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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, June 30, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti: We don’t strengthen army to attack others, but to defend ourselves (media)
  • EU leaders demand de-escalation in the North according to Borell's 3 points (Express)
  • Germany: Designating of terrorist organisations in the north, not in coordination with us (Klan)
  • Day two of EU Summit: Situation in Kosovo must be de-escalated fast (RFE)
  • Gervalla on EU measures: Unnecessary and a dangerous message (Kosovapress)
  • Two prime ministers from EU to visit Kosovo and Serbia next week (Express)
  • North Mitrovica decides to join the Association of Municipalities of Kosovo (Koha)
  • Kurti's advisor reacts to Lajcak (Express)
  • “If sanctioned, Kosovo first country in WB with measures from EU” (Klan)
  • Buxhovi warns: If we refuse internationals, the north will declare autonomy (T7/Express)

Serbian Language Media: 

  • Bartolome: We support European plan, but stance of Spain on Kosovo remains unchanged (RTV)
  • Weapons confiscated near Podujevo, suspect arrested (KoSSev)
  • The SL reaction to declaration of the "Northern Brigade" and "Civil Protection" as “terrorist organisations” by Pristina (KiM radio) 
  • The EC with a measure against Pristina, withdrew the invitation to participate in the Digital Europe program (RTS, Tanjug)
  • Lawyer: The case of Sladjan Trajkovic before the Supreme Court in Pristina (Kontakt plus radio)
  • UK Embassy in Pristina: The United Kingdom was not consulted (Radio Mitrovica sever)
  • FM Dacic announces “resetting of relations” with Israel (Beta, N1, TV Pink) 
  • Serbian Armed Forces contingent to join US troops in peacekeeping mission in Sinai (N1)


  • Janjic: The decision to declare Northern Brigade and Civil Protection as terrorist is the “worst possible response” (KoSSev)
  • AI Models-R-Us Has Big Implications for Democracy (Balkan Insight)



Albanian Language Media  


Kurti: We don’t strengthen army to attack others, but to defend ourselves (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said today at the graduation ceremony of the ‘23 class of cadets of the University Studies Center of the Kosovo Security Force, that Kosovo is not strengthening its army to attack others but to defend itself. “We don’t strengthen our army to attack others, but to be strong enough to defend ourselves. For a safer, more righteous and equal Kosovo for all,” Kurti said.

Kurti also said “our army keeps on developing and becoming more modernised, by going through phases of transition, and we haven’t stopped building a sustainable military system”. “The KSF University Studies Centre has built the image of a military education institution that creates officers that excel in education,” he added.

EU leaders demand de-escalation in the North according to Borell's 3 points (Express)

The Council of the European Union approved today the conclusions regarding the developments in the Western Balkans, specifically the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia.

In this conclusion, it is stated that the Council of the European Union condemns the recent violent incidents in the north of Kosovo and has called for an immediate de-escalation of the situation, based on key elements that have been determined by the European Union on June 3, 2023.

Also, in this conclusion it is stated that the parties must create conditions to hold new elections in the four municipalities in the north of Kosovo. EU member states say that failure to de-escalate tensions will have negative consequences.

They also stated that it is essential to continue the dialogue lead by Josep Borell and the rapid implementation of the agreement on normalization and the Implementation Annex, including here their request for the establishment of the Association of Municipalities with a Serb Majority.

Germany: Designating of terrorist organisations in the north, not in coordination with us (Klan)

After the USA, Germany has also made a statement about the declaration of two Serbian organisations as terrorist organisations by the government of Kosovo.

The press office of the German Embassy in Pristina told that the decision was made without coordination with Germany. 

"The decision was not coordinated with Germany, nor was the German government informed by the Kosovar authorities about this action in advance", the Embassy told

In response, it is also stated that being witnesses of the current crisis in the northern municipalities of the country, "a close coordination with international partners would have been useful".

"It is important that any decision of this type must respect the relevant laws and the principle of proportionality. We reiterate our call for the Government of Kosovo to refrain from any unilateral action that could further escalate the situation in the northern municipalities", the Press Office of the German Embassy in Pristina emphasised.

Day two of EU Summit: Situation in Kosovo must be de-escalated fast (RFE)

The summit of EU leaders is continuing in Brussels and among topics of discussion are also tensions in relations between Kosovo and Serbia. The tensions were also discussed during the first day of the summit, first in a meeting that EU leaders had with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, and then in the meeting between heads of states or governments of EU member states. “It was a very dynamic discussion and many participants talked about the topic. But the key message was that quick action is needed to de-escalate the situation and these actions are needed from both parties,” an unnamed EU official told reporters this morning.

Gervalla on EU measures: Unnecessary and a dangerous message (Kosovapress)

Kosovo’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Donika Gervalla, said today that the EU measures against Kosovo are unnecessary. She said that the measures do not include the blocking of EU funds for Kosovo, but a temporary suspension. She argued that such messages are dangerous and could create an impression for Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic that he can continue to destabilise not only Kosovo but the region too.

“The measures that were taken as part of EU efforts to de-escalate the situation in the north of Kosovo, are measures that the EU deems as reasonable. We think such measures are unnecessary because it is important that in the situation we are in to send a clear message and without the possibility of misinterpretation to those that created unrest in the north of Kosovo,” she said.

“There is no blocking of funds, there is a temporary suspension of funds, and the EU has made it clear that these are temporary measures and that they can be reversed.”

Gervalla did not want to comment on whether the Kosovo government coordinated with the United States in designating as terrorist organisations the “Civil Protection” and the “Northern Brigade”, but said that organisations that carry out terror against the citizens and the institutions have no room in Kosovo. “The legal basis is there and we think that no terrorist organisation of any ethnicity or criminal composition should not be allowed to operate in the Republic of Kosovo. We have pledged for the rule of law throughout the country and organisations that apply terror against the people and institutions of the Republic have no room here,” she argued.

Two prime ministers from EU to visit Kosovo and Serbia next week (Express)

Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Mark Rutte, and the Prime Minister of Luxembourg, Xavier Bettel, will visit Kosovo and Serbia on Monday and Tuesday next week. According to Dutch newspaper Haarlems Dagblad, during the visits they will discuss tensions between Kosovo and Serbia and the importance of de-escalation and commitment to the EU-facilitated dialogue for the normalisation of relations.

North Mitrovica decides to join the Association of Municipalities of Kosovo (Koha)

The Municipality of Northern Mitrovica has decided to join the Association of Municipalities of Kosovo. The Municipal Assembly took this decision in a session held on Friday

"Today, in the Municipal Assembly, in the North of Mitrovica, it was voted in favor of the merger of the Northern Municipality of Mitrovica in the Association of Municipalities of Kosovo. This vote shows commitment and support for strong cooperation and strengthening of local government. The cooperation and coordination of the municipalities are essential to address the challenges and to build a more united and stable society for everyone", Aida Doli, municipal councilor, wrote on Facebook.

After that, according to the executive director of the Association of Kosovo Municipalities, Sazan Ibrahim, the decision of the Municipal Assembly will be sent to the Ministry of Local Government Administration, for evaluation of legality, and then it is expected to be sent to the Association of Kosovo Municipalities for consideration.

Kurti's advisor reacts to Lajcak (Express)

Prime Minister Albin Kurti's adviser, Jeton Zulfaj, has reacted to the EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajcak, after the latter said in an interview with Euronews that he is criticized for sometimes taking the side of Pristina and sometimes side of Belgrade, which according to him shows that as an emissary he is somewhere in the middle.

“EUSR believes his role is to be in the middle. In the middle despite values. In the middle between democracy and autocracy. In the middle between Kosovo's right to exist as a sovereign state, which Serbia refuses to recognize, and Serbia's demand for a Republika Srpska in Kosovo,” Zulfaj tweeted. 

“If sanctioned, Kosovo first country in WB with measures from EU” (Klan)

Kosovo’s former Minister for European Integration, Bekim Collaku, said in an interview with Klan Kosova that if the European Union decides to impose sanctions on Kosovo, the latter will be “the first country in the Western Balkans to be faced with sanctions”. “This includes millions of euros that Kosovo receives annually from the EU for many projects. The consequences will be felt by the citizens of Kosovo as there will be less infrastructural projects. This government has failed to invest in a single major infrastructural project during its mandate. And if the EU-funded projects stop too, the results in terms of investments and implementation of projects will be zero,” he argued.

Collaku also said that “even without sanctions we are at the bottom of the list in terms of European integration”. He warned that the measures could completely paralyse Kosovo’s integration in EU structures. “They could even affect Kosovo’s membership in NATO,” he added.

Buxhovi warns: If we refuse internationals, the north will declare autonomy (T7/Express)

Jusuf Buxhovi, historian, said in an interview with T7 on Thursday that if Kosovo refuses the internationals, then the north of Kosovo will declare autonomy. He argued that developments have shown that there was no coordination between the Kosovo government and the allies. “If we continue to refuse, the internationals are going to allow the north to declare autonomy and you should know that no international factor will oppose it,” he said.

According to Buxhovi, “Prime Minister Kurti is sometimes losing the sense of reality”. “The approach of solving one crisis with another crisis, maybe had some logic before the war broke out in Ukraine, and that is when the whole global geopolitical concept changed. At this point, any normal politics would stop from any action that could cause a crisis and solve one crisis with another. They should have coordinated with the allies and see what their concept is,” he added.

Commenting on Kosovo’s politicians, Buxhovi said they need to be responsible in the current situation. “No politician should allow this. This would be a double loss for Kosovo. It would mean losing credibility in the eyes of those that have helped us become a state. The countries that helped us, did that because of geostrategy too,” he said.




Serbian Language Media 


Bartolome: We support European plan, but stance of Spain on Kosovo remains unchanged (RTV)

Ambassador of Spain to Serbia, Raul Bartolome Molina said today the stance of his country on Kosovo remains the same, and the fact that Spain supports efforts of the EU representatives Josep Borrell and Miroslav Lajcak to resolve the situation does not mean that stance of Spain will change, Radio Television of Vojvodina (RTV) reports.

“The Chapter 35 in negotiation process speaks about normalisation of relations and not about recognition, and among the main parties in Spain there is a consensus on this, so even if the government changes, there will be no change in stance, consensus on this issue will not change, at least when it comes to the main political parties”, he said.

He said the current situation in Kosovo was concerning, but he hopes that negotiations will lead to a solution.

Speaking of Serbia-Spain relations he said those relations are good, in particular political ones, that there are no open questions, adding there is a room for their advancement.  

Weapons confiscated near Podujevo, suspect arrested (KoSSev)

Kosovo police arrested yesterday in the village near Podujevo a man suspected of criminal activity “weapons trade”, KoSSev portal reports.

The arrest was preceded by a search of a residential premise in which police found – two guns, one air rifle, 25 bullets, a box filled with powder and a quantity of spherical shells for hunting weapons and equipment for printing letters and numbers on weapons (metal), the portal said. 

The suspect was sent to 48-hour detention. 

The SL reaction to declaration of the "Northern Brigade" and "Civil Protection" as “terrorist organisations” by Pristina (KiM radio) 

"The decision of Albin Kurti's regime to declare the non-existent organisations 'Civil Protection' and 'Northern Brigade' terrorist is part of his regime's plan to create an imaginary, virtual enemy to justify the continuation of the political terror he is carrying out with his special forces in the north of Kosovo and Metohija through unfounded arrests of innocent Serbs, mistreatment and intimidation of citizens", announced the Serbian List regarding yesterday's decision of Kosovo Government to declare "Civil Protection" and "Northern Brigade" as “terrorist organisations”, reports KiM radio. 

"If it were not dangerous, this Albin Kurti, Xhelal Svecla and other Pristina ministers' activity would be ridiculous. However, the plans resulting from this decision indicate that instead of de-escalation at the call of the entire international community and the entire Serbian people, Kurti is planning further escalation, repression and strengthening of the parapolice, the occupation authorities in the north of Kosovo and Metohija," the announcement states.

The Serbian List points out that "'Northern Brigade' is a virtual organisation that exists in Kurti's head, and 'Civil Protection' was integrated years ago with its former workers into Kosovo institutions, from which these workers still receive their salaries. We also remind everyone that this yesterday's decision of Kurti's regime comes after a show apparently prepared by Kurti, when a phantom vehicle was found with some kind of weapon, which could fit in a truck rather than a passenger car, but also after some kind of incendiary device was thrown near the North Mitrovica municipality building. In both cases, the scene is located in a parameter that has been controlled for weeks by Kurti's special forces, their cameras and drones and other surveillance equipment".

As stated in the announcement of the Serbian List, "Kurti established a unique system that is nothing more than a witch hunt in the 21st century, according to which non-existent organisations, which have never been seen publicly, nor have taken responsibility for a terrorist attack, are declared terrorist organisations."

"We remind you that a peaceful democratic protest of citizens is underway, and that there has not been a single attack in the north that anyone serious and normal could call terrorist. Although after the use of the term 'fascist militia' for the Serbs in the north, nothing from Kurti's regime could surprise us. Bearing the above in mind, and in order to prevent Kurti's regime from staging some new provocations and accusing the Serbs or some new virtual organisation, and thus giving itself an alibi for the persecution and intimidation of the Serbs, we demand from KFOR and EULEX to deploy as soon as possible their forces at all neuralgic points in the north of Kosovo and Metohija and prevent Kurti from realising his hellish plan and endanger peace in these areas,'' reports KiM radio, citing the Serbian List statement.

The EC with a measure against Pristina, withdrew the invitation to participate in the Digital Europe program (RTS, Tanjug)

Radio Television of Serbia reports that the representatives of Pristina did not attend the signing of the agreement on participation in the Digital Europe program, because the European Commission withdrew the invitation. According to the Tanjug correspondent, this is one of the measures that Brussels is implementing against Pristina.

The Agreement on the Program of the European Union, Digital Europe for the period 2021-2027, aims to strengthen international cooperation and support economic development with a special emphasis on small and medium-sized enterprises, reports RTS.

The total value of this seven-year program is estimated at 7.5 billion euros, of which 2.2 billion euros have been earmarked for high-performance computing and 2.1 billion euros for artificial intelligence.

Lawyer: The case of Sladjan Trajkovic before the Supreme Court in Pristina (Kontakt plus radio)

A request for protection of legality was submitted to the Supreme Court in Pristina due to the confirmation of the decision to extend the detention of former police officer Sladjan Trajkovic, announced lawyer Dejan A. Vasic.

Vasic told Radio Kontakt plus that "from the beginning, the proceedings against Trajkovic were conducted with gross violations of the law by the Special Prosecutor's Office, because the investigation was conducted without permission for the defense to attend the investigation."

The lawyer added that he asked the Supreme Court to ease the detention measure for his client "for health reasons, and in accordance with current practice".

Radio Kontakt plus recalled that Sladjan Trajkovic is a former member of the Kosovo Police, arrested on December 15 last year in Kosovska Mitrovica on suspicion of having allegedly participated in a war crime in 1999.

UK Embassy in Pristina: The United Kingdom was not consulted (Radio Mitrovica sever)

The Embassy of the United Kingdom announced today that the Kosovo Government did not coordinate with official London regarding the decision to declare the "Civil Defense" and "Northern Brigades" terrorist organizations, reported Radio Mitrovica sever, citing Ekonomia online.

Earlier, the United States of America and Germany also announced that there was no consultation with them regarding this decision of the Kosovo Government.

FM Dacic announces “resetting of relations” with Israel (Beta, N1, TV Pink) 

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic said his Israeli counterpart will visit Serbia next week to discuss “resetting of relations,” reported N1.

It is important for us to reset the relations that were thrown into question because Israel recognized Kosovo’s independence, Dacic told Pink TV.

Commenting on Kosovo, Dacic said Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti’s goal is to have the entire Serbian people declared “genocidal,” but that others now view Serbia differently.

“Serbia’s image has changed. It is now clear to everyone in the international community who the one making problems is, and the narrative where we are the bad guys and that the people in Pristina are the victims, which dominated for decades, has been fully reversed,” said the Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister.

He added that there is no mention of the Community of Serb Municipalities in the plan for de-escalation, and that pressure is exerted on Belgrade for the Serbs to agree to participate in new Kosovo elections.

Serbian Armed Forces contingent to join US troops in peacekeeping mission in Sinai (N1)  

A military celebration was held Thursday at the Center for Peace Operations in the Banjica barracks Belgrade on the occasion of sending off the first Serbian Armed Forces (SAF) contingent to the international peacekeeping operation on the Sinai Peninsula.

The mission is part of the independent peacekeeping organisation Multinational Force and Observers (MFO) created by agreement between the Arab Republic of Egypt and the State of Israel in 1981 to supervise the implementation of the security provisions of the 1978 Egyptian-Israeli Treaty of Peace.

The Serbian Armed Forces will deploy a ten-member engineering working group in this mission as part of the American contingent, which will be the first joint engagement of the Serbian and the US military in peace-building and peacekeeping missions in the world, said the Defense Ministry.

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Janjic: The decision to declare Northern Brigade and Civil Protection as terrorist is the “worst possible response” (KoSSev)

Political analyst Dusan Janjic described the Kosovo government’s decision to declare “Civil Protection“ and “Northern Brigade“ as “terrorist organizations” as political and the “worst possible response.“ Janjic warned that it could lead to a decree that would introduce a “special police-controlled emergency state“ resulting in new protests and arrests of Serbs. The recent incidents in the north “can hardly“ be construed as the act of terrorism, while EULEX and KFOR did not support such a decision by the Kosovo government, thus a “fierce response“ is expected, Janjic says. He anticipates that Belgrade, in agreement with NATO, will start implementing de-escalation measures controlled by Belgrade, as well as to hire a lawyer because “it is suspected that it (cf. Belgrade) was the one who sent the terrorists.“

Janjic stated that he is not surprised by the Kosovo government’s decision to declare “Civil Protection“ and the “Northern Brigade“ as terrorist organizations.

He claims that it is a political decision and that we will see “whether it is possible for political decisions to be turned into law.“

Janjic emphasized that this presents a “big burden“ for the Kosovo Assembly and the Kosovo public.

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AI Models-R-Us Has Big Implications for Democracy (Balkan Insight)

AI may not need to a sci-fi-style ‘rebellion against humanity’ – but the gradual assimilation of humans and AI poses dangers all of its own.

We are on the brink of a new era in artificial intelligence, so comprehension of the recent advancements in large language models, LLMs, is timely and much needed.

Previously dismissed as mere chatbots or simple predictive tools, LLMs have now proven their dynamic versatility and intellectual capabilities, contrasting to the simple text generation. Often, LLMs were viewed as devices predicting the following probable word based on the previous ones. However, their potential far exceeds this. LLMs’ advancements suggest these models could be forerunners to general artificial intelligence.

The power of LLMs is often compared to the human intellect, yet such a comparison cannot fully represent the true ability of these models. While AI does not possess sentiment or consciousness the way humans do, these models undertake cognitive tasks with a level of ability and proficiency that parallels human intelligence.

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