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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, February 23, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti on European plan: It will advance Kosovo’s membership in the international system; it contains the de facto recognition (Telegrafi)
  • Hoti calls for parliamentary debate before Monday meeting in Brussels (Kosovapress)
  • Citaku: Kurti on Monday will sign Association and pledge to give political status to Orthodox Church (media)
  • U.S. Ambassador Hovenier’s interview with Klan Kosova
  • Eland: Biden will force Serbia to recognise Kosovo independence (media)
  • Agreement on recognition of ID cards to be voted in Kosovo and Bosnia today (RFE)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Lawsuit on expropriation in northern Kosovo filed (Radio KIM)
  • Serbian FM Dacic: No new negotiations with Pristina until ZSO is formed (N1)
  • Vucic: We will stand by our red lines on Kosovo (Tanjug, media)
  • Vucevic: Difficult security situation in Kosovo (RTS, BETA)
  • Petkovic: The meeting was organised in the private apartment of a Pristina officer, pure provocation (KoSSev)
  • 15 years since Kosovo unilaterally declared independence was marked in Belgrade, and Kurti's advisor was also present (KoSSev, N1, Danas)
  • Mali meets with representatives of top US companies (Tanjug)


  • ICMM Forgave Millions of Euros’ Debt of ‘Ferronikeli’ Company (Prishtina Insight)



Albanian Language Media  


Kurti on European plan: It will advance Kosovo’s membership in the international system; it contains the de facto recognition (Telegrafi)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti answered questions from MPs today about the dialogue with Serbia and the meeting that will be held on Monday in Brussels. Commenting on the European plan for the normalisation of relations between Kosovo and Serbia, Kurti said the plan is not a product of negotiations but has more to do with a decade-long history of the dialogue in Brussels. “I have accepted the principle which the European mediators have requested and that is transparency of the process and the confidentiality of the talks,” he said.

Kurti said he shared the textual content with the heads of opposition parties but not in the Assembly, although he said that after many months now almost nothing remains unknown about the proposal.

“It is not a product of negotiations, because in August last year the topic of the general framework of the agreement was opened without having any meetings about the topic because the other party was not ready … it is not that we have negotiated and the proposal was brought to us … the proposal has more to do with over a decade-long history of the dialogue in Brussels and it is not that I have asked for something and it is in the proposal … or the other party,” he said.

Kurti also said that Kosovo’s allies have designed it as a package that will advance Kosovo’s membership in the international system and which contains the de facto recognition, all this based on the UN charter for relations between independent countries.

Hoti calls for parliamentary debate before Monday meeting in Brussels (Kosovapress)

MP from the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Avdullah Hoti, said in today’s session of the Kosovo Assembly that there should be a parliamentary debate before the meeting between Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Brussels on Monday.

Hoti argued that for the people and the Assembly it remains unclear what will be Kurti’s position in his meeting with Vucic on Monday.

“What is the full and final content of the French-German plan? What is the government’s position about the plan, except its statements that it is a good basis for further negotiations? What remarks were sent late last year about the plan, and what is the Prime Minister’s position on previous agreements, particularly about the agreement on the Association of Serb-majority municipalities? Is the Prime Minister against the agreement the way they have opposed it in the last ten years with violent and non-democratic means or is he in favour of the agreement with some conditions that he presented only to save face, or is this a closed issue as the President said about the demarcation issue [with Montenegro]?” Hoti asked.

Citaku: Kurti on Monday will sign Association and pledge to give political status to Orthodox Church (media)

Deputy leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Vlora Citaku, said today that Prime Minister Albin Kurti in his meeting on Monday with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic will sign the Association of Serb-majority municipalities. She argued that Kurti will also sign an agreement on what she called a ceasefire and not a final agreement centred on mutual recognition.

“The French-German plan did not fall from the sky. It is a product of the Prime Minister’s negotiations for two years now. Prime Minister Kurti has been successful in turning the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia from a political agreement into a security problem … On Monday Prime Minister Kurti will sign his pledge to continue the dialogue for another decade,” she said.

According to Citaku, Kurti will also sign a pledge to give political status to the Serb Orthodox Church.

U.S. Ambassador Hovenier’s interview with Klan Kosova

U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo, Jeffrey Hovenier, said in an interview with Klan Kosova that Kosovo and Serbia must implement the agreements signed in the process of dialogue, and that this includes progress on forming the Association of Serb-majority municipalities.

Hovenier said that they support the EU-facilitated dialogue and that “we are encouraged that both Serbia and Kosovo have accepted in principle the EU proposal”. “We strongly support the EU proposal that is on the table. We expect that both leaders will push forward this proposal in their next meeting,” he said.

“Through the dialogue, Serbia and Kosovo must reach a comprehensive agreement. We believe that normalised relations must focus on eventual mutual recognition. Progress in the dialogue will open the door for European integration and it is crucial for the security and stability of the Western Balkans,” he said.

Hovenier also said he strongly encourages the Kosovo Serbs to return to Kosovo’s institutions as soon as possible and improve security and stability for all citizens.

Eland: Biden will force Serbia to recognise Kosovo independence (media)

Director of the Independent Institute’s Center on Peace & Liberty, Ivan Eland, said that the Biden administration will use the “carrots and stick” policy for Serbia to recognise the independence of Kosovo.

Asked by Serbian newspaper Politika if the Biden administration can formulate a solution that would satisfy both Belgrade and Pristina, Eland said that the current administration is much more traditional in its support for NATO compared to the Trump administration and that there is no chance that the Biden administration will diminish the results of the Alliance’s victory in the war against Serbia in 1999.

“The Biden administration will use the ‘carrots and sticks’ policy to force Serbia into recognising Kosovo’s independence. In other words, both parties to respect the state borders and symbols and for Serbia to no longer lobby against Kosovo’s membership in international organisations, but formally not to recognise Kosovo as a state,” Eland said.

Eland also argued that Kosovo has already agreed to form the Association of Serb-majority municipalities without executive competencies and only after Belgrade recognises Kosovo’s independence.

Agreement on recognition of ID cards to be voted in Kosovo and Bosnia today (RFE)

The Kosovo Assembly and the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina are expected to vote today on the agreement on free movement with ID cards between the six countries of the Western Balkans. Upon entering into force, it will enable the visa-free travel of citizens from Kosovo and Bosnia.

The Kosovo government adopted the agreement on February 8, and the Assembly is expected to ratify it today. Meanwhile, if the agreement is adopted today by the Council of Ministers in Bosnia, it will then be sent for approval to Parliament. The agreement is one of three agreements reached in Berlin in November last year, as part of the Berlin Process.



Serbian Language Media 


Lawsuit on expropriation in northern Kosovo filed (Radio KIM)

More than 138 hectares of land in Leposavic and Zubin Potok municipalities is being expropriated as per decisions of the Kosovo government. Although two public discussions were held attended by dissatisfied landowners, residents, lawyers, political representatives and civil society, neither on this occasion residents were told what will be constructed on their lands, Radio KIM reports today.

Lawyer Predrag Miljkovic told Radio KIM that a lawsuit to determine illegality of expropriation has been filed.

He also said expropriation of the land in Leposavic and Zubin Potok was “utterly illegal”.

“The purpose that would be fulfilled in public interest by expropriation was not stated. This is one of the first principles of expropriation, it must be transparent. This expropriation is not transparent, the government has not provided answers as to what is built on parcels that are confiscated, and the process runs contrary to the existing law on expropriation”, he said.

The lawsuit filed by lawyer Nebojsa Vlajic to the Basic Court on behalf of citizens requests to determine illegality of the decision on expropriation, lawyer Miljkovic explained.

“The request is to return everything to the previous condition, respectively to cease all the works currently underway and undertake no other new works. The way of work was completely intransparent, first we were supposed to have public discussions, announcements, public notifications, and then to start with work”, he added.

He also noted the history of law has not recorded a similar case.

“This is unheard of. I do not believe that the government itself will revoke decision, only if the court approves the lawsuit and declares that decision illegal, then the government will have to respect the court’s verdict”, Miljkovic said, adding that citizens of Zubin Potok and Leposavic will soon met representative of Ombudsperson institution.

President of Civic Initiative For Zubin Potok, Milija Bisevac told Radio KIM that expropriation caused strong reactions of residents from those areas.

“Few months ago, our Civic Initiative was pointing out this problem, calling on the mayor of our municipality and others to react because, as Pristina authorities called it, some expropriation of land was underway, in my opinion an usurpation. Almost a year ago, some police bases started being built here on private properties where people over the night found some armed persons on their properties securing some parts of it, and also reconstruction of roads leading towards those locations”, he said.

He noted the situation in Zubin Potok and Leposavic had some differences.

“In Zubin Potok the land has been usurped a long time ago and construction of those objects has started. It is planned as well in some new locations. In Leposavic reconstruction of auxiliary roads started, which residents managed to prevent by peaceful protests, to somehow suspend further construction”, he said.

He also opined that Pristina by organising belated public discussions now attempts to justify its acts, adding the entire process, if it can be called expropriation, was done contrary to the Kosovo laws and international norms. He said that one military-police base has been constructed in the vicinity of Gazivode lake, and the other one close to Mokra Gora mountain. He argued construction of such bases hampers touristic development in the municipality as no one would come to visit if met with armed personnel at every corner. 

Serbian FM Dacic: No new negotiations with Pristina until ZSO is formed (N1)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said Wednesday there will be no new negotiations with Pristina until the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) is formed in Kosovo.

“Serbia’s diplomatic engagement will continue to be directed towards the basic goals and clearly defined priorities of our foreign policy. Certainly, the most difficult task for us is to preserve the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia. I do not need to highlight that Kosovo is our most important political and security issue”, Dacic told the 12th generation of students of the Higher Studies of Security and Défense.

“With the escalation of the situation in Ukraine, the focus of the international community on attempts to resolve the issue of the status of our southern province has increased”, he added.

Dacic also said Serbia is facing multiplying demands, especially on the alignment of its foreign policy as the only European country that has not introduced sanctions on Russia.

Dacic added that Serbia is ready to redefine its policies with its neighbours in order to “close open issues from the past”.

Vucic: We will stand by our red lines on Kosovo (Tanjug, media)

Ahead of Monday's meeting of the Brussels dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Wednesday evening that, whatever happened, he would stand by Serbia's red lines on Kosovo and Metohija he had recently spoken about in the parliament.

"Of course, we will be under pressure, our situation is not simple and this is pressure on Serbia, but it is not the first time in history or in the past ten or eleven years", Vucic told reporters in Belgrade after the opening of an international tourism fair.

Peace must be preserved, and we must be ready for compromise, but we "must not give Serbia to anyone", he noted.

He also said that the remaining obligations mentioned by European Union Envoy for Belgrade-Pristina talks Miroslav Lajcak means the Community of Serb Municipalities (CSM).

“They will say that the energy deals have not been completed … but they all know that the CSM is the issue. Either you start resolving the CSM or - thanks that’s all”, Vucic told reporters at the opening of the International Tourism Fair in Belgrade.

Speaking about the Ukraine war, Vucic said Serbia wanted peace and that Ukraine was a friendly country.

"What would be the problem with Serbia's behaviour except for the fact it does not want to show hostility towards the Russian Federation either? We want peace, that is Serbia's desire and that has been and will remain the policy of Serbia", Vucic noted.

"We have nothing against Ukraine - on the contrary, we are showing solidarity with the people", Vucic said, adding that he had visited Ukrainian refugees in Vranje, southern Serbia, with Ukraine's ambassador to Belgrade and that Serbia had sent aid to Ukraine.

Vucevic: Difficult security situation in Kosovo (RTS, BETA)

Just days ahead of the meeting between Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti, Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic described the security situation in Kosovo and Metohija as very difficult.

Vucic and Kurti are due to meet on Monday, February 27 in Brussels at a high-level meeting of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue convened by EU Foreign and Security Policy Chief Josep Borrell.

Vucevic told Serbian public broadcaster RTS that the security situation in Kosovo and Metohija is “challenging, complex and very difficult”.

Asked to comment on the Serbian position on Moscow and Kiev a year after the beginning of the war, Vucevic said “at this moment, when we are speaking,” it is unchanged.

“We want this fratricidal war to stop, we want to see peace”, he said, adding Serbia wants to cooperate “with Ukraine and with Russia and with Russia and with Ukraine,” and that Belgrade is saying this sincerely.

Petkovic: The meeting was organised in the private apartment of a Pristina officer, pure provocation (KoSSev)

This is a pure provocation of Pristina, and that meeting was organised in the living room of a private apartment rented by a Pristina liaison officer, and it cannot be official, the director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petkovic, said today, reported portal KoSSev.

KoSSev reported that it was, as they presented, the first anniversary celebration in the Serbian capital.

Petkovic said today that according to the Agreement, the Office they talked about last night does not exist, but, as he said, only a liaison officer whose office is located in the building of the Delegation of the European Union.

He clarified that the meeting was actually organised in the private apartment of that officer, and therefore cannot be official.

Petkovic saw it as pure "abuse and insolence" of Pristina, but also of the Serbian opposition.

Petkovic shared a Twitter post by the leader of the Dveri Movement, Bosko Obradovic, who said this morning:

"While the current government arrests Serbian patriots for respecting the Constitution and fighting for the defence and preservation of Kosovo and Metohija as part of Serbia, it simultaneously allows the celebration of the so-called of Kosovo's independence and the celebration of Ukrainian neo-Nazism in the middle of Belgrade. Isn't that an overthrow of the constitutional order?"

"Unfortunately, some, like Bosko Obradovic, rejoiced at that event so that they could attack Serbia and President Aleksandar Vucic," Petkovic said on Twitter.

He accused the Serbian opposition and Pristina of "being on the same task again", reported KoSSev.

15 years since Kosovo unilaterally declared independence was marked in Belgrade, and Kurti's advisor was also present (KoSSev, N1, Danas)

Portal KoSSev reported last night that the fifteenth anniversary of the unilateral declaration of Kosovo's independence was marked in Belgrade, organised by the Liaison Office of Pristina in this city, confirmed the member of the Serbian Parliament, Shaip Kamberi, as well as the advisor to the Kosovo Prime Minister, Ardita Sinani.

On this occasion, Kamberi announced twice on Facebook, with short messages.

He stated that the Liaison Office of Pristina organised the anniversary marking.

"This is the first time since the opening of the Liaison Office that the Independence Day of Kosovo is celebrated in Belgrade," Kamberi said in a post on Facebook.

At the same time, Kamberi published several photos showing that in the room where dozens of people were gathered, the Kosovo flag was placed at the same time, reported KoSSev.

Kamberi took a photo next to the Kosovo flag together with Pristina's Liaison Officer in Belgrade, Jetish Jashari.

This event was also attended by the adviser of the Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti, who is also the former president of the municipality of Presevo, Ardita Sinani.

"The celebration of the 15th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Kosovo in Belgrade was special. Very significant symbolism. This is precisely why the recognition of reality by the capital of Serbia for the Republic of Kosovo will be a chance for the democratisation of Serbia," she said in a post on Facebook.

She also said that "recognition of reality" and respect for ''the principle of reciprocity of minority rights'' was a guarantee for long-term peace in the Western Balkans.

This event was reported by Gazeta Express last night, stating that the event was held at the residence of the representative of Pristina in Belgrade. The media also reported the statement of Kamberi, who said that the event took place without any problems, that is, that no one tried to prevent the holding of the event.

Mali meets with representatives of top US companies (Tanjug)

Serbian Finance Minister Sinisa Mali and his aides met on Thursday with representatives of the 16 largest US companies, who are on a visit to Serbia organised by the American-Central European Business Association (ACEBA).

An ACEBA delegation met with PM Ana Brnabic, FM Ivica Dacic, Minister of Trade Tomislav Momirovic and Minister of Economy Rade Basta on Wednesday.

In a statement to Tanjug, the deputy chief of mission at the US embassy in Belgrade John Ginkel said the companies were interested in investing in Serbia and in cooperating with Serbian firms.

Ginkel noted that a strengthening of economic ties was contributing to a steady improvement of Serbia-US ties.

He said the US and Serbia shared strategic priorities and that the US was there to help Serbia transform and get closer to the EU.

He said US companies already operating in Serbia were satisfied with their investments in the country.

Since 2001, US companies have invested over 4 bln dollars in Serbia and are currently employing over 30,000 people, he said.

The US companies whose representatives are visiting Serbia are Archer Daniels Midland, Bechtel, Bell, Citi, Merck, Motorola Solutions, Northop Grumman, Organon, Oskkosh Defense, Palo Alto Networks, Pfizer, Rio Tinto, S2 Global, Smartmatic, UGT Renewables and Visa.





ICMM Forgave Millions of Euros’ Debt of ‘Ferronikeli’ Company (Prishtina Insight)

ICMM’s decision to reduce ‘NewCo Ferronikeli’’s debts from 9 million euros to 2 million has caused controversy linked to the board’s appointment and links to the PM.

The evaluation carried out by an internal auditor and persons within the Independent Commission for Mines and Minerals, ICMM, found that the way that ore was extracted (as wet or dried) from mines was calculated caused a debt of 9 million euros. 

After several meetings with representatives of NewCo Ferronikeli, however, the ICMM reduced its debt to less than 2 million euros.

Data show that the board of ICMM that made the decision was appointed at least in part by Prime Minister Albin Kurti. 

He had met at least four members of the board before their appointment on December 6, 2021 by the Assembly of Kosovo.

The chairman of the board, Selvete Grajqevci-Pllana, in an interview for on Tuesday, stated that the auditors findings were that Ferronikeli did not act in accordance with the administrative instruction of 2011.

“In January, we received a report from the internal auditor. In this report, one of the findings was also the case of ‘Ferronikeli’. The auditor conducted an internal audit in the Department of Finance and found that ‘Ferronikeli’ did not act correctly in accordance with the administrative instruction,” she stated.

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