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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, September 14, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Borrell: Time to start implementing agreement in earnest (media)
  • Osmani: Ready for new elections in north; guarantees from internationals (media)
  • Haradinaj: Assembly must help Kosovo, bring down Kurti government (RTV21)
  • Citaku to Kurti: Kosovo is more important than his ego (media)
  • Klinaku: We will protest tomorrow against SPO and EULEX (Nacionale)
  • After Leposavic, Zubin Potok too joins Association of Kosovo Municipalities (Klan)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Vucic says talks in Brussels ended unsuccessfully, Pristina did not accept EU proposal (RTS, Kosovo Online)
  • Trilateral meeting takes place in Brussels (Tanjug)
  • Vucic in Brussels, meets with Borrell, Lajcak (N1)
  • Vucevic: Elections at the end of this year or at the beginning of 2024 (KiM radio, Beta, TV Prva)
  • Bilcik: EU ready for enlargement, Belgrade and Pristina to normalise relations (RTS, Tanjug)
  • Detention of Milun Milenkovic extended for two more months (Kosovo Online)
  • Covic: “Brussels cunningly subverting again, they allow Kurti to create new reality” (RTS, Kosovo Online)
  • Momirovic: I have written to EC and EU, UK and US ministers about Pristina's ban on goods (Tanjug, media)
  • When a JKP “Standard” accountant ends up working as street sweeper – a lawsuit filed against Rakic (KoSSev)


  • Abbot Sava Janjic: Kurti repeats Milosevic’s  mistakes (DW)


  • BIRN Fact Check: Kosovo-Serbia ‘Implementation Annex’ Not Being Implemented (BIRN)
  • The Future of Ukraine, Western Balkans & Moldova Is in the EU, von der Leyen Says ( 



Albanian Language Media  


Borrell: Time to start implementing agreement in earnest (media)

EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, said today that he is hosting Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti for a high-level meeting of the dialogue in Brussels. “It is time to start implementing the Agreement on the path to Normalisation in earnest.  Today, we will see if they are ready to take responsibility,” Borrell said.

Osmani: Ready for new elections in north; guarantees from internationals (media)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani said in an interview with Politico that she made it clear since June 1 that Kosovo is ready to organise new elections in the four municipalities in the north, but that internationals need to make sure not to allow Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic not to interfere again in the elections of another country.

“We are ready to hold these elections. The problem is that the Serb community that lives in the north of Kosovo, and which is one third of all Serbs in Kosovo, is being intimidated by people that are paid, supported, and incited by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Serbia. They [the Serbs] are under pressure not to take part in the elections. We still don’t see any movement that Vucic has stopped to interfere in the elections of another country,” she said.

According to Osmani, the boycott of the elections in the north was not voluntary but came as a result of the pressure exerted on the local population there. She said there were cases when Serbs that wanted to take part in the vote were beaten or kidnapped by members of the Serbian secret service led by Aleksandar Vulin who is sanctioned by the United States.

Osmani also said that Kosovo needs to make sure it does everything in full coordination with its international partners and allies in order to avoid any tensions. “Tensions do not help anyone, they make the people feel unsafe, it discourages potential investors, despite the fact Kosovo is a very safe country. Tensions also take away a lot of energy from the institutions, instead of dealing with reforms in the education sector, healthcare, and job creation. Kosovo’s history is a history of joint actions. We have always been successful when we have worked together with our partners and allies,” she added.

Haradinaj: Assembly must help Kosovo, bring down Kurti government (RTV21)

Leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj, said in today’s session of the Kosovo Assembly that whoever thinks that the Kurti-led government will get Kosovo out of the current path is wrong. “If we in the Assembly see that our government is sending the country to the wrong direction and are responsible for the hits against our country, how should we act? If someone here still hopes that the Kurti government will get Kosovo out of this path and sanctions I am confident that they will be wrong. I believe it is the duty of the Assembly to take the government away from the wrong path,” he argued.

Citaku to Kurti: Kosovo is more important than his ego (media)

Deputy leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Vlora Citaku, on the eve of today’s meeting between Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, said that Kurti should act responsibly, and that Kosovo is more important than his ego. “Today in Brussels, Kosovo walks on completely unknown terrain. As a result of Albin Kurti’s adventurous and irresponsible approach, for the first time in our history, since Rambouillet, faced with Serbia, Kosovo is the party sanctioned by our allies,” she wrote in a Facebook post.

Klinaku: We will protest tomorrow against SPO and EULEX (Nacionale)

Acting leader of the KLA War Veterans Organisations, Faton Klinaku, said in a Facebook post today that the EU Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) and the Specialist Prosecutor’s Office in the Hague with their latest actions are causing concerns among the families of many veterans of the former Kosovo Liberation Army.

Klinaku said a protest will be held tomorrow against these institutions in front of their headquarters in Fushe Kosove at 12:00. “We are witnessing that the Specialist Prosecutor’s Office in the Hague and EULEX are causing concern among the families of our fellow comrades and the families of martyrs, by sending without prior information unknown persons with hats for alleged interviews and confiscating their personal phones. These actions by these unknown persons are happening in our country as in the time of the occupier, and our institutions are keeping silent. Therefore, we are calling a protest against the SPO and EULEX at their headquarters in Fushe Kosove, tomorrow, September 15, at 12:00,” he said.

After Leposavic, Zubin Potok too joins Association of Kosovo Municipalities (Klan)

After the municipality of Leposavic, the municipality of Zubin Potok too has joined the Association of Kosovo Municipalities. The information was announced by the deputy leader of the Vetevendosje Movement in Mitrovica, Alban Uka. He said the decision was adopted today at the municipal assembly of Zubin Potok. Klan Kosova notes that Mitrovica North too joined the Association last month.



Serbian Language Media


Vucic says talks in Brussels ended unsuccessfully, Pristina did not accept EU proposal (RTS, Kosovo Online)

Following trilateral meeting between Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and EU officials, Josep Borrell and Miroslav Lajcak in Brussels today, part of Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, Vucic said those talks ended unsuccessfully, RTS reports.

We had talks and I think they ended unsuccessfully in terms of finding a clear path towards normalisation of relations, Vucic told journalists in Brussels.

“Serbia accepted a compromise proposal from the EU, but (Albin) Kurti did not want to accept it and the meeting was concluded”, Vucic said.

“The compromise stipulated that first it should be verified if the process around the Community of Serb Municipalities was credible and to see afterwards what our obligations are. The other side did not accept it”, Vucic added.

He stressed that fifty times more incidents took place in Kosovo during the current Pristina administration in comparison to any before.

“We also launched the issue of illegal expropriation, expulsion of Serbs from institutions and their working places, and Kurti will have to respond about the issue of expropriation, but about expulsion I do not believe so”, Vucic said. 

If Albanian mayors resign, I will do my best that Serbs participate in elections

Vucic also said if Albanian mayors submit resignations, he will do his best to talk to the Serbs about their participation in elections in northern Kosovo, Kosovo Online portal reported.

“I can not make a promise on behalf of the Serbs, but I said I will do my best. I do not know what to tell you, because all those topics do not exist now”, he added.

Vucic also said Kurti received the response about elections in four northern municipalities from US special envoy Gabriel Escobar, and Brussels as well that the best way to reach elections is that those mayors resign.

According to Vucic, an entire program of petitions and surrounding acts was made to prolong the process. He also said elections were not a topic at today’s meetings but they discussed them nevertheless.

Trilateral meeting takes place in Brussels (Tanjug)

After bilateral meetings, a trilateral meeting of Belgrade and Pristina representatives and EU officials began in Brussels at around 11.30 am on Thursday as part of a new round of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue.

The meeting is being attended by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Kosovo PM Albin Kurti, EU foreign policy and security chief Josep Borrell and the EU special envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak.

Previously, Borrell and Lajcak held separate bilateral meetings with a Belgrade delegation headed by Vucic and a Pristina delegation led by Kurti.

The European External Action Service (EEAS) has announced Thursday's round of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue would address the implementation of an agreement on the path to normalisation and current issues.

Borrell is due to make a statement to the media at the end of the meetings in the EEAS building.

Vucic in Brussels, meets with Borrell, Lajcak (N1)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic arrived in Brussels on Thursday for a high-level meeting of the EU-facilitated Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, N1 reports.

President Vucic’s meeting with EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell and EU Special Envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina talks Miroslav Lajcak began at 9 a.m. The meeting ended shortly after 10 a.m.

The European officials will also hold a separate meeting with Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti, which will be followed by a joint trilateral meeting.

Borrell will issue a statement to the media following the talks. The European External Action Service (EEAS) said the meeting will focus on the implementation of the Agreement on the Path to Normalisation, as well as current issues.

Vucevic: Elections at the end of this year or at the beginning of 2024 (KiM radio, Beta, TV Prva)

The president of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), Milos Vucevic, said that he is ready to talk with the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, about the opposition's demands for early parliamentary elections, and that it is a "technical question" whether they would be held in December this year, or in January or February next year, reported KiM radio.

Vucevic, who is also the Minister of Defense, told TV Prva that he "does not rule out the possibility" of going to the elections "by the end of the year or at the beginning of the next."

"If someone thinks that we have lost legitimacy, we are ready to check it at the polls," said Vucevic.

He stated that SNS is ready to discuss all elections, "republican, local, provincial, everything can be part of the package of political agreement".

Bilcik: EU ready for enlargement, Belgrade and Pristina to normalise relations (RTS, Tanjug)

The rapporteur of the European Parliament for Serbia, Vladimir Bilcik, stated that the EU is ready to focus its energy, resources, and political will towards the enlargement process. He pointed out that the expansion can happen as soon as the candidate countries are ready for it and meet the conditions, reported RTS last night.

Bilcik told journalists in Brussels that Belgrade and Pristina must normalise relations and said that he hopes for promising news from today's meeting between Vucic and Kurti in Brussels.

Commenting on the speech by the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen regarding EU enlargement, Bilcik pointed out the importance of implementing reforms and harmonising Serbia with EU policy.

"The process is moving forward, and I think that sends a very clear message to all those in the region who may have questions and doubts. No, it's not like that. The game started," said Bilcik. 

He added that the enlargement process depends to a large extent on the leaders in the region.

"Because of the enlargement as we know it, which means conditions have to be met; but the EU is ready to focus its energy, resources and political will on this process. So, it can be done as soon as possible and as soon as the candidate countries are ready,'' Bilcik said.

He pointed out that this is a "very clear message" to everyone in Serbia.

"We all know what needs to be done. The normalisation of relations with Pristina, and I know that this is not only in the hands of Belgrade, but at this moment in the hands of Pristina as well," emphasised Bilcik. 

"Reforms are a task for the government, parliament and society"

He also pointed out the importance of reforms and the continuation of their implementation.

"It is a task for the government, parliament and society. Now, when I look at the political situation in Serbia, things are not moving as they should. It is very important that there is stability, which brings room for reforms and that talks about elections continue," Bilcik said.

"Enlargement related to alignment with EU policy"

He added that enlargement is largely related to harmonisation with EU policy.

Bilcik said that he wants Serbia to cooperate with the EU and pointed out that the EU would like Serbia to harmonise with the bloc in its foreign policy positions, not only when it comes to Russia, but also other countries, such as Iran.

"And to comply with the restrictive measures against Russia," said Bilcik.

He pointed out that von der Leyen clearly emphasised that the EU should expand, and that "further expansion" should not be conditioned.

"It is a clear message to all sceptics within the EU," Bilcik emphasised.

He stated that the enlargement was again put on the agenda of the European Commission, but also of the member states, which, as he pointed out, was also shown by the address of the President of the European Council Charles Michel in Bled.

Enlargement ''won't happen by itself''

Bilcik said that the EU stands by Ukraine and stated that reports on Ukraine and Moldova, as well as on the Western Balkans, will be published for the first time this fall.

"Serbia has been negotiating for years, Montenegro has been negotiating for years, North Macedonia, Albania... You are the leaders. I hope you see this as an opportunity for everyone in the region and I hope you can cooperate with us and make progress. This should be seen as an opportunity,'' Bilcik said.

He added that the expansion "will not happen by itself, but only on the basis of real commitment from both sides and hard work on both sides".

"I am glad that Ursula von der Leyen was very clear and sent a very clear message. I hope this will be taken seriously. We need serious work and less cynicism when it comes to enlargement, and more engagement from political leaders,'' Bilcik said.

He concluded that the EU is ready to engage in this matter and expressed the hope that its partners in the region will be able to be equally engaged, reported RTS.

Detention of Milun Milenkovic extended for two more months (Kosovo Online)

Miodraga Brkljac, defence lawyer of Milun Milenkovic, kick-box trainer from Mitrovica North arrested on June 13 by Kosovo police, said detention of his client has been extended for two more months, Kosovo Online portal reports.

He also said the latest decision on extension of detention contains nothing new and that he filed an appeal against it to the Court of Appeals yesterday.

“As a response to our previous appeal, the court repeated that there is a danger to flee to central Serbia, because Milenkovic is a Serbian citizen, although it is well known that he lives in Mitrovica North. Also, as a reason they mentioned the danger of fleeing to a third country, although it is known that third countries have an obligation to extradite him. Third argument, which is also absurd, is that if Milenkovic gets released he may influence witnesses, because “some” of them have not been identified yet. It is known that five witnesses were interviewed in the previous period and that influence can not be exerted on them”, Brkljac said.

Several protests were organised in Mitrovica North and northern Kosovo in support of Milenkovic, following his arrest. 

Covic: “Brussels cunningly subverting again, they allow Kurti to create new reality” (RTS, Kosovo Online)

Former head of the Serbian Government Coordination Centre for Kosovo and Metohija Nebojsa Covic told RTS ahead of the Belgrade-Pristina meeting taking place in Brussels today that he is not an optimist and does not see how any progress could be made.

“Now, Brussels is cunningly being subverted again, Ohrid (agreement) respectively and (Albin) Kurti plays on that card. On the other hand, there is constant criticism of Kurti, punishment of him, not by sanctions but measures, and I think this is the agreement – you go ahead and keep working as we told you so. And we will continue to criticise you, time will simply pass by and we will create some new reality”, Covic said, adding he sees no room where Serbia could make further concessions.

According to Covic there is a hypocritical situation in place, as on one side there is the case of Ukraine in which the entire international community talks about violation of its territorial integrity, and on the other side there is Serbia expected “to kneel down and obey” when it comes to her territorial integrity issue.

“Resolution 1244 has been forgotten, and Serbia should recognize an independent state on the part of its occupied territory”, Covic said.

According to him, Serbia must insist on consistent implementation of the Brussels agreement from 2013 and 2015. He also said that violence takes place in the north on a daily basis, and that the story about de-escalation and that Kurti withdrew part of the police and some arrested Serbs were released was not sufficient.

Commenting on replacement of the Albanian mayors in the northern municipalities, he said their resignation should be a simple thing, and they should pen those resignations, followed by elections under certain conditions.

Momirovic: I have written to EC and EU, UK and US ministers about Pristina's ban on goods (Tanjug, media)

Serbian Minister of Internal and External Trade Tomislav Momirovic said on Thursday he had written to the European Commission and the EU, UK and US ministers of trade about the issue of Pristina's ban on Serbian goods in Kosovo but that the move had still produced no results.

"The ban on Serbian goods in Kosovo and Metohija is a daily topic for us, we are also talking about it with international representatives and the people in Brussels. I have written to the European Commission and they backed us but, of course, we have not seen any results on the ground. I have written to all EU ministers of trade as well as to the UK and US ministers. We still have no results, but this is not a part of political talks", Momirovic said in a statement to Tanjug.

He said Pristina was severing all ties between Serbs and Albanians, which he noted was "very dangerous".

We certainly need to engage in talks for the sake of regional stability and peace, but it is very difficult to talk to Pristina because they do not want talks, he said.

When a JKP “Standard” accountant ends up working as street sweeper – a lawsuit filed against Rakic (KoSSev)

KoSSev portal reported last night that Bojana Miletic from North Mitrovica, who worked as a bookkeeper at JKP Standard for years, was demoted to a street cleaner. In less than a year and a half, her job was changed three times, each time with a new demotion, despite Miletic being professionally qualified and claiming that she performed her job conscientiously. “It is revenge of the director of the company, Goran Rakic, for refusing to participate in the party activities of the SNS and Serbian List,” claims Miletic. Moreover, she claimed that her superior, who is also the SL chief, allegedly threatened her and her family”. She filed a lawsuit against Rakic and the company, accusing them of harassment and retaliation.

KoSSev reported that Miletic, mother of two girls, has been working at the public utility company “Standard“ in North Mitrovica for almost seven years now. She worked as an accountant in the company until the end of 2021.

Now, however, Miletic has been demoted to a street cleaner.

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Abbot Sava Janjic: Kurti repeats Milosevic’s  mistakes (DW)

“We feel neither free nor safe,”  wrote Abbot of Visoki Decani Monastery, Sava Janjic in an op-ed for German newspaper “Der Tagesspiegel” in which he spoke about the situation in Kosovo from the perspective of the Kosovo Serb community. He blames the authorities in Pristina for encouraging an “ethnically pure” Kosovo.

Janjic writes that relations between Albanians and Serbs in Kosovo are the tensest since the 2004 riots, and that there are constant reports of the pressure which Serbs suffer from the Kosovo police.

“With its help, it seems that the Serbs should be forced to surrender, while at the same time the demands of the US and the EU for de-escalation are ignored - especially the request for the withdrawal of police and Albanian mayors from the north of Kosovo,” Janjic wrote. 

He opined that the position of the Serbs further deteriorated with the arrival of Albin Kurti and his Government. “This government seems to want to subjugate the Kosovo Serbs through de facto occupation. I remember the time when we could openly cooperate with the institutions of Kosovo. But in recent years, inflammatory speeches, aggressiveness of the media and fake news directed against Serbs and our Church have intensified”.

“At the moment, we can only thank the presence of KFOR and international representatives for the minimum of rights and security. At the same time, the escalation of pan-Albanian nationalism, which is being fuelled by the current government in Pristina, hand in hand with repression and non-compliance with the agreement, is undermining the trust in Kosovo’s institutions that was built up in earlier years,” the article reads.

Janjic writes that in Pristina there is a desire for an “ethnically pure Kosovo” and added that and young Kosovo Serbs “who do not want to live as second-class citizens” are becoming radicalized.

“Essentially, nationalists of all colours are united by a monstrous vision of ethnically homogeneous societies. The EU’s lack of readiness to integrate the countries of the Western Balkans paved the way for the strengthening of nationalism, organized crime, and corruption,” Janjic added. 

“Kosovo Serbs want to live safely and in peace. That is hard to imagine now because the Kosovo authorities want to extort loyalty using the police. That was exactly Milosevic’s big mistake in the nineties. Prime Minister Kurti seems to be repeating the same approach,” Janjic wrote.

Regarding the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina today, Janjic stated that first all agreements reached between 2013 and 2022, which include the Community of Serb Municipalities, should be implemented. And only then move on to this year’s agreements from Brussels and Ohrid, for which Janjic says were “obviously merely informally agreed upon”.

“We cannot build the roof of the house before the foundation and walls. The pillars of every stable society include the rule of law, respect for minority rights and strict adherence to international EU standards, which currently do not exist in Kosovo,” Janjic added and concluded:

“The decisive question is whether Kosovo really wants to be a true European society where everyone can live freely regardless of ethnicity and religion - or an ethnic-Albanian society where there is no room for others”.

After separate meetings in Brussels, the trilateral meeting of the representatives of Belgrade and Pristina with the representatives of the EU began at around 11:30 a.m. within the framework of a new round of dialogue.

As announced in the announcement on the EU website, the focus of today's round of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina will be the implementation of the agreement on the road to normalization, as well as current issues.

At the end of the meetings, it is planned that Borrell will address the media in the building of the European Service for External Affairs.





BIRN Fact Check: Kosovo-Serbia ‘Implementation Annex’ Not Being Implemented (BIRN)

Ahead of talks on Thursday in Brussels between Kosovo’s Albin Kurti and Serbia’s Aleksandar Vucic, BIRN looked at the (non)implementation of a roadmap to ‘normalisation’.

The leaders of Kosovo and Serbia, Albin Kurti and Aleksandar Vucic, meet in Brussels on Thursday to discuss the implementation of a European Union-brokered agreement on normalising relations, but a closer look at the annex of the agreement setting out the concrete steps they need to take shows only minimal progress.

Under an 11-point agreement reached in February, Serbia and its former southern province committed to develop normal, good-neighbourly relations on the basis of equal rights, a state of affairs that would represent a major improvement on their current relationship.

In March, in the lakeside town of Ohrid in North Macedonia, an implementation annex was agreed, setting out seven steps to reaching the goal of the February deal.

But beyond endorsing a declaration on missing persons and establishing a joint committee to monitor implementation, little else has been done, raising fresh questions about the effectiveness of years of EU mediation between Belgrade and Pristina.

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The Future of Ukraine, Western Balkans & Moldova Is in the EU, von der Leyen Says (

The President of the European Union Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, has said once again that Ukraine, the Western Balkans, and Moldova belong in the Union.

Such a remark from von der Leyen was made in her State of the Union address on September 13, which marks the start of the working year for the EU, reports.

In this year’s speech, von der Leyen decided to keep the focus on the enlargement of the EU, saying that this move is very important for the countries in the bloc as well as the ones that are to join in the future.

Von der Leyen stressed that the ‘future is clear to see’ and, at the same time, highlighted that Ukraine, the Western Balkans, and Moldova belong in the EU.

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