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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, March 25, 2021

Albanian Language Media:

  • COVID-19: 836 new cases, 10 deaths (media)
  • Varhelyi: Resumption of dialogue with Serbia is essential (media)
  • Kurrti continues receiving congratulating letters (media)
  • Von Cramon: EU to liberalise promised visas for Kosovo citizens (media)
  • Kurti to visit the U.S. as soon as possible (media)
  • Kosovo government appoints deputy ministers (media)
  • State Prosecutor issues 73 indictments against 76 individuals (media)
  • Kurti asked to dismiss Deputy Prime Minister Emilija Rexhepi (media)
  • Serbian List attempts to install parallel structures in Skenderaj and Vushtrri (Express)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Covid -19 in Serbian communities: 49 new cases, one death (Kontakt plus radio)
  • Vucic on Kurti’s dialogue principles, EU reaction (B92)
  • Bilcik: Important to continue the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina for the sake of reconciliation (KiM radio, Tanjug)
  • Lazarevic: New elections would strengthen Kurti even more, the losing parties are aware of this (Beta, KoSSev)
  • Weber: The principles for dialogue presented by Kurti will make easier for the EU and the USA to reset the negotiations (Kosovo Online)
  • EU on Kurti ZSO statement – Parties in the dialogue to refrain from harmful statements (Kosovo-online)
  • Agreement to produce Sputnik V vaccine in Serbia reached (RTS)
  • Obradovic: 904.000 citizens revaccinated in Serbia so far (Kosovo-online)
  • Interpol warns citizens once again not to purchase vaccines on internet (KoSSev)
  • Rakic: We continue working on return of displaced persons (Radio KIM)
  • Office for KiM: KLA graffiti on health ambulance in Suvi Do (Kosovo-online)
  • Serbian Chamber of Commerce set to open Jerusalem office (N1)


  • Kosovo: Kurti In Driver’s Seat Of A Driverless Vehicle – Analysis (eurasiareview)
  • Serbia’s Brave Actresses Deserve Our Respect for Naming Their Abusers (Balkan Insight)


  • Application of the new methodology to Montenegro and Serbia: Principles remain the same, more emphasis on interim benchmarks (EWB)
  • President Biden Urged to Move Hague War Court to Kosovo (Balkan Insight)


  • The introduction of mutual language learning in Kosovo: A tentative roadmap (FB)
  • North Mitrovica Municipality: NGO "Eko-Protekt" and UNMIK provided 75 tablet computers for school children (Kontakt plus radio, Radio Mitrovica sever)



Albanian Language Media  


COVID-19: 836 new cases, 10 deaths (media)

Kosovo has recorded 836 new cases of COVID-19 and 10 deaths in the last 24 hours. 700 persons have recovered from the virus during this time.

There are 12,934 active cases of COVID-19 in Kosovo.

Media report that the number of new cases is increasing, while there is not even a single free bed at the Infectious Diseases Clinic. The Acting Director of Infectious Diseases Izet Sadiku has proposed new measures to manage this situation well. He announced that the Internal Clinic for the treatment of cases is being prepared.

Varhelyi: Resumption of dialogue with Serbia is essential (media)

The European Commissioner for Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi said today that the continuation of the dialogue with Serbia is of crucial importance for the new government of Kosovo, led by Albin Kurti.

"Continuing the dialogue is essential for the citizens of Kosovo, but also for the citizens of Serbia and their European perspective," Varhelyi told the EP plenary session before the vote on the report on Serbia.

He also said that the EU expects the next high level meeting, within the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, to be held within a reasonable time.

The European Parliament today held a joint debate on the progress reports of Kosovo, Serbia, Albania and Northern Macedonia for the period 2019-2020.

Kurrti continues receiving congratulating letters (media)

After taking over his duty as Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti received congratulating letters from the Prime Minister of Italy, Mario Draghi, President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Prime Minister of Croatia Andrej, Prime Minister of the Checz Republic Andrej Babis, and Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban.

He was congratulated for the start of his work as Prime Minister of Kosovo and offered inter-state cooperation, reports RTK.

Gazeta Express reports that the President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan has once again mentioned the issue of the opening of the Kosovo Embassy in Jerusalem, saying that it would be beneficial if the government of Kosovo reconsidered such decision within the resolutions of the United Nations.  

He further writes that as he has heard that Vetevendosje also has concerns about the opening of this Embassy, then it would have been good to reconsider the decision.

Von Cramon: EU to liberalise promised visas for Kosovo citizens (media)

The rapporteur for Kosovo in the European Parliament Viola von Cramon said today that the Council of the European Union should lift visas for Kosovo as soon as possible.

In the debate on the progress report for Kosovo, Albania, Serbia and Northern Macedonia in the EP, Viola Von Cramon said that it is the high time for the EU Council to liberalize visas for Kosovo.

"People in Kosovo are overwhelmingly in favor of the European Union, in fact no country in the region shows a stronger position on the EU than Kosovo, but this fact cannot be taken for granted if we are not fulfilling our obligations, we are losing credibility and trust, it is the high time for the EU Council to deliver on its promise of visa liberalization. I share the frustration of the citizens of Kosovo, I would like the European Parliament to be able to decide on this issue," Von Cramon said.

She also expressed her concern over the lack of supply of Kosovo with coronavirus vaccines.

"Another issue is the lack of supply of COVID-19 vaccines to Kosovo. Production capacity in the EU is increasing and this should be used to supply Kosovo as soon as possible. The EU should support the rapid vaccination of medical personnel and other more vulnerable groups," she said.

The rapporteur for Kosovo said that official Pristina should not abandon the dialogue process, as mutual recognition between Kosovo and Serbia is a precondition for the membership of both countries in the European Union.

"The new parliament and the government must find a common language and elect a new president. Regarding the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, the new government should continue the dialogue, despite the difficulties Kosovo should remain committed to working with the EU on the dialogue and not abandon the dialogue. Mutual recognition between Kosovo and Serbia is a precondition for the two countries to join the European Union," she said.

 Kurti to visit the U.S. as soon as possible (media)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti had today a conversation with the U.S. Senator Joni Ernst.

“It was a pleasure to talk with Senator Joni Ernst who is a staunch supporter of Kosova in the U.S Senate. She is Vice Chair of the Senate Republican Conference, and co-chair of the Senate Albanian Issues Caucus. She played a crucial role in strengthening our Security Forces,” Kurti tweeted.

“I thanked her for her continued support for our Security Forces which are transforming into a professional army, working alongside the United States  in promoting peace and stability in the world.

We agreed to strengthen our cooperation and visit each-other as soon as possible,” he added.

Kosovo government appoints deputy ministers (media)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti has appointed today Hysen Durmishi as Deputy Minister of Infrastructure. Prior to this appointment, Durmishi was Director of Infrastructure in Prishtina Municipality.

Kurti has also appointed Blerim Sallahu as Deputy Minister of Justice.

On Wednesday, Kurti appointed Enver Dugolli as Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Defense.

State Prosecutor issues 73 indictments against 76 individuals (media)

The State Prosecutor of Kosovo informed that 73 indictments have been issued by the Basic Prosecution Offices against 76 persons, for various criminal offenses.

Also, by order of the state prosecutor, 26 suspects were detained and two 2 requests were submitted for detention on remand against two 2 suspects.

The Special Prosecution of the Republic of Kosovo, during the last 24 hours has detained ten 10 persons for various criminal offenses.

The Basic Prosecution in Prishtina, during the last 24 hours, by order of the prosecutor has detained 12 suspects, has submitted one request for detention on remand for one person, and has filed 42 indictments against forty-three 43 persons, for various criminal offenses.

Kurti asked to dismiss Deputy Prime Minister Emilija Rexhepi (media)

LGBTIQ + community activists have asked Prime Minister Albin Kurti to immediately dismiss Deputy Prime Minister Emilija Redzepi. Their request comes after the politician from the Bosniak community had said two years ago in a statement that she is against same-sex marriage, media report.

Two organizations of activists for the protection of the rights of the LGBTIQ + community, "Dylberizm" and "Replica", say that this attitude of Redzepi proves that she has homophobic attitudes.

"We, as Dylberism and Replica, demand from Prime Minister Kurti the immediate dismissal of Emilija Redzepi from this position, as well as the appointment of a person who has the cause of human rights internalized in thoughts and actions, without exception," the reaction reads.

Serbian List works on installing Serbia’s parallel structures in Skenderaj and Vushtrri (Express)

Gazeta Express reports that the Kosovo Serb political party – the Srpska List, backed by Belgrade, is trying to install Serbia’s parallel structures in two municipalities of Kosovo. The Srpska List member who ran in the 14 February election to win a seat in Kosovo Parliament, Milan Kostic, has been appointed “head of the Provisional Authority of the Municipality of Vucitrn/Vushtrri” at a decision of the Government of Serbia. This was confirmed by Kostic in a statement to Kosovo Serb news portal KoSSev.

At the last session of the government of Serbia, held on March 18, two decisions were made for the staff in the "Provisional Bodies of the Municipalities of Vushtrri and Skënderaj", so Kostic was appointed and Aca Misic was dismissed from this position.

Serbia continues financing parallel institutions in Kosovo despite agreements reached during the EU-facilitated dialogue in Brussels on integration of its parallel structures within Kosovo institutions, reports the news portal. 



Serbian Language Media


Covid -19 in Serbian communities: 49 new cases, one death (Kontakt plus radio)

In Serbian communities in Kosovo, according to the latest data, one person died as a result of the coronavirus, while 49 new cases of infection were registered, the North Mitrovica Crisis Staff announced today. 

The deceased is from North Mitrovica.

Based on 130 processed samples, positive cases were registered in the municipalities: Zvecan (11), North Mitrovica (8), Strpce (8), Zubin Potok (7), Leposavic (5), Priluzje (3), Kamenica (4), Gnjilane (2) and Gracanica (1).

There are currently 856 active cases.

In the Serbian communities in Kosovo, 126 people have died as a result of Covid-19 so far.

Vucic on Kurti’s dialogue principles, EU reaction (B92)

Addressing the journalists after the tour of a railway station construction site in Zemun, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic commented on four principles for dialogue Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti put forward recently, including Serbia’s recognition of Kosovo and dismissing the talks on establishing Community of Serb-majority Municipalities, B92 reports.

Asked if he was surprised by the EU message requesting Pristina to fulfill its obligation, President Vucic responded he was pleased by the EU's reaction, adding they had to react.

Vucic also said if Kurti really thinks what he said, then the dialogue would make no sense.

“We shall wait a bit more to see if a man would understand what Pristina’s obligations are. Without fulfilling obligations he may only fantasize about nonsense he utters”, Vucic said.

Bilcik: Important to continue the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina for the sake of reconciliation (KiM radio, Tanjug)

The European Parliament's rapporteur for Serbia, Vladimir Bilcik welcomed the progress made in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and called for the continuation of the dialogue in order to reach reconciliation.

"It is important for the dialogue to continue and bring results, because we need a comprehensive legally binding agreement that will help us reconcile with the past, which is important for Serbia's European perspective, but also for the European perspective of the region," Bilcik said at the EP plenary session before the vote on the report on Serbia.

He also welcomed the fact that EU membership remains Serbia's strategic goal and is among the government's priorities, but, as he notes, it is necessary to "insert dynamics into the negotiation process".

According to him, the EU wants to support reforms that must be implemented on the ground, such as the rule of law and inter-party dialogue.

He also stated that Serbia must take actions on the issue of foreign policy and harmonize with the EU in that area.

"Serbia has the lowest rate of harmonization in foreign policy with the EU. This must change," Bilcic warned.

He characterized the attacks against journalists and non-governmental organizations as unacceptable, reported KiM radio.

Lazarevic: New elections would strengthen Kurti even more, the losing parties are aware of this (Beta, KoSSev)

Albin Kurti is becoming stronger with each new election, while every action of the parties that are not in the alliance with him, only boosts Kurti’s rating, the editor of the KoSSev portal from North Mitrovica, Tatjana Lazarevic said.

Following the election of the new Kosovo government, it remains to be seen whether any of the parties will file an appeal to the Constitutional Court. Although there is no deadline to do so, Lazarevic estimated that the opposition parties, as well as Srpska Lista, which announced that it will be filing an appeal, will carefully assess their further moves, and they may decide not to file it.

The next objective is the election of the President of Kosovo, which remains the biggest obstacle so far.

In a statement for the Beta news agency, Lazarevic underlined that, according to the Constitution of Kosovo, if the president is not elected in the next 40 days, early elections will be called at all levels.

''The president of Kosovo is elected in the assembly. He is elected in three rounds, the votes of two-thirds of MPs are needed in the first two rounds, which is 80 votes, and only in the third round can the president be elected with 61 votes – if the first two fail. If that also fails, new elections are called,'' Lazarevic explained.

According to Lazarevic, although LVV with the candidate for the Kosovo president, Vjosa Osmani, received the support of more than half of the Albanian electorate, they were also met with very strong opposition and animosity on the political scene.

''The crux of the matter is that these are parties that practically protect the entire system, which Kurti, with his domestic political activity, promises to dismantle,'' the KoSSev portal editor-in-chief stressed.

She revealed that the previous main players on the Kosovo political scene suffered severe blows.

''Thaci’s PDK was practically beheaded by the burden of the finally visible work of the Special Court, in which their bosses are officially on the dock. Haradinaj’s AAK continues to levitate between the burden of the Special Court, the unclear political program, and the weight of accusations of corruption and illegal actions during the past years,'' Lazarevic said.

She emphasized that the LDK suffered the biggest loss in the elections, adding that this party could ‘recover’ much easier by supporting Vjosa Osmani and LVV.

''Finally, SL (Serbian List) had also been fundamentally weakened on the central political scene, and the public could easily see the mutual intolerance between Kurti and this party, with Kurti’s clear messages that he does not see SL as a partner – on the contrary,'' Lazarevic said.

''I expect that all these losing parties, now vulnerable and weakened, with many years of experience in the assembly and the government at the same time, will carefully evaluate future moves.''

In her words, every action of other parties that are not in the alliance with Kurti only boosted his rating. ''There is a chance that the same thing would happen if some new elections were to be called,'' she added.

When asked by Beta to comment on Kurti’s decision to give only one ministerial post to Serbian list, Lazarevic said that those representing the Serb people should be more concerned about the real power and influence of Serb representatives on the Kosovo political scene and how much they can actually protect the endangered interests, long-term survival, and dignity of the Kosovo Serb community.

''The answer to this question is sought not only in the number of ministries but also in why people are not returning, why Serbs are leaving Kosovo, why they still live in small rural underdeveloped scattered territories, why they do not have a free market, developed political and cultural life, why the narratives of the two peoples are completely opposed,'' Lazarevic concluded.

Weber: The principles for dialogue presented by Kurti will make easier for the EU and the USA to reset the negotiations (Kosovo Online)

Senior associate of the Council for Democratization Policy in Berlin and expert on the Balkans, Bodo Weber told portal Kosovo Online that with the vote of Kurti's second government, the current transformation of political elites in Kosovo reached its premature peak and that will affect the further course of negotiations between Kosovo and Serbia on the final, comprehensive, legally binding agreement, as could be sensed from PM Kurti's exposition. 

According to Weber, "the four principles of the Government for future negotiations, which Kurti set out, on the one hand will facilitate the EU and the US resetting the negotiations on clear principles of the original framework of political dialogue", and here, Weber thinks of, ''insisting on accepting the reality of Kosovo's independence within given borders", reported portal Kosovo Online. 

"On the other hand, the four principles have some elements that could theoretically complicate the negotiations, such as insisting on Serbia's confrontation with the past as a precondition for negotiations, but also on war reparations. However, I understand the package of principles and demands as Pristina's initial, maximalist negotiating position," Weber said.

EU on Kurti ZSO statement – Parties in the dialogue to refrain from harmful statements (Kosovo-online)

Regarding the statement of the Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti that the dialogue with Belgrade should be based on four principles, including Serbia’s recognition of Kosovo and dismissing the talks on establishment of the Community of Serb-majority Municipalities, the European Union said the parties in the dialogue should refrain from statements that are harmful to the dialogue, Kosovo-online portal reports.

“The EU has always urged the parties to refrain from acts and statements that are harmful for the environment conducive for a successful progress in the dialogue and normalizations of relations”, the EU Spokesperson told Kosovo-online portal.

Agreement to produce Sputnik V vaccine in Serbia reached (RTS)

The Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF, Russia’s sovereign wealth fund) and Serbian Institute of Virology, Vaccines and Sera “Torlak” announced they have reached an agreement to produce Sputnik V vaccine in Serbia, and production may start at Torlak’s premises in May, RTS reports.

“Serbia will become the first country in South-Eastern Europe to produce Sputnik V. The vaccine could be exported to other countries of the region, at a later state”, the statement on Sputnik V website said.

Director of RDIF Kiril Dimitriev expressed gratitude to the Serbian Government over the constant support and trust placed in Sputnik V.

“Serbia was amongst the first countries in the world that approved Sputnik V and uses this vaccine to protect its population against coronavirus. Production of Russian vaccines in Torlak would ensure easier logistics and help accelerate the inoculation program in the country”, he said.

Serbian Minister of Innovations and Technological Development Nenad Popovic thanked the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, Russian Government and RDIF for the support in preserving the health and lives of the Serbian citizens, the statement added.

Popovic also said the production of Sputnik V vaccine in Torlak Institute would strengthen Serbia’s capacities in the fight against pandemic, and open new perspectives for distribution of this vaccine in the region of South-Eastern Europe.

RTS recalled that the first shipment of the Russian vaccine reached Serbia on December 30, and inoculation with this vaccine started on January 6.

Up to date, Sputnik V has been registered in 56 countries world wide. The vaccine, based on information published by Lancet Magazine, is 91.6 percent efficient. It is based on human adenovirus and received in two doses.

Obradovic: 904.000 citizens revaccinated in Serbia so far (Kosovo-online)

The Minister of State Administration and Local Self-governance, Marija Obradovic said that according to the latest information, 1.345.000 citizens in Serbia received the first dose of the vaccine, while 904.000 citizens had been revaccinated, Kosovo-online portal reports.

She also said there are a million and a half citizens registered for vaccination through the portal e-Uprava.

“The largest number of citizens received Sinopharm vaccine, around million of them, around 115.000 received Pfizer, around 113.000 received Sputnik V, and around 111.000 received Astra-Zeneca”, Obradovic said.    

She also said the vaccination with Astra-Zeneca would start tomorrow in 29 towns, including the Roma settlements.

She added she supports the idea, if people do not want to register for vaccination through the e-portal then the vaccination should take place without a time slot and registration. According to her this proved to be good practice in the places where it was implemented. 

Interpol warns citizens once again not to purchase vaccines on internet (KoSSev)

International police organization Interpol has been warning for months about new sorts of criminal activities surfacing since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic that have reached global proportions, KoSSev portal reports.

The latest warning relates to the vaccines sold on the Internet, and those are fake vaccines.

By purchasing a fake vaccine citizens not only receive the product that doesn’t protect them from Covid, but also represents a serious threat to their health. It is about products that have not been tested, and whose safety has not been verified, Interpol said.

They also said legitimate vaccines are not available in a free sale, and chains of distributions are strictly controlled and administered by health institutions across the world.

“Cyber criminals open illegal web pages, claiming they are legitimate national or international organizations offering vaccines against coronavirus.  Those web pages offer payments to be made in bitcoins or other types of payment processing”, the statement added.

By using their computers to purchase the vaccine this way, potential buyers also risk identity theft and give money to organized criminal groups, Interpol warned.  

Rakic: We continue working on return of displaced persons (Radio KIM)

Kosovo Minister for Communities and Return, Goran Rakic said Wednesday that the Ministry he leads would continue to work on the return of displaced persons and improvement of the living conditions of non-majority communities in Kosovo, Radio KIM reports.

Rakic also said that a larger number of returnees to Kosovo was expected this year, but also in the coming years.

“The fact is that we have helped many families through the Ministry of Communities and Return. I want to emphasize that everything we do in the future will continue to be exclusively in the interest of the people”, Rakic said.

In the press release issued by Rakić’s cabinet it was said that the Ministry of Communities and Return would “strive for returnee families and families living in difficult conditions to receive help, because a better life is the basic satisfaction of their future activities”.   

Office for KiM: KLA graffiti on health ambulance in Suvi Do (Kosovo-online)

The Office for Kosovo and Metohija said in a statement that KLA graffiti appeared this morning on a wall of the health house in Suvo Do village, functioning within the Mitrovica North Health Center, Kosovo-online portal reports.

The Office said the act caused justified distress and revolt among Serbian and non-Albanian population in Kosovo getting medical care at this health facility, located in an ethnically mixed area and often being the target of vandals.

“While an entire world fights against Covid-19 pandemic, and Serbia demonstrates support and solidarity by donating vaccines and medical equipment to all those needing it, Albanians demonstrate intolerance and bigotry towards the doctors and medical professionals”, the Office said in a statement. It added this was not the first time that Serbian health system and health workers in Kosovo are targeted by extremists and threats from Pristina.  

Serbian Chamber of Commerce set to open Jerusalem office (N1)

The Serbian Chamber of Commerce (PKS) said Wednesday it was completing preparations to open an office in Jerusalem, N1 reports.

“We are planning to open the office in Jerusalem in April and organize a visit by Serbian business people to Israel to see innovative Israeli companies in the renewable energy, water processing and construction industries”, a press release quoted PKS President Marko Cadez as telling Israeli Ambassador Yahel Vilan. It said that they discussed Israel’s experience with the coronavirus vaccination and the promotion of trade through a trade agreement.

The Ambassador said that the first steps have been taken towards reaching an agreement and recalled that trade between the two countries reached EUR 72.2 million in 2020 with Serbia increasing its exports by 10 percent to EUR 38.3 million and Israeli exports dropping 15 percent to EUR 33.9 million compared to 2019, the press release said.

See at:





Kosovo: Kurti In Driver’s Seat Of A Driverless Vehicle – Analysis (eurasiareview)

By TransConflict

Kosovo’s Prime Minister will retain multiple options no matter how any renewed Western effort to pound out a deal between Pristina and Belgrade turns out.

By David B. Kanin*

With good reason, Serbia appears convinced the US and EU are about to try again to force it to recognize Kosovo’s independence.  President Joe Biden’s open letter to Belgrade jovially asked them to do so and the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs ordered the five EU members that also do not recognize Kosovo to do so – in not such nice terms.  Recent US and European diplomatic contacts with Pristina and Belgrade led media to anticipate yet another attempt to strongarm the two sides into accepting a deal made in Washington and Brussels. 

The basic condition has not changed – no solution is acceptable to the Great Powers except one they can claim credit for.  The whole purpose of the new initiative will be to knock heads together in the Balkans for the sake of demonstrating the renewal of Western solidarity and efficacy now that Donald Trump’s divisive presence has, for the moment, been pushed off the international stage.  “America is back,” says the Biden group, which presumes that US-led or supported global policies and actions before 2017 were intelligently  conceived, competently executed, and effective in their impact.

Regarding the Balkans, and not just the Balkans, that implied assertion is questionable at best.  From Dayton and Erdut through UN Security Council resolution 1244, the unsuccessful US push to replace 1244, Kosovo’s unilateral declaration of independence, and abortive efforts to force constitutional reform on Bosnia, the diplomats and academics in charge of this approach have largely seen their projects falter.  They have relied on slogans and catch-phrases to mask their pattern of scrambling to create ad-hoc reactions to local resistance and counter-punches from Russia and China.  The Western vehicle of diplomacy truly is driverless.

See more at:

Serbia’s Brave Actresses Deserve Our Respect for Naming Their Abusers (Balkan Insight)

The latest case of an actress naming her rapist makes it clear that, even in patriarchal Serbia, powerful men can no longer silence women.

In January 2021, when two young Serbian actresses, Milena Radulovic and Iva Ilincic, together with other colleagues who wanted to remain anonymous, spoke about sexual violence and abuse in Miroslav Aleksic’s drama school, the Serbian public was divided.

But, among the many messages of support they received, was one from another actress, Danijela Stajnfeld.

Months earlier, Stajnfeld produced her first documentary, Hold me Right, which dealt with the trauma and experiences of people who have survived sexual assault.

At a promotional event, she had revealed that the inspiration for the film came from her own experience of coping with the aftermath of her own sexual assault.

The documentary had its regional premiere at the Sarajevo Film Festival, while the Serbian premiere was at the Palic European Film Festival. After that, it was only screened at the 26th Auteur Film Festival in Belgrade.

At the time, Stajnfeld refused to talk about her attacker; she preferred to speak about the documentary itself, arguing that naming the rapist would move the focus from the film. But she did reveal that he was a powerful and well-known figure in public life.

Speculation about who the potential rapist was nevertheless spread, among the public, the tabloids, on social media, and among actors and in the film industry.

People wanted a name. But in cases of sexual violence, it does not matter what public wants; what matters is whether and when survivor feels able to tell their story.

See more at:





Application of the new methodology to Montenegro and Serbia: Principles remain the same, more emphasis on interim benchmarks (EWB)

After the publication of the new EU enlargement methodology last year, numerous commentators stated that its application to Montenegro and Serbia will not dramatically change the current rules. This was confirmed in the proposal of the European Commission, which reached the media in the region last week. Should the Member States decide to endorse the current proposals, the interim rule of law benchmarks will become a category with an even greater weight in the future, which is notable, but hardly surprising.

From the very beginning of the EU accession negotiations – in 2012 for Montenegro and in 2014 for Serbia – the principle has been that the overall speed of opening and closing chapters will depend on reforms in Chapters 23: Justice and Fundamental Rights and 24: Justice, Freedom and Security, due to their strong connection with the basic values of the EU. In short – if there is no progress in the rule of law, there is no progress in the process as a whole.

See more at:

President Biden Urged to Move Hague War Court to Kosovo (Balkan Insight)

Albanian-American ex-fighters from the war in Kosovo in 1998-99 called on President Joe Biden to intervene to move the war crimes court that will try former ethnic Albanian guerrillas from The Hague to Kosovo.

The Atlantic Association, an organisation representing Albanian-Americans who describe themselves as “proud former KLA [Kosovo Liberation Army] soldiers”, sent a letter to US President Joe Biden on Wednesday urging him to intervene to shift the Hague-based Kosovo Specialist Chambers war crimes court to Kosovo itself.

“Kosovo is a sovereign country and should administer justice and its judicial system itself,” the letter said.

The Kosovo Specialist Chambers, which will try former KLA fighters for wartime and post-war crimes committed between 1998 and 2000, are part of Kosovo’s justice but located in the Netherlands and staffed by internationals.

See more at:





The introduction of mutual language learning in Kosovo: A tentative roadmap (FB)

This paper addresses the issue of the language gap existing between Kosovo Albanians and Kosovo Serbs, the two biggest communities in Kosovo.

NGO AKTIV and members of the Kosovo Coalition for Reconciliation produced this publication with the financial support of the European Union and National Endowment for Democracy. 

The publication is available at:

North Mitrovica Municipality: NGO "Eko-Protekt" and UNMIK provided 75 tablet computers for school children (Kontakt plus radio, Radio Mitrovica sever)

The North Mitrovica municipality announced that 75 tablets will be handed over to students who attend school online, reported Kontakt plus radio. 

The computers were provided by the NGO ''Eco-Protekt'' and UNMIK, the municipality said.

The distribution of the devices will be done in cooperation with the representatives of educational institutions, said the announcement.

The mayor of North Mitrovica, Milan Radojevic, thanked everyone who supported this action.

"Children are our future and any investment in their education is more than justified," said Radojevic.

According to the statement, the deputy mayor, Adrijana Hodzic was convinced that this donation would make it easier for children to go to school.

"This number of devices is small in relation to the real needs, so the municipality of North Mitrovica will provide additional quantities of tablet computers, so that a larger number of students would be supported," said Hodzic.