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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 3, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti: Serbia is working on military plans for annexation (Koha)
  • The European Parliament to debate today the September 24 attack in the north (RTK)
  • Haxhiu: Radojicic should be tried in Kosovo (media)
  • Serbia demands that KFOR take control of the north (RTK)
  • AAK insists on an international investigation into the attack in the north (media)
  • Kurti and Rasic meet municipal officials for community and returns (Kallxo)
  • EULEX chief visits the Police Inspectorate (Klan)
  • KDI: Only 10 percent of citizens think that there is improvement in justice (RTK)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Milan Radoicic arrested; 48 hours detention ordered (RTS)
  • Vucic: “If Kurti’s terror continues, Serbs will start leaving en masse” (Tanjug, Happy TV)
  • Serbian opposition demands Inquiry Committee, Parliament session over Banjska clashes (N1)
  • Jarinje and Brnjak closed for ten days (Kosovo Online)
  • No vaccines for seven babies in Mitrovica Hospital, tetanus vaccines also missing; Starovic: The situation alarming  (Kosovo Online)
  • KFOR reinforces its presence in northern Kosovo, calls for return to dialogue (Tanjug)
  • German Defense Minister: Sending additional soldiers to Kosovo is not on agenda (KiM radio, dpa)
  • Serb arrested at Jarinje sent to house arrest (KoSSev)
  • Elshani: Field search in Banjska still ongoing, we believe that we are nearing end (KoSSev)
  • Serbia demands that KFOR take control of the north (Document) (RTK2)


  • Jarinje, Brnjak and small Banjska (KoSSev)
  • Kosovo attack: Who benefits? (Politico)


  • Kosovo’s troubles may not have come to a head, but the crisis still festers (The Guardian)


Albanian Language Media  


Kurti: Serbia is working on military plans for annexation (Koha)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, has stated that Serbia is not interested in regional cooperation and membership in the European Union because, according to him, it is working on military plans for the annexation of the north.

At a panel discussion called "Berlin Process: Achievements so far, expectations from the upcoming summit and possible benefits from the Joint Regional Market Initiative", Kurti said on Tuesday that Serbia's attacks on the village of Banjska in Zvecani were carried out by members of the "Civil Defense" and "Northern Brigade" organisations, declared terrorist by the government.

"Let me remind you that on June 29 we declared two terrorist organisations. "Civil Defense" and "Northern Brigade" as terrorist organisations operating in the territory of Kosovo, so even the preliminary information shows something, the majority of those involved in this criminal attack that resulted in the murder of the police sergeant, is that they were members or "Civil Defense" or the Northern Brigade, or both", said Kurti.

Speaking about the Berlin Process, Prime Minister Kurti stated that it is an initiative where political and human capital, but also funds, have been invested "so that the 6 Balkans get closer to each other, but also to the EU".

"There are 13 days until the Summit and we must note that not all countries in the region have approved these agreements. It is unfortunate that Bosnia has chosen to adopt 2 of the 3, and not the one on free movement. The Berlin process should help consolidate us...Our engagement in the region and globally reflects the work we do at home. In the last two years Kosovo has improved significantly in many indices...It is evident especially after the terrorist attack of Serbia against Kosovo that the lack of regional cooperation is due to gross differences...Serbia is working on military plans for the annexation of our territory. This shows that our northern neighbour is not interested in regional cooperation and membership in the EU", he said at this discussion table.

According to Kurti, Serbia should face consequences for this behaviour and be held accountable.

The European Parliament to debate today the September 24 attack in the north (RTK)

The European Parliament will hold today an extraordinary debate regarding the September 24 attack in the north, while the adoption of a resolution is expected soon. The debate was initiated by the Social Democrats, the second largest group in the European Parliament.

"We condemn the recent aggression of an armed terrorist gang against Kosovo policemen. All facts surrounding the attack must be proven. The responsible perpetrators must face justice", the warning of the European Social Democrats states.

One of the initiators of the debate, MEP Tonino Picula has stated that the resolution which is expected to be approved will present a clear assessment of the European Parliament on the relations between Kosovo and Serbia, after the last terrorist attack in the north of Kosovo and the killing of a policeman, reports RTK.

Picula asserted that in addition to criminal responsibility, political responsibility for the recent escalation of violence must also be determined.

He warns that the MEPs will also reflect in the resolution their views on the role of European mediators in light of the evident blockage in the implementation of the plan for the normalization of relations.

The debate on the attack will take place on Tuesday evening, while the resolutions are expected to be approved in the second plenary session, in the second half of October.

Haxhiu: Radojicic should be tried in Kosovo (media)

Kosovo’s Minister of Justice, Albulena Haxhiu, has said that they are waiting for the decision of the Basic Court in Pristina to officially request an international arrest warrant for Milan Radojicic, who participated in the terrorist attack in Banjska of Zvecani, where the policeman Afrim Bunjaku was killed.

Haxhiu said that Kosovo is determined to ask Serbia to hand over Radojicic, although she sees this as quite challenging.

"From the moment when the terrorist attack took place, the institutions of Kosovo, in this case, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Police, the Prosecutor's Office and the Courts are working on the complete clarification of the case. The Minister of Internal Affairs and the Director of Police, for the sake of transparency, held conferences, where they explained in detail how the attack happened and where the terrorists were. As for the court process, of course it hasn't started yet. However, precautions have been taken to deal with terrorists. Some of them are now in custody for attacking the constitutional order and other terrorist acts", said Haxhiu in an interview with EkonomiaOnline.

According to her, the terrorist group tried to influence the local Serbs, but they did not join them.

"The Ministry of Justice has the obligation to address the requests of the Court to other institutions. In this case, when it comes to international warranty, we are waiting for the Court to make a request for international subpoena, and immediately without delay we will act in accordance with the powers we have. There will be maximum efforts to identify all the attackers, because it was a large armed group that tried to extend its influence to other Serbs. Fortunately, the local Serbs did not join them," she said.

The head of the Ministry of Justice has said that Serbia will make an effort to handle the cases itself in order to amnesty the criminals. However, she expressed her conviction that "such crimes will not be amnestied".

"Local legislation and international conventions provide that the trial against the terrorist Radojicic will take place in the Republic of Kosovo, because the attack took place on its territory. A few days ago, we saw a raid on the properties of the terrorist Radojicic, and there will also be confiscations of his wealth that he created from crime. Serbia has no responsibility to investigate the attack that happened in Kosovo. In fact, our international partners should help us in an international investigation on those military bases where terrorists are trained, in Serbia that is".

"Be it for war crimes, or this terrorist attack, there will be efforts by Serbia to take over the treatment of the cases there, maybe they will appear to be doing investigations and amnesty the criminals. We are determined to demand the surrender of the criminal Radojicic to Kosovo, to continue with the trial. I understand that it is challenging because Serbia itself has directed this terrorist attack and it did not happen to just one individual, as the lawyer of the terrorist Radojicic tried to say, but it is Serbia behind this attack".

"We are making maximum efforts to bring the criminals to Kosovo. There is a determination. Such crimes will not be amnestied, such crimes will receive an institutional response based on the legislation in force", Haxhiu said.

She has described the northern attack as terrorist, with the aim of undermining the integrity and sovereignty of Kosovo.

Serbia demands that KFOR take control of the north (RTK)

National broadcaster RTK reports to be in possession of a document through which Serbia has demanded that KFOR take control of the north and start an international investigation.

In the document that the military attachés of Serbia reportedly have distributed in their embassies throughout the world, the main demands of Serbia for the international community, after the "recent developments in Kosovo", as stated in the document, are that KFOR to take full control of northern Kosovo, replacing the Kosovo Police, and to start an international investigation into what happened on September 24.

It states that having as top priority the preservation of peace and the avoidance of conflict, KFOR should take over all aspects of security and the management of the north, replacing the Kosovo Police, until the creation of conditions for the return to the dialogue facilitated by Brussels, the organisation of new elections in the northern municipalities, the establishment of the Association of Municipalities with a Serb Majority and to ensure the inclusion and reintegration of local Kosovo Serbs in the Kosovo Police.

AAK insists on an international investigation into the attack in the north (media)

The Parliamentary Group of AAK has organised a discussion table on Tuesday regarding the security situation after the attacks in the north of Kosovo, in which its chairman, Ramush Haradinaj, has requested an international investigation in this regard.

He said that the attack was terrorist, and that Serbia is the sponsor of this terrorism

"A good opportunity for the most careful discussion that matches the security situation that is sensitive. I have three moments that you presented, the first is what happened on September 24 is terrorism, and so is Serbia based on all the findings and qualifications as a sponsor of terrorism. It is in the interest of peace in the region that the international community takes a clear position to punish Serbia for sponsoring the terrorist attack. An international investigation is needed for this. The other part is that Kosovo never once lost its focus from the obligations deriving from the French-German plan. We must not give up our goal of achieving peace in Kosovo and the region. I congratulate the institutions of the country for the work they have done on the critical day", Haradinaj stated.

Kurti and Rasic meet municipal officials for community and returns (Kallxo)

Under the organisation of the Office for Community Affairs of the Prime Minister's Office, Prime Minister Albin Kurti and the Minister for Communities and Return, Nenad Rasic, met the municipal officials for Communities and Return. 

"To be as close to the people as possible, we need structures and individuals engaged at the local level, so we are grateful to you for standing by our citizens. We have continued to increase support for all citizens, we have allocated 3 million euros in the budget for non-majority communities" - Kurti said. 

On the other hand, the Minister for Communities and Return Nenad Rasic shared details about the projects that will be financed.

"MCR has allocated 1 million euros for infrastructure projects especially for communities, it has identified 29 projects, 9 of which are for non-majority communities. For cooperation between municipalities for communities, we have as an example the bus line from Pristina-Kishnica-Gracanica"- stated Rasic.

He also emphasised the importance of citizens of non-majority communities participating in the population census. "One of the opportunities and obligations offered now is the population census that is expected to begin in November, this is an opportunity offered to communities and all citizens. Every house, apartment, family, business has the right to be registered with its ethnic affiliation, therefore it is important that you inform the citizens why it is important to participate in the registration" - he added. 

"I came to hear from you, for you, and for our country" - he added. Rasic emphasised that with the additional fund they will be closer to the people and there will be economic development. 

"From the month of February, for the first time, we announced a public call for all the subsidies we distribute, renovation, construction material. We have achieved a great level of transparency where we have had 3,500 applicants. We have reached an additional fund that is related to an economic development fund that is necessary, with this 3 million fund we have managed to be close to people, to unite with people in the best possible way," he added. Rasic emphasised that he is there to discuss each recommendation.

EULEX chief visits the Police Inspectorate (Klan)

The head of the EULEX mission, Giovanni Pietro Barbano, visited the offices of the Police Inspectorate of Kosovo. He was informed by the head of this institution, Kushtrim Hodaj, about their work and achievements.

"The topic of the discussion was the progress of the investigations in the cases that are under the competence of the IPK, as well as the good practices of communication with the public", the statement says.

At the end of the meeting, Hodaj thanked the EULEX Mission for the continuous support that this mission has given in the implementation of the legal mandates of the IPK.

KDI: Only 10 percent of citizens think that there is improvement in justice (RTK)

Only 10 percent of Kosovo's citizens think that the justice sector has improved in recent years, while 36 percent think that there is no improvement in this sector. Meanwhile, 44 percent of the surveyed citizens think that there are relative improvements in justice. This information came from a report published on Tuesday by the Democratic Institute of Kosovo (KDI).

At the conference held today, the KDI presented the results of a public opinion survey, which reflects the perspective of the citizens of Kosovo on the reform of the justice system.

During the disclosure of the data, Violeta Haxholli from KDI, explained that the research highlights the citizens' point of view about the performance of the justice sector, specifically the work of prosecutors' offices and courts. Then, the expectations of citizens for improvements in this sector, the institutions responsible for reforms in this sector as well as the opportunities of citizens to be involved in this reform, she clarified.

In the question of whether citizens were asked when they expect improvement in the justice sector, specifically in the work of prosecutors' offices and courts, according to Haxholli, only 8% of citizens expect improvements this year, while most expect improvements over the next 5 or 10 years.

Haxholli continued the presentation of the data with the question made to the citizens about who is responsible for the reform in justice, a higher percentage specifically 36%, according to her, are of the opinion that the main responsibility lies with the institution of justice itself, while 34 percent think that the government is responsible.

"Regarding whether citizens are informed about their opportunities to participate in discussions during the drafting/review of draft laws for the reform of the justice sector, in a very high percentage, with 77%, citizens have expressed that they are not informed. Only 17% of them stated that they have this information", said Haxholli.

While in the last question, the respondents were also asked about their preferences to be included in the process of examining the draft laws of justice reform. "Regarding this issue, 76% of citizens have declared that they do not prefer to be involved in this process. On the other hand, 18% of them have expressed that they prefer to be involved through participation in public discussions", she said.

This public opinion survey was conducted from September 4 to 13 of this year, with 1065 respondents aged over 18 years.





Serbian Language Media


Milan Radoicic arrested; 48 hours detention ordered (RTS)

Police officers of the Criminal Police Directorate searched the apartment and other premises of Milan Radoicic, who was detained for up to 48 hours, the Serbian MIA announced, reported RTS.

Milan Radoicic was brought to the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade with a criminal complaint, the statement added.

RTS recalls that last week, Radoicic responded to the invitation of the state authorities of Serbia and accompanied by a lawyer, in the premises of the MIA, in his capacity as a citizen, gave a statement about the circumstances of the tragic event in Banjska.

Vucic: “If Kurti’s terror continues, Serbs will start leaving en masse” (Tanjug, Happy TV)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told Happy TV Cirilica (Cyrilic) broadcast last night “if the terror of Pristina prime minister Albin Kurti continues, and if international community allows it, Serbs will start massively leaving Kosovo and Metohija, and that is something, that no one would be able to watch calmly”, Tanjug news agency reports.

He also said Kosovo police were storming the hospitals, churches, homes, placing armoured vehicles in front of kindergarten. He added that for 122 days there was no entry of Serbian goods in Kosovo.

Those who promised Serbs they will be safe are guilty for Banjska

Speaking in a broadcast Vucic said last night that an armed incident in Banjska occurred because the international community, as he said, lied to Serbs in Kosovo that they will be protected, that they will not be arrested and persecuted. He also said he feared for one year and a half that something like Banjska could have happened.

“It happened because someone lied to those people that they will be protected, that they will not be persecuted and arrested. I lied to those people also because I believed in the words of some people. I was lied to. And I lied to people, and I would do that again not to lie to them, but because you need to talk to somebody and trust them. You can not be alone in the world”, Vucic said.

“Murder of Serb probably ordered by Kurti together with Svecla”

Vucic also said that the cold-blooded murder of a Serb in northern Kosovo “was probably ordered by Kurti together with Svecla”.

“Now, we will see for this cold-blood murder that was probably ordered by (Albin) Kurti together with (Xhelal) Svecla, and then we will see who will ask for whose extradition”, Vucic said, as quoted by Tanjug.

Only those who know nothing think we wanted to enter and take over the north

Vucic said he considers request from Washington that Belgrade withdraws its troops from zone around Kosovo was made because it brought for the first time, as he said, sophisticated weapons, by which Serbian Army was significantly empowered, adding that those who think Serbia was planning to, in synchronisation with Banjska events, enter Kosovo and take over the north “know nothing”.

“It is necessary to continue struggle to resist Kurti’s terror”

Vucic also said it is not the first time that Serbia is facing difficult challenges and told citizens both in central Serbia and those in Kosovo it was necessary to continue the struggle to resist, as he said, Albin Kurti’s terror.

He added it has been clear now that Kurti is arresting Serbs in Kosovo in accordance with the list prepared in advance, and updated, as he said, on a daily basis.

Kosovo police received order to remove barricade

“Kosovo police officers received an order to remove the barricade, one encountered an explosive and died, the other one was wounded, and that is how it all started”, Vucic said.

We will see if witness to the murder of Mijailovic will receive status of a protected witness

Vucic said that in the coming days, it will be seen whether the witness to the murder of Bojan Mijailovic in the village of Banjska, in the north, will receive the status of a protected witness.

"Whether he will get the position or the role of a protected witness, we will see that in the days ahead. He is an eyewitness, he is a witness, he saw it with his own eyes, and he is not someone who has indirect knowledge, because someone had told him something", Vucic said.

“The root of the problem of what happened a few days ago is in Kurti's regime”

"It is important to point out our own omissions and mistakes, but also to understand the root of the problem of what happened a few days ago, which is (Albin) Kurti's regime and his coming to power", Vucic added. 

Serbian opposition demands Inquiry Committee, Parliament session over Banjska clashes (N1)

The opposition parties organising the Serbia Against Violence protests have demanded the holding of  Serbian Parliament session following the armed clashes in Banjska, northern Kosovo, and the setting up of an Inquiry Committee to establish the facts related to this incident, N1 reports.

“New circumstances arose after September 24 and we, as responsible people, cannot ignore them and act like (Serbian President) Aleksandar Vucic’s regime. Aleksandar Vucic is trying to cover these events with a smoke screen but, as responsible people, we have to react”, Democratic Party (DS) MP Srdjan Milivojevic told a media conference at the Serbian Parliament.

It is for this reason that the opposition parties organising the Serbia Against Violence Protests demand the urgent holding of a Parliament session with two items on the agenda.

“The first is the Serbian President’s report on the security situation, with a special overview of the September 24 events, and the second is the formation of an Inquiry Committee to establish the facts related to the events in northern Kosovo and, in particular, to shed light on Milan Radoicic’s role in these events”, Milivojevic explained.

Jarinje and Brnjak closed for ten days (Kosovo Online)

Administrative crossing points of Jarinje and Brnjak have been closed from the direction of central Serbia for ten days, while the traffic in an opposite direction goes unimpededly, Kosovo Online portal reports.

Situation at crossing points in northern Kosovo remains unchanged today as well, with no vehicles or pedestrians allowed to enter Kosovo. These two crossing points were closed on September 24, following an armed incident in Banjska village, the portal recalled. 

No vaccines for seven babies in Mitrovica Hospital, tetanus vaccines also missing; Starovic: The situation alarming  (Kosovo Online)

Kosovo Online portal reports that Clinical Hospital Centre (CHC) Kosovska Mitrovica is waiting to receive the BSG vaccine (given immediately after birth), and has no tetanus vaccines, the Public Health Institute of Kosovska Mitrovica said.

"Seven babies in the CHC Kosovska Mitrovica maternity department are waiting for the vaccine, which means that it is in short supply, and we no longer have it. We also have problems when it comes to the tetanus vaccine," said the Institute.

The Institute added that their stocks of other vaccines are running low.

"We will soon run out of all vaccines, and we are threatened with a humanitarian disaster," they warned. 

They explain that the vaccine is given immediately after the birth of the child and that the babies from CHC Kosovska Mitrovica should have already received it, i.e., that due to the lack of vaccine, they are exposed to danger.

The Institute does not even have information on when they could get the necessary vaccines, reported the portal.

Bearing in mind that many epidemics of infectious diseases started from this territory, the Institute states that they believe that there is a justified epidemiological risk for the return of many infectious diseases if immunisation is not carried out according to the vaccination calendar.

"It would not only be a local problem, but also a global problem. We appeal to UNICEF and WHO to help us to overcome this problem for the benefit of the entire population of the world," said the Public Health Institute of Kosovska Mitrovica.

Starovic: Due to the closure of the Jarinje crossing, the situation in the north alarming

State Secretary in the Ministry of Defence Nemanja Starovic said that the situation in the north of Kosovo is alarming, and that due to the closure of the administrative crossings, there is a lack of basic necessities, as well as medicines and other medical equipment.

He wrote in a post on X (formerly Twitter):  

“For full 10 days now, North Kosovo* has been completely cut off from Serbia proper. No one is allowed to cross the administrative boundary. Basic necessities are lacking, including medical supplies - medicines, oxygen, baby vaccines etc.

The unhindered reign of militarised Kosovo police throughout the region continues,” Starovic posted in English on X (Twitter).

KFOR reinforces its presence in northern Kosovo, calls for return to dialogue (Tanjug)

NATO-lead KFOR Mission said today it reinforces its presence and activities in the north of Kosovo and called upon Belgrade and Pristina to re-engage in the dialogue, as it is the only way to reach a lasting peace and stability for all communities, Tanjug news agency reports. 

“In the light of recent events, KFOR also reinforces its presence and activities in northern Kosovo”, KFOR said in a statement. It also added the aim of their mission was to ensure a safe environment and freedom of movement for all people in Kosovo. 

German Defense Minister: Sending additional soldiers to Kosovo is not on agenda (KiM radio, dpa)

In Germany, the tense situation between Kosovo and Serbia is being monitored very carefully, Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said, adding that sending additional German soldiers to KFOR is not currently on the agenda, reported KiM radio.

"We are aware of the situation and will react, if necessary," said the minister. Now, according to Pistorius, it is important that all those responsible for it assess the situation and make a decision in favor of calming down.

Currently, as things stand, sending additional German soldiers to KFOR is not on the agenda.

"Definitely not now and today. Unless something happens," Pistorius said on Monday in response to a journalist's question.

On the other hand, he said that Germany can react "very, very quickly" if necessary.

Previously, the president of the defense committee in the Bundestag, Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, said that Germany could send more soldiers to the NATO mission in Kosovo.

"The upper limit for personnel is, according to the mandate, around 400 soldiers," said an influential politician of the Liberals (FDP), one of the three ruling parties.

Germany now has 85 soldiers in KFOR. "Therefore, without changing the mandate, there is plenty of room," explained Strack-Zimmermann in an interview with the German Editorial Network.

On the other hand, the rapporteur of the European Parliament for Kosovo, Viola von Cramon, assessed that Germany should take the lead in deploying additional troops to ensure peace.

Serb arrested at Jarinje sent to house arrest (KoSSev)

Lazar Janicijevic from Zvecan arrested two days ago at Jarinje crossing point while on his way to the funeral of Stefan Nedeljkovic, killed in Banjska incident, that was taking place in central Serbia, was sent to 30-day house arrest, his lawyer Asdren Hoxha told the media, KoSSev portal reports.

In relation to his arrest, Kosovo police said that he was taken to the police station in Mitrovica South to give a statement there. Later, Kosovo police director general, Gazmend Hoxha confirmed that this person was officially arrested, adding that police raided his property and found weapons there.

Addressing the media today, lawyer Hoxha said that following statements of defence, the prosecution decided to assign house arrest measures to his client.

He also said no weapons were found or confiscated at the property of his client, but that it was only about some photos with the weapons, which, according to him, was not even real.

“The weapons were not confiscated, control was carried out, respectively the search in his apartment, and no weapons were found, nothing was confiscated from him, it is about some old photos on which he is seen with some weapons, and we explained that these are not even real weapons, but some other stuff. Once we opposed the evidence, the prosecution finally agreed that this person does not need to go to detention and we are in principle satisfied”, Hoxha added. 

Elshani: Field search in Banjska still ongoing, we believe that we are nearing end (KoSSev)

The search of the terrain in the mountainous areas of the village of Banjska, where the conflict occurred exactly ten days ago, is still ongoing. As the deputy commander of the Kosovo Police for the North region, Veton Elshani, confirmed to KoSSev, it is believed that the search is already nearing its end. However, citizens are still advised to avoid these areas or to be cautious.

"The search and cleaning of the terrain in the forests is still being carried out. We are looking for weapons, explosives and anything left over from last week. A large diameter is being searched for, and we believe that we are approaching the end," Elshani said.

He emphasized that it is only a search of the field, which has been going on for eight days.

He adds that KFOR is still involved in the search today, as well as forensics and investigators from several regions of the Kosovo Police.

Since a large number of weapons, ammunition and equipment were found in the same area the day before yesterday, Elshani still urges citizens to avoid the mountainous areas of this village.

"Citizens are still advised not to go in the forests, or if they go, to be careful," he stressed.

Recalling that yesterday the special units of the Kosovo Police withdrew from the village of Banjska, and they were replaced by an intervention unit - he also pointed out that the level of risk is decreasing, reported KoSSev.

Serbia demands that KFOR take control of the north (Document) (RTK2)

RTK2 reports that Serbia recently highlighted its demands regarding the "situation in Kosovo", insisting that KFOR take full control of the northern part of the region, while at the same time calling for an international investigation. These demands are set out in detail in a document distributed by Serbian military attachés in their diplomatic missions around the world, reported RTK2, adding that one was delivered to this media as well. 

RTK2 reports that in the document, Serbia insists that KFOR take full control of the northern part of Kosovo, replacing the Kosovo police and launching an international investigation to clarify the events that took place on September 24.

The document also points out that KFOR, whose priority is to preserve peace and avoid conflict, should take responsibility for all aspects of security and management of the northern part of Kosovo until the conditions for the continuation of the facilitated dialogue are created.

It is also proposed to organize new elections in the northern municipalities, establishment of a Community of Municipalities with a Serbian majority, and inclusion and reintegration of local Kosovo Serbs into the Kosovo Police.




Jarinje, Brnjak and small Banjska (KoSSev)

By Tanja Lazarevic, Editor-in-Chief of KoSSev portal

(The Serbian version of the text was originally published on October 2)

Today marks exactly two years since the special units of the Kosovo Police withdrew from Jarinje and Brnjak after the 13-day license plates crisis. Temporarily.

Serbs blocked the main roads at these two crossings for almost two weeks after the Kosovo government decided on September 20, 2021 to introduce reciprocity – temporary plates for vehicles from Serbia and to remove Serbian plates with markings of towns in Kosovo.

The implementation of this decision at two northern crossings began with the presence of special police units, and the crossings were immediately blocked by the Serbs with heavy machinery and the presence of hundreds of state institution employees who took turns there as per a duty roster.

After 10 days of blockade, a solution was reached in Brussels on a temporary sticker regime until the final decision on plates is made, which has yet to be reached. Jarinje and Brnjak are now blocked again – without barricades.

“I think the Serbs are satisfied that Rosu withdrew… You witnessed the enthusiasm of our people in Brnjak and Zubin Potok and Jarinje and in the municipality of Leposavic, when their forces were already leaving the north of Kosovo. They shouldn’t have come there. It is important that people are happy and satisfied“, the President of Serbia said from Dubai on this day two years ago.

Read more at:

Kosovo attack: Who benefits? (Politico)

By Jamie Dettmer 

The European Union and the United States have been trying to persuade Serbia and Kosovo to end their enmity and normalize relations for more than a decade.

There were finally signs of promise in April, when Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić and Kosovo’s Prime Minister Albin Kurti finally gave tacit, if begrudging, approval to an EU-brokered plan that would see the two finally sprinkle some soil over the hatchet.

But despite all the cajoling and coaxing, it wasn’t to be.

U.S. and European officials have insinuated that Kurti was more to blame here, with EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell drawing attention to the failure to establish an association of municipalities in northern Kosovo, which would have allowed Kosovo’s Serbs some autonomy in an enclave where they’re a majority.

Behind the scenes, U.S. and European officials have also quietly praised Vučić for a slow and halting tilt toward the West, secretly supplying some arms to Ukraine and moving to reduce Serbia’s dependency on Russian energy supplies.

This is why last week’s astonishing clash between armed Serbs and police in the village of Banjska, in northern Kosovo’s Zvečan municipality, is especially perplexing — and it’s worth asking whose interests it serves.

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Kosovo’s troubles may not have come to a head, but the crisis still festers (The Guardian)

Swift western pressure on Serbia to step back from conflict does not resolve the chronic problems of Kosovo’s nationhood

The signs this weekend suggest that the immediate crisis over Kosovo has been defused. Some Serbian troops are pulling back from the border, and the threat of a return to armed conflict has receded for now.

The Biden administration acted decisively on Friday, drawing on some of the lessons from the run-up to the Ukraine invasion, going public with US intelligence on Serbian troops movements, and calling Belgrade to threaten sanctions and ostracism. The Nato peacekeeping force, Kfor, was immediately reinforced by the transfer of command of a battalion of British troops who were in the region for training.

While the immediate danger may have passed however, the chronic crisis over Kosovo continues to fester. Fifteen years after the former Serbian province declared independence, Kosovo is still in limbo on the world stage, with recognition from just over half the UN’s 193 member states.

Read more at: