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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, September 13, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Osmani and Ulutas talked about deepening cooperation with KFOR (RTK)
  • Krasniqi replies to Escobar: Everything beyond administrative instruction is Belgrade's request (Koha)
  • Rama: Kosovo's self-destructive tactics are helping victimization of Serbia (media)
  • Rohde on Radomirovic’s detention in Serbia: Suspicions of political harassment (Klan)
  • Nait Hasan's phone was confiscated by EULEX (media)
  • Tahiri: Kurti has degraded dialogue process, he is agreeing to discuss internal issues (Reporteri)
  • Bedri Krasniqi acquitted of charge of murdering the UNMIK and Kosovo policemen, Dizdari sentenced to 8 years in prison (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Escobar: I did not receive assurances from Kurti about commitment to normalisation (VoA)
  • Botsan-Kharchenko: Kosovo issue will not be resolved tomorrow, but under new geopolitical circumstances (Politika, Tanjug, Kosovo Online)
  • Filipovic: Witness of prosecution said he does not know Dusko Arsic (Kosovo Online)
  • Mihajlovic: Vucic mustn’t consent to unconditional participation of Serbs in Kosovo elections (BETA, Novi Magazin)
  • Zaporozac: 300 pupils more than last year in Serbian schools in Kosovo (Kosovo Online)
  • 542,000 people who migrated from Kosovo live in Germany (Beta, N1, Kosovo Online)



Albanian Language Media  


Osmani and Ulutas talked about deepening cooperation with KFOR (RTK)

On the eve of assuming the office of the new commander of KFOR, the president of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani, hosted Major General Ozkan Ulutas, accompanied by the current commander, Major General Angelo Michele Ristuccia.

Through a press release, it is announced that President Osmani expressed full confidence in the close cooperation with General Ulutas during his leadership of KFOR in the fulfilment of common goals for peace and security in Kosovo and the region.

Also, during the meeting, President Osmani emphasised the need for increasing and deepening the cooperation between KFOR and the institutions of Kosovo, in order to effectively manage the challenges of the regional security environment and beyond.

"President Osmani informed the incoming commander of KFOR about these security challenges, which in the north of the country are caused by illegal structures led by Serbia, which also led the attacks against KFOR members on 29 May, as well as the successive attacks on the Kosovo police and journalists", the announcement reads.

Krasniqi replies to Escobar: Everything beyond administrative instruction is Belgrade's request (Koha)

Kosovo’s Minister of Local Government Administration, Elbert Krasniqi, has said that the calls for the mayors of the four municipalities in the north of Kosovo to resign to pave the way for new elections are demands of Belgrade. On Tuesday, the U.S. emissary for the Balkans, Gabriel Escobar, said that "resignations are the fastest and easiest way" and that "the petition as an initiative has never been tried".

At the media conference on Wednesday, Krasniqi defended the administrative instruction compiled by the government. The directive paves the way for the termination of the mandate of mayors of municipalities, only if at least 50 percent of the voting body of that municipality declares after the petition for their removal.

"Administrative guidance is a democratic process and everything else is not a request of the citizens there, but a request of Belgrade. They are not requests for the benefit of the citizens", he said.

Krasniqi has repeated that it was Belgrade that prevented the Serbs from participating in the elections.

"Their removal can be done through a form that is very democratic. Who can guarantee that the Serbs will participate in the elections if the mayors resign? That is why it is important to have the will of the citizens to participate in the elections", Krasniqi said.

He stated that the instruction is based on the Law on Local Self-Government.

Rama: Kosovo's self-destructive tactics are helping victimisation of Serbia (media)

On the eve of the meeting between the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, and the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, in Brussels on Thursday, the Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, wrote on Facebook that everyone should know that there is no other alternative than the immediate implementation of the French-German plan. He added that if things go wrong, "Albania and the Albanians are with Kosovo".

"Unfortunately, as I try unsuccessfully to understand the tactics of the Kosovo government, I remain equally unsuccessful in trying to understand Serbia's dialogue strategy. I suspect that Belgrade's strategy is to delay the process and benefit as much as possible from Pristina's self-destructive tactics, which have continuously helped victimize Serbia in the international arena. Unfortunately, some also forget that we are no longer in the 90s of the last century. Albania is for peace, reconciliation, a common future, full stop. But still, if things go wrong, Albania and the Albanians are with Kosovo, and nothing can change it. Having said that, I sincerely hope that everyone involved in the normalization process is aware of what is being played today between Kosovo and Serbia and understand for god’s sake, that any other alternative, except for the immediate, comprehensive implementation of the agreement on the French-German plan on the way to the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia is a game with fire, where whoever plays will burn first, and even worse, in the end the whole region will be scorched, but Europe will not be saved either", said Rama.

According to the Prime Minister of Albania, "the successful completion of the process of normalization of Kosovo and Serbia is essential for regional peace and security, as well as for the security of Europe itself".

Rama hopes that Thursday’s meeting between Kurti and Vucic will not be another empty round.

Rohde on Radomirovic’s detention in Serbia: Suspicions of political harassment (Klan)

German Ambassador to Kosovo, Jorn Rohde, expressed his concern after the arrest of the Director of Leposaviq's Administration, Nikola Radomirovic.

"I am closely following the disturbing reports about the detention of the Director of the Leposavic Administration in Serbia," Rohde wrote.

"It is not the first time in these last months that the detention at the border point raises suspicions of political harassment".

"I expect that the official appeal will be considered as soon as possible".

Nait Hasan's phone was confiscated by EULEX (media)

In the wake of the detentions that have been carried out in the last few days, the Special Court, a few days ago, also detained the former political prisoner, MP, and former ambassador, Nait Hasani.

The news was confirmed for RTK by Hasani himself, who said that his phone was confiscated. He said that on Sunday for three hours in a row, he was interviewed at the base of the EULEX mission in Fushe Kosove.

According to Hasani, his escort to EULEX and the confiscation of his phone was done by order of the Special Court. The Specialized Chambers of The Hague on Tuesday evening also interviewed the former commander of the operational area of Llap, Rrustem Mustafa - Remi, whose phone was also seized.

Meanwhile, on Tuesday, for seven hours in a row, EULEX raided the residence of the family members of the heroes Bahri and Fahri Fazliu. Their brother, Fadil, said that EULEX took his phone and work laptop from their apartment.

Tahiri: Kurti has degraded dialogue process, he is agreeing to discuss internal issues (Reporteri)

The head of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Parliamentary Group, Besnik Tahiri, said that this party will initiate an extraordinary session on the Law on salaries, specifically the salary coefficient. He has requested the support of the MPs, in order to vote a resolution that obliges the government to insert change in the Law on the Budget.

Speaking about the September 14 meeting in Brussels, he said that the head of the government, Albin Kurti, has completely degraded this process and that he is agreeing to discuss internal issues.

"In Brussels, the dialogue has totally degraded, in a situation where there will have to be clarity, what Kurti has done is that he has agreed to discuss internal issues, instead of discussing these issues in Kosovo".

Bedri Krasniqi acquitted of charge of murdering the UNMIK and Kosovo policemen, Dizdari sentenced to 8 years in prison (media)

Bedri Krasniqi has been acquitted of the charge of killing an UNMIK and a Kosovo policeman. Arben Dizdari was found guilty of the criminal offense of murder and was sentenced to eight years in prison, a sentence that will also include the time spent under arrest.

The verdict was announced by the chairman of the jury, Arben Hoti. According to the indictment, on 23.3.2004 in Podujeve, they, in collaboration with Agron Sylejmani, Florim Ejupi, and Shkumbin Mehmeti, attacked an UNMIK patrol who were patrolling near the village of Shakovice.

It is further noted that the accused had fired at least 108 times at the vehicle and at the four people in it, killing the UNMIK police officer, Possible Essuman, and the Kosovo police officer, Arsim Rrustolli, who were on duty.

Kosovo Police officer Basri Mulliqi and UNMIK translator Rame Zeneli suffered injuries as a result of the bullets fired. According to the EULEX indictment, the accused had intentionally endangered the lives of other people who were in other vehicles coming behind the UNMIK car.




Serbian Language Media


Escobar: I did not receive assurances from Kurti about commitment to normalisation (VoA)

The US asked Kosovo and Serbia, ahead of the next round of dialogue on September 14, to commit to concrete obligations in connection with the agreement on the normalisation of relations between the two sides, as well as the annex on its implementation, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Gabriel Escobar told the Voice of America in Serbian and Albanian language.

The American diplomat indicated that, in a recent telephone conversation, he did not receive assurances from Kosovo PM Albin Kurti that he was committed to the implementation of the normalisation agreement and its annex, which Kurti announced on Monday on the X social network, reported VoA.

"And that, when it comes to the Kosovo side, means the presentation of the draft Statute of the Community of Municipalities with a Serbian majority. Kurti made no commitment to do so. In essence, what he committed himself to is attending the meetings in Brussels and nothing more than that," said Escobar in an interview with the Serbian and Albanian service of the Voice of America.

As announced by the EEAS, Kosovo PM Kurti and Serbian President Vucic will have separate meetings in Brussels with diplomats Josep Borrell and Miroslav Lajcak. After that, a trilateral meeting is planned - and the topics of discussion are the implementation of the Agreement on the road to normalisation, as well as current issues. The dialogue between the two sides has been at a standstill in recent months, and their relations are characterised by tensions, reported VoA in Serbian. 

Escobar reminded that the consequences that could occur are already visible - if Kosovo and Serbia miss the opportunity to normalise relations.

"We are talking about the measures introduced by the EU, which are reflected in the impossibility of progress in some of the mechanisms of the accession process - which are quite serious. Although Kosovo designates them as sanctions, they are not true punitive measures. It would also be very similar for Serbia. In connection with Kosovo, it is also about opportunities for new recognitions, donor conferences, strategic bilateral dialogue with the US and a close relationship with NATO. Unfortunately, if there is no progress - all of that will be missed this year. It will be very similar for Serbia. I think the EU will want to see clear signals of interest in the implementation of the normalisation agreement while they consider to what extent Serbia has progressed in the accession process," specified Escobar.

According to him, the US continues to strongly support the dialogue, led by the EU. 

"We see it as a way to achieve peaceful and productive relations between Kosovo and Serbia. Bearing in mind the fact that an important agreement on normalisation was reached in February and March - we would like to ask the parties in the process to take seriously the obligations from that agreement in order to progress in fulfilling existing and earlier obligations. We want progress within the framework of the dialogue and the Ohrid Agreement to be realised during this year," Escobar pointed out - adding that some kind of progress is expected on Thursday.

VoA: In Ohrid, there seemed to be a glimmer of hope that Kosovo and Serbia could reach some sort of understanding. Nevertheless, the new round of dialogue between PM Kurti and President Vucic is expected in bad circumstances: Kosovo is facing Western measures due to the situation in the north,  and Serbia is trying to undermine Pristina. What's next?

Escobar: The Ohrid Agreement, which the parties reached, is very wide-ranging and historic. It is a true agreement on normalisation according to European standards, but also an opportunity for progress, because the two countries can harmonise the integration process with European structures. Therefore, it gives both countries the opportunity to advance in the achievement of strategic goals - European integration. However, since its achievement, we have witnessed a series of escalations and useless activities that have stalled progress. It is necessary to overcome all the challenges that have been present since March, and I believe that it is possible. We hope that by fulfilling the provisions and solving the open issues, it will be possible to conclude all the challenges that include elections, licence plates, identity cards and other topics that could be a source of escalation. It's really important because it addresses a whole range of issues.

VoA: You mentioned de-escalation -- a term that has become common over the last few months. Can you explain in more detail what the two parties need to fulfil in order to achieve this?

Escobar: Let me tell you first what the escalation was. We understood the need of the Kosovo authorities to hold elections when the mayors resigned. We acknowledged the election results - even though the turnout was extremely low. The elections were fair and free, and we invited citizens to participate. All parties agree, including the government of Kosovo, that a turnout of 3 percent is not a long-term solution for municipal authorities. We accepted the inauguration of the mayor and were convinced that controversial measures will not be taken. That they will go about their daily business. However, despite the promises and our support for Kosovo - without coordination with the international community, they decided to take over some of the municipal buildings. We pointed out to the Kosovo authorities that there is no need to escalate tensions by placing mayors in those buildings. When it comes to the Serbian side, we are very worried about the fact that, although 90% of the demonstrators were peaceful, present were those who were very violent. Who came prepared to harm the police and KFOR. Some independent journalists were also injured in the riots. So that was part of the escalation. Meanwhile, we are concerned about the lack of coordination in Kosovo regarding the use of special police units, the expropriation, and the planned eviction of some of the institutions from Government buildings led by Serbs. These are issues that should be considered in the context of dialogue. We call on both parties to coordinate with the international community.

VoA: Some critics pointed out that the West is implementing a so-called policy of appeasement towards Serbia and that it is wrong that that country has not yet imposed sanctions on Russia. Is the West trying to win Serbia over to its side at the expense of its neighbours?

Escobar: Such a thesis appears frequently. It is factually wrong because we accepted and recognized the outcome of the elections in Kosovo - despite the turnout of 3 percent, agreed to the establishment of local authorities and mayors. We welcomed their application for membership in the CoE and the introduction of visa liberalisation. Serbia, on the other hand, did not support any of that. In addition, we sanctioned the head of the Serbian Security and Information Agency. So, I would like to know how, according to the claims of critics, we supported Serbia? That is incorrect and misinformation.

VoA: There are more and more frequent announcements that elections could be held in Serbia soon, perhaps as early as March. How does this affect the chances of an eventual agreement between Kosovo and Serbia?

Escobar: It shouldn't be, because the agreement was not reached by Vucic and Kurti, but by Serbia and Kosovo. The agreements remain in force regardless of who is in power.

VoA: Do you believe that the current representatives of the two parties will implement the agreement, if it comes to that?

Escobar: An agreement has been reached and now attention is focused on its implementation. Therefore, the political will of both parties is needed to implement their part of the agreement. This is not about faith or trust. These are legally binding agreements, the implementation of which is the responsibility of individuals and governments.

VoA: Last week, the Secretary General of NATO, referring to the agreement between Kosovo and NATO from 2013 regarding the deployment of the Kosovo Security Forces (KSF) in the northern part of Kosovo, conveyed to the Kosovo President that every move, including deployment of the police must be coordinated with NATO. Do you support such a position - are the Kosovo authorities expected to coordinate the deployment of the Kosovo police in the north with the international community?

Escobar: This is a very important request. The KFOR mission shares responsibility for maintaining a safe environment in Kosovo. The same applies to the mission of the European Union, EULEX. We hope that the Kosovo authorities see the international community, especially NATO, as an important partner with whom they should consult and coordinate. We will continue to ask the Government of Kosovo to stay in close contact with NATO and KFOR on the ground. It is important to prevent any kind of wrong assessments.

VoA: The Kosovo authorities have come up with a proposal to replace the mayors in the north of Kosovo with a petition. Is that a path you would support - or would their resignations be a less complicated solution?

Escobar: If they want to hold new elections in which Serbs would participate, I think that resignations are a faster and better way. The solution that includes the petition has never been implemented until now. Numerous regulations and laws that would refer to it are not in force. However, we support any way, consistent with the Constitution, to hold elections. We ask the Serbian community to participate in the voting when the elections are announced. How this will be achieved remains for the parties to discuss. Definitely, I think it would be faster with resignations. We are monitoring the situation very carefully.

Botsan-Kharchenko: Kosovo issue will not be resolved tomorrow, but under new geopolitical circumstances (Politika, Tanjug, Kosovo Online)

Kosovo issue can be resolved and that will happen, however, not tomorrow but rather in some time, and by returning to the framework of the UN SC Resolution 1244 as well as taking into consideration before anything interests of Belgrade, Russian Ambassador to Serbia Alexander Botsan-Kharcheno said, Politika daily reports.   

Botshan-Kharchenko said this will happen under new geopolitical circumstances. He also said the West was in need of “imitation of the solution” for Kosovo, adding nothing new had been proposed, nor can it be proposed.

“Because, no matter what was said, one goal which has existed since the end of the nineties has always surfaced or got mentioned directly and that is Kosovo independence and recognition of such independence by Belgrade. This is what the West sees as its interest, and they always do what is in their interest. They never gave up on that, no matter what formulations they choose within the framework of negotiations about the status”, he said.

He assessed “it was clear immediately that those were negotiations about the status”, and that although statuses can be different, there could be only one for them – independence.

“By negotiations or not”, he said.

Botsan-Kharchenko also said that all further efforts about so-called normalisation in the West were treated and continue to be treated as a path to “push, corner and put Belgrade before the inevitable choice of recognizing Kosovo”.

“They use all the methods, from some sort of negotiation traps, and in this case, it is difficult for me to imagine how President (Aleksandar) Vucic can fall in such a trap. He is a very experienced politician, he has extensive experience in negotiations and in life in general”, Botsan-Kharchenko said.

"Another method, not a new one, which they returned to, and was used before - levers of pressure on Belgrade is to create unbearable, impossible conditions for the Serbs in Kosovo itself, under assumption that this can force Belgrade to take some steps in the direction of recognition", Botsan-Kharchenko said.

As he added, "since nothing can be done in that situation, Pristina and Kurti are encouraged".

“It is not about Kurti, he is probably more radical, but anyone who was in his place before or would come after him – will do the same. It is direct and unequivocal, and he says it openly – that he wants control over Serbian municipalities but that he does not want Serbs in Kosovo. He is doing everything to prevent not only normalisation of relations with Belgrade, but also any ties between Kosovo or municipalities populated by the Serbs with Belgrade”, Ambassador said.

Botsan-Kharchenko stressed that in the process of a final resolution of Kosovo issue, UN SC can’t be bypassed in the final outcome. He noted if it were not for the stances of Russia and China at UN SC, the West would, a long time ago, in 2006 or 2007, have attempted to resolve the issue of voting on the basis of Ahtisaari's plan.

He pointed out that keeping the Kosovo issue on the UN SC agenda offers the possibility to consider this issue all the time, to warn about existing problems and keep the world majority informed about those problems. 

Filipovic: Witness of prosecution said he does not know Dusko Arsic (Kosovo Online)

Prosecution witness in the case of Dusko Arsic from Maticane village, near Pristina was interviewed today at the Basic Court in Pristina, Kosovo Online portal reports. Arsic is accused of allegedly committing war crimes during the conflict in Kosovo in 1999.

His defence lawyer Jovana Filipovic told the portal that the witness of the prosecution said he does not know the defendant.

“This is yet another witness of prosecution in a line, who stated that they do not know Dusko Aric and have never seen him before nor heard that he committed any criminal act, let alone the act he is accused of by the indictment. Therefore, given the course of events, Dusko Arsic should be released and we hope that the court thinks in the same direction and would make the acquitting verdict at the end”, she said.

She also thanked the witness for responding to the court’s summons as statements like this one go in the favour of Dusko Arsic.

The next hearings will take place on November 21 and 24.

At the same time, there is a civil proceeding held at the same court related to the usurpation of the property owned by Dusko Arsic. The criminal proceeding initiated over legalisation of the false content was concluded by a convicting verdict against I.M. who was sentenced to three years in prison, thus, as the lawyer said, confirming that the property of the Arsic family had been taken away illegally.

Arsic was arrested on December 8, 2021 at Jarinje crossing point in presence of his two underage children, after he came to Kosovo to resolve the issue of his usurped property in the village of Maticane, near Pristina, the portal recalled. 

Mihajlovic: Vucic mustn’t consent to unconditional participation of Serbs in Kosovo elections  (BETA, Novi Magazin)

Journalist Milivoje Mihajlovic said today Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic must not consent to unconditional participation of Serbs in Kosovo elections and return to Pristina institutions, BETA news agency reports.

Mihajlovic told the news agency that the Serbian President in his talks with Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and international community should not back off from requests to establish a Community of Serb Municipalities (CSM) that had been agreed in the first Brussels agreement and to stop repression of Kosovo police against Serbian people.

“Vucic would cause a strong defeat to the Serbs in Kosovo if he would back off from those two requests. I am not sure Serbs would respond to his call to turn out for elections and return to the institutions if CSM is not established and Kosovo special police units withdrawn from the north of Kosovo previously”, Mihajlovic said. 

Zaporozac: 300 pupils more than last year in Serbian schools in Kosovo (Kosovo Online)

Head of School Administration for Kosovo and Metohija Ivan Zaporozac told Kosovo Online portal that this year, compared to last one, 300 more pupils enrolled in the schools functioning within the Serbian education system in Kosovo.

Zaporozac also refuted statements in some Serbian media yesterday that the number of students who enrolled in the Serbian schools in Kosovo this year compared to 2021 decreased by 1000. He termed those statements as “inaccurate” and “malicious”.

“I do not know what the purpose of a statement that appeared yesterday in some media was. I can tell you that the School Administration was not consulted, and that nobody received any single data from the School Administration of Kosovska Mitrovica. They used some semi-information from some news agencies and what I want to say is that this is not accurate. The information that went public and got attention, that there are 1000 allegedly less pupils is absolutely inaccurate. Also, the data for 2021 included pupils from music schools, while data for 2023 did not include students from music schools”, he added.

According to accurate information, as he said, there are 237 less pupils than in 2021, which makes around 1.5 percent.

“With music schools we have 15.283 pupils, which is 237 pupils less than in 2021, or 1.5 percent (…)”, he said and also refuted reports on the low quality of Serbian education process in Kosovo, noting that schools from Kosovo achieved notable results at competitions organised at the republic level.  

542,000 people who migrated from Kosovo live in Germany (Beta, N1)

According to research by the Institute for Advanced Studies, the number of Kosovo citizens who went to live in Germany has almost doubled in 12 years, reported N1.

Today, the institute published the report "Migration of citizens of Kosovo to Germany: Statistical analysis", which uses the results of the Federal Statistical Office of Germany for the period from 2010 to 2022.

According to the latest research from the year 2022, 542,000 people who migrated from Kosovo live in Germany, of which 330,000 were born in Kosovo, reported Kosovo Online, citing Pristina media reports.

"Of those 542,000 people, 289,000 (53 percent) are men, while 254,000 (47 percent) are women. By comparing data from 2022 with data from 2010, it was established that the number of citizens of Kosovo origin living in Germany has almost doubled. Accordingly, in a period of 12 years, there is an increase from 291,000 to 542,000, which is 251,000 more (86 percent). In 2021, 21,468 people entered Germany from Kosovo, while 4,323 people from Kosovo left Germany," the report states.

Data from 2022 show that the average age of people when they immigrated to Germany was 22, reported N1.