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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, March 16, 2022

Albanian Language Media:

  • Borrell: Resolving Kosovo-Serbia relations only through dialogue (DW)
  • Kosovo Assembly adopts draft law on funding of political parties (media)
  • Two persons arrested as suspects during “Brezovica” police operation (media)
  • Kosovo’s Foreign Ministry sacks 11 officials (media)
  • Austrian Chancellor Nehammer to visit the Western Balkans (Klan Kosova)
  • COVID-19: 51 new cases, one death (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Vucic about gas price negotiations with Russia; the action of the Kosovo police in Strpce (NMagazin, Beta)
  • Missing Persons Resource Centre: We are not satisfied with the work of either domestic or Brussels institutions (KiM radio, Kontakt plus radio, RTK2)
  • Dacic: Serbia will not impose sanctions on Russia (Tanjug, RTS)
  • Petkovic: Special police intimidate Serbs the day before March 17 (Kosovo Online)
  • SOC Patriarch meets EU Delegation head (RTS)
  • Vucic receives letters of credence from newly appointed ambassadors (RTS)
  • Vucic to meet Austrian Chancellor on Thursday (Tanjug)


  • Russian invasion prompts region to rethink defence spending (BIRN)
  • Serbia Resists EU Pressure to Impose Sanctions on Russia (Balkan Insight)


  • Montenegro seeks from Serbia seven million litres of oil, 18.000 tons of flour and 4000 tons of wheat (Kosovo-online, CDM)
  • More than 11 000 Albanians and over 3 000 Serbs applied for asylum in the EU last year (KiM radio, Beta)



Albanian Language Media  


Borrell: Resolving Kosovo-Serbia relations only through dialogue (DW)

European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, said in an interview with the news agency that the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia is not going well. “I am in charge of this dialogue and it is not going well. At least it is not moving at the pace it should. The European Union has a mandate from the United Nations to coordinate and activate this dialogue. I have appointed one of the best diplomats for this task, and I must say that more needs to be done, more work is needed. We need to push both sides in order to understand that there is only one solution to the problem and that it comes through dialogue, knowing that it will not be easy. It is a very complicated issue. You know how difficult and complicated the history of the Balkans has been over the past 20 or 30 years. But the only solution to this problem is dialogue, and I'm pushing that, but I'm disappointed we are not moving at the pace the problem requires,” he said.

Kosovo Assembly adopts draft law on funding of political parties (media)

The Kosovo Assembly adopted today the draft law on the funding of political parties. 63 MPs voted in favour. According to civil society representatives, the law will address concerns over the lack of financial transparency by the political parties. The adoption of the law is also seen as progress in the implementation of the European Reforms Agenda.

Two persons arrested as suspects during “Brezovica” police operation (media)

Two persons were arrested as suspects during the “Brezovica” police operation that started early today. The Basic Prosecution in Ferizaj said in a statement that police raided seven different locations in the municipality of Shterpce, including the building of the parallel municipality. The arrested persons are N.G., a customs officer, and S.I., chairman of the board of the “Ski Center Brezovica”. They will be held in detention for 48 hours under the suspicion of having committed the criminal offence of “taking bribes”. 

Kallxo reports that police have confiscated documents and other material from the building of the parallel municipality. According to the news website, the building has also been closed.

The first police operation targeting corruption connected to the alleged illegal construction of villas at this tourism site, was launched in December last year.

Kosovo’s Foreign Ministry sacks 11 officials (media)

Kosovo’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sacked today 11 officials of the Foreign Service today, saying that they were employed without undergoing the regular procedures of admission. The Ministry said in a statement that the decision was made “as part of measures to establish legality in Kosovo’s public administration and to annul illegal decisions that were taken in the past”. “The persons who were relieved from duty today were employed without undergoing the regular admission procedures in the Foreign Service … They entered and were considered members of the Foreign Service through arbitrary decisions,” the statement notes.

Austrian Chancellor Nehammer to visit the Western Balkans (Klan Kosova)

Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer will start a visit to the Western Balkans tomorrow. He will first visit Serbia, then Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Nehmmar said he wants to use his visit to strengthen the European prospects of all countries of the Western Balkans. “We must not leave this region aside, because it is very important for Europe … and we will not allow the region to become unstable,” he said. “We have a special interest in the stability and economic development of all countries of the Western Balkans”.

COVID-19: 51 new cases, one death (media)

51 new cases with COVID-19 and one death from the virus were confirmed in the last 24 hours in Kosovo. 49 persons recovered from the virus during this time. There are 634 active cases with COVID-19 in Kosovo.




Serbian Language Media


Vucic about gas price negotiations with Russia; the action of the Kosovo police in Strpce (NMagazin, Beta)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said today that he did not expect a reaction from the international community to the action of the special Kosovo police in Strpce and added that he believed that the action would be explained by the alleged fight against corruption and crime, reported portal NMagazin. 

"And their goal is to clean the Sirinic parish, so that Serbs could not stay in the south of Kosovo. And all that is hidden behind the false concern for honesty in the management of Brezovica," Vucic told reporters in Novi Sad.

He added that it had been clear to him for a long time.

"And should we expect someone to say something - don't be naive and expect something like that," he said.

Vucic said that tomorrow is the 18th anniversary of the pogrom of Serbs in the March 2004 violence in Kosovo, and that we only need to look at how many Albanians were responsible for the killings, destruction of churches and property in that period, reported the portal. 

Negotiations with Russia on gas after the elections

Vucic said today those negotiations on the price of gas with the Russians will not start before the elections, and whoever gains the trust of the people will lead those negotiations.

"Negotiations on the price of gas will not start before the elections, whoever gains the people's trust will talk to Russia," Vucic said in Novi Sad.

He added that until then, he does not know what will happen, and that he is trying to provide everything that is best and cheapest for the citizens.

He said that he believes that there will be enough gas if there is no interruption like yesterday on the Yamal gas pipeline and in Bulgaria, and that he hopes that Bulgaria will not interrupt the gas supply through the Balkan Stream because itself largely depends on that fuel.

He pointed out that he believes that Serbia will have, if not the most favorable, then one of the most favorable prices for Russian gas, but that the one who would guarantee that would " not be serious".

He added that nothing depends on Serbia, but that if it depended on Serbia's negotiations with Russia, Serbia would have the best price among two or three European countries.

There are many problems, as he said, because no one can bring anything to Constanta across the Black Sea that would be brought to Pancevo by barges in Serbia because there is no company that will provide insurance. 

"Two tankers were hit in the Black Sea, so the question is from where to bring what is needed for Serbia," said Vucic.

Serbia has enough food, and there will be exports to neighboring countries

The President of Serbia also said that the state has enough basic agricultural and food products for the needs of the population, and that their exports to neighboring countries will be to an extent that will not endanger the needs of Serbian citizens.

''We will talk to everyone. We will give as much as agreed and as much as we think we can give, without endangering the needs of the local population. First the countries within the 'Open Balkans' initiative, and then Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro, as the first neighbors," Vucic told reporters.

He said that the situation around food trade in the world is becoming more complicated, emphasizing that it is already obvious that there will be big shortages of food, regardless of the growth of prices on the stock exchanges.

"It is not complicated for our country and the needs of our country. Our citizens will have enough. We have significantly more than our needs and we must distribute it in the region," Vucic said.

Missing Persons Resource Centre: We are not satisfied with the work of either domestic or Brussels institutions (KiM radio, Kontakt plus radio, RTK2)

The Resource Centre for Missing Persons marked five years of work yesterday, reported KiM radio. 

This organisation is a multiethnic organisation, created with the aim of providing support to family members of the missing in the search for loved ones through the exchange of information and lobbying in front of relevant institutions. Members of the Resource Centre for Missing Persons presented to the public the problems the organisation is facing, as well as its performance over the past years.

The executive director of the Resource Centre, Bajram Qerkinaj, claims that a lot has been achieved in five years, but not the most important thing - resolving the fate of another 1,621 missing persons.

"We are worried because many family members have left and passed away, and they have not learned anything about their missing. More than 25 members of our organisation have died and have never received any information. There is a lot of unfinished business," Qerkinaj said.

Although the issue of the missing has been raised at the highest political level, in the negotiations being held in Brussels, the members of the Resource Centre are dissatisfied.

They believe that nothing has been achieved.

"The goals of the Resource Center for Missing Persons are reconciliation and dealing with the past. We are not satisfied with the work of either domestic institutions or those from Brussels. This is not what is being talked about. There is no ear about this issue," explains Qerkinaj.

He claims that the work of the organisation he represents has been facilitated, after the EULEX mission provided them with significant documentation when it comes to clarifying the fate of missing persons.

"We are helping both foreign and domestic institutions with our work. We appeal for the excavation of tombs, as well as for families to be more informed."

One of the founders of the Resource Centre, Negovan Mavric, points out that the organisation did what seemed impossible - brought together the families of the missing and killed in Kosovo, of different nationalities.

"During the five years of its existence, more than two thousand members have passed through this organisation. Over 700 meetings have been held and no incidents have been recorded. Roma, Ashkali, Serbs and Albanians are gathered here," explains Mavric.

He emphasised that the goal is to explain to young people what happened in the past, so that they would not repeat it in the future.

"We encounter obstructions in our work because many people do not like what we do. We try to convince them that they are wrong, and we get support for that from organisations from Belgrade," adds Mavric

Jasmina Zivkovic has been searching for her father for more than twenty years.

She says that it was difficult for her to join such an organisation and that it took her a long time to understand its significance.

"Before the formation of the Resource Centre, the families of the missing could not achieve anything on their own, they could not get any information. The families had easier access to information through this association," Zivkovic added.

The establishment and operation of the Resource Centre was also supported by the United Nations Mission in Kosovo, the US Embassy in Kosovo, the International Committee of the Red Cross, and the International Commission on Missing Persons.

Dacic: Serbia will not impose sanctions on Russia (Tanjug, RTS)

Serbia will not impose sanctions on Russia, Serbian Parliament Speaker Ivica Dacic said during a conversation with Russian Ambassador to Belgrade Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko on Tuesday.

Dacic noted that Serbia was advocating respect of international law and would always be committed to peace, but that it would be governed by its own national interests and would not impose sanctions on Russia, an official statement said.

Petkovic: Special police intimidate Serbs the day before March 17 (Kosovo Online)

The director of the Office for Kim, Petar Petkovic assessed that the intrusion of armed and masked members of the special units of the Kosovo Police into Serbian houses in Strpce and its surroundings was actually the intention of Kosovo PM Albin Kurti to provoke unbalanced action by the Serbian people, reported Kosovo Online, citing the statement.

"Several armed and masked members of the Kosovo Police, ROSU, broke into several Serb houses in Strpce, Sevce and Brezovica just before 6 am this morning," Petkovic said in a press release.

As he added, they broke into the building of the Provisional Authority of the Municipality of Strpce at the same time, and according to the information from the field, they are still in the building.

''Under the pretext of continuing an action called 'Brezovica', about 15 members of ROSU, with long barrels aimed at old men and women, searched Serbian houses, harassed locals, blocked the work of the municipality and obstructed the functioning of normal life with vehicles. This action comes a day before the anniversary of the Pogrom against the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija on March 17, 2004 and shows that the action has nothing to do with any alleged fight against corruption but the only goal is to intimidate the Serb people, bring unrest to Serb communities and expel the remaining Serbs from their centuries-old homes," said Petkovic.

The director of the Office for KiM reminds that ''the fact that Albanian politicians timed the previous action on Christmas Day, just before the celebration of Christmas, the most important holiday of Serbs, testifies to that''.

"Despite these bestial pressures, Serbs in KiM will not waver or break and we will continue to preserve peace and stability in these times of crisis that have befallen on Europe and the world. On the other hand, the intention of both Albin Kurti and his henchmen to provoke an unbalanced reaction of the Serbian people and cause a new destabilisation of the situation on the ground is obvious," says Petkovic.

Petkovic added that he would inform all international representatives about the latest provocation aimed at Serbs in Kosovo.

"The so-called confrontation with corruption must not be an excuse for intimidating and harassing the Serbian people, who are already living in difficult and specific conditions," Petkovic concluded.

SOC Patriarch meets EU Delegation head (RTS)

Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC) Patriarch Porfirije met the head of the EU Delegation to Serbia, Emanuele Giaufret in Belgrade yesterday, RTS reports.

The press statement posted on SOC website said the talks “were open and honest”, and concerned the current situation affecting the European continent and nations, but also the entire world.

The two interlocutors agreed that the church and religious communities as well as their leaders may have a beneficial role, as they advocate for peace, dialogue, tolerance and have the opportunity to contribute to overcoming great problems Europe is facing today.

Ambassador Giaufret expressed regret that some media publish various disinformation regarding conflict in Ukraine, terming them as dangerous and could lead to new conflicts.

In this regard, Patriarch Porfirije said that the Serbian Orthodox Church doesn’t see itself in qualifications uttered in the European Parliament resolution from last week, because as the Patriarch said they do not correspond with the truth and reality.

“The Church advocates and works for peaceful and fruitful coexistence and cooperation between all the nations and to it peace is an imperative without any alternative”, the press statement said.

Ambassador Giaufret thanked Patriarch Porfirije for expressing compassion and solidarity with Ukrainian people, as well as for efforts made to restore the peace.

Vucic receives letters of credence from newly appointed ambassadors (RTS)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has received Letter of Credence from new Ambassador of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, Fatah Mahraz, who conveyed to Vucic greetings from Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune and invitation to officially visit this country, RTS reports.

Also, newly appointed Ambassador of the Republic of Korea Li Xheung presented his Letter of Credence.

In a cordial atmosphere Vucic expressed satisfaction over traditional friendly relations between Algeria and Serbia, as well as expectations that bilateral cooperation in different fields, currently under existing possibilities, will receive a new impetus.

Vucic in particular thanked Ambassador Mahraz for the principled stance of Algeria when it comes to respecting international law and territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia regarding Kosovo issue.

Vucic wished successful diplomatic service in Belgrade to Ambassador Li, adding that he hopes the political dialogue and economic ties between the two states will be fostered.

Vucic also received letters of credence from Egyptian and Libyan ambassadors.

He wished successful tenure to the newly appointed Ambassador of Egypt Basel Salah. Vucic said he hopes that Egyptian President El Sisi will visit Serbia and expressed gratitude for understanding Egypt demonstrates for Serbia’s positions relating to Kosovo and Metohija issue.

Vucic also received the Letter of Credence from newly appointed Ambassador of Libya, Mohammad Galbun wishing him successful diplomatic tenure and recalling that Ambassador Galbun already worked and pursued education in Belgrade.

Vucic noted that two countries are bound with several-decade long friendship, and that Serbia with attention follows events in Libya.

Vucic to meet Austrian Chancellor on Thursday (Tanjug)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic will meet with Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer in Belgrade on Thursday, Tanjug news agency reports.

The meeting at the General Secretariat of the President of the Republic is scheduled for 1 pm, with a press release to be sent to the media afterwards, the presidential press office has announced.






Russian invasion prompts region to rethink defence spending (BIRN)

Following Russia’s attack on Ukraine, some Balkan countries are mulling increasing their defence spending – but for others, the worrying economic situation is a major obstacle.

It was a landmark political shift when Russia’s aggression against Ukraine prompted Chancellor Olaf Scholz to reverse Germany’s decades-long refusal to engage in significant rearmament.

Scholz said that in light of the situation to the east, Germany was doubling its military spending to exceed the NATO recommendation of 2 percent of GDP, on top of an immediate boost of 100 billion euros to military investment in Germany’s 2022 budget.

As experts wrap their heads around the question of how far Russia will go, countries on NATO’s eastern flank and in the Balkans feel they do not have much time for academic debates.

Some Central and Eastern European countries have already followed Germany’s example, announcing significant boosts defence spending.

While they are at the forefront of this paradigm shift, NATO and non-NATO members in the Balkans are also rethinking their priorities.

Read full article at:

Serbia Resists EU Pressure to Impose Sanctions on Russia (Balkan Insight)

The speaker of Serbia's parliament has reassured the Russian ambassador that Belgrade won't join Western sanctions on Moscow – taking no notice of an EU warning about the 'price' it may pay for this.

EU candidate country Serbia has shrugged off a sharp warning that it could pay “a price” for its refusal to place sanctions on Russia as a result of its February 24 invasion of Ukraine.

Read more at:






Montenegro seeks from Serbia seven million litres of oil, 18.000 tons of flour and 4000 tons of wheat (Kosovo-online, CDM)

Montenegrin Deputy Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic was in touch with the Serbian authorities, requesting permission that his country imports seven million litres of oil, 18.000 tons of flour, and 4.000 tons of wheat those days, Vice President of Abazovic’s URA Civic Movement, Goran Djurovic said, Kosovo-online portal reports citing Montenegrin CDM portal.

Djurovic said responsibility should be demonstrated and a solution to the situation (in the food sector) caused by the Russian attack on Ukraine found.

“We need to get in touch with markets from where we can import important basic living necessities to Montenegro. The Deputy Prime Minister was in touch with responsible bodies in Serbia and requested permission to import seven million litres of oil, 18.000 tons of flour and 4.000 tons of wheat those days”, Djurovic told Reflektor broadcast on TV Vijesti.  

Responding to a remark by Minister for Economic Development, Jakov Milatovic “how did Abazovic communicate and who instructed him to do so”, Djurovic said “that one needs no instruction to save the state”, adding there were serious efforts ongoing to ensure basic living necessities.

He also said he hopes Serbia will unblock those quantities and there will be supplies for the upcoming period.

More than 11 000 Albanians and over 3 000 Serbs applied for asylum in the EU last year (KiM radio, Beta)

The latest data from the European Union's Asylum Agency show that last year, a total of 11,200 people from Albania applied for asylum in European Union (EU) countries, of which 77% applied for the first time, reported KiM radio.

Northern Macedonia is second on the list after Albania with about 5,000 asylum applications. It is followed by Serbia with 3,200, Bosnia and Herzegovina with 2,500, Kosovo with 2,300 and Montenegro with less than 500.

Even in relation to the population, Albania holds the record with 3.9 requests per 1,000 population.

Eurostat data show that compared to the previous year, when the movement was limited due to the pandemic, asylum requests increased by 19%, but they are still the lowest since 2013. The record number of asylum applications was in 2015 (69,000).