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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, July 26, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti: It is logical for measures to be removed before the new elections (Koha)
  • Szunyog: EU measures towards Kosovo remain unchanged (RTK)
  • Osmani: Threats to policemen in the north come from Serbia and its criminal groups (media)
  • Kurti: Internationals should be vocal against Belgrade's pressure against integration of Serbs (Koha)
  • Hovenier: Intimidation against young police officers is unacceptable (Koha)
  • Rohde: Stop intimidation of Serbs who were employed in Kosovo Police (media)
  • ​​Haradinaj: Threats to policemen in the north, unacceptable (media)
  • Serbs welcome work of new policemen from this community in northern municipalities (Kosovapress)
  • Kosovo imposes the 11th package of sanctions against Russia and Belarus (Klan)
  • Criticism of Kosovo's contract for lobbying in America returns - what did Serbia sign? (Nacionale)

Serbian Language Media: 

  • Dacic: Kurti wants to create environment of fear and drive Serbs out of Kosovo (Radio KIM, TV Pink, Kosovo Online)
  • Arsenijevic: More than 1000 Serbs left northern Kosovo (Radio KIM, KoSSev)
  • Head of EU Office in Pristina: There will be negative consequences if requests and expectations of EU are not respected (Tanjug)
  • Vucic: Nis-Merdare motorway to boost development (Tanjug)
  • Giaufret: “Peace Highway” to be backbone of regional road network (Tanjug, media)
  • Ambassadors in Pristina: Intimidation campaign against new Serb members of KP should stop immediately (KoSSev)


  • Kosovo’s Other Deadlock: LGBT Rights in a Time of Strife (BIRN)



Albanian Language Media  


Kurti: It is logical for measures to be removed before the new elections (Koha)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti has said that it is logical that the measures imposed by the European Union on Kosovo be removed before the time comes for holding new elections in the north. He said that the agreement that Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi has reached with the European Union's special emissary for the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak, is about de-escalation and that "he does not believe that anyone expects that without complete de-escalation we will have elections in the north".

"Of course we continue the work. We are preparing for early elections in the north and for these measures that have been taken against us and which are called temporary and reversible, of course we expect them to be removed as soon as possible and it is logical that this should happen beforehand. It is not a question of conditions, but of a logical order of things that should have as the first step the implementation of the agreement between Bislimi and Lajcak on June 3, realised in Bratislava and creates the minimum normality for early elections", Kurti said in a press conference after the government meeting on Wednesday.

Regarding the meeting with the mayors of the municipalities in the north, he said "I can meet them, but I don't know how pleasant it is to meet me because when they meet me, I tell people to go to work, not not to go. The problem is not whether there is a meeting or not, but it is that I say that you have to go to work as long as you are receiving your salary.”

Asked about the release of Serbs suspected of attacks on journalists and authorities in the north, Kurti said that he is generally not satisfied with the work of the Prosecutor's Office.

Szunyog: EU measures towards Kosovo remain unchanged (RTK)

The ambassador of the European Union in Kosovo, Tomas Szunyog, told journalists after the meeting with the members of the Assembly Committee of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora that there are no sanctions towards Kosovo, but measures taken by the EU countries on June 3 and 30 and are still in force.

"I can say again that we do not have any sanctions, but if you think about the measures taken by the EU, they are the same as those of June 3, and I can reconfirm the positions of the EC member states of June 30 are unchanged," he said.

Osmani: Threats to policemen in the north come from Serbia and its criminal groups (media)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani has condemned the recent lynchings of young Serb policemen in the north of Kosovo. Through a post on Twitter, Osmani said that these threats come from Serbia and its criminal groups.She further stated that the perpetrators must face justice.

"Our police are professional and multi-ethnic. This campaign must be stopped and the perpetrators brought to justice. We stand with our policemen, while they bravely serve for a safer Kosovo for everyone", she said.

At the beginning of this week, 72 new police officers from non-majority communities started their work. The Kosovo Police announced that 45 of them are from the Serbian community, 16 from the Bosnian community, 8 from the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities, as well as three Turks.

Kurti: Internationals should be vocal against Belgrade's pressure against integration of Serbs (Koha)

Kosovo’s Prime Minister, Albin Kurti, has called on the international factor to be more vocal in condemning Belgrade's pressure on the Serbs who are integrating in Kosovo.

"I congratulate them for their courage to be part of the Police, especially the 46 Serbs. The lynching campaigns are unacceptable to us, even though they have been ignored by them [the new Serbian policemen]. They are members who have love for the country. The international factor must condemn any lynching campaign, it must be vocal against Belgrade's continuous pressures towards the integration of Serbs. Those who integrate live better, that's a fact. Those who do not integrate, remain hostage to Belgrade's policies", Kurti said at the media conference on Wednesday.

Hovenier: Intimidation against young police officers is unacceptable (Koha)

The ambassador of the United States of America in Kosovo, Jeffrey Hovenier, has described as unacceptable the lynchings of the young Serbian policemen in the north of Kosovo by Serbian users of social networks.

"I completely share these concerns. Threats and intimidation against individuals who serve the good of all citizens of Kosovo are completely unacceptable. As I have said before, the Kosovo Police exists to serve all communities in Kosovo and its composition should reflect the diversity of Kosovo", Hovenier wrote on Twitter as he shared the statement of the head of EULEX Giovanni Pietro Barbano.

Pietro Barbano has called any type of threat or intimidation unacceptable.

"I am very concerned by media reports regarding threatening messages against new Kosovo police officers from non-majority communities. Any type of intimidation is unacceptable, and I emphasize the importance that the Kosovo Police reflects and represents the entire population of Kosovo", he said.

Rohde: Stop intimidation of Serbs who were employed in  Kosovo Police (media)

The Ambassador of Germany to Kosovo Jorn Rohde, has reacted regarding the denigrating campaign that is being carried out on social networks against the citizens of the Serb community who graduated and started working in the Kosovo Police.

The German diplomat wrote on Twitter that this intimidation campaign is disturbing and must be stopped immediately.

"This campaign of intimidation is absolutely disturbing. It must be stopped immediately. Young policemen from the Bosnian, Roma, Serbian and Turkish minority communities deserve all the support, especially from the municipalities and citizens where they are deployed," Rohde wrote.

​​Haradinaj: Threats to policemen in the north, unacceptable (media)

The leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Ramuish Haradinaj has reacted to the pressures and threats being made to the members of the Serb community and other communities in the north.

"The pressures and threats against members of the Serb community and other communities in the north, who have become part of the Kosovo Police, are unacceptable and attempts to sabotage the de-escalation and calming of the situation", Haradinaj said.

According to him, members of minority communities, including Serbs, should be allowed to exercise their civil rights freely.

"Serb citizens and every member of the minority communities should consider Kosovo as their homeland and fully integrate into the institutions of Kosovo!", he stressed.

Serbs welcome work of new policemen from this community in northern municipalities (Kosovapress)

Not even a year has passed since the organised resignation of Serbian policemen in the northern municipalities, about 46 Serbs have started working in the Kosovo Police. 

In social networks of the Serbian media, the Serbs have welcomed and wished success to the police officers of the Kosovo Police, while on Tuesday, Kosovapress reported on threats on the Russian Telegram channel.

Natasa Pavlovic from Belgrade hopes that the new policemen will work properly, and not like their predecessors. "Congratulations, young people, I'm sure they will do their work honestly, unlike those who got rich in some plantations and laboratories and now make a patriot with a drum, with full pockets!" commented Pavlovic.

Milan Milovanovic from Kraljevo expressed almost the same. "Let the people work, you did not mind that the intellectuals of the Serbian List were in their governments, yachts and other things, why should you mind this... better than with the same salary to carry banners in Vucic's rallies, protests and barricades for the interests of individuals in power and the Serbian List," Milovanovic wrote.

Meanwhile, Dusan Milenkovic congratulated the young policemen, wishing them all the best in their work.

Kosovo imposes the 11th package of sanctions against Russia and Belarus (Klan)

Kosovo has once again joined the Western countries in imposing additional sanctions on Russia and Belarus since the war in Ukraine began. This was done today at the meeting of the government of Kosovo.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora, Donika Gervalla, requested the approval of these measures within the 11th package.

"This is how new restrictive measures against Russia were implemented. The agreed package includes the following measures: Strengthening bilateral and multilateral cooperation with third countries to prevent the circumvention of sanctions.

"Banning the transit of goods through Russia, tightening export restrictions, imposing additional sanctions on 71 individuals and 33 entities, and the Wagner Group", Gervalla said.

The government cabinet voted in favor of this point.

Criticism of Kosovo's contract for lobbying in America returns - what did Serbia sign? (Nacionale)

Kosovo and Serbia have already signed new contracts for lobbying in the United States of America (USA). The Kosovo contract for lobbying was reported to have been given to the friend of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Donika Gervalla, Aferdita Rakipi, which had provoked extraordinary reactions.

Serbia's contract signed with an American company for lobbying in America has now been published. And this has again provoked reactions, remembering that Kosovo has signed a contract with a company whose owner is a relative of minister Gervalla and not a company with expertise in the field of lobbying.

The former chief diplomat, Petrit Selimi, commented on this development and also mentioned the agreement signed by the Government of Kosovo, according to him, with "serviles in the diaspora".

"While the Kosovo government signed "consulting contracts" with diaspora "servants" who are on public record criticising the U.S. government, the Serbian government just signed a second consulting contract, now a $720,000 deal with Democratic-leaning KARVComm to "explain the policies of the Serbian government", he wrote.

The representative of the Albanian diaspora in the USA, Faton Bislimi, has also commented on the signing of Serbia's agreement for lobbying in America. He said that the most important battle is in the field of public relations.

"I have said it and I am repeating it - the most important battle now is that of PR, especially at this time when changing (for the worse) the narrative of the history of the liberation and independence of Kosovo has become a mission of Serbia." - he wrote on Facebook.

What does Serbia's contract say?

Serbia's contract for lobbying in America will cost 740,000 for one year.

The company will promote Serbia to reach new audiences with information "that helps them understand Serbia's position in the global arena."

"The KARV company will work with the Government of the Republic of Serbia to assist in the promotion of Serbia and will work to reach new audiences with information that helps them understand Serbia's position in the global arena. This will be done through standard and social media, along with interactions and live speaking engagements with groups across the United States.”

"The term of the agreement will be for one year, starting from July 15, 2023 to July 14, 2024 and can be extended bilaterally by both parties or cancellation occurs according to paragraph IV below. It has been agreed that KARV will bill from 60 thousand dollars per month. The first payment must be made upon signing this agreement." - it says in the agreement.

On the other hand, the contract signed by Kosovo is worth 147 thousand euros and will be valid for one year. According to the Kosovo contract, the lobbying company "will provide strategic advice and foreign representation within the United States."



Serbian Language Media


Dacic: Kurti wants to create environment of fear and drive Serbs out of Kosovo (Radio KIM, TV Pink, Kosovo Online)

Leader of Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic told TV Pink there are very negative comments in the international community about the situation in Kosovo, linked with dissatisfaction over Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti’s politics and his disrespect of agreements made in Brussels, Radio KIM reports.

Dacic also said the aim of all this is “to create an environment of uncertainty and fear, and create conditions to drive Serbs out of Kosovo”.

“We warned we are approaching the ground with many landmines, and that we do not know where this minefield ends”, he added.  

Dacic also said that in essence there is a process that runs contrary to expectations of those leading the dialogue.

“As far as we are concerned, establishment of the Community of Serb Municipalities is a crucial topic for us, and it does not come to the agenda”, Dacic said.

He noted increased diplomatic activities of Belgrade by saying that this month only five foreign ministers visited Belgrade and the sixth one will come on Sunday and it is Foreign Minister of Uganda.

Arsenijevic: More than 1000 Serbs left northern Kosovo (Radio KIM, KoSSev)

Leader of Mitrovica North-based Civic Initiative Serbian Survival Aleksandar Arsenijevic said that over the last two months more than 1000 Serbs moved out from northern Kosovo, and that now parents started de-registering their children from schools, Radio KIM reports.

Arsenijevic told BETA news agency the main reason for departure of the Serbs from northern Kosovo were threats of Pristina authorities that they plan to arrest 45 more Serbs who took part in protests over violent intrusion of the Kosovo special police units in municipal facilities in northern Kosovo.

“People are very afraid because the Kosovo government announced the arrests of 45 more Serbs who took part in recent protests. Anyone can be arrested and that is why many people from Zubin Potok, Mitrovica North, Zvecan and Leposavic decided to leave and go to central Serbia”, he said.

According to him around 4.000 Serbs left Kosovo institutions last year and they are no longer attached to Kosovo by their working place. He said that in addition to public servants, doctors, craftsmen and professors are also leaving.

He also said that parents de-registered from primary and secondary schools in northern Kosovo around 90 students, adding that according to the information more than 40 students left schools in Leposavic and more than 50 left schools in Mitrovica North and Zvecan.

Aresnijevic said he understood the concerns of the parents but appealed to them not to move their children out of Kosovo and urged them to overcome current problems together.

Earlier MP from opposition Democratic Party (DS) Tatjana Manojlovic told the Serbian Parliament that 2000 Serbs left Kosovo in the last month.

Miodrag Marinkovic from CASA non-governmental organisation also said earlier that the number of Serb students in primary and secondary schools dropped down by 10.000 over the last ten years, adding it means that 40.000 Serbs left Kosovo in that period.

Head of EU Office in Pristina: There will be negative consequences if requests and expectations of EU are not respected (Tanjug)

Head of the EU Office in Pristina Tomas Szunyog said today measures that the EU imposed on Kosovo came after non-fulfilment of conditions related to the situation in northern Kosovo, adding there will be more negative consequences if EU’s demands and expectations are not respected, Tanjug news agency reports.

He made those remarks after meeting the Assembly Foreign Policy Committee, adding that the EU stance is completely clear.

“We have a joint declaration, announced by our representative (Josep) Borrell, on behalf of 27 EU member states from June 3. For us this is the EU policy and the policy of every EU member state. I repeat, this stance from June 3, has been completely clear. There are certain demands and expectations and it is also a stance that clearly says there will be negative consequences if those demands and expectations are not respected. And we continue to be guided by this stance”, Szunyog is quoted as saying. 

Vucic: Nis-Merdare motorway to boost development (Tanjug)

Opening the Nis-Merdare section of a motorway dubbed “Peace Highway” Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said he was proud of the route, built to the highest international standards, as it would help the development of the Toplica district and southern Serbia and become one of the busiest roads in the country.

"I am proud this road will connect us with both Serbs and ethnic Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija. With ethnic Albanians in Pristina as well as with Serbs in Gracanica, and with Albanians in Tirana and Durres. Let me explain to the Serbs - and all others - who do not want to see the future: this will be one of the busiest roads in 20 to 30 years", Vucic said in a speech.

The section will be open to traffic from 1 pm on Wednesday. Vucic thanked the EU for providing great assistance for the project.

Giaufret: “Peace Highway” to be backbone of regional road network (Tanjug, media)

The head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Emanuele Giaufret said on Wednesday a “Peace Highway” should be a road to stability and reconciliation in the region and that it would connect southern Serbia with the Western Balkan road network.

After inspecting the route's first section from Nis to Merdare with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Giaufret said that, to him, building roads was a symbol of European integration. He said the road primarily represented a transport route, but also a connection between people in the region.

"We want roads to be a symbol of peace and stability in the region", he said, adding that the motorway would connect southern Serbia with the Western Balkan road network and enable free movement of people, goods and capital from Nis via Pristina to Tirana, and beyond.

He said the 5.5 km motorway section was the first segment of a much larger project that would connect Nis and other cities in that part of Serbia with the Adriatic and Durres. He said the EU was proud to be carrying out the project with partners in the EBRD and representatives of the central and local authorities in Serbia. He said the construction of the motorway was a part of a more comprehensive EU plan for the Western Balkans that aimed to mobilise up to 30 bln euros for major infrastructure projects by 2027.

Ambassadors in Pristina: Intimidation campaign against new Serb members of KP should stop immediately (KoSSev)

After the new head of EULEX expressed concern yesterday over the negative campaign launched on social media networks against new Serb Kosovo Police officers, who began working in the north this week, the German and US ambassadors in Pristina sent a similar message today, KoSSev portal reports.

The German Ambassador in Pristina concurred that “this intimidation campaign“ is disconcerting. Jorn Rohde underlined it should stop immediately.

The US ambassador, Jeff Hovenier, also reacted in a similar tone. According to him, threats to individuals “serving for the benefit of all of Kosovo’s citizens are completely unacceptable“.

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Kosovo’s Other Deadlock: LGBT Rights in a Time of Strife (BIRN) 

Kosovo was meant to become the first Muslim-majority country to recognise same-sex unions. What went wrong?

Last month, Prime Minister Albin Kurti finally joined the roll-call of Kosovar leaders that have put in an appearance at Pride. Attendance at Pristina Pride events has been de rigeur for political elites – a means, if nothing else, of signalling liberal credentials to Kosovo’s friends in Europe and the US. But Kurti has been in no hurry to join the procession – this year’s parade was his first as prime minister. His absence from Prides gone by had been remarked by LGBT activists, with some questioning whether he was indeed the ally that he claimed to be. Joining the marchers on June 10 last month, the prime minister tried to lay these doubts to rest. He posed for the obligatory Pride photo – the politician’s crisp, white shirt against a backdrop of rainbow flags – and declared that he was taking part in this year’s march because he supported the activists’ demands for “equality and freedom”.

Read more at: