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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, April 18, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti: Serbia should be more responsible for implementing the agreement (RTK)
  • Rohde: Implementation of the agreement and avoidance of any tension, needed (Klan)
  • European Parliament Approves Visa Liberalization for Kosovo (Prishtina Insight)
  • Reuten proud that the EP removed visas from Kosovars (media)
  • Von Cramon: Congratulations to Kosovo for the long-awaited visa liberalization (media)
  • Austria congratulates Kosovo on visa liberalization (ekonomia)
  • Kurti: Visa liberalization brings us one step closer to the European Union (media)
  • Osmani: The liberalisation of visas, a merit of the people of Kosovo (media)
  • The government takes credit for the visas (media)
  • Opposition parties hail EP decision on liberalisation of visas (media)
  • Church door in Prizren set on fire, police say gasoline smell was present at scene (Kallxo)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Hill: We will not give up until CSM (ZSO) becomes a reality (N1, FoNet, Kontakt plus radio)
  • Pristina's request for membership will not be on the CoE agenda tomorrow (Kosovo Online, Danas)
  • Dacic may cancel Strasbourg visit over Pristina's CoE membership bid;MFA: Dacic to attend the COE Committee of Ministers (Tanjug)
  • Signing of the petition for the withdrawal of special units of Kosovo police continued today in the north (Kosovo Online)
  • Lajcak concerned about developments in North Kosovo (Beta, N1, KoSSev)
  • KP: Attempt to set fire to the door of the Church of St. Panteleimon in Prizren; Office for KiM: An example of Pristina's intolerance towards everything Serbian (Kontakt plus radio)


  • Andric Rakic: Almost impossible to stop the escalation of 'non-normalization' with the current negotiators (, Kontakt plus radio, KiM radio) 



Albanian Language Media  


Kurti: Serbia should be more responsible for implementing the agreement (RTK)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti said today that it remains for the international factor to force Serbia to implement the agreements.

"It concerns an agreement with its annex, which does not represent a set of elements, but represents a package that you cannot separate any part. I hope that this team, community, commission will be established very soon, which will be as a mechanism for implementation, and why not be done even earlier than the next high-level meeting in Brussels," Kurti said. He added that Kosovo has pledged to implement the agreement.

“We have pledged and we have repeated our position for the full implementation of this package, this basic agreement and the corresponding annex for implementation, and now I believe that Brussels has the right to force Serbia to do this," he emphasized.

Kurti has also spoken about the elections in the four municipalities in the north of Kosovo saying that Kosovo's institutions are making final preparations for the April 23 elections in the north to be peaceful and democratic.

"We hold meetings with international security institutions and are making the necessary preparations so that everything goes smoothly, honestly and democratically... We do not have such information (about destabilization). We have shared data and analysis with each other. The OSCE is for cooperation and security, but we have no reason to believe that there will be any obstacles on Sunday. I am sorry that the Serb citizens of Kosovo have been subjected to a vicious propaganda by media from Belgrade that are close to the government there so that they do not show themselves constructively and do not use their right to vote... We have no information which would make us think that they were preparing obstacles or obstructions to this process, in addition to media intimidation," he said.

Rohde: Implementation of the agreement and avoidance of any tension, needed (Klan) 

The Ambassador of Germany to Kosovo Jorn Rohde has stated that Kosovo and Serbia must achieve progress and avoid any tension. Asked about the leaders of Serbia, he said that they expect full implementation of the agreement reached in Brussels and the annex agreed in Ohrid.

Regarding the elections that will be held on Sunday in the north, the German ambassador stated that both sides must achieve progress for the citizens of both countries.

“We have made a statement about this and the current need in addition to implementation is to avoid any tension on any other topic. What we need is that the two sides should now work together in a constructive way to achieve progress that is important for the citizens of both countries,” he stated.

Rohde did not want to comment on the statements of the leaders in Belgrade but emphasized that they expect implementation of the agreements reached in Brussels and Ohrid.

Furthermore, he has said that he expects a meeting between Kosovo and Serbia soon.

"You have to ask the parties about that, I can't answer for them, I hope there will be a meeting soon, because implementation means you have to start work. And again, I can only underline that in order to achieve progress, we must implement the things agreed in Brussels and Ohrid," he concluded.

European Parliament Approves Visa Liberalization for Kosovo (Prishtina Insight)

The European Parliament took the last step towards liberalizing visas for Kosovars, in a much-delayed process that has lasted for more than ten years.

The European Parliament on Tuesday approved a decision to liberalize visas for Kosovo during the plenary session.

The decision will be officially signed on April 19 in Strasbourg by the European Parliament and the Council of the EU, when Kosovo’s first deputy prime minister for European Integration, Development and Dialogue, Besnik Bislimi, will be present, announced the government.

This decision marks the last step in the visa liberalization process, which has lasted more than 10 years since the dialogue on visa liberalization for Kosovars began.

The only step that must be taken after that is publication of the decision in the Official Gazette of the EU and its entry into force.

The new visa rules for Kosovo will enable its citizens to travel to the EU without a visa for up to 90 days in any 180-day span.

Since the deadline for the operationalization of ETIAS, the European Travel Information and Authorisation System, has been postponed to 2024, the lifting of visas for Kosovo is expected to take force on January 1 next year.

From then on, citizens of Kosovo will be able to travel freely in the passport-free Schengen area, which consists of 27 European countries – most EU countries plus Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

The European Commission, since 2018, has confirmed several times that Kosovo has met all the conditions for visa liberalization, but it has been constantly delayed, leaving Kosovo the only country in the Western Balkans without freedom of movement.

The European Commission started the visa liberalization dialogue with Kosovo on January 19, 2012.

Reuten proud that the EP removed visas from Kosovars (media)

The rapporteur of the European Parliament for the liberalization of visas for Kosovo, Thijs Reuten, said that finally the European Parliament gave the green light for Kosovars to travel without visas.

Reuten emphasized that Kosovo is part of Europe, and that now the next chapter can be opened.

"The European Parliament gives the final green light for visa-free travel to the EU for Kosovo. Proud that we finally realized this delayed promise of the EU for the citizens of Kosovo. You are part of Europe! Now we can open the next chapter by further building our common European future," Reuten wrote.

Von Cramon: Congratulations to Kosovo for the long-awaited visa liberalization (media)

The rapporteur for Kosovo in the European Parliament, Viola von Cramon, has congratulated the Kosovar citizens after the European Parliament voted for the liberalization of visas a few moments ago.

"Great news for all citizens of Kosovo from the European Parliament. Congratulations on the long-awaited and very much-deserved visa liberalization that will allow you to finally travel freely across Europe from 2024! Happy freedom of movement!” wrote Von Cramon.

Austria congratulates Kosovo on visa liberalization (ekonomia)

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Austria has hailed the liberalization of visas for citizens of Kosovo. Austria has said that this process is the fulfillment of a long request, which marks an important historical moment for the perspective of the EU.

 “Today the final hurdle for EU visa liberalization for Kosovo, starting at the latest on 1 January 2024, has been taken by vote in the European Parliament. This is the fulfilment of a long standing Austria’s demand and marks an important milestone for Kosovo’s EU perspective! Congratulations!” Austrian Foreign Ministry tweeted. 

Kurti: Visa liberalization brings us one step closer to the European Union (media)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurt said that the liberalization of visas for Kosovars is good news.

"Great news for Kosova today! The European Parliament approved visa-free travel for our citizens starting on January 1, 2024. This brings us an important step closer to the European Union and contributing to the richness that the EU offers. Thanks to the MEPs for their support," Kurti wrote.

Osmani: The liberalisation of visas, a merit of the people of Kosovo (media)

The President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani commented the decision of the European Parliament on the liberlaisation of visas for the people of Kosovo.

She took to Facebook to write that ‘today’s final decision on the liberalisation of visas for the citizens of Kosovo is a victory, not only for our country, but for democracy and unity in Europe itself.’

"This decision is the merit of the people of Kosovo, the unparalleled determination shown over the years, despite various delays and injustices," she added, among other things.

Highlighting the date when the citizens of Kosovo will be able to travel freely, without visas, the Osmani added that ‘from January 1, 2024, our citizens will finally feel equal with other European peoples, to move freely in the continent to which they belong, and for which they have contributed over the centuries.’

"Now, moving to European countries is easier, our families are closer and the opportunities for advancement and cooperation are greater," President Osmani wrote.

The government takes credit for the visas (media)

The government of Kosovo called the completion of the visa liberalization process for citizens a key moment, while saying that thanks to its work, this unlocking was achieved.

The government informed on Tuesday after the end of the voting in the European Parliament that the decision will be signed on Wednesday in Strasbourg by the EP and the Council of the EU, where the first deputy prime minister, Besnik Bislimi, will also be present.

"The new rules on the lifting of the visa regime for Kosovo will allow citizens to travel to the EU without visas for a period of stay of 90 days in each 180-day period. Kosovo had fulfilled all the conditions for the liberalization of visas in time, but until now there was a lack of consensus among the member countries for the advancement of the process. Thanks to the work of the government, especially in the field of the rule of law, the fight against corruption and migration management, the process was unblocked and the EU institutions and member countries were convinced that Kosovo deserves the end of the visa liberalization process and that the country has done significant progress and achievements in relevant fields. After a long wait, this is a key moment in the approximation of our country to the European family," the press release said.

The government emphasized that citizens will be able to move without visas in the Schengen zone from January 1, 2024.

 Opposition parties hail EP decision on liberalisation of visas (media)

Lumir Abdixhiku, leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) took to Twitter to write “A memorable day for the Rep. of Kosovo and its citizens as the long-awaited visa liberalization is finally approved by the European Parliament. An unfair and unjust treatment finally sees its end. We celebrate this milestone and look forward to a future within European family.

The leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (LDK) Memli Krasniqi has congratulated the citizens of Kosovo on the liberalization of visas by the European Parliament.

“The decision of the European Parliament on the liberalization of visas for the citizens of Kosovo, although very late, is more than deserved and welcome. Therefore, first of all, our citizens deserve congratulations today. I hope that this decision will come into force as soon as possible,” he wrote.

The leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo  (AAK) Ramush Haradinaj has welcomed the final decision of the European Parliament regarding visa liberalization for Kosovo.

"Wonderful news from the European Parliament, which today removed the last obstacle for the liberalization of visas for Kosovo! Special thanks to the MEPs for taking this meritorious decision and to all those who contributed to the successful completion of this process. Now is the moment for Kosovo to receive the confirmation for membership in the Council of Europe and the beginning of the Partnership for Peace as soon as possible. Congratulations Kosovo!" Haradinaj wrote.

Church door in Prizren set on fire, police say gasoline smell was present at the scene (Kallxo)

The door of the church building "St. Pantelija" was set on fire Monday evening, while the case is being investigated by the competent bodies. According to the announcement of the Kosovo Police, a citizen reported shortly before midnight last night that he noticed a fire in the vicinity of the door of this Orthodox church. The police said that the same citizen reacted and managed to put out the fire without causing major damage, while later the police teams came to the scene. Always referring to the police, the patrol who responded to the case stated that upon arriving at the scene, the smell of gasoline was repulsive and a burnt plastic bottle was seen. To the police, the person who extinguished the fire also reported that unknown suspects tried to burn the entrance door of this facility. It was further said that after the evidence and testimonies were collected, the State Prosecutor was notified about the case, and recommended that the case "Infliction of general danger" be initiated.




Serbian Language Media 


Hill: We will not give up until CSM (ZSO) becomes a reality (N1, FoNet, Kontakt plus radio)

The American ambassador to Serbia, Christopher Hill, said that the formation of the Community of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO) in Kosovo must be the number one key element in the implementation of the agreement on the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina, reported N1.

All mediators in the negotiations say, "the sooner - the better," Hill told reporters after handing over the donation of firefighting equipment to the Firefighters' Association of Serbia, stressing that it is high time for the CSM to become a reality.

"What I can assure you is that we will not give up until that happens," said the American ambassador.

Pristina's request for membership will not be on the CoE agenda tomorrow (Kosovo Online, Danas)

Kosovo's request for admission to the CoE will not be on the agenda of the meeting of the Committee of Ministers of this organization tomorrow, reported Danas, citing Kosovo Online. 

Kosovo Online learned this information from diplomatic sources, adding that according to their information, the issue of Kosovo's membership in the Council of Ministers was insisted on the most by Germany, which is reportedly asking for an extraordinary session of the Committee of Ministers to discuss this issue already on April 21.

Dacic may cancel Strasbourg visit over Pristina's CoE membership bid; MFA: Dacic to attend the COE Committee of Ministers  (Tanjug)

Serbian FM Ivica Dacic said on Monday he might cancel a trip to Strasbourg following announcements that the Council of Europe (CoE) Committee of Ministers would on April 19 launch a procedure for the so-called Kosovo's admission to the organisation, reported Tanjug agency.

Dacic is due to visit Strasbourg to mark 20 years of Serbia's membership in the CoE.

"What kind of a message is that? That is humiliation and a message that Kosovo can do what it wants. If those announcements are true, I will definitely not be going to Strasbourg tomorrow," Dacic told reporters at a press conference with Yolande Nyonda, Minister Delegate at the Gabonese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

"A non-state has never been admitted to the CoE," he added.

It is impossible to defend the territorial integrity of Ukraine while destroying the territorial integrity of Serbia, he noted.

"If anyone thinks we will be glad about that or support that, I think they are absolutely on the wrong track," he said.

He also said Pristina had been "lying for ten years" that it would establish a Community of Serb Municipalities in Kosovo-Metohija.

"To us, a message like this raises the question of Serbia's future position on the CoE and on President Vucic's attendance at a summit in Iceland. We will definitely not let anyone humiliate Serbia," Dacic said.

He said it was unknown whether the so-called Kosovo's admission to the CoE would be on the agenda in Strasbourg, but noted that Serbia would not allow its "constructiveness be viewed as a weakness."

"We will not let that happen. Should Kosovo be rewarded with the launch of the procedure for its admission (to the CoE) ten years after the signing of the Brussels Agreement, and after rejecting the commitment to form a Community of Serb Municipalities?" Dacic asked.

However, today Serbian MFA announced stating that Minister Dacic would attend and try to stop the admission of Kosovo to the Council of Europe, reported Beta news agency. 

"In Strasbourg, Minister Dacic will try to stop the procedure for Kosovo's admission to the Council of Europe," MFA told Beta news agency. 

Signing of the petition for the withdrawal of special units of Kosovo police continued today in the north (Kosovo Online)

In North Mitrovica and Zvecan the signing of a petition for the withdrawal of special units of the Kosovo Police from the north of Kosovo continued today, reported Kosovo Online portal. 

The initiative for the petition came after the wounding of Milan Jovanovic near the Kosovo police checkpoint on the Bistrica Bridge. During a large protest that was held last week, citizens and the wife of the wounded Jovanovic, called on citizens to sign a petition to stop further violence against Serbs in the north.

According to Kosovo Online, a large number of citizens who want to sign the petition have gathered today at both signing places. 

The signatures are also being collected in Zubin Potok and Leposavic as well, reported the portal. 

Lajcak concerned about developments in North Kosovo (Beta, N1, KoSSev)

European Union (EU) Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue Miroslav Lajcak said that some of the developments in North Kosovo are concerning, stressing that the EU expects Kosovo and Serbia to be fully focused on normalization of their relations.

“This week in Brussels was relatively calm for me, which gave me the opportunity to work on documents important for the implementation of the Dialogue agreements, and to delve deeper into the current developments and moods in the region. Unfortunately, some of these developments are concerning, and we expect the parties to be fully focused on normalization of their relations,” Lajcak wrote on Facebook.

He said he had a series of talks in which he informed international factors about the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue.

Lajcak said he discussed security issues with KFOR Commander Major General Angelo Michele Ristuccia, adding that security was also the focus of his meeting with head of EULEX Ambassador Lars-Gunnar Wigemark.

The Special Representative said he and Wigemark discussed “the latest developments in the Dialogue and the situation surrounding license plates”, the upcoming elections and other developments in northern Kosovo.

Lajcak added that he also updated Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of UNMIK Caroline Ziadeh about the progress in the Dialogue ahead of her regular briefing of the UN Security Council.

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani has scheduled for April 23 elections for mayors of four municipalities in North Kosovo and elections for councilors of the Leposavic and Zvecan municipalities, which has additionally raised tensions in northern Kosovo.

KP: Attempt to set fire to the door of the Church of St. Panteleimon in Prizren; Office for KiM: An example of Pristina's intolerance towards everything Serbian (Kontakt plus radio)

Unknown persons tried to set fire to the doors of the Church of St. Panteleimon in Prizren, the Kosovo police announced on their Facebook account, reported Kontakt plus radio. 

According to eyewitnesses, unknown persons threw a burning plastic bottle containing gasoline at the door of the aforementioned Orthodox shrine last night around 11 p.m.

The police said that the eyewitness reacted and managed to put out the fire, and that no major material damage was caused.

An investigation was conducted, and after collecting evidence, the prosecutor on duty was informed about everything, who classified the case as "causing general danger".

The Office for Kosovo and Metohija announced, stating that “an explosive device was thrown at the church of Saint Panteleimon in Prizren last night, with which the extremists tried to set fire to the entrance door of the sanctuary. It was only by sheer luck that a passenger was nearby and who, with a quick reaction, managed to put out the fire that engulfed the outer wall of the church and damaged the entrance door.”

“While Albin Kurti “congratulates” Easter to Serbs, his extremists set fire to our shrines on the second day of the biggest Serbian holiday, and this shows the true attitude of the authorities in Pristina towards Serbs and their churches,” the statement read among other things. 

The KoSsev portal reported that the Diocese of Raska-Prizren announced, saying that it was actually a Molotov cocktail.

"On the night between Monday and Tuesday, April 17/18, unknown persons threw a Molotov cocktail at the church of St. Panteleimon in Prizren. The fire was put out in time thanks to a passerby. The church was rebuilt in 1937. and originates from the Middle Ages," the Diocese stated on Twitter.

At the same time, they condemned this incident, saying that it "shows that the heritage of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Kosovo and Metohija is not safe", and that "there are those who want to destroy the Christian Orthodox heritage of Kosovo and Metohija", reported portal KoSSev. 






Andric Rakic: Almost impossible to stop the escalation of 'non-normalization' with the current negotiators (, Kontakt plus radio, KiM radio) 

Milica Andric Rakic from New Social Initiative said that with the current negotiators of Pristina and Belgrade in the dialogue, it was almost impossible to stop the escalation of "non-normalization" in relations between Pristina and Belgrade.

Andric Rakic was a guest in the Slobodno Srpski TV Show, and opined that normalization should, among other things, include the following: 

“Ideally, that there are no obstacles in import and export, no security obstacles, problems as they currently exist where half of the capacity of special units is located on a very small territory, and a territory inhabited by a majority Serbian population, and those special units are actually mono-ethnic and Albanian. Then to facilitate access of young Serbs to the labor market in Kosovo. This specifically means solving the issue of diplomas of the University of Pristina with headquarters in Mitrovica and a whole range of things that could be done. But first, resolving the status of Serbian institutions, that is, those institutions that provide services to Serbs and other non-majority communities. The fact that they exist more than twenty years and have resisted various political processes, they are here and the only ones that provide services in continuity. There should be no attack on them, the institutions that provide basic services,  without the community interpreting it as an attack on themselves," Andric Rakic said among other things. 

According to Andric Rakic, the European Plan on the normalization of relations, as well as the agreement from Ohrid, are not the right path to normalization.

“The European plan is alienated from the people. It is the most “alienated” of all the agreements from Brussels, the most “alienated” from the problems of the citizens, because it does not deal with the life of Serbs in Kosovo, or ultimately with life in general, nor with coexistence in Kosovo, it deals with the relations between Belgrade and Pristina. So, that focus moved from citizens a long time ago and from how citizens of Serbian nationality will integrate into Kosovo society and started dealing with Belgrade and Pristina relations. Dealing with Belgrade Pristina relations without stabilization of the Serbian community in Kosovo is simply meaningless. Maybe you will arrange their relations in terms of how Kosovo will be presented at the regional level, whether there will be a star or not, whether the licence plates will go without stickers across the two territories, but as long as you have a problem with the Serbian community in Kosovo and the legality of the institutions which those communities use, you will have potential escalations and crises,” Andric Rakic believes. 

She said that Serbs from Kosovo were not even interested in the stories about the European normalization plan, because they do not see their problems and needs in it. Therefore, the fact that the Serbian List  does not participate in the early local elections in the north of Kosovo is another proof that in fact nothing has been fundamentally done in Ohrid towards normalization.

“The citizens were not interested in that, because they look at that agreement and they don’t have an answer to the key things, which is how they will go tomorrow through Jarinje, for example, to Kopaonik and back, just the most basic things. No one has been dealing with them for a long time, over a year, a serious problem is the special units, their permanent presence, their behavior. It is also a matter that was not addressed in any way, which is even worse, even the Serbian political representatives, not the opposition, specifically now I mean Serbian List, did not seriously deal with that issue until yesterday," she said. 

According to her, on the other hand, the decision of the Serbian List not to participate in the elections was a forced move.

"It's the only one they have left, because the SL has repeatedly made demands that have not been fulfilled. Therefore, neither requests after leaving the institutions, nor for the removal of barricades. They would really have no face in front of the citizens if they decided to come out," she said and added that everyone has the right to decide at what moment they will participate in the elections, but that it is hypocritical that other political options are not considered.