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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, December 20, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti: Killing of children in Kosovo are Serbia’s most heinous crimes (Klan)
  • Osmani: We are ready for any scenario from Serbia (media)
  • Svecla: Illegal investment was made in Banjska hotel, it is property of AKP (Koha)
  • Sources: “Banja complex, shelter of terrorists, fighting point on Sept 24” (KSP)
  • Svecla: Report on Banjska and policemen kidnaped by Serbia, soon (Klan)
  • In his year-end speech, Stoltenberg mentions importance of security in Kosovo for peace in Western Balkans (Klan)
  • Haradinaj: AAK ready for parliamentary elections whenever they are held (EO)
  • MP Musliu refuses Prime Minister Kurti's gift for the end of the year (Koha)
  • ​Molliqaj: Santa’s 2023 balance: Many gifts for LVV, punishment for KLA, and Zajednica for Kosovo (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • US Congresswoman Tenny: Suspend aid to Pristina (KiM radio, Tanjug)
  • Antonijevic: I expect sharp reaction from US and EU over incursion of Kosovo police to Rajska Banja spa complex (Kosovo Online, social media)
  • US calls for investigation into election fraud claims (N1)
  • Brnabic: Just 20,000 crossed border on election day (N1)
  • Senators Shaheen and Ricketts call Belgrade to consider rerun of elections (VoA, N1)
  • Ugljanin: The next steps in the process of replacing the mayor - when the Ministry's answer arrives (Kosovo Online)




Albanian Language Media  


Kurti: Killing of children in Kosovo are Serbia’s most heinous crimes (Klan)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said on Tuesday that the killing of children in Kosovo during the war “were Serbia’s most heinous crimes”. He made the remarks during a visit to an exhibition in Pristina dedicated to children that were killed, went missing or were affected by the war in Kosovo. “To honor the memory of children that were killed and went missing during the war, the Government of the Republic of Kosovo is engaged in the project for a memorial dedicated to their memory … It is our obligation for the freedom and peace we enjoy, to never forget them,” he said.

Osmani: We are ready for any scenario from Serbia (media)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani has said that Kosovo will take the necessary measures to preserve sovereignty and territorial integrity. She spoke about the security in Kosovo and the possible attacks from Serbia.

"I made all these assessments during the year-end speech and of course I am in daily contact with security institutions and at the same time with international partners in order to take measures to protect Kosovo, our territorial integrity and sovereignty. Serbia does not think well, it does not plan well, and the most important thing is that we are ready for any scenario", Osmani said.

She was also asked by the journalists about the meeting with the leaders of the opposition, where she said that there was no cancellation of the meeting with the leader of AAK, Ramush Haradinaj.

"Of course, when they want us to meet, in order to unify the positions on these topics that are important for the citizens and for the future of our country, as the president of the country, I am ready," Osmani said.

Svecla: Illegal investment was made in Banjska hotel, it is property of AKP (Koha)

Kosovo’s Minister of the Interior Xhelal Svecla has said that the Kosovo Privatization Agency is the owner of the Rajska Banja complex in Banjska of Zvecan and that illegal investments have been made in this complex. Svecla said at the media conference held on Wednesday that there are no doubts about the ownership of this complex and that its final destination will be determined in the meantime.

"Why did someone invest illegally, I think it's a lesson for all those who want to invest illegally, that they can't do it. As for the management of that complex, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is the result of the merger of two ministries, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Public Administration, and the former Ministry of Public Administration has the department for the management of such facilities owned by the state. This is the reason why we have taken it into management, and we will predetermine the final destination of this facility in the meantime", Svecla said.

The Kosovo Privatization Agency took control of this complex on Tuesday. KPA was assisted by the Kosovo Police.

The opening of the hotel in the past in Banjska was done by Marko Djuric, who is currently the ambassador of Serbia to the USA.

Sources: “Banja complex, shelter of terrorists, fighting point on Sept 24” (KSP)

Citing sources in the intelligence community in Kosovo, the news agency reports that the touristic complex in Banjska which was taken over by the Privatization Agency of Kosovo “used to be a shelter of terrorists and members of the so-called ‘Civil Protection’” and that its director, Marko Savic, was a member of the group that carried out the attack on September 24 in Banjska. According to the same sources, in the basement of the touristic complex on September 25, Kosovo Police found weapons in a car.

Svecla: Report on Banjska and policemen kidnaped by Serbia, soon (Klan)

Kosovo’s Minister of the Interior, Xelal Svecla, has said, Kosovo authorities are conducting the biggest investigations in the country's history, and indicated that a detailed report will be published very soon about what happened in Banjska of Zvecan on September 24 and the June case of the kidnapping of three Kosovar policemen from Serbia.

“I hope that we will come out with preliminary results very soon. This is one of the requests that I addressed to the police and the prosecutor to have the report on the findings,” Svecla said.

In his year-end speech, Stoltenberg mentions importance of security in Kosovo for peace in Western Balkans (Klan)

The head of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, has mentioned security in Kosovo as a vital role for stability in the entire Western Balkans region. He mentioned this in his speech at the end of the year, while thanking all the allies for their support, and all the troops, including those of KFOR in Kosovo, for all their service in defense of peace.

“Helping to maintain a peaceful and safe environment for everyone in Kosovo is the key to the stability of the wider region of the Western Balkans,” he said among other things.

At the end of the speech which he shared through the X platform, he wished everyone for the holidays.

"At this time of year, my deepest thanks and respect goes to our #NATO forces. Their service keeps us risk-free, safe and free. Happy holidays and best wishes for the New Year."

Haradinaj: AAK ready for parliamentary elections whenever they are held (EO)

Leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Ramush Haradinaj said today that his party is ready for parliamentary elections whenever they are held. Following a meeting with his party’s structures in Gjilan and Klina, Haradinaj said “we stand determined to protect all the achievements that Kosovo has made in its path, and which are today threatened by the political mindset that governs the country”.

MP Musliu refuses Prime Minister Kurti's gift for the end of the year (Koha)

The MP of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) Ganimete Musliu, has refused a gift from Prime Minister Albin Kurti for the end of the year. In a video published on Facebook, Musliu said that Kurti has transformed the role of the prime minister into Santa Claus.

"Albin Kurti, who has transformed the role of the Prime Minister into Santa Claus, for a year in a row mocked the Assembly of Kosovo and tried to humiliate and denigrate the MPs, then he chose to give us gifts for the new year with citizens' money. I cannot accept gifts from Albin Kurti, who left the invalids of the Kosovo Liberation Army without prostheses, so today I personally returned the gift", she wrote on Facebook.

​Molliqaj: Santa’s 2023 balance: Many gifts for LVV, punishment for KLA, and Zajednica for Kosovo (media)

The leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), Dardan Molliqaj, through a post on "Facebook" on Wednesday, said that the prime minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, during three years of government, has brought many "gifts" to the Vetevendosje Movement (LVV) in power, but a lot of damage to Kosovo, mentioning in the first place the Association of Serb-Majority Municipalities.

Molliqaj’s reaction came after the arrest of the Kosovar activist, Sonila Plashniku, in the light of the action carried out on Wednesday. The PSD activist whistled in protest during a speech by Prime Minister Kurti, denouncing the damages caused, according to the PSD, including the derogatory approach to the former fighters of the Kosovo Liberation Army.

"Many gifts for the party and many damages for Kosovo. Zajednica is being implemented; the KLA is being punished; the youth is being miseducated. There is no time for the Prime Minister's celebratory shows! This government, which seized the university and reduced the budget of public universities, reduced the salaries of professors, favored private education, is not welcome in university spaces!", he said.

He has stated that the activist Plashniki has been arrested by the Kosovo Police "in an unfair, unacceptable and completely undemocratic manner", adding that "Santa apparently does not tolerate free speech" - Prime Minister Kurti has been portrayed during the last weeks as Santa Claus after distributing 100 euros to the children.



Serbian Language Media


US Congresswoman Tenny: Suspend aid to Pristina (KiM radio, Tanjug)

New York Congresswoman Claudia Tenney has filed a bill that would freeze all aid to Pristina until it fulfills its obligations under the 2013 Brussels Agreement, reported KiM radio.

Claudia Tenney, who is also the co-chair of the Serbian caucus in the Congress, submitted a bill that would suspend all aid to Pristina until it fulfills its obligations.

"While we witness the ongoing oppression and discrimination of Kosovo Serbs, it is imperative that the US continue to advocate for stability in the region. I presented my support for the 2013 Brussels Agreement act to ensure that the US will not send aid to Kosovo until key provisions of the agreement are met," Tenney said on the X social network.

"In 2013, the EU helped mediate the Brussels Agreement between Serbia and Kosovo in order to ease tensions between the two countries. Kosovo has failed to fulfill many of its key obligations under the agreement, such as the formation of a Community of Serb-majority municipalities and a unified police force. In addition, Kosovo denied equal rights to Kosovo Serbs. By not fulfilling this agreement, Kosovo violates international norms and creates tension and instability in the Balkans," Tenney said in a statement.

According to her, the adoption of this law would deny any further US assistance to the authorities in Pristina, "until certain conditions specified in the Brussels Agreement from 2013 are implemented."

"We are witnessing the oppression and discrimination of Kosovo Serbs due to the non-implementation of the key provisions of the 2013 Brussels Agreement. It is imperative that the United States take a stand in favor of democracy, peace, and stability in the region. Supporting the Brussels Agreement sends a clear message that our aid should be aligned with the principles of the agreement. We are clearly against actions that undermine the rights and well-being of Kosovo Serbs. This law reflects our commitment to fostering peace and calling Prime Minister Albin Kurti and the government of Kosovo to account," said Tenney.

Antonijevic: I expect sharp reaction from US and EU over incursion of Kosovo police to Rajska Banja spa complex (Kosovo Online, social media)

Human rights activist and former Open Society Foundation in Belgrade executive director, Milan Antonijevic described the act of taking over Rajska Banja complex and incursion of Kosovo police there as contrary to de-escalation of conflict and easing tensions, adding he expects sharp reaction from the EU and US that would not only include messages. He also said it has been obvious by incidents over the last year that a message is sent to the Serbs that they are not welcome in Kosovo, Kosovo Online portal reports.

Antonijevic told the portal that for years they have been working to achieve the property rights of Serbs in Kosovo, and on the other hand, they are also talking about companies and what is owned by shareholders who are from Serbia or Serbs from Kosovo.

These are all questions that Pristina authorities should be asked. I hope that the international community will take the side of those who demand that property rights be fully exercised, that we do not have this kind of abuse by the Kosovo police. In the sensitive days after September 24, doing something like that in Banjska, I think it's very sensitive", he said.

As he added, Kosovo has an obligation, and if you look at the messages of the EU and the US, which led to the imposition of sanctions on Kosovo, which is that they need to work on de-escalation of the conflict, what was seen in Banjska yesterday is not de-escalation of the conflict, but something that goes in completely different direction.

He also opined that “silent exodus” of Serbs from Kosovo amid pressure suits Pristina. “Who will send children to the school if there are police and military points. No one deserves that really at this time, and I think we should go back to peace, security, basic human rights and property rights”, he said.

He added it is really good to expose things in Kosovo, to talk about pressure and about something that must not happen in any country on European soil, let alone in a place that got out from a conflict only twenty and few years ago.

US calls for investigation into election fraud claims (N1)

State Department spokesman Matt Miller said that the irregularities reported at elections in Serbia should be investigated and urged official Belgrade to work with the OSCE, reported N1.

“Claims of irregularities reported both by OSCE and other election observation teams should be investigated, and violence directed at election authorities, journalists, accredited observers, of which we have seen reports, is unacceptable. And so we will continue to make that clear to Serbia and urge them to work with the OSCE to address these concerns that have been raised,” he told a news briefing.

Miller said that Washington noted that the OSCE election observation mission said the elections offered voters a choice of political alternatives but found that the elections were marred by numerous procedural deficiencies, pressure on public employees, and misuse of public resources creating unjust conditions. “We will urge Serbia to work with the OSCE to address these concerns,” he said.

Asked if the elections would affect Washington’s relationship with Belgrade, Miller said the US will continue urging the Serbian authorities “to de-escalate tensions and return to the EU-facilitated dialogue as it relates to the relations with their neighbors”.

Brnabic: Just 20,000 crossed border on election day (N1)

Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Wednesday that some 20,000 people crossed Serbia’s borders on Sunday. Reacting to opposition claims of more than 40,000 people being bussed in from neighboring Bosnia-Herzegovina to vote in the snap elections, Brnabic told TV Pink that 20,368 people crossed the border on election day, N1 reports.

She said that the people who came to vote from the Republika Srpska are citizens of Serbia and have the right to vote. Under Serbian law, people who have Serbian citizenship but are not resident in the country can vote in presidential and parliamentary elections but not in local elections and they have to register to vote.

Brnabic accused the opposition of preparing protests from the start of the election campaign. “We said all the time that if the voice of the people shows that someone else has their trust we will congratulate them and go into the opposition. The stability of Serbia is the most important thing and it’s important for us to hear our people”, she said.

Senators Shaheen and Ricketts call Belgrade to consider rerun of elections (VoA, N1)

US Senators Jeanne Shaheen and Pete Ricketts called the Serbian authorities to consider a rerun of the elections in some places to make sure the results are in line with the will of the people, reported N1, citing VoA.

Shaheen and Ricketts are both members of the Foreign Relations Committee with Shaheen also in the Congressional Serbian American Caucus.

We call all relevant institutions to take immediate steps to consider whether the recent elections should be repeated in certain areas, the senators said in a statement to the Voice of America. They added that the Serbian government has to deal with the shortcomings and all irregularities noted in OSCE reports.

Shaheen and Ricketts expressed disappointment with the many irregularities noted by the OSCE which indicate that the elections were not free or fair. They said they are especially concerned by reports that voters were bussed into Serbia to support the ruling party as well as claims of vote buying. The bi-partisan statement said that Serbian people deserve true democracy and an election process which fully reflects the will of the people.

They said Serbia is at a crossroads and needs to align with all European Union standards including free and fair elections.

Ugljanin: The next steps in the process of replacing the mayor - when the Ministry's answer arrives (Kosovo Online)

Deputy Mayor of North Mitrovica Nedzad Ugljanin said that he did not receive a response from the Ministry of Local Self-Government regarding the request to initiate a petition for the removal of the mayor, without which he cannot take the next steps in the process, reported portal Kosovo Online.

Ugljanin told Teve 1 that according to the Administrative Instructions, the response of the CEC, as well as the Ministry of Administration and Local Self-Government, must arrive to start other procedures for organizing the signing of the petition.

"We haven't received it yet, but of course I will receive an answer from the Ministry in the next few days. I will not continue with other steps until I receive an answer," said Ugljanin.

He added that there were no talks with the group that will start the procedures for organizing the petition.