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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, September 19, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Borrell on EU expectations from Serbia and Kosovo (media)
  • Chollet: Good discussion with President Osmani (media)
  • Lajcak meets Chollet, Escobar; “same reading of situation in Western Balkans” (media)
  • Osmani meets MCC CEO Albright (media)
  • Osmani: Proud of unwavering Kosovo-Germany partnership (media)
  • Krasniqi: Request for resignations of mayors comes from Belgrade (EO)
  • Kurti to visit ministry led by Nenad Rasic today at 15:00 (Gazeta Express)

Serbian Language Media:

  • EU calls on Belgrade, Pristina to fulfil their commitments (N1, media)
  • Schole: Pristina to urgently engage in dialogue with Belgrade (Radio Mitrovica sever, Tanjug)
  • Lajcak discussed Western Balkans with “good friends” Cholet and Escobar in New York (N1)
  • Mijacic: A note in which Kosovo complains to EU members about Lajcak ‘unprecedented amateurism’ (Kosovo Online, social media)
  • Stano: Without comment on Kurti’s statement, all 27 EU member states extend full support to Lajcak (Kosovo Online)


  • EU Warns Kosovo, Serbia of Repercussions if Deals Not Implemented (Balkan Insight)
  • In a Kosovo Mountain Resort, Villas, Bribes and a Big-Name Scandal (BIRN)
  • German-French working group proposes reforms to make the EU ready for enlargement by 2030 (EWB)



Albanian Language Media  


Borrell on EU expectations from Serbia and Kosovo (media)

The office of EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, issued the following statement today:

Following the High-Level meeting of the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue on 14 September in Brussels, the EU expresses its concern over the lack of implementation by the Parties of their commitments under the Agreement on the Path to Normalisation and its Implementation Annex, which both Parties agreed to earlier this year, and which are binding on them and play a role in the European path of the Parties.

The EU urges the Parties to engage constructively and in good faith. This means starting the implementation based on the EU Proposal without further delay, which also includes the obligation on both parties to fully implement all past Dialogue Agreements. The work to establish the Association / Community of Serb Majority Municipalities needs to start without any further delay or pre-condition.

The EU reminds the Parties of their responsibility to uphold the principle of confidentiality in the Dialogue, which is a key component of any politically sensitive negotiation process.

The EU remains equally concerned over the lack of progress from both Parties in de-escalating the tensions in the north of Kosovo, several months after the latest flare up of violence which left citizens, KFOR troops, law enforcement and media representatives wounded, some with severe and permanent consequences.

Despite repeated calls by the EU and other international partners, the steps taken so far remain insufficient and the security situation in the north remains tense.

In this context, moves by Kosovo – including on expropriations of land in the north of Kosovo, eviction orders, on telecommunication, and on the use of Special Police forces for community policing duties – are not in accordance with the Rule of Law and risk contributing to further increase of tensions. The continuous small-scale attacks by criminal groups and intimidation of newly recruited Kosovo Serb police cadets / the local population are unacceptable and must stop immediately. Serbia’s blocking of the Energy roadmap, as well as other attempts inconsistent with the Agreement on the path to Normalisation and its Annex, run counter to the spirit of the Dialogue process.

The requests made in the Statement on behalf of the EU of 3 June remain fully valid. The reversible measures that the EU has taken remain in place, including the suspension of high-level meetings with Kosovo. The EU stands ready to lift these measures in case of progress in fulfilling the existing requests, or assess further measures towards both parties, if needed.

The EU recalls the importance of swiftly holding early local elections in the north of Kosovo to help defuse the tensions. The quickest solution to enable the calling of the elections is necessary. We encourage Kosovo Serbs to fully engage in the electoral process and publicly state their unconditional participation.

The EU calls on all political actors, at all levels of governance, in both Kosovo and Serbia, to engage constructively in the process leading to early local elections in the north of Kosovo, avoid further escalatory steps and support progress in the EU-facilitated Dialogue.

The EU expresses full support to the efforts of High Representative Josep Borrell in his capacity as Facilitator of the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue, as well as to EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajčák, and reminds the Parties that the European path of both Kosovo and Serbia goes through the EU-facilitated Dialogue and through the normalisation of their relations. Both risk losing opportunities for progressing on their European paths.

German Ambassador to Kosovo, Jorn Rohde, shared the statement saying that it is “a crystal clear appeal by the EU-27 towards Kosovo and Serbia to engage constructively and in good faith without further delay!”

EU says Kurti’s remarks about Lajcak “unfounded accusations” (media)

The European Union said today that Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti’s remarks about EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajcak being biased in the Dialogue are “unfounded accusations”. EU spokesperson Peter Stano told a press conference today that the EU “doesn’t comment on statements, especially those that are unfounded accusations”. He also said that the member states “have reiterated very clearly that they fully support the EU Special Representative for the dialogue Miroslav Lajcak in his role as facilitator of the process”. “They support his work to help Kosovo and Serbia to reach the stage where they can normalize relations,” Stano said.

Chollet: Good discussion with President Osmani (media)

Councilor to the U.S. State Department, Derek Chollet, said after meeting Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani in New York on Monday, “Good discussion with President Osmani on our shared commitment to Kosovo’s Euro-Atlantic future, the need to de-escalate tensions, and engage urgently in the EU-Facilitated Dialogue to normalise relations with Serbia - the key to regional stability and EU integration.”

Lajcak meets Chollet, Escobar; “same reading of situation in Western Balkans” (media)

EU Special Representative for the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, Miroslav Lajcak, met on Monday in New York with the Councilor to the U.S. State Department, Derek Chollet, and the U.S. Envoy for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar. “Always useful to reconfirm that we share the same reading of the situation in the Western Balkans and are on the same line regarding the way forward,” Lajcak said on X after the meeting.

Osmani meets MCC CEO Albright (media)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani met during her stay in New York with Alice Albright, CEO of the Millenium Challenge Corporation, and expressed her gratitude for the Corporation’s continuous support for economic development, namely through investments in the energy sector in Kosovo, through the Compact Programme. She also said the programme will make a strategic contribution to improving the energy infrastructure, strengthening the private sector, and inciting economic opportunities for the people of Kosovo. “The meeting also discussed opportunities to use the support to improve governance and to create an increasingly friendly environment for businesses and foreign investors,” a press release issued by Osmani’s office notes.

Osmani also said that the MCC investment is also a testament to Kosovo’s relation with the United States, “a strategic ally and biggest supporter in all phases”.

Osmani: Proud of unwavering Kosovo-Germany partnership (media)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani said in a Facebook post today that last night she attended a reception on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Germany’s membership in the United Nations. “I congratulated Chancellor Scholz for Germany’s half-century engagement for peace, development, and cooperation, throughout the world. We are proud of the unwavering partnership between our countries, which we will continue to strengthen further,” Osmani said.

Krasniqi: Request for resignations of mayors comes from Belgrade (EO)

Kosovo’s Minister for Local Government, Elbert Krasniqi, said today that the request for the resignations of mayors of the four northern municipalities comes from Belgrade. He argued that Kosovo’s institutions should not be concerned with requests coming from Serbia and that the resignations of the four mayors are a moral act.

Krasniqi said that in order to enable early elections in the north, they have prepared the administrative instruction and that elections there can be held only through a petition. “Kosovo is a constructive party in the process. We have twice reduced by 25 percent the police presence in and around the municipal premises, we have the administrative instruction which makes way for the civic petition for the removal of mayors. These are all acts of goodwill by the government,” he said.

According to Krasniqi, “there is no authority that can request a resignation, it is a moral act. I continuously meet with the mayors. They have supported the process of the petition and they think that this is democracy, and we need to safeguard democracy and not anyone’s wishes. The resignation of mayors is a request from Belgrade. We are not here to worry about what Belgrade thinks or wants. We are an institution that safeguards democracy”.

Kurti to visit ministry led by Nenad Rasic today at 15:00 (Gazeta Express)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti will visit today the Ministry for Communities and Returns on the occasion of signing of contracts for the call for business support within the 1.9 measures of the Economic Revival Package. Kurti’s office said that after the ceremony, he and Minister Nenad Rasic will hold a joint press conference.




Serbian Language Media


EU calls on Belgrade, Pristina to fulfil their commitments (N1, media)

Following the High-Level meeting of the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue held last Thursday in Brussels, the European Union expressed its concern over the lack of implementation by the parties of their commitments under the Agreement on the Path to Normalisation and its Implementation Annex, which both parties agreed to, and which are binding and play a role in their European path.

“The EU urges the Parties to engage constructively and in good faith. This means starting the implementation based on the EU Proposal without further delay, which also includes the obligation of both parties to fully implement all past Dialogue Agreements. The work to establish the Association / Community of Serb Majority Municipalities needs to start without any further delay or pre-condition”, the Council of the European Union said in a press release.

It reminded the Parties of their responsibility “to uphold the principle of confidentiality in the Dialogue, which is a key component of any politically sensitive negotiation process”.

“The EU remains equally concerned over the lack of progress from both Parties in de-escalating the tensions in the north of Kosovo, several months after the latest flare up of violence which left citizens, KFOR troops, law enforcement and media representatives wounded, some with severe and permanent consequences. Despite repeated calls by the EU and other international partners, the steps taken so far remain insufficient and the security situation in the north remains tense,” said the European Council.

The EU noted that moves by Kosovo are not in accordance with the Rule of Law and risk contributing to further increase of tensions. These include expropriations of land in the north of Kosovo, eviction orders, moves on telecommunication, and the use of Special Police forces for community policing duties.

Read the full statement at:

Chollet: Pristina to urgently engage in dialogue with Belgrade (Radio Mitrovica sever, Tanjug)

The special adviser of the US State Department, Derek Chollet, asked Pristina to urgently engage in dialogue with Belgrade, which is being conducted with the mediation of the EU, reported Serbian media. 

Chollet stated, on the social network X, that he spoke with Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani in New York about the de-escalation of tensions in Kosovo and "urgent involvement in the dialogue conducted with the mediation of the EU for the normalisation of relations with Belgrade" which, as he stated, is key to regional stability and European integration.

""A good conversation with the president of Kosovo about the need for de-escalation of tensions and urgent engagement in dialogue with the mediation of the EU for the normalisation of relations with Serbia - the key to regional stability and integration in the EU,'' he said. 

Osmani previously stated at the social event that she had discussed the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina with Chollet and the US Special Envoy for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar.

Lajcak discussed Western Balkans with “good friends” Cholet and Escobar in New York (N1)

The EU envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak, spoke in New York with State Department officials Derek Chollet and Gabriel Escobar, indicating that it is useful to reaffirm that they share the same understanding of the situation in the Western Balkans and are on the same line about how to move forward, reported N1.

Lajcak wrote on X that he had dinner with "good friends", US Secretary of State's adviser Derek Chollet and US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Gabriel Escobar.

"Always useful to reaffirm that we share the same understanding of the situation in the Western Balkans and that we are on the same page about the way forward," Lajcak wrote.

Mijacic: A note in which Kosovo complains to EU members about Lajcak ‘unprecedented amateurism’ (Kosovo Online, social media)

National Convention on the EU for Chapter 35, Coordinator Dragisa Mijacic assessed that the "verbal note" Kosovo embassy in Brussels sent to the permanent representatives of the 27 EU members, informing them of its view of the last round of dialogue in Brussels, was “an unprecedented amateurism in diplomatic communication”, Kosovo Online portal reports. 

In a post on "X" social network Mijacic wrote that "too long note" mainly speaks of how biassed the EU's special envoy for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Miroslav Lajcak, was as a negotiator.

"The Kosovo embassy in Brussels sent a 'verbal note' to the permanent representatives of the EU27, informing them of the results of the September 14 meeting. This eight-page letter (too long statement) mainly talks about how Lajcak was biassed as a facilitator, how obstructive the Serbian side is and Kosovo is constructive", Mijacic points out.

He notes that, among other things, the letter used inadequate and unofficial Albanian names for the city of Ohrid in North Macedonia and Kosovo.

He concluded that it is futile to comment on the "amateurism" by which the Pristina embassy in Brussels approached diplomatic communication with EU countries.  

Stano: Without comment on Kurti’s statement, all 27 EU member states extend full support to Lajcak (Kosovo Online)

EU Spokesperson Peter Stano said today, in relation to Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti’s allegations that EU special envoy for Belgrade-Pristina talks Miroslav Lajcak was biassed during the latest round of dialogue in Brussels and was taking Serbian side, that Lajcak enjoys full support of all 27 EU member states and that the EU will not comment on Kurti’s statements.

“We will not comment on the statements of Albin Kurti, in particular the ones containing baseless allegations. EU member states emphasised that they fully support the EU special envoy for Belgrade-Pristina talks Miroslav Lajcak and that they fully support efforts to help Serbia and Kosovo to reach a stage where they will be able to normalise their relations”, Stano told a press conference.  

He stressed that all 27 EU member states’ ministers extended full support to Lajcak, adding it also demonstrates how they see continuation of the dialogue and what they expect from Belgrade and Pristina.  





EU Warns Kosovo, Serbia of Repercussions if Deals Not Implemented (Balkan Insight)

Kosovo and Serbia “risk losing opportunities for progressing on their European paths” if they don’t implement their agreements, the EU warned amid continuing recriminations after a failed Pristina-Belgrade meeting in Brussels.

Read more at:

In a Kosovo Mountain Resort, Villas, Bribes and a Big-Name Scandal (BIRN)

The prosecutor behind one of Kosovo’s biggest ever corruption cases is confident of success despite the efforts of deep-pocketed ‘businessmen’ and – he believes – dishonest judges to derail him.

On a frosty morning in December 2021, prosecutors accompanied by heavily-armed police carried out a series of raids in the municipality of Shterpce/Strpce, home to Kosovo’s biggest mountain resort – Brezovica.

Located near the western city of Prizren in the Sharr Mountains National Park, Brezovica’s steep slopes once served as back-up for the 1984 Sarajevo Winter Olympics, but ownership arguments since Kosovo’s 1998-99 war has long frustrated development plans.

Then, starting in the early 2000s, rampant, unregulated construction began to blight the picturesque national park.

The raids, targeting the homes and offices of the former mayor and senior municipal officials, marked a turning point.

Read more at:

German-French working group proposes reforms to make the EU ready for enlargement by 2030 (EWB)

BRUSSELS – According to the newly released report by the German-French working group on EU institutional reform, the goal of the EU should be to get ready for enlargement by 2030, which includes a series of reforms of the work of the European Parliament, Council of the EU and the European Commission. Candidate countries would need to meet the political criteria for membership, including resolving territorial disputes and aligning with the EU’s foreign policy, and there should be no fast-track procedure.

The working group of experts that produced the reforms was launched in January in order to make recommendations for EU institutional reforms. It was initiated by German Minister of State for Europe and Climate, Anna Lührmann, and French Secretary of State for European Affairs, Laurence Boone.

The report of the working group, titled “Sailing on High Seas: Reforming and Enlarging the EU for the 21st Century” was published today by Brussels-based Politico. The report was finalized a day earlier, based on the date on its cover.

According to the disclaimer on the front page, the opinions expressed are those of the experts only and should not be considered as representative of the French and/or German official position.

Read more at: