU requests from leaders to refrain from statements which harm reconciliation (RFE)

The European Union expects from the leaders in Western Balkans to restrain from the statements which affect good neighborly relations and reconciliation.

This was the response of the EU Spokesman Peter Stano, when asked about the statements of Serbia’s Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic, about the Serbs who tell where Albanian mass graves in Serbia are.

“It should have been clear to all representatives of the countries which aspire EU membership that they should fulfil their obligations of strengthening good neighborly relations and regional cooperation. These are the values that the EU defends and advances. Political leaders should really set an example by choosing to work together, promote a climate of cooperation and mutual trust, respect and understanding, not to make statements which lead to the contrary,” he said.

Stano said that in general, the EU does not comment on the statements of the politicians, however, in recent days, they have noticed some statements which do not lead in the direction of the increase of trust and reconciliation between the populations of the Western Balkans region. 

Hoti meets Greek MP Andreas Patsis (RTK)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo Avdullah Hoti hosted today a meeting with the Greek MP Andreas Patsis, who is also a member of the European People’s Party (EPP). 

They discussed political developments in Kosovo, managing and war against COVID-19 pandemic, economic recovery  plan dialogue process as well as Kosovo’s aspirations for integration in Euro-Atlantic structures.

Hoti valued highly the good relations between Kosovo and Greece, as well as possibilities of deepening further cooperation between the two countries, with special emphasis on the economic field.  

“Greece’s supporting role in the political journey of our country, mainly in the process of integration in the Euro-Atlantic structures, as well as economic cooperation between our two countries is very important,” Hoti said.

Greek MP Andreas Patsis thanked PM Hoti for the reception and stressed that Greece continues to be a supporter of all Kosovo’s processes, supporting in an active manner aspirations of the Kosovo population. 

Dzaferovic: Bosnia and Herzegovina supports Kosovo-Serbia dialogue (RTK, RFE)

Member of the tripartite presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina Sefik Dzaferovic, said today in Tirana after the meeting with Albania’s President Ilir Meta, that his country supports the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia that is taking place in Washington and Brussels, that seeks a sustainable and acceptable solution. 

“Bosnia and Herzegovina supports all regional initiatives which respect territorial sovereignty and integrity of all countries. We also support the free movement of goods, citizens, investments and capital in the entire Western Balkans region,” he said. He stressed that Bosnia seeks to improve policy on movement of people regime with Kosovo. 

Albania’s President Ilir Meta on the other hand said he has encouraged the member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina presidency to continue with efforts for a pragmatic solution for recognition of documents and facilitation of visa regime for Kosovo people. 

Meta and Dzaferovic discussed the possibility of reopening embassies in Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina, saying that this would improve bilateral relations. 

Bosnia and Herzegovina does not recognise the independence of Kosovo. 

In June of this year, the tripartite presidency of this country discussed the request of its member, Sefik Dzaferovic, however the decision was not endorsed due to the objection of one of the members of the presidency, Milorad Dodik. The Croatian member of the presidency, Zeljko Komsic, voted for recognition of Kosovo. 

Decisions at the tripartite presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina are made with consensus of all three members. 

Zemaj: Whoever enters Kosovo from countries with high risk, to be quarantined (RTK)

Kosovo’s Minister of Health Armend Zemaj said today that all individuals coming to Kosovo from the countries which represent high potential danger for spread of COVID-19 virus, will be self-quarantined from seven to 14 days.

He added that individuals coming from these countries cannot enter Kosovo without the PCR test.

“What we have done as a Ministry of Health, is setting up measures for all the countries which represent potential risk for the spread of the infection, not to be able to enter Kosovo without PCR test. However, even if they enter, they have to be self-quarantined for seven or 14 days, depending on the requirement and epidemiological assessment,” Zemaj said at a press conference.

He stressed that Kosovo is currently in a stable situation with regards to the management of the pandemic, however he called on respecting the measures.



Serbian Language Media


Six new cases of Covid-19 registered in Serbian areas in Kosovo on Sunday (Radio KIM)

According to the information provided on Sunday, six new cases of Covid-19 infection have been registered in the Serb-populated areas in Kosovo, Crisis Committee of Mitrovica North said, Radio KIM reports.

Out of 30 tested samples six came positive. New cases were registered as follows: one in Zvecan, four in Strpce and one in Gnjilane.

Meanwhile, one person from Zvecan had recovered.

At the moment, three persons are hospitalized at the Clinical Hospital Center in Mitrovica North while 44 persons are staying in house isolation.

There are 47 active cases, and 934 persons have recovered. 

Serbian List demands urgent investigation of the attack in Donja Brnjica (Kontakt plus radio)

On Sunday, Serbian List strongly condemned the attack on Serbian children in Donja Brnjica and demanded from all competent authorities to investigate this case and as soon as possible, to uncover and punish those who are responsible. 

“The existence of videos that recorded the attack on innocent children is enough for the police to show in action that they are ready to protect citizens, but also apprehend those who are breaking the law, regardless of the nationality of the victims or attackers,” Serbian List said, adding that the international community should also react on this issue. 

“First of all, we mean KFOR and EULEX, which are obliged by their mandate to provide a safe environment for everyone,” the Serbian List said. 

The SL reminded that this was the second attack on Serbian children, in just ten days, and the question of the responsibility of all those in charge of ensuring security and peace is raised. 

“Only by sheer luck, no one was wounded or killed last night, but the consequences are more than visible, and they are reflected in the disturbance of the entire Serbian people. This case is another example of inappropriate police reaction and lack of will to protect non-majority communities, which deepens the distrust of Serbs in Kosovo’s institutions,” the Serbian List concluded. 

Djuric reacts to attack in Donja Brnjica (media)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Marko Djuric said the attack on Serbian children in Donja Brnjica is cowardice, savagery and barbarism, adding that representatives of the international community, who have huge missions in Kosovo and Metohija, have a special responsibility for what happened, TV Most reports.

He emphasized that the attack on children should be condemned by everyone, regardless of whether they are Serbs or Albanians.

Djuric recalled at this moment there are more than 3,500 foreign soldiers in Kosovo and Metohija in KFOR, the EULEX mission, but there is also the Kosovo police.

“We still don’t have a condemnation of this attack on the children of any representative of the international community, and the situation is not unclear. The footage shows a terrorist in black coming in front of the schoolyard, pulling a gun on the children, chasing them, shooting”, Djuric told TV Pink on Monday.

He added it was a monstrous attack on the security of Serbian population in Brnjica, and a message to Serbs that they should move out of there.

He stated such attacks require the constant presence of KFOR at that place, as well as the Kosovo police.

Serbia, as he pointed out, wanted to avoid destabilizing the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, to avoid what was happening today in Nagorno-Karabakh. Belgrade insisted on solving the problem through dialogue and that the chief guarantee to Serbs in Donja Brnjica, Strpce, Pomoravlje comes from the state of Serbia.

“When they hear from the most authoritative political place in Serbia, from President Aleksandar Vucic, that Serbia will protect and defend them with all state capacities, Serbia, which has strengthened its army, and will not allow new “Oluja” in Kosovo and Metohija, it is crucial for many of them to decide whether they would put up a sign “house for sale” or they would remain there”, he said. 

Unknown assailants shot at a group of Serb children in Donja Brnjica village (KoSSev)

Portal KoSSev reported that in the village of Donja Brnjica, municipality of Pristina, two hitherto unknown assailants cocked a gun, and then shot in the yard of the school where the children were sitting.

Seven young people of Serbian nationality state that the attackers spoke Albanian, reported portal KoSSev. 

One of the attackers first cocked the gun, and he shot after the children started to run away, reported portal KoSSev.  

The children were of Serbian nationality, and they stated that the attackers spoke Albanian, while one of the suspects was recognized by the locals in the video, KoSSev learned from the scene yesterday.

The Kosovo police investigated after they were informed by the parents of the children - two parents of two children, as KoSSev unofficially finds out.

In a statement to KoSSev, Kosovo Police spokesman Daut Hoxha reiterated what was stated in Sunday's 24-hour report:

"Two men, witnesses, reported that, while they were in the school yard, one of the two unknown suspected men, after the clash and while moving himself away, fired from a firearm (in an unknown direction). A cartridge case was found on the spot and seized. The case is being investigated. "

KoSSev learned from the scene that parents were very worried about the safety of their children for a long time. They repeated that there was no street lighting in the village, there was no organized transportation to Gracanica and North Mitrovica, where children travel for further education. The school yard was the only remaining place where children gather and spend their free time.

Vulin reacts to Haradinaj-Stubla’s remarks (B92)

Serbian Minister of Defense Aleksandar Vulin said today the international community can make a declaration relating to his recent statement, B92 reports.

Vulin added that the international community should also not forget to condemn the KLA crimes and seek justice for murdered Serbian children, expelled Serbs and burned monasteries.

He said international community should also react to the attack against the Serbian children in Donja Brnjica village, fact that the Community of the Serb-majority Municipalities has not been established yet as well as over the fact that more than 1000 Serbs and other non-Albanians have been killed in Kosovo and Metohija since 1999.

He also said the international community should react when Rama creates “Great Albania '' and Daut Haradinaj said “he felt sorry because he didn’t kill more Serbs”.

At the end Vulin said Serbs are people proud of their own name and do not ask others to call them differently than they call themselves. “The way they call themselves I would call them the same. Once they remove the word Shqiptar from their own vocabulary I would call them whatever they decide to call themselves. Until then I will respect their customs and language and would respectfully always refer to Shiptars as they call themselves – Shiptars”, Serbian Defense Minister said.  

Rama and Vulin quarrel on liberators, criminals, "Greater Albania" (NMagazin, Beta)

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama said in Tirana that members of the former Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) were liberators, that ethnic cleansing in Kosovo was carried out by the Yugoslav Army and that "the killers are in Belgrade", reported portal Novi Magazin (NMagazin). 

"As far as the KLA is concerned, they are liberators, not murderers. The murderers are in Belgrade. They cannot change a simple fact: Kosovo did not attack Serbia. Kosovo tanks did not open the way for the army for ethnic cleansing. They were soldiers (of the then Serbian leader ) Slobodan Milosevic. The regular army that was used for rape and ethnic cleansing," Rama said, Pristina based Zeri reported. 

Portal NMagazin reported that Rama also said that he was "horrified" when he realized that the statement of the Minister of Defense of Serbia, Aleksandar Vulin, in which he used the insulting term "Shiptars" for Albanians, was not a joke, and that only united Serbs can prevent the creation of "Greater Albania".

The Albanian Prime Minister said that he was "horrified" when he realized that "there is a possibility that the statement of one member of the government in 2020 will come from such a debauched mouth and such a dark mind", reported portal KoSSev, quoting daily Zeri based in Pristina. 

On Saturday, Rama asked the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic via Twitter, whether Vulin's statement was real or a joke, urging him to unequivocally condemn it, if it was not a joke.

Along with that message to Vucic, Rama posted a picture of the website of the Ministry of Defense of Serbia, which contains Vulin's statement that "Albanians can unite and seize other people's territories", with the tacit support of the European Union, and "Serbs cannot be united even on their own land''. 

Vulin reacted on Saturday night, saying that Rama would not try to make "Greater Albania" if he "would have a brain", that he would not take a photo under the flag of "Greater Albania" if "he would have the mind", and that if he ''takes care of peace in the region" he "would not praise the killers from the so-called KLA and try to determine who will rule Montenegro''.

Vulin also reacted to Rama's statement about the liberators and criminals, saying that "the prime minister of the country where the Yellow House is located, where Serbs have been removed organs and sold, would have to be much more careful and choose words when talking about crimes".

"I thought that Edi Rama opened his mouth today to condemn the attempted murder of Serbian children at the school in Donja Brnjica. Instead, he praises and defends the murderers and terrorists from the so-called KLA," Vulin said.

Vulin stated that "the prime minister of a country that supports the killers from the so-called KLA would have to kneel and ask for an apology from the killed Serbian children before asking anyone to apologize to him for anything," the Serbian Ministry of Defense reported.

"I don't know why they are attacking Edi Rama in Albania, but I know that no one in Serbia will attack him if he says for once that he is against the Shiptars uniting in 'Greater Albania' and breaking up three or four more states in the Balkans, in order to create their own. In Serbia, no one will attack him if he really wants peace once and for all, and until then, I am disgusted with the man who is making 'Greater Albania' and talks about peace," Vulin said.

The portal recalled that Rama previously said that in Serbia he was accused of working for "Greater Albania", and that "Albanian extremists in Pristina" accused him of working for "Greater Yugoslavia".

"I was very clear. Regional Schengen sets four conditions of the European Union. The first condition is freedom of movement across borders. We want to remove the border with Serbia, and Albanian extremists do not like this. Their goal today is to be hostages in the clutches of the past," he said. 

Rama also said at the time that the port of Drac/Durres would become a strategic point, common to "both countries" - Albania and Kosovo.

Vulin then assessed that Rama "continued to work on the creation of a greater Albania by stating that the (Albanian) port of Drac/Durres would be Kosovo's". The Minister estimated that "the European Union, as every time so far, will be silent" and that "it will not do anything", and that the Albanians, whom he called a derogatory name, "can unite and seize other people's territories, while Serbs united in one state are a threat to peace".

Vulin's statement, published on the website of the Ministry of Defense of Serbia on Friday, was an indirect reason for Kosovo's Minister of Foreign Affairs Meliza Haradinaj to address the Quint countries with an open letter.

NMagazin reported that she did it primarily because of the statement of the head of Serbian diplomacy, Ivica Dacic, who asked a rhetorical question on Monday: "What to do with Serbs who point to the locations of mass graves of Albanians in Serbia?".

In the letter, Haradinaj complained about, as she stated, the complete indifference of the international representatives to the "shameful language" towards the victims and families of the victims of the last war in Kosovo and Vulin's "xenophobic addressing" of Albanians.

In the letter, Haradinaj assessed those acts of ministers in the Government of Serbia as "chauvinistic and shameful".

Stano: Balkan leaders to promote reconciliation, not otherwise (Tanjug)

EU Spokesperson Peter Stano called upon political officials in the Western Balkans countries to be examples of cooperation, trust and understanding and not “do the contrary” with their statements, Tanjug news agency reports.

Asked by the Albanian media to comment on behalf of the EU on recent statements of the Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic regarding missing persons of Albanian ethnicity, Stano said it was noticed that over the last couple of days officials of partners’ states made statements which touched upon reconciliation, regional cooperation and good neighborhood relations.

“It should be clear to all officials from the countries aspiring to join the EU that they must fulfill their obligations relating to the development of good neighborhood relations and regional cooperation.

He refused to directly comment on the statements of Minister Dacic Albanian media were referring to or to bring in within the context of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue.  

“Kosovo is heart of Albania” chanting in front of Holy Mother of Ljevis Church (Radio KIM, KoSSev)

A group of football fans from Prizren had chanted “Kosovo is heart of Albania”, in front of Serbian Orthodox Church Holy Mother of Ljevis in Prizren, Radio KIM reported on Sunday.

The video was published on the Facebook page “Arpagjikt Prizren” and as Pristina-based Gazeta Express reported the chanting was reaction to the chanting “Kosovo is Serbia” that according to the outlet took place a day before during visit of group of Serbs to the church.

Meanwhile sources from the parish in Prizren refuted the news that “Kosovo is Serbia” chanting took place.

“Nobody shouted any political slogans, it was a case of false reporting and the police are aware of it”, sources from the parish said for KoSSev. “A Montenegrin couple got married yesterday, they displayed an old Montenegrin flag to take a photo after the wedding, with the permission of the police officer on duty“, they stated.

A photo, which shows a group of young people posing in front of Our Lady of Ljevis, including a young man wearing a Montenegrin costume, as well as a Montenegrin flag, went viral on Saturday, and was widely shared by the Kosovo media, KoSSev portal further reported.

“Serbs in Prizren shouted Kosovo is Serbia at a religious ceremony“ – said the headline published by the Prizren Press, Klan Kosova and several other media outlets reads. Furthermore, some media alleged in their headlines that it was a provocation, with the text stating that “these nationalist cries alarmed the inhabitants of Prizren who live nearby“.

The Council for Protecting Human Rights and Freedoms, known to the general public by its leader Halit Berani, also reacted, alleging that “celebrations and nationalist songs disturb the citizens of Prizren.“

KoSSev obtained several testimonies from the church community in Prizren, according to which Saturday’s event was not a provocation but a wedding at which, as several sources who spoke on condition of anonymity testified, no political slogans were shouted.

The wedding of a Montenegrin couple took place on Saturday at around 4pm in the church of Our Lady of Ljevis. The groom was wearing a Montenegrin costume. After taking photos in the church, the couple went outside, and the local priest, knowing about the custom of displaying the flag, allegedly warned them to leave the flag in the backpack – which they agreed to do.

However, our source revealed that the bride and groom did display the flag, after allegedly asking a police officer in front of the church if they could do so in order to take a photo.

The church community suspects that this was the moment when the person who runs a private craft shop in the immediate vicinity of the church allegedly took photos and shared them, and then ended up in the Kosovo media, who presented “incorrect accusations that the wedding party shouted Kosovo is the heart of Serbia“. According to our sources, this person is known for allegedly provoking guests who visit this church and showing signs of religious and national intolerance, KoSSev portal reported.

See at:

Ambassador: Germany supports and encourages Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (N1)

The dialogue on the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina has long been at the top of Germany's political agenda, but mediation of the dialogue has been taken over by the EU, German Ambassador to Serbia Thomas Schieb noted on Saturday, N1 reports.

"There is this format of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina with the mediation of the EU in the form of Special Envoy Miroslav Lajcak, and Germany is part of the EU and supports that format and everything Mr Lajcak and his team do. Germany strongly supports this process in the future and I hope we will use the presidency of the Council of the European Union in that regard as well", the German Ambassador told RTS.

When asked how Germany will use the presidency in that case, Schieb explained that they are doing it by "strongly encouraging both sides publically and behind closed doors, to be constructive in the dialogue”.

See at:

Peoples’ Party sues Serbian President for not wearing a mask (N1)

The youth organization of the Serbian opposition Peoples’ Party (NS) headed by Vuk Jeremic notified the Interior Ministry about a misdemeanor and filed charges against Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic for violating epidemiological measures adopted by the Republic Crisis Staff and the Government of Serbia in the fight against coronavirus, NS said on Saturday, N1 reports.

According to the party statement, Vucic was without a mask at the reception ceremony of Sports Faculty freshmen "bringing everyone present in the room in immediate danger."

"Especially problematic are the pictures he personally posted showing him as the only one without a mask, and that his assistant Suzana Vasiljevic, who is not a student of this school, is wearing a mask improperly," the party said.

See at:





The Bite of the Vampire: Milosevic's Legacy Over Kosovo and the Balkans (ISPI)

By: Michael L. Giffoni

In the Balkans it is often said that “everything started in Kosovo and everything will end there”, meaning that the cancer of nationalism that destroyed Yugoslavia began exactly there and that the Yugoslav conflicts had begun in Kosovo and would end there. Three decades after the beginning of those conflicts it is still hard to say that the processes they had unleashed have finished. Still, it is certainly possible to state that the rise and fall of Slobodan Milosevic, the leading actor of that tragic scene in the ‘90s, have been strictly linked to the fate of Kosovo itself. It is possible to add that even after his downfall, which took place twenty years ago, and his death (in March 2006), the weight of his words and actions on such an intricate question has been considerable, exerting an influence, decisive as well as negative, from which all other actors still find difficult to free themselves.

It was in Kosovo that a diligent, but not yet pre-eminent, official of the Serbian Communist Party began his resistible rise to power, by playing on the discontent of Kosovo Serbs and rousing nationalist sentiments among Serbs all around the Yugoslav Federation. On 24 April 1987, outside a building in Kosovo Polje (on the outskirts of Pristina) where Slobodan Milosevic was meeting with local party officials (predominantly Albanian), many Serb demonstrators clashed with the police (also predominantly Albanian). Milosevic came outside: “No one should dare to bite you” he bellowed. “This sentence enthroned him as a tsar” said one of the organizers of the protest. Actually, over the next two years, Milosevic was to emerge as the undisputed leader of Serbia.

See at:






Dacic: Still no conditions for return on 200.000 displaced persons from Kosovo (media, GoS)

First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic stated at the 71st session of the Executive Committee of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees that the global coronavirus pandemic reminded us of the importance of international cooperation and solidarity, and that we owe special gratitude to the UNHCR and the OSCE for providing housing for the most vulnerable refugees.

At the beginning of his speech, Dacic thanked everyone who helped implement the Joint Regional Housing Program for the Permanent Care of Refugees and Displaced Persons from the former SFRY, which is being implemented in the Republic of Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia and Montenegro.

He pointed out that the Regional Housing Programme is an example that the path to a solution can always be found, when there is a will for something like that.

This is a very important message, because in addition to refugees from the former SFRY, there are approximately 200,000 internally displaced persons from Kosovo-Metohija in the Republic of Serbia, for whom the conditions for sustainable return have not been met even after 21 years, he said.

Dacic emphasised that a negligible number of them exercised their right to return, unhindered disposal of property, non-discrimination and unhindered access to political, economic and social rights in Kosovo-Metohija.

The population of internally displaced persons from Kosovo-Metohija has been waiting too long to resolve basic existential issues, Dacic added.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs reminded that Serbs from Kosovo-Metohija have been out of their homes for more than two decades, which is one of the longest-lasting internal displacements in Europe.

We believe that the time has come to take concrete measures to help these people. Therefore, we would highly appreciate the additional engagement and support of international partners in solving the problem of prolonged displacement of Serbs from Kosovo-Metohija, while respecting the lessons learned and repeating good practice, the Minister of Foreign Affairs pointed out.

See at: