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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, March 26, 2021

Albanian Language Media:

  • COVID-19: 860 new cases, six deaths (media)
  • Kurti: War crimes and missing persons, priorities in dialogue with Serbia (Koha)
  • KSF barracks to be constructed on a hill overlooking Mitrovica (media)
  • Rosenstock-Siller: Kosovo-Serbia dialogue to be centred on mutual recognition (Klan)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Covid-19 in Serbian communities: 15 new cases, two deaths (KoSSev)
  • Chinese Defense Minister visiting Belgrade (N1, RTS)
  • EU warns Kurti over undermining dialogue process (RTS, Tanjug)
  • The countries of the Western Balkans are the least resistant to false news in Europe (KoSSev, N1, Beta)
  • Selakovic: Von Cramon’s speech on Kosovo parade of political distaste (RTS)
  • Businessmen from the region in Belgrade this weekend for a vaccination (Danas)
  • Israeli envoy: Serbia’s Govt. office in Jerusalem step toward moving embassy (Beta, N1)
  • Zakharova: NATO aggression against FRY long-term tragedy (Kosovo-online)
  • Belgrade insists on concrete examples from the EP on the Serbian authorities' wrongdoings (FoNet, N1, RTS)
  • Stojkovic: 180 housing units more in Kosovo for displaced persons and young couples (Radio KIM)
  • Vucic: I am proud to delegitimize the statehood of Kosovo and I will continue to do so (KoSSev)


  • How the Quint must help Kosovo (EWB)
  • It's time to deliver in this time of 'firsts' (Kosovo 2.0)
  • Three key foreign policy objectives for Kosovo’s new government (Emerging Europe)


  • European MPs Urge Serbia, Kosovo to Intensify War Grave Search (Balkan Insight)
  • Unregulated and Unlicensed, War Memorials Proliferate in Kosovo Towns (Balkan Insight)
  • EP discusses Reports on Western Balkans: Majority support for enlargement, but the criteria need to be met (EWB)


  • From Texas to Kosovo: Rape survivor returns as part of new gov’t (Al Jazeera)



Albanian Language Media  


COVID-19: 860 new cases, six deaths (media)

Kosovo's National Institute for Public Health has confirmed 860 new cases of COVID-19 and six deaths in the last 24-hour period.

682 recoveries have meanwhile been recorded during the same timeframe. 

Kurti: War crimes and missing persons, priorities in dialogue with Serbia (Koha)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti said today that top priorities in the dialogue with Serbia will include war crimes and missing persons and that the Kosovo side will demand accountability for these.

"Justice is missing and it is our duty to make utmost efforts with the future institute regarding crimes committed during the war and by activating the special prosecution so as to manage to heal war wounds, by shedding light to the fate of the missing persons and by delivering justice," Kurti said.

Kurti, accompanied by Vjosa Osmani - candidate for Kosovo president, made the comments while visiting the memorial site in Krusha e Madhe on the anniversary of the killing of 241 people by Serbian forces in March 1999.

Osmani on her part underlined that massacres like the one in Krusha e Madhe represent "the loud voice of conscience calling for justice". She said justice should be demanded from Serbia for crimes committed in Kosovo.

KSF barracks to be constructed on a hill overlooking Mitrovica (media)

Mayor of Mitrovica, Agim Bahtiri, has asked the Municipal Assembly to approve a proposal for giving the Kosovo Security Force (KSF) right to use the land near the so-called Cerrnusha Hill to construct army barracks.

Bahtiri said the decision to give KSF the property, 191 hectares in size, is a culmination of the project on which he, together with the Ministry of Defence and international factors, have worked on for three years.

The Municipal Assembly unanimously endorsed the proposal. 

Telegrafi reports that the Cerrnusha Hill sits at an altitude of 1,010 meters and overlooks the municipalities of Vushtrri, Mitrovica, Mitrovica North, Zvecan, and Zubin Potok.

Rosenstock-Siller: Kosovo-Serbia dialogue to be centred on mutual recognition (Klan)

On the 22nd anniversary of the NATO intervention in Kosovo, the Acting Deputy Chief of the United States Mission to the OSCE, Elisabeth Rosenstock-Siller delivered an address to the Permanent Council in Vienna where she noted that it is incumbent on the governments of both Serbia and Kosovo to ensure that victims and their families have full access to justice and information about the fate of their loved ones.  

"Today, the OSCE and its participating States, including the United States, continue to facilitate the safe, dignified, and voluntary return of the remaining displaced persons to Kosovo.  We support a multi-ethnic and independent Kosovo at peace with its neighbors, pursuing a European path together with Serbia.  At the same time, Serbia is a good friend of the United States and a NATO partner," she said.

Rosenstock-Siller said the United States strongly supports a democratic, prosperous, and peaceful future for the western Balkans and recognizes Serbia’s important role in this. "We encourage Serbia and Kosovo to take steps to normalize relations and fully support the EU-facilitated Dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo aimed at a comprehensive normalization agreement—which should be centered on mutual recognition.  This will require compromise by both sides.  The status quo is unsustainable, and it prevents both Serbia and Kosovo from reaching their full potential."



Serbian Language Media


Covid-19 in Serbian communities: 15 new cases, two deaths (KoSSev)

Out of a total of 67 tested samples in Serbian communities in Kosovo, 15 are positive for coronavirus, two people died, while the number of active cases is 839, according to new data from the North Mitrovica Crisis Staff, reported portal KoSSev. 

During yesterday, 30 people came out of 14-day isolation.

The new patients are from North Mitrovica - 10, Zubin Potok - 3 and Leposavic -2.

The deceased are from Leposavic and Priluzje.

According to the latest data, the total number of deaths since the beginning of the epidemic is 128.

Seven new cases of Covid-19 registered in Gracanica

Seven new cases of Covid-19 were registered in the territory of Gracanica municipality over the last two days, Municipal Crisis Committee announced, Radio KIM reports.

Currently 46 persons are hospitalized at the hospital in Laplje Selo.

The Crisis Committee once again urged the residents to be vigilant and disciplined, wear protective masks, keep distance and respect the measure on the limited number of gathered people, both indoors and outdoors. 

Chinese Defense Minister visiting Belgrade (N1, RTS)

Chinese Defense Minister General Wei Fenghe started a three-day visit to Serbia on Thursday, the Serbian Defense Ministry said, N1 reports.

A press release said that General Fenghe will meet with top Serbian officials, including President Aleksandar Vucic. It added that Serbian Defense Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic was at the airport to welcome General Fenghe along with China’s Ambassador to Serbia Chen Bo.

General Fenghe will also observe an exercise by Army of Serbia units in Belgrade.

Stefanovic and Fenghe laid the wreaths and observed the minute of silence at the memorial dedicated to the three Chinese journalists killed during the NATO bombing that struck Chinese Embassy in Belgrade on May 7, 1999. Twenty persons were injured in the attack, RTS recalled. 

EU warns Kurti over undermining dialogue process (RTS, Tanjug)

There are assessment in the European Union that latest statement of the Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti on the principles of dialogue with Belgrade “undermine this process”, adding that Kurti because of such statements, could bear solely responsibility for “lack of progress” or even possible “failure” of Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, RTS reports.

“The EU has always urged the parties to refrain from actions and statements that are harmful to the environment conducive to successful progress in the dialogue and normalization of relations”, European External Action Service told Tanjug news agency.

Diplomatic sources in Brussels told Tanjug that the EU by doing this wants to make it clear to Albin Kurti that he is placing “in the center of attention” and could be blamed at the end “by the both the EU and the US” over his stances that may prolong the process of normalization of relations with Belgrade.

“This could further have serious consequences for Kosovo”, the sources from Brussels told Tanjug.

Sources in Brussels also said the EU and the US are now “very well coordinated and synchronized” when it comes to the process of normalization of relations and it won’t be easy for Kurti “to get out with” if he decides to undermine the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue.     

The countries of the Western Balkans are the least resistant to false news in Europe (KoSSev, N1, Beta)

The countries of the Western Balkans have little potential to resist the negative effects of fake news and disinformation, which is mainly due to the state of freedom of the media and education, according to a report by the Open Society Institute in Sofia, reported Serbian media.

The last place in the Media Literacy Index published by that Institute is Northern Macedonia, followed by Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Montenegro. Serbia is on the 29th place out of 35 European countries covered by the research.

Finland, Denmark, Estonia, Sweden and Ireland have the greatest resistance to false news and misinformation, thanks to the quality of education, freedom of the media and high trust among people, according to the report "Resistance to false news during the Covid-19 infodemia".

Indicators of media literacy used in the Index are media freedom, education, electronic participation and trust in people. Data from Freedom House, Reporters Without Borders, PISA, UN and Eurostat were used for that. Freedom of the media and education were of the greatest value in the scoring.

Serbia received 32 out of 100 points. Compared to 2017, when the first Index was made, Serbia kept the same place on the list.

Compared to previous years, the largest overall progress was made by Estonia, Sweden and Ireland, while the largest deterioration was recorded in Latvia, Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Research shows that northwestern countries have the highest media literacy, while the worst situation is in Southeast Europe.

Education - the best approach to fighting fake news

Countries with greater distrust in scientists and journalists have a lower level of media literacy and inversely, higher media literacy is associated with a lower level of distrust in scientists and journalists.

The report notes that this year's Index was made during a double crisis, when the Covida-19 pandemic was further aggravated by the "infodemia" - a flood of false news and misinformation amid too much information about the pandemic.

"Infodemia creates a crisis of confidence, undermining trust in medical and scientific knowledge and institutions, which were the first to respond to the health crisis, but also the crisis of confidence in management, necessary to manage the response to a comprehensive crisis - health, social and economic," said the author of the report Marin Lessenski.

The report recommends education as the best approach to fighting fake news, as a "vaccination" that provides resistance to the most severe cases of fake news.

"Facing false news and misinformation would reduce the temperature of political and social debates and conflicts, increase trust in societies and contribute to a healthier environment (figuratively and literally) in the Covida-19 pandemic," the report said, reported portal KoSSev.

The report available at:

Selakovic: Von Cramon’s speech on Kosovo parade of political distaste (RTS)

Member of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) Presidency Nikola Selakovic has sharply criticized the speech of Viola von Cramon on Kosovo at the European Parliament, saying it was a “parade of bias and political distaste of not only what she said, but also what she failed to mention”, RTS reports.

“In her vision, self-proclaimed Kosovo was a Balkan oasis of Euro-enthusiasm and thriving democracy, while air pollution and violence against women were its main problems”, Selakovic said.

He added von Cramon in her speech didn’t find it necessary to mention endangerment of the Serbia people and cultural heritage in Kosovo and Metohija, although we bear witness of almost daily ethnically motivated incidents against our people.

Selakovic also said she didn’t touch upon “threats of creating a “Great Albania”, thus the threat of violent change of borders. For her, Albin Kurti is not a warmonger and threat to stability of the region, but rather a democracy promoter”.

As a culmination of Cramon’s bias and stepping away from political and diplomatic decency, Selakovic mentioned the fact “that mutual recognition between Serbia and self-declared Kosovo” was, as she put it, condition for the EU membership, something we have not heard so far as official stance of any European institutions.  

Businessmen from the region in Belgrade this weekend for a vaccination (Danas)

Vaccination will be organized in Belgrade on Saturday and Sunday for businessmen and their employees from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Northern Macedonia, Albania and Kosovo who want protection from the coronavirus, the Serbian Chamber of Commerce announced, reported daily Danas.

Serbian Chamber of Commerce, in cooperation with the Government of Serbia, organized the immunization of thousands of businessmen and employees in companies in the region, and 10,000 vaccines were provided for the weekend.

The President of the Chamber of Commerce of Northern Macedonia, Branko Azeski, confirmed that businessmen from that country will arrive in Belgrade for vaccination.

"The Serbian capital will be the center where the business elite from the region will gather. Intensive activity is carried out within the Chamber of Commerce in order to make the best possible selection of business people whose jobs are necessarily related to travel, movement and contacts with many people," said Azeski.

Citizens of Northern Macedonia who applied for vaccination against Covid-19 in Serbia through the Government portal e-Uprava, are invited to receive the vaccine during the upcoming weekend.

According to Beta's reporter, they were invited to receive the AstraZeneca vaccine at the Belgrade Fair on Saturday or Sunday, regardless of which city and which vaccine they chose in the electronic application.

Danas recalls that the Kosovo's President of the Chamber of Commerce, Berat Rukiqi announced that this Chamber refused to participate in the vaccination of businessmen from Kosovo in Serbia.

Israeli envoy: Serbia’s Govt. office in Jerusalem step toward moving embassy (Beta, N1)

Yahel Vilan, the Israeli ambassador to Serbia, said on Friday he saw the opening of Belgrade’s office in Jerusalem expected soon as the first step toward the moving embassy from Tel Aviv, as agreed in Washington last year.

“The forthcoming opening of Serbia’s Government Office in Jerusalem has both political and economic significance. It is seen as the first step toward moving Belgrade’s embassy to Jerusalem,” Vila told the Novi Sad Agrosmart website.

According to him, it’s a message that economic cooperation is the focus in the bilateral relations and the area in which Serbia would like to see progress.

The ambassador described his country as a “real startup state in all aspects” and a pioneer in the drip irrigation system to become a leader in irrigation technologies.

Vilan added that renewable energy was one of the sectors where Israel invested in Serbia, announcing the expansion of the ‘Pupin’ wind farm.

See at:

Zakharova: NATO aggression against FRY long-term tragedy (Kosovo-online)

Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova commented on the 22 anniversary of NATO bombing campaign against the-then Federal Republic of Yugoslavia by saying it was a long-term tragedy, whose consequences could be felt today as well, adding the issue of the Alliance’s responsibility for the damages caused has not been closed, Kosovo-online portal reports.

Zakharova said that “Alliance, for the first time after the WWII carried an act of aggression against a sovereign state thus violating all the norms of the international law, and it also turned an entire Balkans into a polygon for practical rehearsal of contemporary methods of waging a war, against far weaker state”.

She recalled that during the 78 days of NATO bombing, around 2.500 people have been killed, serious material damages caused to many cities, including Belgrade and depleted uranium ammunition was also used, which lead to a drastic increase in the number of oncology patients. She added that more than 200.000 non-Albanians have left Kosovo and are not able to return to their homes yet.  

She also said that “KLA fighters committed monstrous crimes, including kidnapping of the Serbs for the purpose of organ harvesting, and many criminals are still free although they should all face justice regardless of their current status or influence they may have”.

Belgrade insists on concrete examples from the EP on the Serbian authorities' wrongdoings (FoNet, N1, RTS)

A day after the European Parliament (EP) adopted the so far toughest report on Serbia, the state secretary in the Foreign Ministry, Nemanja Starovic requested from the EP to move from general conclusions and specify concrete examples of its objections to Serbia's state institutions activities.

In one of the first reactions to the EP report, Starovic told the state RTS TV that ''when it comes from general conclusions to concrete objections'' it often happened that ''when the MEPs are knocking on open doors, Serbia already moved significantly in solving individual cases''.

He recalled the report had a positive opinion about Serbia’s role in the Western Balkans. At the same time, ''there are more critical segments regarding the rule of law, fight against corruption and crime, media freedom''.

Starovic said that criteria for Serbia had been high, ''so high that many EU member states couldn’t meet them even today, let alone when they joined the bloc in 2004, 2007 or 2013''.

He added Belgrade ''recognises great diligence of the EU Special envoy for the Belgrade – Pristina dialogue on the normalisation of relations Miroslav Lajcak and believes in his good intentions, but it takes two to tango'', adding that Pristina’s statement that they have no intention to from the Community of Serb Municipalities was scandalous.

Stojkovic: 180 housing units more in Kosovo for displaced persons and young couples (Radio KIM)

The Office for Kosovo and Metohija continues with housing care of the Serbian population in Kosovo, and this year additional 180 housing units dedicated to internally displaced persons, socially vulnerable families and young married couples will be reconstructed, Radio KIM reports citing Belgrade-based Tanjug news agency.

Assistant Director for infrastructure projects, Jelena Stojkovic said 15 residential buildings, each with 12 apartments of 65 square meters will be reconstructed in Mitrovica North, Leposavic, Zvecan and Zubin Potok.

In addition to the buildings, family houses for those in need across Kosovo will also be reconstructed.

She also said a new building where the University Rectorate would be located will be reconstructed, while the Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences would also get new buildings.  

Vucic: I am proud to delegitimize the statehood of Kosovo and I will continue to do so (KoSSev)

"I am proud of the fact that I am delegitimizing the statehood of Kosovo and I will continue to do so despite the European Parliament, in spite of the European Parliament and in the glory of Serbia," the Serbian president said, reported portal KoSSev.

"I'm afraid that Mr. Kurti likes to talk to himself the most, but then it's a monologue. It is not a dialogue, so let him push his own, let them do what they want, their business. They only clearly show to us with it that they in fact never wanted a dialogue," he also said.

Today, Vucic was touring Sabac, the works on the construction of the Ruma-Sabac highway.  

He had with him the content of the EP report on Kosovo adopted yesterday, which parts he quoted in his answer to TV Pink's journalist:

"They call for active regional cooperation and greater coordination of the exchange of information between the security services between the Republic of Kosovo and its European members, according to the report of the European Parliament for Kosovo, which some in Serbia refer to."

"So, for them, it is the Republic of Kosovo, for them it is the state," he stressed, adding:

"Only that when they tell us about the morals and honesty of those people who voted for such reports, to tell us actually what these people are asking of Serbia."

Vucic quoted another part of the report for Kosovo: "There are concerns about disinformation campaigns to delegitimize Kosovo's statehood."

"So, are you, unfortunate in Serbia, calling upon that parliament?! Here, I am proud of the fact that I am delegitimizing the statehood of Kosovo and I will continue to do so despite the European Parliament, in spite of the European Parliament and in the glory of Serbia," the Serbian President emphasized, adding:

"And they can't do anything to me, and I will lead this great European action to fight, except for the fight against organized crime and the fight against theft of Jews property."

KoSSev recalls that there are frequent accusations of Aleksandar Vucic against MP Tanja Fajon, about the alleged usurpation of the property of the wealthy Jewish family Moskovic in Ljubljana by the party led by this Slovenian and European MP, which he did and today.






How the Quint must help Kosovo (EWB)

By Andrea Lorenzo Capussela

Finally, two decades after being separated from Serbia, and one decade after becoming independent, Kosovo has a government that cares about the common good. All governments say this, of course: but unlike those of their predecessors, I think that the words of this government can be trusted.

The task they face is daunting, however. There is the pandemic, and still no vaccines. And there is the heavy inheritance of two decades of misrule, predation, obfuscation, lies. What I would like to discuss is how Kosovo’s foreign friends can help the country.

Kosovo’s best friends are the powers that are usually called ‘the Quint’: France, Germany,  Italy, UK, and US. They are the ones that chose to intervene militarily in 1999, and that made independence possible in 2008.

From the perspective of the human beings that live within the borders of Kosovo, however, having an independent state is a means to having basic goods such as political liberty, health, education, and a decent life. On this front, unfortunately, the Quint did not behave as Kosovo’s best friend: because it was them who supported the elite that has plundered the country for two decades, while stunting the maturation of its democracy.

And they did not do it by accident: they did it for their own political interests (because they could not admit to the whole world that Kosovo’s elite were not all Ghandis, as well as because there was an implicit pact with that elite: an exchange between docility and tolerance).

See more at:

It's time to deliver in this time of 'firsts' (Kosovo 2.0)

The new government must show urgency in addressing both the pandemic and inequalities, writes Besa Luci, K2.0's editor-in-chief and co-founder.

These past few weeks have been a time of “firsts.”

The first time a political party has won 50% of the votes in elections. The first time women deputies have secured more than one-third of the Assembly seats (with the majority winning their seats without relying on the gender quota). The first time women make up two out of three deputy PMs. The first time a minister is from the Egyptian community. 

For a country that to date has had governments largely reshuffling amongst parties and male politicians building political careers based on personal interest, these firsts represent a novelty in Kosovo’s democracy — a diverse composition promising to deliver a platform of justice and equity. 

However, as the novelty over such records becomes yesterday’s news, there is another first recorded this past month — the first anniversary of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

One year on from its first recorded cases, to say that Kosovo has failed to manage the pandemic efficiently, or manage it at all, is no overstatement. Since February’s election campaign, daily reported cases have risen from an average of around 300 per day, to almost 800 per day, while measures intended to limit the spread of the virus have not been strengthened, but relaxed. The recent surge is suspected to have been largely driven by political parties themselves during election campaigning with hundreds in cramped rooms and complete disregard for safety measures. 

See more at:

Three key foreign policy objectives for Kosovo’s new government (Emerging Europe)

Kosovo’s newly elected government must shift focus to make its foreign policy strategy more pragmatic, writes Visar Xhambazi from the Pristina-based Democracy for Development Institute think tank.

Kosovo has come a long way since declaring its independence in 2008. It is recognised by more than 100 countries as an independent state, has established its first contractual agreement with the EU, the Stabilisation and Association Agreement, has its own international dialing code, and has become a member of several international organisations, amongst much else.

Despite these achievements however, EU membership remains uncertain, Kosovo is still waiting for visa-liberalisation, and the prospect of a final agreement with Serbia has waned.

Western supporters have played a critical role in helping Kosovo progress; however, Kosovo cannot passively wait to become a policy priority again in the EU or the United States.

Kosovo must alter its foreign policy approach by shifting away from its dependency on the West and instead take proactive measures to address the current state of international affairs.

See more at:






European MPs Urge Serbia, Kosovo to Intensify War Grave Search (Balkan Insight)

MEPs in the European Parliament adopted two separate reports on Thursday evening urging Serbia and Kosovo to be more efficient in investigating the remaining missing persons cases from the 1998-99 Kosovo war.

The report on Kosovo calls on the Pristina authorities to make “greater efforts in dealing with the requests of family members of missing persons” and asks for “the opening of all wartime archives”.

The resolution also calls on Serbia to “investigate the remains of three bodies so far exhumed during searches in a mass grave in Kizevak village”. The gravesite in Kizevak in southern Serbia was found in November 2020 and is believed to contain the remains of Kosovo Albanian war victims.

Over 1,600 people, mostly ethnic Albanians but also Serbs, remain missing from the Kosovo war.

See more at:

Unregulated and Unlicensed, War Memorials Proliferate in Kosovo Towns (Balkan Insight)

There are more than 1,600 memorials around Kosovo related to the 1998-99 war, but the authorities don’t have a proper register of what has been built, or any legal guidelines to regulate the chaotic construction of monuments.

In the centre of the western Kosovo town of Decan/Decani stand five statues of fallen Kosovo Liberation Army fighters, who are seen in the country as heroes of the war for liberation from Serbian rule.

But one of the statues actually honours a man who was killed as recently as 2015, many years after the war ended, in another country.

See more at:

EP discusses Reports on Western Balkans: Majority support for enlargement, but the criteria need to be met (EWB)

BRUSSELS – European Parliament will vote today on the Reports on the 2019-2020 Commission Reports on Albania, Kosovo, North Macedonia and Serbia.

Standing Rapporteur for Albania Isabel Santos (S&D) stated that she wanted to give hope to Albania and that the country had made progress across the board. She stressed that the April elections will be a milestone that should put democracy on even stronger foot and overcome polarisation.

Santos stated that the aim was to bring the horizon of the EU membership closer to the citizens of Albania.

Standing Rapporteur for Kosovo Viola von Cramon-Taubadel (Greens/EFA) urged the Member States to grant visa liberalisation to the country.

See more at:





From Texas to Kosovo: Rape survivor returns as part of new gov’t (Al Jazeera)

Vasfije Krasniqi-Goodman, who was abused by Serb policemen as a teenager, is now demanding justice from her parliament seat.

In 2017, Vasfije Krasniqi-Goodman wrote an open letter to the men who sexually assaulted her and published it on her Facebook page.

Her rapists, two Serb policemen, abducted and raped her when she was 16 during the Kosovo War. They were indicted for the crime but then acquitted by Kosovo’s Supreme Court in 2014.

She had lived in Texas, United States since the end of the war, but in 2015 travelled back to Kosovo as the first wartime rape survivor to share her story publicly, on national television, without hiding her identity.

Since then, she has been on a mission, advocating for survivors in Kosovo and around the world, demanding justice for the crimes committed during the war in her country.

To this day, not a single perpetrator in Serbia or Kosovo has been sent to jail for rape.

See more at: