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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, July 10, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • PDK wants Assembly to be dissolved: Time for Kosovo to go to elections (Telegrafi)
  • Escobar: We need new elections in north; there can be even bigger crisis (media)
  • LDK demands minister Gervalla’s resignation (media)
  • Recica on Gervalla’s remarks: US, EU could ponder even harsher sanctions (EO)
  • Osmani hosts UNDP representative in Kosovo (media)
  • Nic: Kosovo is closer to open conflict than Bosnia (Radio Free Europe)
  • Hungarian KFOR soldier who was wounded in north has leg amputated (media)
  • Rexhepi on Kosovo-Bosnia relations: Stagnation comes from Serbian entity (RTK)

Serbian Language Media: 

  • Pasalic: Arrested Serbs and those protesting in Kosovo are exposed to terror (NMagazin, Vecernje Novosti, Beta, KiM radio)
  • Dukagjin Gorani: Kurti's attitude unreasonable (KiM radio,
  • Jozic family house burnt in the village of Veric near Istok (KiM radio, Radio Gorazdevac)
  • Montenegro’s Milatovic with Vucic: Turning a new leaf in our relations (N1)
  • British MPs distance themselves from Alicia Kearn's statement about arms smuggling in the SPC (SOC) (N1, KiM radio)


  • Serbia Ready to Use Planned Gas Terminal in Montenegro (Balkan Insight)



Albanian Language Media  


PDK wants Assembly to be dissolved: Time for Kosovo to go to elections (Telegrafi)

Head of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) parliamentary group, Abelard Tahiri, said today that the time has come for Kosovo to go to early parliamentary elections. He made the remarks after the Presidency of the Kosovo Assembly failed to meet today due to lack of quorum. “This Assembly doesn’t deserve a single day more to spend the taxpayer’s money when it is this dysfunctional. As the PDK parliamentary group and as a political party, we have a decision calling on this dysfunctional Assembly to be dissolved because it is causing more damage to the Republic than it is helping in good governance. Last week we gave the Prime Minister the chance to either dissolve the Assembly or to resign, and the time has come for our country to go to early elections,” he argued.

Tahiri said that the crisis is getting more serious by the day and that Kosovo is being sanctioned by the United States and the European Union, and by individual EU member states. 

Tahiri also said that PDK MPs will not vote for any agreement in the Assembly. “We cannot survive while being isolated and we don’t intend to help this isolation. We will not vote for international agreements, or draft laws or strategies, with the sole purpose of taking the country to elections as soon as possible and to remove this incapable government,” he said.

Escobar: We need new elections in north; there can be even bigger crisis (media)

U.S. Envoy for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar, said in an interview with HRT, that new elections are needed in the north of Kosovo with unconditional participation by the Kosovo Serbs. He said that if the EU conditions are not met there can be an even bigger crisis. “Josep Borrell and Miroslav Lajcak presented three simple steps. The first step is the removal of people from the streets. The mayors of municipalities must not be elected with the purpose of shifting attention. We need new elections with the unconditional participation of Serbs. We also need a timeline for the Serbian implementation of the agreement and a draft statute for the Association of Serb-majority municipalities in Kosovo. This is about equality and benefits for both parties,” he said.

Asked if there is a solution on the horizon as the situation in the north has deteriorated, Escobar said: “if the two parties do not accept the EU plan for de-escalation, there can be an even bigger crisis. What was reached in Ohrid is a normalisation agreement to create peace conditions between two hostile neighbours in accordance with European rules. We need to get back to this. I believe that this agreement creates the right conditions to further European integration. Meanwhile, a series of destabilising actions were carried out. This shifted the focus away from the agreement. We need to get back to it”.

LDK demands minister Gervalla’s resignation (media)

Jehona Lushaku-Sadriu, chairperson of the Women's Forum in the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) has requested from the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora, Donika Gervalla-Schwarz, to resign. Through a post on the Facebook social network, she stated that Gervalla is continuing to defend her scandalous statements.

"We must remind a hypocritical minister such as Gervalla-Schwarz that the EU is a supranational structure, which has guaranteed its peace and security for 78 years now, precisely by building the most grandiose project of peace and integration".

"It achieved this precisely by coordinating with the USA and building its security structures. The entire several decades effort of the EU and the EU states in the Western Balkans is proof of the determination to create a secure region. Always in coordination with the USA, it means doing exactly what the minister and her boss present in Kosovo as unnecessary".

"To be precise, Kosovo has chosen to aim to integrate into the EU as its only path by anchoring it in the Constitution! So far, just as foreign minister, this government has taken actions exactly against this constitutional state vision of ours; has despised the EU as a political organization in which Kosovo has aspirations to join", Lushaku-Sadriu said.

Recica on Gervalla’s remarks: US, EU could ponder even harsher sanctions (EO)

MP from the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Elmi Recica, said today that remarks by Kosovo’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Donika Gervalla, could lead to the United States and the European Union to ponder even harsher sanctions against Kosovo. He argued that Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani’s silence about Gervalla’s remarks is intolerable. “The President’s intolerable silence about the remarks is damaging Kosovo. Kosovo has moved forward precisely because of coordination and cooperation with the U.S., NATO and the European Union. Any action and statement of this nature … If a person that doesn’t know where Kosovo is, reads this statement, they wouldn’t believe that a senior representative of Kosovo could make such a statement. You know that the current measures are a prelude to concrete sanctions, and they have already blocked us in all processes, including the Stabilisation/Association Agreement. Such statements could lead to the EU and U.S. to ponder introducing even harsher sanctions against Kosovo. I don’t know who this government and minister has an ally in the world, I don’t know who they plan to develop the state processes with,” he argued.

Osmani hosts UNDP representative in Kosovo (media)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani met today with the UNDP representative in Kosovo, Nuno Querios, wishing him welcome and expressing readiness to continue cooperation for the implementation of UNDP projects in Kosovo.

Osmani expressed high appreciation for the contribution of UNDP in support of many programs and projects in Kosovo, with special emphasis on women, youth, environment, and persons with special needs. She also asked for support for projects that have been a priority during her mandate, including the economic empowerment of women, support for children with special needs, and the green agenda.

The UNDP representative said he is open to cooperate and support these priorities, noting that there are also similar projects being implemented in the region.

Osmani and Querios also talked about the Forum for Women, Peace and Security, organised by Osmani.

Nic: Kosovo is closer to open conflict than Bosnia (Radio Free Europe)

Milan Nic, senior research fellow at the German Council on Foreign Relations, said in an interview with Radio Free Europe, that NATO leaders at the upcoming summit in Vilnius are expected to confirm that the situation in Kosovo is serious and that KFOR is there to guarantee the safety of all citizens, including the Serb minority in the north. 

Nic argued that the troubles in Kosovo would be even bigger if NATO was not there. “I think that Kosovo is closer to an open conflict than Bosnia. It is a different level of conflict, because there are physical attacks and confrontations in the north, there are parallel structures, explosions, and a minor incident can lead to something bigger,” he said.

According to Nic, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic can play for a long time the game “both the West and Russia”.

He said that the United States of America and European allies are losing their patience with the crisis, because it is a distraction from the main development in Europe, the war in Ukraine, and that this too will seal the future of Serbia and Kosovo. “Therefore, it is regrettable. But it is also a matter of political choices by the two leaders [Kosovo and Serbia] how far they will go with these tensions and unilateral actions. Unilateral actions came more from Belgrade, but during last year from Pristina too,” he said.

Hungarian KFOR soldier who was wounded in north has leg amputated (media)

Citing a report by Hungarian media Telex, several news websites report that a Hungarian KFOR soldier, who was wounded in Zvecan, has had his leg amputated. Telex reported that after the clashes in Zvecan, several Hungarian soldiers were flown back to Hungary the next day and that Hungarian Defense Minister said that a total of 27 soldiers were wounded. According to the reports, most of the soldiers have returned home, but two soldiers are still in serious condition and are being treated in hospitals.

Rexhepi on Kosovo-Bosnia relations: Stagnation comes from Serbian entity (RTK)

Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister for Minority Issues and Human Rights, Emilia Rexhepi, said in an interview with RTK today, that recently she had a meeting in Bosnia and Herzegovina, marking the highest visit by a representative of Kosovo institutions there. “I had a meeting with the Foreign Minister, Konakovic, and I insisted on helping us with recognition, or at least to pledge for what they signed in Berlin in terms of the free movement of people,” she said.

Rexhepi also talked about the main reason why there is stagnation in relations between Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina. “What I heard from them is that the stagnation comes from the Serbian entity in Bosnia, and that they obstruct everything related to Kosovo. You know that nothing can be achieved in Bosnia if the Serbian representative is not in favour,” she argued.




Serbian Language Media 


Pasalic: Arrested Serbs and those protesting in Kosovo are exposed to terror (NMagazin, Vecernje Novosti, Beta, KiM radio)

The Protector of Citizens, Ombudsmen Serbia, Zoran Pasalic, stated that "the people who were arrested in the southern province, as well as those who are protesting, are subjected to torture as defined in Article 1 of the European Convention against Torture, Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment, which states the infliction of pain, physical and mental or psychological suffering", reported portal NMagazin. 

"We wrote to the SPT and ECtHR, which are the United Nations sub-committees to combat torture, as well as the same body at the European level. We expect them to do their part and we will address them until they do so. We have received a response from the International Red Cross Committee that it is a bilateral relationship between them and the government of the temporary institutions in Kosovo and Metohija. The SPT replied that they will inform the membership," Pasalic told today's Vecernje Novosti.

"We are not satisfied with the answers, we want concrete actions," Pasalic pointed out, citing portal NMagazin.

"Today we will individually address other bodies that deal with the protection of human rights. We have also written to ombudsmen associations at the global and European level," he emphasized.

When asked if there was a way for him or someone from the institution he leads to go to Kosovo and if he was trying to do so, he said that "Belgrade's liaison officer in Pristina asked for permission for a visit".

"An answer has not arrived yet. I will also search, and if we succeed, we will go together to see what kind of health condition and treatment the prisoners have," Pasalic said.

Dukagjin Gorani: Kurti's attitude unreasonable (KiM radio,

The Director of the Liberal Democratic Center Dukagjin Gorani called Kosovo PM Albin Kurti's attitude to reject the requests of the EU and the USA to contribute to the de-escalation of the crisis in the north of Kosovo unreasonable and immature, reported KiM radio. 

"The unreasonableness, due to PM Kurti not understanding the sensitivity of the moment, which is that the political and geopolitical context in Europe today is completely different and much more dramatic than it has ever been before, and it seems that Kurti cannot fully understand that and to deal with it, and on the other hand, it is immaturity because, it seems, he is not very capable of using and practicing the kind of political and public communication that would lead to agreement and that would lead to stability. Therefore, this attitude of Prime Minister Kurti came at the most sensitive and problematic time, and this kind of behavior that somehow puts Kosovo in a very difficult position with the international community also comes at a very bad time and a bad moment for the entire stability of the Balkans," Gorani said.

When something has to be done, it shouldn't be difficult

Due to the measures introduced by the EU, NATO and other international actors against the Government of Kosovo, which refuses their demands that the special police of Kosovo withdraw from the north and that the newly elected mayors act from alternative locations, Gorani says that the economic damage is already certain, but it is even greater in the political sense, reported KiM radio.

"I'm not a financial expert, it will probably be estimated in hundreds of millions of euros, but the political damage is precisely because of credibility, and what is called "a face". It will be the biggest and longest lasting. Kosovo is not in a situation to have misunderstandings with the International Community, and we do not have the luxury of affording some kind of isolation and hostility, not even with the neighbourhood, and especially with our partners. What bugs me even more is that there doesn't seem to be a clear strategy as to why this is being done. At least that we know why we are entering this kind of international isolation and sanctions. If there is some goal that would be worth it, but I really don't know what this is for. So, whatever it may be, the Ohrid Agreement must be implemented. Brussels agreements too. And Kurti is aware of it, and everyone is aware of it, including the party in power and the opposition and the entire Kosovo society. When something has to be done, then it shouldn't be difficult. Why did we end up in such a situation of isolation when we all know that what we signed must be implemented," wonders Gorani. 

The International Community will not solve our problems

Commenting on the survey with the residents of Gracanica, Pristina and North Mitrovica regarding the introduced measures, i.e., measures against Kosovo, Gorani pointed to the wrong perception of citizens, regardless of their ethnicity, who believe that foreigners should solve our problems, i.e., the International Community.

"This should be resolved by us, it should be resolved between Kosovo and Serbia, the International Community does not have to do anything. The international community tries to mediate if it can, to help if it can, but an agreement must be reached between Kosovo and Serbia. Therefore, this prejudice exists unfortunately for both societies, both in Albanian and Serbian. The fact that someone owes us to solve this and that someone is obliged to solve this for us is, I think, a very unreasonable view of the process, and the second is what an older gentleman said, which is that societies must be "cajoled" to the solution. They cannot be persuaded to a solution. That is why the expansion of sovereignty through police procedures is not only impossible but will always be unacceptable. We saw that in the Balkans in the 90s and it should not happen again," says Gorani.

Commenting on Kurti's assessment that the measures introduced by the International Community will soon be lifted, because Kosovo needs help from the West and that the Government will by no means give up on the rule of law and constitutionality, Gorani expects the situation to calm down.

"Historical events always tend to repeat themselves, the first time as a tragedy, and the second time as a farce. This is the second time, and this is not a particularly dangerous moment, because we have already been through it. This will not get worse, but no matter how this political thriller remains, it will harm Kosovo the most, and since I am a citizen of Kosovo that worries me the most. So, we have no doubts, this will be resolved so that the existing agreements will be implemented. The manner in which the agreements are implemented or the enthusiasm and optimism in the implementation of those agreements will give an indication of how we will live in the future," said Dukagjin Gorani, director of the Liberal Democratic Center, said in the ‘Slobodno srpski’ TV show.

Jozic family house burnt in the village of Veric near Istok (KiM radio, Radio Gorazdevac)

KiM radio reports, citing Radio Gorazdevac that the house of the Jozic family in the village of Veric, in the municipality of Istok, was set on fire the previous night. 

Owner of the house, Svetislav Veric, told Radio Gorazdevac that he received the keys to the house on Friday from the Kosovo institutions, and the furniture was supposed to arrive in the following days.

According to him, he received the information about the burning house from an Albanian neighbour who lives nearby.

"The information that my house was set on fire was reported to me by an Albanian neighbour around eight o'clock this morning. He saw the smoke and called me. He said that I should come as soon as possible, and that there were police and firemen in front of the house. I got the keys to the house on Friday, and I went to Jagodina until the furniture arrived, but three days later someone set fire to my house," Jozic told Radio Gorazdevac.

The spokesperson of the Kosovo police for the region of Pec told Radio Gorazdevac that the case was reported to the police this morning around eight o'clock.

"This morning around eight o'clock, a neighbour reported a case of a burning house. The police and firefighters came to the field. Experts have carried out an investigation and the report of the team working on this case is awaited. The investigation is ongoing," Gashi said.

Vesna Malikovic, officer for communities and return in the municipality of Istok, briefly told Radio Gorazdevac that this is pressure on returnees who want to return, that they are not welcome.

The public prosecutor characterized this case as a fire, reported KiM radio.

Montenegro’s Milatovic with Vucic: Turning a new leaf in our relations (N1)

Following his meeting with Montenegrin President Jakov Milatovic, Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vucic said they confirmed that strengthening bilateral ties and close cooperation are mutually beneficial, as well as that good relations are important for the citizens of the two countries.

Milatovic pointed out that Serbia and Montenegro have not exchanged ambassadors despite the fact that Serbia is maybe Montenegro’s most important economic partner.

Stressing that his visit to Belgrade means turning a new leaf in mutual relations, Milatovic said his country will appoint an ambassador to Serbia as soon as the Government is formed, and that Vucic assured him that Belgrade would do the same in the near future.

Vucic said Serbia and Montenegro have a large trade exchange considering the size of the countries.

“For Serbia Montenegro is an important partner, both because of the traditional closeness and ties and because of the large number of Serbians in Montenegro and Montenegrins in Serbia. We are trying to advance our relations, to make them incomparably better,” Vucic said at a joint press conference with Milatovic at the Serbian Palace.

He added that they also discussed the construction of highways that will connect the two countries, further construction of the railway line and further cooperation in terms of energy.

Vucic described their talk as open, civilized, and normal, which is a prerequisite to further building of trust, adding he has no intention of asking anyone to do anything they do not wish to do, “we won’t even step on anyone’s shadow.”

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British MPs distance themselves from Alicia Kearn's statement about arms smuggling in the SPC (SOC) (N1, KiM radio)

Members of the Parliament of the United Kingdom told the President of the Parliament of Serbia, Vladimir Orlic, that Alicia Kearn's statement "reflects only her personal position, not the official position of the Parliament or the Government of the United Kingdom", reports N1.

Serbian Parliament announced that they emphasized that they are coming to Serbia to work on strengthening ties, its promotion in the United Kingdom, as well as the promotion of comprehensive cooperation and friendship, reported N1. 

British member of parliament and president of the Foreign Policy Committee of the British Parliament, Alicia Kearns, accused the Serbian Orthodox Church of participating in the smuggling of weapons from Serbia to Kosovo, recalled N1.

At the meeting in Belgrade, Orlic pointed out the sharp reactions and justified indignation of the public in Serbia due to the "serious accusations" of Alicia Kearns. 

"Her words were immediately denied by KFOR. It is important that there are no such flagrant examples of irresponsibility and that, when they occur, they receive a clear condemnation," said Orlic.

During the conversation, Orlic also said that the situation in Kosovo is difficult and that PM Albin Kurti is carrying out "open terror against the Serbian people".

"The regime in Pristina is preventing the Serbs from getting food and medicine, and is making dangerous moves every day with the intention of provoking an open conflict," he added.

The British parliamentarians said that they are following the events in the region, and that the United Kingdom will remain committed to preserving peace and stability in this part of Europe.

They also discussed the improvement of overall bilateral relations and the further intensification of parliamentary cooperation.

They also discussed economic cooperation "which records a growth trend", energy, infrastructure, and investments.

The delegation of the Parliament of the United Kingdom consists of the chairperson of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Serbia, Jackie Doyle Price, the co-chairman of that group, Lord Rennard, and MPs Matthew Offord, Tan Dhesi and Wayne David.






Serbia Ready to Use Planned Gas Terminal in Montenegro (Balkan Insight)

Aleksandar Vucic said Serbia is ready to use the planned liquefied natural gas terminal in the Montenegrin port of Bar, which is to be installed by US companies Enerflex Energy Systems and Wethington Energy Innovation.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Monday that Serbia is ready to use the planned liquefied natural gas LNG terminal in the Montenegrin port of Bar.

On May 12, the outgoing Montenegrin government signed a memorandum of understanding, MoU, with US companies Enerflex Energy Systems and Wethington Energy Innovation to install an LNG terminal in Bar.

At the joint press conference with Montenegrin President Jakov Milatovic during his official visit to Serbia, Vucic said Belgrade is ready to purchase liquid gas from the planned terminal.

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