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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, August 23, 2021

Albanian Language Media:

  • COVID-19: 1,067 new cases, 17 deaths (media)
  • U.S. Embassy urges Kosovo people to get vaccinated: We will donate over 700,000 doses (Express)
  • 15,577 diaspora voters registered for local elections (Ekonomia Online)
  • Haxhiu: violence should be severely punished (media)
  • KSF distributes masks to people throughout Kosovo (RTK)
  • Dreshaj: The state is treating human lives only as daily figures (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • 22 cases of Covid-19 registered in Serbian areas on Saturday (Radio KIM)
  • Petkovic: Reducing number of KFOR soldiers threat to peace and survival of Serbs (N1)
  • 23 years since kidnapping of Radio Pristina journalists (Radio KIM)
  • Petkovic on Serbian unity, incidents, upcoming elections in Kosovo (Vecernje Novosti, Radio Mitrovica sever)
  • Selakovic with President of Egypt on continuation of good cooperation (Kosovo-online)
  • Bregovic & Kalashnikov brought crowd to their feet in Korca, concert continued despite tear gas (KoSSev)



Albanian Language Media  


COVID-19: 1,067 new cases, 17 deaths (media)

Kosovo recorded 1,067 new cases of COVID-19 and 17 deaths from the virus in the last 24 hours. 278 persons recovered from the virus during this time. There are 20,467 active cases with COVID-19 in Kosovo.

U.S. Embassy urges Kosovo people to get vaccinated: We will donate over 700,000 doses (Express)

The U.S. Embassy in Pristina urged citizens of Kosovo to get vaccinated for the coronavirus and confirmed that the U.S. will donate over 700,000 doses of vaccines to Kosovo through the COVAX mechanism.

The U.S. Embassy in a statement posted on Facebook said the gift from the American people is the largest single vaccine donation to Kosovo from any country or organization.

“This gift from the American people is the largest single vaccine donation to Kosovo from any country or organization. When complete, the U.S. donation will bring to over 700,000 the number doses delivered through the COVAX mechanism…More vaccine is on the way. But vaccines only work if individuals get vaccinated. So please – get vaccinated to protect yourselves, your families, and your communities. Together, we can defeat COVID-19,” the U.S. Embassy said in a statement.

Last week the U.S. donated to Kosovo authorities the first tranche of an expected 503,100 doses of Pfizer vaccine. The U.S. Embassy said in a statement that this represents the largest single COVID-19 vaccine donation by any country or organization to Kosovo. “With these doses, the Kosovo government will be able to fully inoculate and protect its citizens, bringing it 20 percent closer to achieving its overall vaccination goal,” the U.S. Embassy said.

15,577 diaspora voters registered for local elections (Ekonomia Online)

Valmir Elezi Spokesperson of the Central Election Commission (CEC) said that 15 thousand 577 applicants have managed to successfully register as voters outside Kosovo, while 3 thousand 259 others did not meet the legal criteria.

"During the 40-day period for voter registration outside Kosovo, July 10 - August 18, the Central Election Commission received 18,836 applications for registration. After their review by the voting service of the CEC, 15,577 applications were approved, while 3,259 applications were rejected because they did not meet the legal criteria," he said.

According to Elezi, the number of applicants who managed to successfully register as voters outside Kosovo is significantly lower compared to the parliamentary elections of February 14, when more than 102 thousand voters were registered, while it is slightly higher compared to the last local elections of 2017.

Haxhiu: violence should be severely punished (media)

Kosovo’s Minister of Justice, Albulena Haxhiu has reacted after the murder of the 18-year-old in Ferizaj, saying that violence of this magnitude is an alarm that should mobilize the police, prosecution and courts, to treat such cases with maximum priority and seriousness, and the perpetrators to be brought to justice.

She wrote on Facebook that yesterday the media learned that another rape of a young 18-year-old woman ended in fatality.

"It is imperative that we act, without delay, with maximum dedication. Violation of liberty, whether through sexual harassment, blackmail or even violence against women or anyone else, is unacceptable and as such should be treated, without compromise on violence, with the punishment deserved against the perpetrators. This phenomenon must be fought constantly. Violence cannot be normalized, as a result, it must be severely punished," she wrote.

Meanwhile, the Basic Prosecution in Ferizaj provided other details regarding the tragic case that occurred in Ferizaj where an 18-year-old girl was sent to the Emergency without signs of life.

The Prosecution says that the suspect DK, who is on the run, is suspected that for low motives, physically abused the now deceased MO, who as a result of the received injuries has passed away and her death has been ascertained by the doctors at the Emergency Center in Ferizaj.

KSF distributes masks to people throughout Kosovo (RTK)

The Kosovo Security Force distributed masks to people throughout Kosovo today.

Some of its members were seen today in Fushe Kosove where they provided citizens with anti-COVID masks.

The new decisions of the government of Kosovo to prevent the spread of COVID-19 oblige the wearing of masks indoors, and passengers on public transport.

Indeed, wearing a mask covering the nose and mouth is mandatory in all cases, except: When walking outdoors alone; While driving the vehicle alone, or in groups with no more than 4 people; During running, cycling and exercise.

Dreshaj: The state is treating human lives only as daily figures (media)

Kosovo Assembly MP from the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and well-known specialist of infectious diseases Shemsedin Dreshaj said that it is unfortunate that human life is being treated only as a figure in the daily statistics of COVID-19 infections.

"Life is sacred and it is a state obligation to protect it. The states themselves were created to protect the lives of their citizens," Dreshaj wrote.

"Inside the Clinic, due to the lack of staff, the head nurses are also taking shifts. The spiritual power of these women and men is admirable. They never give up. How about the state, where is it?"Dreshaj asked, attaching a picture which depicts him and other medical staff.



Serbian Language Media


22 cases of Covid-19 registered in Serbian areas on Saturday (Radio KIM)

Out of 69 tested samples in the Serb-populated areas in Kosovo, 22 were positive for Covid-19, Crisis Committee of Mitrovica North announced on Saturday, Radio KIM reports.

The new cases were registered as follows: six in Zubin Potok, four each in Mitrovica North and Leposavic, three each in Zvecan and Gnjilane, and one each in Priluzje and Gorazdevac.

At the same time five persons completed a two-week isolation period.

Currently there are 91 active cases of Covid-19 in the Serb populated areas in Kosovo. 

Petkovic: Reducing number of KFOR soldiers threat to peace and survival of Serbs (N1)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Petar Petkovic said today reducing the number of KFOR soldiers or its complete withdrawal would have far-reaching consequences to peace and would represent a threat to the survival of the Serbs in Kosovo, N1 reports.

Petkovic also told Novosti daily it would be “as if someone lit a match next to the powder keg”. He also recalled Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic receiving “on several occasions” clear assurances there would be no withdrawal of the international forces from Kosovo.

Slovenian Army Chief of Staff Major General Robert Glavas recently announced his country will gradually reduce the number of its personnel in KFOR in order to increase engagement in NATO and EU high readiness forces.

23 years since kidnapping of Radio Pristina journalists (Radio KIM)

Radio Pristina journalists Djuro Slavuj and Ranko Perenic were kidnapped on Orahovac-Velika Hoca way, 23 years ago, on August 21, Radio KIM reports. Families of kidnapped journalists, their colleagues and an entire public up to date have no official information about their whereabouts.

On Saturday journalists, members of the Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS) and its branch in Kosovo gathered on the spot of their kidnapping.

Standing in front of a memorial plaque with inscriptions in Serbian and Albanian languages saying that “Our colleagues, journalists were kidnapped here on August 21, 1998. We are looking for them”, the journalists sent yet another request to launch an investigation and serve justice overdue for more than two decades.

President of UNS, Zivojin Rakocevic said the system incapable of bringing perpetrators before the justice was also responsible for sufferings of this kind. He recalled the number of seventeen media workers and journalists who just did their job and got abducted, missing and killed in Kosovo.

Rakocevic also said a memorial plaque dedicated to Slavuj and Peremic was demolished seven times, and each time there was a stronger desire among their colleagues to continue the pursuit of finding them. 

President of the UNS branch in Kosovo, Budimir Nicic agreed with Rakocevic that many institutions didn’t do their part in shedding light on this case. He appealed to Albanian colleagues, who, as he said, have much stronger influence than Serbian journalists in Kosovo to use their influence and draw attention of the public regarding murdered and kidnapped journalists, both Serbs and Albanians “because that was the least families of our colleagues expected from all of us”.

Slavuj and Perenic on August 21, 1998 were on their way to the Zociste Monastery to do reportage about the return of kidnapped monks. They were seen in Velika Hoca in the afternoon hours of that day, from where by mistake they headed towards Orahovac which at that time was under KLA control. Until today their families have no official information about their whereabouts.  

The Office for Kosovo and Meothija also made a statement regarding the anniversary of their kidnapping. It said that “abductors of Djuro Slavuj and Ranko Perenic have not been found, as weren’t those who have desecrated seven times a memorial plaque placed by their colleagues as a warning to all those believing that covering up the crime makes a patriotic act and pursue for justice is short-lived”.

It urged all responsible international and local institutions to renew the investigation and prosecute those who have committed this crime, and thus “demonstrate they are truly committed to justice and law, and not by words only”.

Petkovic on Serbian unity, incidents, upcoming elections in Kosovo (Vecernje Novosti, Radio Mitrovica sever)

Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Petar Petkovic in an interview with Belgrade-based Vecernje Novosti daily said today that “never before we had such synchronized attacks on Serbian unity in Kosovo and Metohija, and while Albanian parties are unifying in Serbian areas, which are participating for the first time with joint candidates, at the same time there are a couple of Serbian individuals in name only, who are openly tearing down the Serbian unity. Who benefits from this? Certainly not Serbs”.

Q: The leaders of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija called for Serbs to stand under the same Serbian List, but this time it will not be the case. How much does it harm the interests of our people in Kosovo and Metohija?

Petkovic: Unfortunately, I am afraid that in these elections we have certain Kurti’s Serbs whose main interest is an attack on Serbian unity. When hunger for positions of power prevails, as opposed to the common good and interest, you get some “independent candidates” who actually are only independent of their people and the state of Serbia, and dependent on the authorities and politicians in Priština. That has never been good for Serbs. But that minority cannot undo our results (…).

Q: How do you comment on William Walker’s calls for Albanians in the diaspora to unite and establish a movement?

Petkovic: This is proof that Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija are in a very difficult situation today and that many are looking forward to individuals who would like to break the Serbian unity. Just let them unite, we will be united in the Serbian List as a bulwark against such threats. It is especially worrying that everyone is silent about the attempt to create a “Greater Albania”, because the Third Prizren League was created in the diaspora.

Q: The deadline which the parties undertook in the Washington Agreement not to lobby for recognitions, or rather the withdrawals, expires on September 4. Do you expect Pristina to take more aggressive action and what kind of response is Belgrade preparing?

Petkovic: Until now, Pristina has not proven to be a credible partner, because it does not systematically fulfill its obligations. To Pristina’s unilateral moves, Serbia has a ready answer, which will be stronger. It wouldn’t be serious to reveal the state strategy, it’s sufficient to remind that during the mandate of President Vucic, 18 states withdrew their recognitions, while the main initiatives of Pristina had an inglorious ending.

Q: You have written to the international community about numerous attacks on Serbs, property and monasteries, is there an answer?

Petkovic: Since 1999, Serbia hasn't had its army and police in Kosovo and Metohija, but it is doing everything to ensure security. The reactions are identical- disgust, condemnation, some harsh tweets, but Serbs have no benefit from that. We demand that security is increased in Serbian areas, especially south of the Ibar, so that no child experiences the fate of Nikola Peric from Gojbulja or Ranko Bacic from Klina, who were beaten. We will inform the international representatives about every threat, to confront them with the problem they would like to look away from and make them act.

Q: Pristina did not form the Community of Serb-majority Municipalities (CSM), it is doing everything in the negotiations to make it meaningless, and the reaction of the world is mild. Does it make sense to negotiate in such an atmosphere, and do you expect the dialogue to bring results, after all?

Petkovic: We are not conducting a dialogue for the sake of dialogue, but we are convinced that this is the only way to a better life. We will not stop insisting on the formation of the CSM as a mechanism for exercising the collective rights of Serbs, the search for the missing… Kurti’s blockade of negotiations is an attempt to make any agreement meaningless. Belgrade insists on every letter of the signed agreements all the time and we will never give up.

Selakovic with President of Egypt on continuation of good cooperation (Kosovo-online)

President of Egypt Abdel Fatah Al Sisi has expressed today, following the meeting with Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic, the pride over historic relations between Egypt and Serbia, his spokesperson told Tanjug news agency.

As the statement added, Al SIsi pointed out relations between two states were historic and last longer than a century.

The statement added Egypt seeks to foster these relations at different levels, starting from increasing trade and economic exchange in line with the level of strengthened political relations and developmental projects implemented in Egypt, as well as strong investing and industrial possibilities.  

Selakovic said it was his honor to meet with the President of Egypt, and expressed readiness to continue coordination and consultation between the two friendly states. He also handed over to Al Sisi a letter from the Serbian President Aleksandr Vucici inviting him to visit Belgrade on the occasion of the Non-Aligned  Movement 60th anniversary.

Following the meeting with Al Sisi, Selakovic met his Egyptian counterpart.

Bregovic & Kalashnikov brought crowd to their feet in Korca, concert continued despite tear gas (KoSSev)

“You’re a wonderful audience. It was a pleasure playing for you. Thank you for such a beautiful evening in Albania“, Goran Bregovic greeted the audience in Korca at the end of last night’s concert, after performing his hit song “Kalashnikov.“ The same song was used as the alleged reason why a strong smear campaign was recently launched in Kosovo against this Serb singer, KoSSev portal reports.

After some Albanian media outlets reported in early August that Bregovic would be performing at the beer festival in Korca, part of the Kosovo media and the public accused him of “inspiring the massacre in Kosovo“ through his songs – especially Kalashnikov, as well as of being “the idol of the murderous Serb army during the wars in the former Yugoslavia“.

As a result of a strong smear campaign launched against Bregovic’s arrival to Korca, almost all festival participants from Kosovo canceled their performances – while some of them joined the boycott of this world-famous musician, others faced pressure to do so.

The Korca authorities and the festival organizers repeatedly highlighted that the concert has nothing to do with politics. They proved themselves to be proper hosts, despite the incident that occurred at the concert, when tear gas was thrown shortly after the concert began.

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