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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, January 12, 2022

Albanian Language Media:

  • Bühler: The American base in Albania is evidence of strategic importance of the region (media)
  • KPC announces vacancy for Chief State Prosecutor, Lumezi's term ends in April (Albanian Post)
  • Government decision: No more pensions under 100 euros (media)
  • 12,000 Presevo Valley Albanians still without Kosovar citizenship (
  • Swiss analyst sharply criticizes EU: You are terrified of Vucic (Express)
  • Zaharova ironically asks if America has given up supporting Kosovo's sovereignty (ekonomiaonline)
  • COVID-19: 424 new cases, one death (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Office for KiM: By spinning Pristina authorities attempt to ban Serbs from voting in referendum (Kosovo-online)
  • Serbian Defense Minister says Kosovo PM planning to destabilize region (N1)
  • Diplomats: Kosovo will more and more become topic in Russian-US negotiations (Kosovo-online)
  • Court of Appeals upheld indictment against Dejanovic (Radio KIM)
  • “Kosovo government did not receive any request from Serbia regarding referendum" (Radio KIM, Radio kontakt plus)
  • Brnabic: Serbia, Qatar have begun new stage of cooperation (Tanjug)


  • World Bank lowers Kosovo's 2022 GDP growth projection to 4.1% (SeeNews)
  • Andric Rakic: Causes of weak anti-corruption institutional framework in Kosovo need to be discovered (EWB)
  • Kosovo continues crackdown on crypto (Euractiv)




Albanian Language Media  


Bühler: The American base in Albania is evidence of strategic importance of the region (media)

Media widely report on a Deutsche Welle in Albanian interview with the former NATO General Erhard Buhler, where he explains why the U.S. plan to set up Special Forces Command in Albania is an important signal for the region.  

Below find the interview:

Deutsche Welle: The US is planning to set up a base for special forces in Albania. What exactly is this?

Erhard Bühler: First of all, it is about training special forces. Because special forces depend on very close multinational cooperation. They need the same standards by which they are trained, practiced and, if necessary, operated on missions.

Special forces are elite units that can be used in commandos behind enemy lines, for example to detect and combat high-value enemy targets, such as artillery and missile positions. Their range of tasks also includes rescuing hostages and evacuating people in case of emergency and arresting war criminals and fighting terrorists.

For which missions are these special forces foreseen in Albania?

I do not think that in the foreground is a direct operational interest. First of all, it has to do with training, as well as American engagement in the region. Politically, militarily and strategically, it is important to tell the citizens of the Balkans that you live in an important area that is of extremely high interest to America, NATO and the rest of Europe.

Why was Albania chosen?

For thirteen years, Albania has been a valuable NATO partner with many capabilities that it can bring to NATO. And of course, there is an interest in continuing to support the Albanian Armed Forces and train their skills. Secondly, it is important to help train other NATO countries in the region - Croatia, Northern Macedonia, Montenegro and Slovenia. It also signals that the United States is committed to peace in the Balkans.

Is this a kind of return of the Americans to the Balkans, even from a military point of view? Recall that former President Trump wanted to withdraw troops from Kosovo.

They never left, but there was a discussion, as we had with the US armed forces in Germany, which Trump wanted to reduce. The successor corrected him rightly. Now the cooperation with NATO countries is becoming even greater and this is evident with this headquarters, which will be set up in Albania.

The region has constant interethnic tensions. But recently there have been tensions in Albania as well, former Prime Minister Sali Berisha, who has been declared persona non grata by the US, is trying to regain the party leadership. What role do such developments play in American decision-making?

Events in domestic politics and demonstrations, which may occur from time to time in any country, are not decisive for such a decision. The crucial factor is the training of special forces and the strong interest in giving the Western Balkans a peaceful future. Similar to the KFOR troop in Kosovo: It is not only in Kosovo a guarantee that this country will not be left alone, but it radiates that guarantee throughout the Western Balkans.

You have been to the region several times, including as Commander-in-Chief of KFOR. How do you assess the current situation in the Western Balkans?

In Kosovo, I see significant progress in the security sector. I am always happy when I go to Kosovo and see what the police can really do. This was seen last summer, during the police operation for law enforcement in the north. The Kosovo Security Force has entered a very successful path so far. On the military side, I see fewer challenges for the future. What worries me a little is that nationalist rhetoric in the Western Balkans is not diminishing, but growing.

What rhetoric do you have in mind?

I am talking mainly about those who threaten to use the armed forces or who want to withdraw the armed forces from the Federation, as is heard in Bosnia and Herzegovina, instigated by some politicians from Serbia. I think the parties do well to sit down and talk about how politicians worked here in Central Europe after World War II, and to underline reconciliation rather than nationalist ideas. But the European side also needs to do more, not just to ease the burden on Americans. The integration of the Western Balkan countries into the EU must be faster. This is not an act of charity, but in our genuine interest.

KPC announces a vacancy for Chief State Prosecutor - Lumezi's term ends in April (Albanian Post)

The Kosovo Prosecutorial Council (KPC), in the first meeting held on January 11, 2022, has decided to announce a vacancy for the appointment of the Chief State Prosecutor.

This is because Aleksander Lumezi, who currently holds this position, ends his term on April 21, 2022.

The competition for this position will be open 15 days after its announcement, starting from January 17.

KPC in this meeting has established the Evaluation Panel for assessing candidates who apply for the position of Chief State Prosecutor.

KPC members Ariana Shajkovci, Bedrije Syla-Alshiqi, Armend Zenelaj and Jovo Radovic were selected through a lot as members of this panel, in addition to the Chairman of the Council Jetish Maloku.

This panel will be chaired by the chairman of KPC, reports "Oath of Justice".

Also, KPC members Veton Shabani, Ardian Hajdaraj and Agron Beka were selected members of the Commission for Review of candidates' objections to the assessment process, after the draw.

Lumezi started his term in this position on April 21, 2015, after his decree by the former President of Kosovo, Atifete Jahjaga, for a seven-year term, without the possibility of reappointment.

Competition for this position, according to Regulation no. 06/2019 on the appointment of the Chief State Prosecutor and the Chief Prosecutors of the Prosecution Offices of Kosovo, must be announced by the KPC 90 days before the expiration of the mandate of the current Chief State Prosecutor.

According to the Law on the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council, the mandate of the new Chief State Prosecutor will be seven years, without the possibility of reappointment.

Government decision: No more pensions under 100 euros (media)

The government of Kosovo has decided that the minimal pension in Kosovo should be 100 euros.

In today's meeting, the Minister of Finance, Hekuran Murati, said that there will be no more pensions of 90 euros as basic ones, 75 euros for the category of people with disabilities, 90 euros for family pensions and 90 euros for work disability cases. Now the minimum amount that will be given in the form of pension is 100 euros.

175 thousand pensioners will benefit from this decision.

Following the government's decision to increase pensions, the Minister of Economy, Hekuran Murati, stated that pensions from this month will be given in the middle of the month.

The government has also supported the request of the Ministry of Health for the payment of self-financing specialists until August 31, 2022.

The government of Kosovo has also approved the Draft Law on Public Property. In her justification, the Minister of Justice Albulena Haxhiu, said that so far there has been no law that precisely defines public property and that this draft law will clarify public property rights.

This law also provides for the establishment of a supervisory institution.

The government has also changed the composition of the government Commission for Recognition and Verification of the Status of Persons Violated During the Kosovo Liberation War. Leonora Selmani has become chairperson, and the current chair Minire Begaj, has become a member.

12,000 Presevo Valley Albanians still without Kosovar citizenship (

Around 12,000 Albanians from the Presevo Valley who have been living in Kosovo since 1999 have not obtained citizenship to this day. This was a strong declaration made by Kushtrim Ajvazi on ‘Good Morning’, a representative of the Civic Movement Vatra‘.’

He also emphasized that even the children of these families, who were born and raised in Kosovo, have not received their citizenship.

“This decision is long overdue but better late than never. Now we are waiting to see what’s going to happen with the new law. The government of Kosovo has not enrolled them as refugees and has no data on how many belong to that category. They ask for a 5-year proof of residence in Kosovo, but the majority cannot prove that so they will encounter difficulties,” he said. Ajvazi noted that the main objective is to provide them with proper documents in Kosovo and return to their country of origin.

“These people have been living illegally and have no rights”, he says.

The government of Kosovo approved a concept paper on citizenship that aims to resolve the challenges faced by these citizens.

The document includes a proposal from the president’s office to provide Albanians from Medvegja, Preshevo, and Bujanoc with a Kosovo passport.

Swiss analyst sharply criticizes EU: You are terrified of Vucic (Express)

Swiss analyst specifically dealing with European Union policy and the situation in the Western Balkans, Toby Vogel, has criticized the EU approach to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic.

Vogel today asked why the EU is so "terrified" of Vucic that they do not even mention the name of Serbia. He made this comment referring to the press conference of EU spokesman Peter Stano on Tuesday, regarding the sanctions against the Serbian member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Presidency, Milorad Dodik, reports Gazeta Express.

“Listening to yesterday’s midday briefing I couldn’t help but think, why is the EU so terrified of Vucic? They can’t even say “Serbia” on the podium. Extraordinary,” he wrote.

Answering on the comment “I wouldn't say they're terrified. They're just embarrassed because their pet autocrat is misbehaving,” he replied: Yes you're right. But it comes across as fear.

Zaharova ironically asks if America has given up supporting Kosovo's sovereignty (ekonomiaonline)

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zaharova has tried to establish a link between Russian aggression against Ukraine and the liberation of Kosovo from the genocidal regime of Slobodan Milosevic in the 1990s.

She ironically asked if Washington had stopped supporting the sovereignty of the Republic of Kosovo, interpreting in Russian a statement by U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken: America's intentions in negotiating security with Russia are to uphold the fundamental principles of international relations, including the impossibility of forcibly changing borders.

"Does this mean that Washington no longer supports and opposes 'Kosovo sovereignty'? "Syria's return to the Arab League," Zahkarova  said on her Telegram channel.

Kosovo was liberated in 1999 as a result of the war of the Kosovo Liberation Army and the help of Western allies such as America, Germany, France, Italy and Great Britain, including NATO. In 2008, Kosovo declared its independence, an act which is recognized by more than 100 countries of the world and a decision that has received the seal of the International Court of Justice.

COVID-19: 424 new cases, one death (media)

424 new cases with COVID-19 and one death were confirmed in the last 24 hours in Kosovo, the Ministry of Health said in a statement. 89 persons recovered from the virus during this time.

There are 2,417 active cases with COVID-19 in Kosovo.



Serbian Language Media


Office for KiM: By spinning Pristina authorities attempt to ban Serbs from voting in referendum (Kosovo-online)

Regarding holding referendum in the Republic of Serbia, the Office for Kosovo and Metohija sent a timely request to the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, that in line with its mandate operationally conducts on the ground the process of voting, respectively declaring of citizens in a referendum there, Kosovo-online portal reports citing the statement from this office. 

By addressing OSCE Mission with this request, the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, as they said, acted in an identical manner as it did over the last years in line with all agreements and all previous processes that were organized thus far in the area of Kosovo and Metohija, including the last elections in 2020.

“This international mission officially informed us on December 22, that the OSCE in line with entrusted mandate was ready, as until now, to organize referendum in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, but that authorities of the Provisional institutions of the self-government in Pristina didn’t give ‘green light’ to conduct the process of referendum in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija”, the Office said in a statement.

Because of such a stance of Pristina authorities, the Office added they addressed ambassadors of the Quint states, Brussels and EU envoy Miroslav Lajcak with a clear request to enable holding of a referendum in Kosovo.

“These facts, established procedures and long-term practice are very familiar to Pristina as well, and it knows well that all communication between Belgrade and Pristina goes through Brussels, and in case of organizing voting and election process additionally through OSCE Mission in Kosovo and Metohija, in line with UN SC Resolution 1244”, the Office said.

The Office also said that “information put forward by Pristina saying Belgrade didn’t address provisional institutions of the self-government in Pristina regarding referendum is absolutely ill-intended, and it attempts by spinning to cover up the most flagrant violation of the human right of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, caused by decision to ban their right to vote and declare”.

It also said messages from Pristina that Serbs will be able to vote in “the Liaison Office of Serbia in Kosovo” were utterly inaccurate and malicious, adding that this institutional body “was invented by Pristina”.

“We underline that no such institution exists on the ground, not in a single agreement, but exclusively in the imagination of Pristina politicians. The only thing that exists and functions in line with Brussels agreement is an institution of a liaison officer whose mandate is not to implement or organize referendum voting, but to facilitate communications between Belgrade and Pristina”, the Office said in a statement.

At the end, the Office said if Pristina authorities were not familiar with the content of the signed agreement, it may download or read them on the websites of the Republic of Serbia or the Office for Kosovo and Metohija.

Serbian Defense Minister says Kosovo PM planning to destabilize region (N1)

Serbian Defense Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic on Tuesday accused Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti of preparing to destabilize the region, N1 reports.

Stefanovic’s comment came in reaction to Kurti’s statement that “Kosovo army is the dream of generations who gave their lives for freedom”.

A press release quoted Stefanovic as saying that this was “another disturbing statement which can bring nothing good to the Serbian people living in Kosovo and Metohija, nor to the region”. He added it demonstrates that stories of Pristina’s readiness to continue the dialogue with Belgrade were a lie.

“We are convinced that our duty is to continue the dialogue and the policy of peace and stabilization but we also have the obligation to never forget the suffering of the Serbian people… We certainly won’t allow a repeat of the 2004 pogrom (against Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija). We will know how to protect them”, Stefanovic said.

Diplomats: Kosovo will more and more become topic in Russian-US negotiations (Kosovo-online)

Kosovo is ought to become a topic more and more in the Russian-US negotiations given that this example reflects double standards and nature of the West, former foreign ministers of the-then Yugoslavia, Zivadin Jovanovic and Vladislav Jovanovic opined, Kosovo-online portal reports.

Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova touched upon the issue of Kosovo reacting to the statement of US State Secretary Anthony Blinken who said that violent change of borders was impermissible, adding it will be one of the US goals in the negotiations.

“Did we understand it well that Washington no longer supports the sovereignty of Kosovo and does not oppose the return of Syria to the Arab League”, Zakharova said.  

According to Zivadin Jovanovic, Zakharova in fact wanted to remind the US that “it was the US leading in violations of international law over the last 30 years and that following NATO aggression in 1999 there were a series of similar illegitimate actions with invading purposes”.

His colleague Vladislav Jovanovic agreed that Russia will miss no opportunity to recall its historic interests in the Balkans during negotiations with the US. According to him, there could be an offer and counteroffer.

“Involvement of Russia in the events in the Balkans goes back two centuries ago, since the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in Russo-Turkish war and signing of Küçük Kaynarca Treaty in 1774. No one can undo that today and say they have nothing to do in the Balkans”, he said.

Zivadin Jovanovic argued while West is very vocal in criticizing Russia and other states over what it perceives as violations of international law and spreading malign influence, it was them in fact, who as he said, invented and imposed policy of disrespecting norms and harsh violations of the basic principles of the international law.  

He added without doubts Kosovo will be used as a paradigm of European and world order during the negotiations, as it was impossible to construct anything new until stances on mistakes from the past weren’t cleared up.

“Example of Kosovo and Metohija in fact reflects that expansionist nature of the West. Interventionism is the most striking feature of the US-led multinational corporate system. That system is based on robbery, looting, without greed, and the only measure of correctness is profit. There is no forbidden behavior for them if it brings benefits ", he said.

Former ministers also explained that Russian-US negotiations represent a struggle to control the America-Russia-China triangle.

“Relations of power within this triangle and supremacy one of them may obtain would certainly impact international relations in its entirety (…)”, Vladislav Jovanovic said, adding that by occupying Russia with its internal problems and problems in the neighborhood, the US attempts to prevent Russia from playing the role of one of the greatest powers in the rest of the world.  

Court of Appeals upheld indictment against Dejanovic (Radio KIM)

The Court of Appeals upheld a decision of the Basic Court in Pristina confirming the indictment against former Klokot mayor Bozidar Dejanovic for “influencing voters during last year’s elections”, Radio KIM reports.

Dejanovic is accused of “influencing voters to support Serbian List and its candidates at February 14 elections last year”.

It was also said the complaint of Dejanovic’s defense lawyer was rejected as “ungrounded”. 

“Kosovo government did not receive any request from Serbia regarding referendum" (Radio KIM, Radio kontakt plus)

Kosovo government spokeswoman Rozafa Kelmendi said that the Kosovo government had not received any request from Serbia regarding the holding of a referendum in Kosovo, Radio KIM reports.

Serbs in Kosovo will be able to vote in a referendum on constitutional amendments in the judiciary by mail or at the Belgrade Liaison Office in Pristina, Kelmendi told Voice of America. Media published this information on January 10, referring to unnamed Kosovo government officials.

Rozafa Kelmendi, who is also a political adviser to Prime Minister Albin Kurti, in a written statement to the Voice of America said that the Kosovo government didn't receive a request from Serbia regarding the referendum.

"We do not have any request from Serbia on the issue of the referendum. Our principled and generous position is the following - Serbs with dual citizenship can vote by mail or at the Serbian Liaison Office in Kosovo. We did not deny citizens of Serbia the right to participate in the elections in Serbia. However, a distinction must be made between a referendum on a single domestic issue and elections. In this case, Serbia is organizing a referendum on the system of state organization of Serbia, i.e. the system of justice, as Vucic's tendency to make Serbia look like a democratic and modern state. As links between illegal structures and criminal groups emerge and strengthen, especially in the north, we are working to integrate Kosovo Serbs into the institutions of the Republic of Kosovo. We have a good administration that does not discriminate and that integrates," Kelmendi said.

RTV Kim Editor-in-Chief Goran Avramovic said this decision of the Kosovo government does not surprise him at all.

"Kosovo is once again trying to confirm its statehood, and allowing Kosovo Serbs to vote by mail, i.e. in the Liaison Office of the Republic of Serbia, is to imply and support what would happen in any other country where Serbs are treated as foreign citizens and have the right to vote in their embassy, that is, to vote by mail", Avramovic told the Voice of America.

Enabling Serbs in Kosovo to vote in a referendum organized by Serbia is the result of international pressure on Pristina, according to Fatmir Sheholli, president of the Institute for Affirmation of Interethnic Relations.

"Kurti was clear three weeks ago that he would not allow a referendum, he even said that neither local nor parliamentary elections would ever be organized again, but obviously strong international pressure on him and probably on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs did its part", Sheholi said.

Avramovic and Seholli added they are surprised by the lack of reaction from Serb representatives in Kosovo institutions regarding the referendum in Kosovo as well.

"What is surprising is this very loud silence of Serbian representatives who usually react to thefts in the chicken coop in, let’s say, Klina, but do not react to this news that we received from Pristina”, Avramovic said.

"What is very enigmatic and strange to me is that at no point did I see anywhere the only political party of Serbs in Kosovo - the Serbian List, said whether it was against what Kurti and the Government of Kosovo and the Albanian political parties say that no referendum can be held", Sheholli added.

Voice of America said it also asked for a comment from Serbian List President Goran Rakic regarding announcements that Serbs in Kosovo will be allowed to vote in a referendum by mail or Belgrade Liaison Office in Kosovo but did not receive an answer by the time of publishing the news.

Brnabic: Serbia, Qatar have begun new stage of cooperation (Tanjug)

At Tuesday's meeting with Qatar's Ambassador to Serbia, Faris Roumi Al-Naimi, Serbian PM Ana Brnabic said the two countries had begun a new stage of cooperation that had opened up space for further development of bilateral and economic ties, Tanjug news agency reports.

Welcoming the ambassador, Brnabic said she was confident the relations between the two countries would see notable advancement during his tenure in Belgrade, the Serbian Government said in a statement.

Al-Naimi presented to Brnabic a letter from Qatar's PM and Interior Minister Sheikh Khalid bin Khalifa bin Abdulaziz Al Thani and conveyed Al Thani's regards.

Brnabic thanked Qatar for the support and assistance in the form of medical equipment the country sent to Serbia during the epidemiological crisis, especially as, at the time, Qatar itself was facing major challenges induced by the coronavirus pandemic.

Al-Naimi noted that Serbia was a very important partner considering its strategic position, export possibilities and very good relations with all countries of the world.

He said there was mutual interest in stepping up cooperation at international level and in support on major issues for both countries. Qatar being a predominantly import-oriented country, Al-Naimi expressed interest in imports of agricultural products and boosting bilateral trade.





World Bank lowers Kosovo's 2022 GDP growth projection to 4.1% (SeeNews)

Kosovo's gross domestic product (GDP) is expected to grow by 4.1% in 2022, the World Bank said, revising downwards its June projection for 4.5% economic expansion.

Economic growth is expected to accelerate to 4.4% in 2023, the World Bank said in its January 2022 Global Economic Prospects report published on Tuesday.

In 2021, the country's economic output increased by an estimated 7.1%, the global lender said.

The regional GDP growth of the Western Balkans is forecast at 4.1% in 2022, the World Bank noted. The region's economic growth in 2021 is estimated at 5.9%.

Andric Rakic: Causes of weak anti-corruption institutional framework in Kosovo need to be discovered (EWB)

According to the European Commission 2021 Report, Kosovo is at an early stage / has some level of preparation in the fight against corruption, and limited progress has been made during the reporting period. Overall, corruption is widespread, and most of the recommendations of the 2020 report remain valid.

Some steps have been taken, but corruption is still an obstacle to Kosovo’s democracy. As the report stated, further efforts in improving the capacities and communications of different anti-corruption institutions are needed. The anti-corruption legal framework, although mostly in line with international standards, still lacks implementation.

Not much has been done on the investigation and prosecution of high-level cases in the track record, and sustained actions are needed to achieve more proactive investigations, final court decisions and final confiscation of assets. The report points out that there is a need for strong and continual political will to effectively address systemic corruption risks, as well as a robust criminal justice response to high-level corruption.

Milica Andric Rakic, Project Manager at New Social Initiative in Kosovo, explains that, in addition to the EC, EULEX is another mission that closely monitors the fight against corruption in Kosovo, which in their annual report on this topic, set out a set of very specific measures that should be taken.

Read more at:

Kosovo continues crackdown on crypto (Euractiv)

Following Kosovo’s ban on cryptocurrency mining, authorities are cracking down on those who still have the equipment in their possession, including those in the Serb-majority north who do not pay for electricity.

The ban was enforced to respond to the ongoing energy crisis that has seen scheduled blackouts across the country to save power.

On 7 January, police seized hundreds of cryptocurrency mining machines in the north, a region predominantly inhabited by ethnic Serbs. The seizures occurred amid ongoing tensions between the Serb-majority area and the ethnic Albanian government.

A total of 272 devices used for mining bitcoin were seized by the authorities, according to a police statement. One person was arrested, and no further incidents were reported.

Cryptocurrency mining is where computers solve complex algorithms in return for bitcoin. According to Finance Minister Hekruan Murati, the equipment seized by the police uses as much energy in one month as 500 homes, with an electricity bill of as much as €120,000.

Read more at: